The strongest saint

Chapter 267 Strong Projection

Chapter 267 Strong Projection

The hidden spirit jade pendant around his waist was shaking, making Tianhuo understand that this bandit group probably lured him here on purpose for the hidden spirit jade pendant.

And the only one who wants the hidden spirit jade pendant is Qin Wanwan's sect who died under the prisoner's needle. According to the uncle blacksmith, it is the hidden spirit sect. There are not many disciples in this sect, but none of them are weak.

"Tianhuo, what's the matter?" Mu Yichen looked at Tianhuo and signaled for the Star Devouring Moon Beast to stop, and asked suspiciously.

Tianhuo looked at the situation below intently, and said, "Xiao Mu, do you still remember that Qin Wanwan from last time?"

"Remember, when we were helping the good guys to defend the city, the old hag who was the first to attract her was very strong, even now we might not be able to defeat her." Mu Yichen said.

"That's right, this bandit group has the same background as her." Tianhuo said intently.

"Eh?" Mu Yichen was startled, and then a strong fighting intent appeared in his eyes, "Hey, it really didn't come in vain, so what are you waiting for, kill them!"

While speaking, Di Yan had already placed Zhi Duoxing on the cliff, and Tianhuo glanced at the valley thousands of meters in size below, and saw hundreds of wooden houses lined up neatly, with an even bigger wooden house in the center, presumably the leader The place where the characters stay.

"Hey, after waiting for so long, you are finally here. Do you want me to invite you down?" The voice sounded again, and then a stream of light roared towards it, pointing at the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

The 1700% movement speed of the Devouring Star and Moon Beast is just for show. Even in mid-air, it avoids the attack as lightly as a phantom.

"Since you're here, leave the hidden spirit jade pendant and return my junior sister's life!" Seeing that the attack was avoided by the star devouring moon beast, a young man broke through the wooden house in the center and stepped into the air. In an instant, it stopped a few meters away from Tianhuo.

Xu Yiqi, the head of the Yiqi Meteor bandit group, whose attributes are unknown.

Just as Tianhuo saw the young man's name, he moved. He held a long sword in his hand, and when he raised his hand, there were flashes of sword light, and they rushed towards Tianhuo fiercely.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast under the seat didn't back down, and swallowed all the sword light with its mouth open, "Is this the only skill?"

Tianhuo waved his hand and signaled to the Diyan Linhuang Beast beside him. Diyan spread his wings and flew towards the station below. At the same time, the overwhelming purple fire roared out, covering the entire valley in an instant. For a while, the screams continued.

Looking at Diyan's actions, Xu Yiqi's expression didn't change at all, he didn't care about the lives of those people at all, he created a bandit group here just to attract the sky fire, now that his goal was achieved, how could he care about those people life and death.

At the same time as Diyan started his move, Tianhuo signaled for the Star Devouring Moon Beast to fall out of the valley. Neither he nor Mu Yichen could fly, and there was no advantage in confronting each other in midair.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast looked like a ghost, and within a few breaths it landed outside the valley, raised its head and roared, and waited vigilantly for Xu Yiqi's arrival.

Mu Yichen also slid off the Star Devouring Moon Beast's back, "Tianhuo, leave this guy to me!"

"I don't know how to live or die, so I'll deal with you first!" Although Xu Yiqi's speed was not as fast as that of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, he was not too slow. He chased after him in a few breaths, and stabbed Mu Yichen with his long sword.

"Stand still!"

Mu Yichen clenched his fist, stepped out suddenly, turned his head slightly to avoid Xu Yiqi's attack, turned his fist into a palm and blasted Xu Yiqi's chest, and as he did not move, continuous attacks also landed on Xu Yiqi's body.

"Break!" A terrifying wave of air suddenly surged out of Xu Yiqi's body as he yelled violently, and instantly broke away from Mu Yichen's hold. A lot of damage appeared from the top of Mu Yichen's head.

"Fight the sky with fists!" Mu Yichen didn't care about the 5 damage above his head, he used his skills to stabilize his body.

Tianhuo quietly watched the battle between the two, and he really wanted to go up to help, but with Mu Yichen's temperament, he was definitely not willing to help by himself.

However, at this moment, a chill suddenly emerged from Tianhuo's heart. This feeling was like falling into an ice cave in an instant. Without waiting for Tianhuo to make a move, the Star Devouring Moon Beast suddenly plundered away, " Who dares to sneak up on me?"

As soon as the Star Devouring Moon Beast got out of the way, there was a deep pit where it was standing before, and beside the pit, a young man who looked somewhat similar to Xu Yiqi was looking at the pit in astonishment, as if he didn't understand why Star Devouring Moon beasts can avoid their own attacks.

Xu Liuxing, head of the Strange Meteor bandits, whose attributes are unknown.

"No wonder it's called the Yiqi Meteor Bandit Group. It turned out to be two people!" Tianhuo thought in his heart. In order to get back the Yinling Jade, Yinlingmen first sent Qin Wanwan, and now they sent two more people. It seems that there is still the Yinling Jade. secret.

"It's no wonder that you can kill our junior sister. You are a little bit capable." Xu Liuxing didn't care if he couldn't make a sneak attack, staring at Tianhuo with cold eyes and murmured.

"It's really unexpected that a dignified disciple of the Yinling Sect became a bandit here!" Tianhuo jokingly said with a slight hook of his mouth.

"Hand over the hidden spirit jade pendant, and I can give you a good time." Xu Liuxing said in a deep voice, not caring about Tianhuo's banter.

Tianhuo shook his head and looked at Xu Liuxing like an idiot, "Are you out of your mind?"

"Huh!" Xu Liuxing snorted coldly, and then rushed towards Tianhuo.

"Legion mode, the title is Ten Thousand Slash!" Tianhuo's expression froze, and when he spoke, two huge damage values ​​appeared on the heads of Xu Liuxing and Xu Yiqi not far away.
2700000! -900000!

The attributes of the two dropped by 40% in an instant, and Tianhuo kept moving, and the third page of the Book of Glyphs was opened. Suddenly, a string of characters whizzed into Xu Liuxing's body.

With the addition of the star devouring moon beast, Tianhuo's attack is powerful and terrifying, and the damage it can cause to the enemy is not weak. At this moment, Xu Liuxing's health is only less than 200 million .

Xu Liuxing didn't expect the opponent to be so powerful at all, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly took out a pill and took it.

"Huh?" Tianhuo frowned, and saw that the opponent's health was recovering at more than [-] per second, how could this work?
Without the slightest hesitation, Tianhuo raised his hand and waved out strokes, drawing a strange arc, pointing directly at Xu Liuxing.

Seeing this, the latter dodges with a single movement of his feet. The speed is so fast that he dodges most of the pen attacks.

"Hiding? Oral punishment, furious..." Tianhuo's expression was calm, and his skills changed. Suddenly, large golden characters appeared in the sky, and Xu Yiqi, who was not far away, was shrouded in it.

When the Star Devouring Moon Beast is riding, it increases Skyfire's physical and magic attacks by 170%, which is 255% of the scroll's attack. Hundreds of thousands of damage values ​​emerged.

In just a few seconds, Xu Liuxing's health had bottomed out, and if another large character fell down, he would definitely die!

"Brother!" Not far away, Xu Yiqi's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly took out a jade slip and crushed it. Immediately, the world seemed to freeze, and a terrifying atmosphere permeated the field instantly.

In mid-air, the large golden characters spit out by Tianhuo collapsed under the terrifying aura, giving the two of them a chance to breathe, and an illusory figure slowly emerged tens of meters above everyone's heads.


Xu Yiqi and Xu Liuxing hurriedly knelt down, greeting the illusory figure nervously.

"Hmph! It's a shame that you need to use the Soul Jade Slip for such a trivial matter!" Xu Ying snorted coldly and glanced at the two, a cold and powerful aura inadvertently revealed.

Tianhuo has only seen such a scene on Xuandu. At the beginning, he used the soul jade slip to invite Xuandu's projection, and even the existence of the demon king was taken away by Xuandu. the existence of grades.

It was probably this person who seriously injured the blacksmith with the help of a trace of imprint left in the hidden spirit jade pendant!
Tianhuo's pupils shrank slightly, the blacksmith had warned himself that if he met this person, he would run away immediately!

"Oh? Hidden spirit jade pendant, are you the one who killed Wanwan?" Just as Tianhuo was thinking, the phantom suddenly looked at him, and his voice raised a lot. It is not difficult to hear that the strong anger has already passed Gather on that phantom.

"Master, it is him, the disciple is not talented, not his opponent, that's why the master is invited!" Xu Liuxing said anxiously, but his eyes were filled with anticipation.

On this phantom, Tianhuo felt a strong pressure. Before this pressure, he couldn't even think of resisting, and his heart sank to the bottom.

Mu Yichen's expression on the side was not good-looking, so he could naturally sense the power of this phantom.

"Hmph!" The phantom stepped out and appeared in front of Tianhuo in an instant. The terrifying aura enveloped Tianhuo. Suddenly, Tianhuo felt unable to move, even the Star Devouring Moon Beast sitting under his seat. trembling slightly.

"It's troublesome, I really should listen to the blacksmith uncle!" Tianhuo secretly said in his heart, but it was too late now, Tianhuo felt that no matter what he did, he couldn't escape the control of this phantom.

"Hand over the jade pendant, and I'll reward your whole body!" Xu Ying's icy voice seemed to come from Jiuyou, making one's heart chill.

At some point, cold sweat broke out on Tianhuo's forehead, and his attributes were already very strong, especially at this moment when he was riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast!But in front of this phantom, there is no strength to resist, Tianhuo has no doubt at all, if this person does something, he is afraid that he will be killed instantly!
Mu Yichen on the side also tried his best to resist, but his body was struggling and trembling slightly, but he still couldn't get rid of the phantom's control.

Just relying on his aura to prevent the two of them from moving, this person's terrifying strength can be seen, the hearts of both of them are full of coolness, this time, it's over!

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(End of this chapter)

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