The strongest saint

Chapter 265 Level Bottleneck

Chapter 265 Level Bottleneck
With Di Yan's move, the star devouring moon beast rose from level 30 to level 70. The latter stopped talking. Although his attack is also very strong, it is a mount after all. Unlike a pet, its combat power may not be as good as that of a low-level beast. The Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast of the Divine Beast.

Under Di Yan's move, there were only a few thousand monsters left in the field. Everyone looked at Tianhuo in disbelief, staring closely at the Diyan Linhuang Beast beside Tianhuo. sound.

"Pervert! My Zhantian Thunder Ape is incomparable!" Mu Yichen murmured, not knowing what he was thinking.

Tianhuo didn't care about the fighting spirit of the two. At this moment, he compared the attributes of the two in amazement and found that the Star Devouring Moon Beast is indeed powerful and terrifying. Its health has exceeded the limit of the third-level area, and it only shows 900 million. .

Star Devouring Moon Beast (intermediate beast, mount), level 70, HP 9000000, attack 770000, defense 770000.

Mounting effect: movement speed +1700%, physical attack +170%, magic attack +170%, defense +170%, crit chance +40%, crit damage +500%, negative state resistance +20%.

Emperor Yan Linhuang Beast (divine beast, rideable), level 80, hp4000000, attack 400000, defense 320000.

In comparison, the strengths and weaknesses of the two are obvious, but as a pet, the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast, especially the mysterious Purple Fire, can cause more than just a little damage to the target, and it is also continuous.

As for the Star Devouring Moon Beast, Tianhuo has never seen it take a shot, so I don't know how much damage it can cause to the monster, but with an attack of more than 70, it should be able to single out the demon general!
"Did you hear that? From now on, you'll call me Second Brother, and follow me to make money for you. No, you're going to play with the master." Di Yan said with his head held high.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast shook its head, apparently not paying attention to Di Yan, who is only a low-level beast, but still asked: "Why is it the second brother?"

Diyan Linhuang Beast gave Star Devouring Moon Beast a blank look, "Our eldest brother is the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, and he will come out soon."

The Star Devouring Moon Beast fell silent, as if tacitly acquiescing, and stopped speaking.

There were only thousands of monsters left, and they were quickly dealt with by everyone. Tianhuo originally planned to go with Mu Yichen to collect the loot, but the strange thing is, none of the tens of thousands of monsters killed by Di Yan's move unexpectedly exploded. out.

The monster has been dealt with, and only the magic general Wuyingmo is left, but that guy's health has also bottomed out, and in Yu Junhao's hands, it won't last long.

Everyone has already packed up the spoils and waited quietly for Yu Junhao's action. If they don't go up to help at this time, it is because Yu Junhao has no problem at all, and secondly, it is because of their respect for Yu Junhao.

The Shadowless Demon fell to the ground with a bang, Yu Junhao rolled up his sleeve robe and packed up the loot, and smiled at everyone, "It's actually faster than me, amazing!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone turned their attention to the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast again. It was this guy who killed so many monsters with one move, which made the battle end so quickly.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on completing the task of eradicating the devil's den. You will be rewarded with +1 for all upgradeable skill levels, 50 prestige, and +1 reward points."

The reminder to complete the task finally came, Tianhuo let out a long sigh of relief, and then he was overjoyed, the reputation has reached 3584700, and he can go to upgrade the war group again, and if the war group upgrades again, it will be the legion!

The reward points have accumulated 6 points so far, but the use has not yet appeared.

What Tianhuo is most looking forward to is naturally various skills.

The system prompt for completing the task just appeared, followed by prompts for upgrading various skills.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on upgrading your skill Glyph Sage's Eye, the current god level, please check the skill panel for details."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on your skill Wen Sheng's laziness..."

All the skills that can be upgraded have been upgraded, Tianhuo suppressed the excitement in his heart, and checked the upgraded skills one by one.

Glyph Sage's Eye: Glyph Sage's exclusive skill, god level 2150/800000, MP 100 consumption, after casting, you can check the attributes of players and monsters that are not higher than your own level 80.Explanation: The eyes of Wen Sheng have the ability to see the world.

Glyph Sage's Laziness: Glyph Sage's exclusive skill, spiritual level 4053/400000, automatically collects the corpses of monsters below the silver boss, and the collection range is level × 5 meters. Actively cast, it can collect the corpses of monsters above the gold boss.

Oral Execution: Wen Sheng's exclusive skill, spiritual level 7007/400000, using self-created poems and songs to cause a minimum of 5% damage to targets within a range of level x 200 meters. The specific damage depends on the power of poems and songs. Each word consumes MP5.

Stroke: Wen Sheng's exclusive skill, advanced 11244/100000, outlines self-created poems and songs to cause damage to a single target, the damage of strokes and whole characters depends on the poems and songs, attack distance level × 5 meters, each stroke consumes MP5.

Wen Sheng's pity: active skill, intermediate level 0/50000, restores 10% of the target's health instantly after casting, consumes 10% of MP, and cools down for 1 second.

Glyph Saint's Disgust: active skill, intermediate level 35/50000, after casting, bounces enemies around him 10 meters away, can only push away enemies not higher than level 10, consumes 100 MP, no cooldown time.

Capture: spirit level 54/100000, there is a certain chance to capture monsters as pets after casting, cooling time is 1 second, note: monsters with less blood volume are easier to capture, and after successful capture, they will be turned into pet eggs.

These seven skills are the only ones that can be upgraded by Tianhuo, all of which have been unconditionally upgraded by one level, and the fastest Glyph Sage's Eye has even reached the god level!And the biggest change, I'm afraid it belongs to Wen Sheng's pity.

The pity of the Glyph Saint in the past can only restore his own life, and it has a cooling time of 3 seconds, but now it can be used on others, and the cooling time only needs 1 second.

What Tianhuo is most concerned about is naturally the two skills of verbal punishment and pen attack. The attack range of the two skills has not increased, but Tianhuo understands that the strength of the attack is stronger than before. The verbal criticism has increased by 50%, although the written criticism has not been stated explicitly, but Tianhuo believes that the increase is even greater.

"Ding! The system prompts: The hidden map magic cave is open."

As soon as the map is opened, Tianhuo and others can use teleportation skills, and they can go back to the city directly. No matter what will be spawned here in the future, Tianhuo knows that he will never come again. He is already level 91, and he should take a rest. However Heading towards Long Island!

"It's over so easily, it doesn't feel very interesting!" Mu Yichen shook his head, then looked at Tianhuo expectantly, "Tianhuo, you're already level 91, shouldn't it be time to go to Dragon Island?"

Tianhuo nodded slightly, unexpectedly this guy kept remembering this matter, "Prepare for a few days, seniors, what are your plans?"

"I'll take them to other places to find monsters, Tianhuo, are you going to Dragon Island?" Yu Junhao asked.

Tianhuo smiled, "I have something to deal with, I must go there."

Yu Junhao nodded, "It seems that you already know the way to go to Dragon Island, but you have to be careful, the Dragon Clan is not friendly."

Tianhuo smiled, Yu Junhao was not the first person to warn him, but it doesn't matter, no matter what, there is a Glyph Saint kit in Longdao, he must go!

Watching everyone leave, Tianhuo looked at Mu Yichen with a smile, and before he could speak, Mu Yichen said first: "Don't leave me this time, I'm already level 90, there is no problem going to Dragon Island."

Tianhuo thought for a while, then said: "Okay, but don't cause trouble."

"Hey, don't worry, I actually have something to do when I go to Long Island." Mu Yichen said with a grin.

"Then go back and prepare first, and try to set off early tomorrow morning!" Tianhuo said, using the skill of returning home.

Back at the mansion, Tianhuo threw the remaining equipment and unusable items in the Glyph Ring to the housekeeper, and cleaned up the Glyph Ring. I saw that the Glyph Ring had 1100 grids before. The storage compartment, but now it feels a little insufficient.

However, after cleaning up, Tianhuo found that he had forgotten one thing, and that was the level-up scroll!
Level Up Scroll (Level [-]): Immediately after using it, it will increase to [-] levels, and it will be valid within [-] levels.

Level Up Scroll: Level +1 after use.

Skyfire was waiting to use these two scrolls at this time, but they are already level 91, which is a waste of a level!

There are two scrolls, there is a level limit for upgrading to level 100, and it can only be used before level [-], but there is no restriction for leveling up one level, and it can be used in the future.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on using the level-up scroll, level +10."

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 92, four attributes +5."


"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 99, four attributes +5."

"Ding! System prompt: The level has reached the bottleneck. As the first player to reach the bottleneck, activate the unique task: seek a breakthrough, do you accept it?"

"Bottleneck?" Tianhuo frowned and looked at the system prompt, his profession would not have a bottleneck restriction, so this so-called bottleneck should be a situation that all players in the game will encounter, and they will be stuck at level 99.

"Could it be that the conditions for going to the second-level area have been reached?" Tianhuo's eyes lit up, thinking of this possibility, and immediately said: "Accept!"

After accepting it, Tianhuo hurriedly opened the task panel to check it out, but before Tianhuo could see clearly, Zhi Duoxing came running quickly, "Master, I heard that you are back, are you free?"

Tianhuo shrugged and closed the task panel. As long as it's not a time-limited task, don't worry. Let's see what's going on with Zhi Duoxing first, "Zhi Duoxing, is it for bandit suppression?"

Zhi Duoxing nodded hastily, "Yes, yes, master, we plan to attack in the dark, but you also know that there are no outstanding masters in our city guard army, so I want to ask the master to take action."

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, Zhi Duoxing wanted to make a move last time, but he didn't have time, and there was nothing urgent in his hands at the moment, but Tianhuo was a little curious, what bandit group made Zhi Duoxing so helpless?

(End of this chapter)

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