The strongest saint

Chapter 266 Sky Flame Legion

Chapter 266 Sky Flame Legion
Tianhuo looked at Zhi Duoxing curiously, "Zhi Duoxing, what kind of bandit group? It's hard to deal with?"

Zhi Duoxing looked a little embarrassed, "It's a bandit group called Yiqi Meteor. We led the troops there twice, but we were forced to retreat without even seeing the leader. Those people are very strong."

"Strange Meteor? Are you sure it's Strange and not Strange?" Tianhuo asked with raised eyebrows.

Zhi Duoxing nodded heavily, "Master, look..."

Tianhuo waved his hand, "You can take me there later, you don't need to bring the city guards."

At the beginning, the stronger bandit groups in Tianyan City had been cleaned up, and now there was another bandit band that the city guards could not do anything about. Tianhuo also wanted to see what the bandit band was up to.

"You just wait here, I will upgrade my battle group."

With that said, Tianhuo ran towards the battle group management office.

However, when Tianhuo was busy, the whole game boiled up again, because on the level list, the number one Tianhuo quickly raised his level like a rocket, and now he has reached level 99, which is higher than the second and third level. Twilight Breaking Dawn and Immediately Taking the Lead are a full 29 levels higher!
In the battle group channel, all the online members sent congratulatory words to Tianhuo, but Tianhuo had no time to respond. The current battle group has 2000 people, and it is very difficult to manage. Find Tianhuo.

The Tianyan battle group has firmly held the position of the first battle group, but there is no reward for this, but the Tianyan battle group has become an existence that no one dares to mess with. After all, everyone knows that all the members of this battle group The members are all hidden occupations, and there are also powerful npcs among them.

In a huge game with billions of people, it is not difficult to find tens of thousands of hidden professional players. Although these hidden professional players vary in strength, it is understandable that they are stronger and weirder than ordinary professional players.

"Heavenly fire, what's the situation? Why did you suddenly upgrade from level 91 to level 99?" Fatty, as an administrator, asked in the battle group channel after he had silenced all members.

Fatty did this probably to let everyone hear Tianhuo's voice.

"I blackmailed Taoist Baibao last time. Didn't one of them get a tenth-level level-up scroll? I used it, but there is a bottleneck, and I'm stuck at level 99. I guess if I break through the bottleneck, I can enter the second-level area. Come on, you guys too." Ah!" Tianhuo laughed.

"That's it, hehe, then our level 90 use is only level 70 now, when will you take us to upgrade?" Fatty laughed.

Many members are expecting to listen to the battle group channel, and they are all looking forward to it. Many of them have experienced the leveling of the whole battle group together, that is simply a soaring level!

"Let's see, I guess such an opportunity is rare. First, there are too many members, and it is not easy to get 90% of the members online. Second, I am busy here after all, and I can't find a suitable place to practice." Tianhuo shook his head. .

"Fatty is being lazy by you, Tianhuo, the battle group already has 100% experience bonus, and the leveling up is already very fast, this guy's dependence has become stronger." The voice of twilight broke dawn.

"Haha, come on and upgrade. By the way, Twilight, I'm going to upgrade the battle group now. You can recruit people when you have time!" Tianhuo said.

"The next upgrade is the legion, hehe, look forward to it!"

While speaking, Tianhuo had arrived at the battle group management office.

"I'm going, it's only been a few days, the city lord is really surprising!" Tianhuo exclaimed as soon as Tianhuo entered the battle group management office.

Tianhuo teased and smiled, "There's no way, the battle group of 1 people is already full, can you join the legion this time?"

"Of course, of course, 300 million prestige is enough for a junior legion, but in terms of cost, hehe, the city lord should be prepared." The old administrator said with a smile.

Last time, Tianhuo found out clearly that the junior legion has a capacity of 3 people, and needs 300 million prestige and [-] million gold coins!
"Thank you, senior." Tianhuo clasped his fists, and he didn't care about the [-] million fee for the more than one billion gold coins in the city lord system.

"Hey, the city lord is so refreshing!" the old man praised and started to move.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to the Tianyan battle group for upgrading to a junior legion. The attribute of the legion badge has been enhanced, and the legion skill Tough Charm has been obtained."

Tough Charm: Active skill, after being cast by the team leader, all team members' damage reduction +50%, life recovery +10%, duration is 5 minutes, cooldown time is 60 minutes.

I got another battle group skill. Compared with the ones I got before, this tenacious charm is simply a magical skill, but it needs Tianhuo or the deputy leader Twilight Breaking Dawn to use it.

Tianyan Legion: 12000/30000 members.

Legion Commander: Skyfire
Deputy Legion Master: Twilight Breaks Dawn

Administrator: Thief among robbers, Wuchen, Mu Yichen, hero, Hua Xiaoran.

Emblem of the Tianyan Legion: Four attributes +3000, negative state resistance +10%, critical strike chance +10%.

The artifact of the Tianyan Legion...

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to the Tianyan battle group for being the first to be promoted to a legion. All members will be rewarded with +1 level, 100000 prestige of the legion leader, and +1 reward times drawn from the administrator."

"Ding! World news: Congratulations to the Tianyan battle group for being the first to be promoted to a legion and get rich rewards."

As the Tianyan war group became the Tianyan army, the game is boiling again, and although the battle group channel is temporarily banned by the fat man, it can't stop the excitement of more than 1 members. Not to mention the powerful new skill, the badge alone is enough. There are 1800 more four attributes than before, which is comparable to the bonus of two spiritual weapons!

Among the billions of players, the members of the Tianyan battle group can completely take the lead by relying on the four attributes of the badge!What's more, there are four attribute bonuses of the warband artifact?Although the bonus is only 1200 now, if you collect all the people, the bonus will be 3000, and the attack and defense will become a bonus of 30000!
Badges and battle group artifacts will be able to add 6000 of the four attributes and 30000 of attack defense to members. With this alone, how can ordinary players be able to defeat them?

"Congratulations, Lord City Master, is the reward drawn now?" the old administrator asked with a smile.

Tianhuo nodded, looking forward to seeing the old man take out the lucky draw box from last time. Last time, he got the passive skill Greedy Soul, which doubled the experience points of all members. This time, I don’t know what good things or skills can be drawn out .

"Hehe, the old rules, please, my lord!" the old man signaled.

Tianhuo put his hand into the box with a smile, and took out a piece of paper. The note suddenly sparked and turned into ashes, and the system notification sounded.

"Ding! System prompt: The lucky draw is successful. Congratulations to the Tianyan Legion for obtaining the Legion Skill: Army Soul!"

Army Soul: Passive skill, when more than 90% of the members are on the same map, all attributes of the members present are doubled.

The newly appeared legion skills made everyone startled from ear to ear, doubling all attributes!

However, Tianhuo shrugged helplessly. There is not much chance that such a skill can be used. It is not easy to have more than 90% of the members present. More than 90% of the personnel are online at the same time.

Of course, this problem can be solved if all members use the game room, but this is not realistic, after all, not everyone can afford the game room.

"Xiao Mu, come here and I'll take you to suppress the bandits." Mu Hui and the others were busy recruiting people again, so Tianhuo only called Mu Yichen and didn't bother everyone.

"I like it. It's good to have some activities before going to Long Island, hehe." Mu Yichen responded to Tianhuo with a big smile.

Soon, Mu Yichen was already waiting outside the mansion, waiting with anticipation on his face.

Tianhuo directly used the homecoming skill, and when he took Zhi Duoxing out, Mu Yichen was already waiting here.

"He's going too? Tianhuo, I think the two of us are enough! In this kind of place, the bandit group won't be that strong, it's just a dark gold boss of level [-] or [-] at most." Mu Yichen looked at Zhi Duoxing , said.

Zhi Duoxing looked at Mu Yichen in embarrassment, how could he not understand that Mu Yichen disliked his own strength for being too weak, "Well... I will lead the way."

Mu Yichen realized that his words were wrong, and smiled apologetically, "I didn't mean that, hehe."

"Go, get back early and get ready to go to Long Island." Tianhuo waved his hand and led the two towards the teleportation formation.

Through the teleportation array, the three of Tianhuo came directly to the map where the Yiqi Meteor Bandit Group was located, and saw endless mountains in front of them, and the atmosphere of wildness filled the air.

This map is located in the east of Tianyan City. Tianhuo has never been here before, and all he can see are fifty or sixty monsters. For today's Tianhuo, they are completely negligible.

Zhi Duoxing looked at the map for a moment, and moved his eyes to the distance, "It's just over two mountains. It's their base camp. I led the soldiers twice, and I was attacked before I got close."

"What's the terrain over there?" Tianhuo asked.

"Surrounded by mountains on three sides, they are all cliffs. Only one side has an entrance. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack." Zhi Duoxing said.

Tianhuo smiled, "This is easy to handle, let's do an air strike!"

Saying that, Tianhuo summoned Di Yan and Tun Xing, "Xiao Mu, ride the Star Devouring Moon Beast with me, Zhi Duoxing, you ride Di Yan, come down outside their base camp, just watch us do it."

"Hey, air strikes, I like it!" Mu Yichen laughed loudly and followed the sky fire to the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, followed the two beasts into the sky, and flew towards the strange meteor bandit group.

"This bandit group is really stupid. They chose such a dead place. I'm afraid there is no way out." Mu Yichen looked at the bandit group's camp below, and murmured.

This reminded Tianhuo that there is no way out, I'm afraid there are hidden passages in this bandit group!
"Zhi Duoxing, you stay under the cliff and pay attention to see if there is a hidden passage." Tianhuo turned his head and said.

However, as soon as Tianhuo's words fell, a powerful voice suddenly sounded from the bandit group's garrison below, "Haha, friends above, why don't you come down and talk about it?"

Following this voice, the hidden spirit jade pendant on Tianhuo's waist suddenly moved, just like the last time he met Qin Wanwan!
Seeing the change of the hidden spirit jade pendant, Tianhuo frowned, "It turned out to be for the hidden spirit jade pendant!"

(End of this chapter)

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