The strongest saint

Chapter 264 Intermediate Divine Beast

Chapter 264 Intermediate Divine Beast
Mu Yichen and Yu Junhao entangled the demon general Wuyingmo steadily. In fact, Yu Junhao alone was enough, but Tianhuo knew that Mu Yichen liked to fight against the strong, so he simply let him participate.

But this guy won't get any benefit from the Shadowless Demon, if Yu Junhao wasn't there, he might have been revived long ago.

"Damn, I'm so aggrieved, Lao Yu, I think you are enough, why don't I bully those ordinary monsters." Not long after the battle, Mu Yichen said helplessly.

Yu Junhao's long sword deflected the Shadowless Demon's attack on Mu Yichen, and said with a smile: "Go!"

As if Mu Yichen had been pardoned, he chased after the crowd without looking back, and soon met the army of monsters.

"Burning with anger, relying on the appendix..."

Above the sky fire, golden characters covered a radius of more than 400 meters, and they were smashed down fiercely. In less than ten seconds, a large area of ​​monsters fell down, and soon turned into white light, and the system prompts were also a series of strings appear.

"Ding! System prompt: Get 24000 experience points, and get an additional 120000 experience points!"


"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's laziness activates, collects 386 monster corpses, and obtains demon blood beads × 3."

"Ding! The system prompts: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, and 382 pieces of equipment have been picked up, with 150 million gold coins."

"Ding! The system prompts: The storage space of the Ring of the Saint of Grace is full, please clean it in time."

At one time, hundreds of monsters died, and the equipment was countless. At this moment, looking around, the ground is full of equipment, but Tianhuo's Glyph Sage Ring is full and cannot be picked up, and the experience value has increased by 4000 at a time. How much.

"Hey, the battle group is blessed!" Mu Yichen laughed and ran towards Tianhuo. Wherever he passed, the equipment on the ground disappeared. Obviously, this guy also has the equipment to automatically pick up items.

Looking at Mu Yichen, Tianhuo looked suspiciously at the place where the demon general was, and saw Yu Junhao facing the demon general alone.

"Why don't you fight the Demon General?" Tianhuo teased and laughed, he naturally knew that the speed of the Shadowless Demon was beyond the reach of players.

Mu Yichen smiled embarrassingly, "I see that your place is full of equipment, I'm afraid it will be wasted after refreshing, so come to help, hehe, I'll throw them all into the battle group warehouse."

Tianhuo didn't say anything, and said with a smile: "Then you have to hurry up."

As he said that, Tianhuo continued to run towards the monster on the star-devouring moon-devouring beast, and at the same time cleaned up the ring of the sage, and threw all the unused equipment into the battle group warehouse in batches.

Although these are ordinary monsters that have just been born, the minimum equipment that is released is bronze level, and most of them are gold equipment, a small part of dark gold, and even a handful of spiritual weapons among them.

It's a pity that the experience points of these monsters are too low. Tianhuo sighed in his heart. The monsters in front of him are only at the forty or fifty levels, and the tens of thousands of monsters that disappeared before are at the seventy or eighty levels. , as long as there is no problem at level [-].

But right now, nearly four hundred monsters only brought less than 5000 million experience points to Skyfire.

After blasting and killing a group of monsters in a large area again, Tianhuo slapped his forehead, "Almost forgot!"

It is already level 89 at this moment, if you don't take the lava flower pill, it will be a waste.

Looking at the monster running towards him hundreds of meters away, Tianhuo calmly took out the lava flower pill and the lava demon spirit pill, and opened his mouth to swallow them.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on taking the Lava Demon Pill, the four attributes +100, negative state resistance +10%."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on taking lava flower pill, level +2, four attributes +50."

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 90, four attributes +5."

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 91, four attributes +5."

Immediately reached level 91, already reached the conditions to go to Longdao, Tianhuo was overjoyed, when the matter here is over, he can go to Longdao to find the Glyph suit!

"Hey, these ordinary monsters are really not good, I don't even have the desire to do it!" Mu Yichen looked at the upgraded light shining around Tianhuo, shook his head and sighed, then continued to walk by the equipment all over the floor, not to do it Kill the blocking monsters.

Tianhuo smiled, turned his head to look at the Diyan Linhuang Beast, "Diyan, just like last time, pull all the monsters over!"

Di Yan nodded, and opened his mouth fiercely to roar. Amidst the roar, the Star Devourer and Moon Devourer under his seat trembled, as if affected by the invisible coercion, he glanced at Di Yan in surprise, his eyes flashed The color of anticipation.

Tens of thousands of monsters heard the roar of the Diyan Linhuang Beast, and suddenly turned to face Diyan, ignoring the attacks of those npcs, all rushed towards Diyan, and this was exactly the effect Tianhuo wanted, verbal punishment The skills continued, and a string of golden characters appeared in the sky.

"Ding! System prompt: Get 800 experience points, and get an additional 4000 experience points!"


The experience points that Skyfire can obtain are already very low, but the pets and mounts are still not low. After all, their levels are not much different from those of monsters.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on the upgrade of your pet Emperor Yan Linhuang, currently level 70, hp+50000, attack +5000, defense +4000."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on upgrading your mount Star Devouring Moon Beast, currently level 30, HP+12000, attack +1100, defense +500."

Compared with the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast, the Star Devouring Moon Beast's growth rate is much lower, maybe it's because of the mount, or because it's just a spirit beast.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, your mount Star Devouring Moon Beast has reached the evolution condition and started to evolve!"

Another system notification sounded, and Tianhuo saw the Star Devouring Moon Beast trembling slightly, and the color of its hair began to change during the trembling.

"Evolve like this?" Tianhuo was a little surprised, thinking that the system would take it back to the mount space and evolve again, but he didn't expect that this had already started.

The brown fluff is getting lighter and lighter, but after a few breaths, it has turned into snow white, which is the same color as the fluff on its abdomen, and what is even more peculiar is that a faint colored light wraps around its body, like a Generally issued from its body.

"Master, hurry up, the monsters are coming!" Just as Tianhuo looked at them, those monsters had already approached Tianhuo by [-] meters, and the Diyan Linhuang Beast reminded.

"Ten steps to kill one person..."


After more than a dozen large characters fell, countless system prompts sounded, and the monsters within a radius of more than 400 meters were immediately emptied.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on the successful evolution of your mount, Star Devouring Moon Beast, the current divine beast."

Star Devouring Moon Beast (divine beast, mount), level 30, HP 1800000, attack 150000, defense 150000.

Mounting effect: movement speed +800%, physical attack +80%, magic attack +80%, defense +80%, crit chance +20%, crit damage +300%, negative state resistance +10%.

"It's done, what a powerful bonus!" Skyfire's attribute changed drastically, and it rose a lot in an instant. This is just a low-level beast, but the tome attack bonus brought by Skyfire is 120%!
And in Tianhuo's hand, there is also a mount super evolution pill, which unconditionally upgrades the mount by a level!

Mount Super Evolution Pill: After the mount is used, it will be directly upgraded by one grade.

Explanation: This object is a remnant from the ancient times, and it is unique in the Destiny Continent, so use it with caution!

Tianhuo didn't hesitate. Naturally, this guy is already a beast, so let him become a mid-level beast!
The Star Devouring Moon Beast subdued the mount Super Evolution Pill, and immediately after, the system notification sounded.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on the successful evolution of your mount Star Devouring Moon Beast. It is currently an intermediate beast."

"Haha, it's an intermediate beast!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, seeing that his attributes had skyrocketed, he hurriedly looked at the attributes of the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

Star Devouring Moon Beast (intermediate beast, mount), level 30, HP 6000000, attack 330000, defense 330000.

Mounting effect: movement speed +1300%, physical attack +130%, magic attack +130%, defense +130%, crit chance +40%, crit damage +500%, negative state resistance +20%.

These effects can only take effect when riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and in the riding state, Skyfire's negative state resistance has reached 100%!The critical strike chance is also as high as 80%, and the critical strike damage is a terrifying 900%, which is ten times the normal damage!

Tianhuo felt a little unreal in his heart. The level 30 mid-level beast mount actually doubled the bonus he brought to himself. Then as long as he rode the star-devouring moon beast in the future, even a monster of the general level could easily Easy solution!
Such a mid-level beast mount is already very heaven-defying!And its moving speed, even the Shadowless Demon can't match it!
While Tianhuo was astonished, the Star Devouring Moon Beast shifted its contemptuous eyes to the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast, "Xiao Wang, do you still dare to underestimate me now?"

"Your uncle!" Diyan Linhuang beast swears loudly, then ignores it, and when it opens its mouth, raging purple fire roars out, covering the area for several miles in an instant!
In an instant, most of the monsters were covered by the purple fire, and their health continued to drop. In more than ten seconds, all the monsters in the purple fire fell down.

Countless system prompts sounded in Tianhuo's ears. In this instant, the Diyan Linhuang beast actually went from level 70 to level 80, and the Star Devouring Moon Beast was not lazy, directly from level 30 to level 70!Even Tianhuo's experience bar has suddenly increased by more than half.

"See, you don't have to rely on me to level up! What are you proud of?" Diyan Linhuang raised its head high, and said angrily to the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

(End of this chapter)

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