Chapter 268

Both Tianhuo and Mu Yichen had expressions of helplessness and despair on their faces. Facing this level of terrifying existence, they had no chance at all. It's over!

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, the Xiantian Lingding has successfully swallowed the Luoshending, and has been promoted to a junior Xiantian Lingding!"

Suddenly, the system prompt sounded in Tianhuo's ear, and at this moment, Tianhuo's attributes suddenly skyrocketed, and the oppressive feeling around him dissipated instantly, and a powerful feeling surged from his heart.

Tianhuo clenched his fists fiercely, and a wave of air surged, "Old guy, you're too proud! Be sure!"

At this critical moment, the Xiantian Lingding cauldron was swallowed successfully!Not only did it allow Tianhuo to move freely, but the feeling of powerlessness disappeared in an instant, and a powerful feeling filled Tianhuo's heart.

Amidst the loud shouts, Tianhuo cast the immobilization spell, immediately immobilizing the phantom, and Tianhuo kept moving, and directly opened the fourth page of the book of literati.

"Ding! System prompt: With the bonus of the power of the scroll, attack +30% within 100 seconds."

"Battle spirit, violent spirit, verbal punishment, kill one person in ten steps..."

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the spirit of battle skill, and the attributes of all members are enhanced by 1.5 times, and the duration is 10 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The head of the team has cast the violent soul skill, all members have a +20% critical strike chance, +200% critical strike damage, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

Tianhuo's movements were done in one go, what was afraid of was that this phantom would break free from the fixing spell, after all, for such a strong person, his own fixing spell might not be able to trap him.

Before the system notification tone fell, large characters had already appeared in the sky, and then they slammed down. At this moment, Skyfire's critical strike chance reached 1100%, and the critical strike damage reached 12%, which is [-] times the damage what!
After the first word fell, Xu Liuxing and Xu Yiqi on the side died, and the phantom's head also had millions of critical damage points.

With twelve times the damage, it actually only caused a million damage to the phantom, which shows that the phantom's defense is high, but Tianhuo is no longer worried at this moment, and one after another, golden characters fall one after another.

In just a few seconds, Xu Ying's life value had bottomed out, and he just broke free from the immobilized state, but it was too late, and before Xu Ying made any move, another large character fell.

The phantom dissipated without any prompt, but Tianhuo could clearly see that the moment before the phantom dissipated, a ferocious expression appeared on his face, and he wanted to say something but had no chance to say it.

"Damn! Old man, don't you want to reward our whole corpses?" Mu Yichen slumped on the ground, looking at the place where the phantom disappeared, and said viciously.

Tianhuo also heaved a sigh of relief, at least it is safe now, but Tianhuo also understands that although the projection of the old man was destroyed this time, there is no doubt that the next time we meet again, I am afraid that it will be the real body of the old man. big trouble.

For a strong man like this, the most important thing he cares about is the issue of face. The projection was destroyed by himself in the third-level area, and the old man has lost all face. If this matter gets out, the old man's anger can be imagined.

After resting for a while, Tianhuo gradually calmed down, and then looked at the panel of the Xiantian Lingding cauldron. It was its successful devouring that made him turn the tables. Sample.

Ding Sheng: The most noble profession in ancient times, with a tripod in hand, I have the alchemy.

Primary: 0/500000.

Innate Spirit Cauldron (primary), four attributes + level × 50.

Explanation: The Xiantian Lingding Cauldron despises the world, in addition to its powerful alchemy power, it can also ignore external coercion.

The simple addition of attributes shocked Tianhuo. The four attributes added to his four Glyph Saint suits were only level × 30, but this elementary innate spirit tripod actually reached level × 50. What would happen if the Xiantian Lingding was promoted to intermediate or high level?
"Luo Shen Ding, are all Xiantian Ling Dings so strong?" After a long time, Tianhuo suppressed the shock and joy in his heart and asked.

Luoshen Cauldron didn't keep Tianhuo waiting, and said, "I've only seen one person who possessed the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron, and you are the second one, but to be honest, your Xiantian Spirit Cauldron is far from being comparable to his, but you can So far, it’s pretty good.”

"Uh..." The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, and then he asked curiously, "Who is that person?"

"Master Luoshen, my master, what you have seen is the statue in the palace of Fanshen." Luoshen Ding said.

"Him?" Tianhuo's expression froze. That person who looks the same as his father also has an innate spirit cauldron?Could that familiar and cordial feeling be his father?
"Don't think too much, Xiantian Lingding also needs to grow step by step. Given time, maybe it can reach that person's level." Luoshending interrupted Tianhuo's thinking.

Tianhuo nodded slightly. At the beginning of the four statues, it seemed that the female statue was Luoshen, and that was the only female among the four statues. She was actually a brother and sister with Fanshen.

"With your current strength, you are almost a top-level existence in the third-level area, Tianhuo, come on! Monsters have begun to appear blatantly, and your time is running out!" Luoshending said again.

Tianhuo showed doubts on his face when he heard the words, his time is running out?What does it mean?
"Okay, I will warm up in the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron, and I will be your weapon spirit in the future. Don't you want to refine the devil's egg? Give it to me!" Not only Tianhuo asked, but Luoshen Cauldron said, as if deliberately not to let it go. Tianhuo asked.

Seeing that Tianhuo was in a daze, Luoshen Cauldron continued to say: "Why don't you open the ring of Wen Sheng to me, if there is anything that can be refined in the future, I will directly refine it for you, this will also speed up the growth of the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron .”

Tianhuo was overjoyed, so didn't he have a free labor force?You don't have to take care of it yourself, it was true that you left the spirit of the Luoshen Cauldron back then!

"Okay, Luoshen Cauldron, thank you." Tianhuo said with a smile.

Luoshending didn't respond, but the devil's egg had already disappeared in the ring of the sage.

Tianhuo smiled dumbly, opened the attribute panel and checked it. When he saw the legion, he saw that 3 people had already been collected, and there were a few more administrators.

Without paying too much attention to the legion, Tianhuo looked at his own attributes. With the bonus of the innate spirit tripod, the four attributes are 4550, the legion has 3600 more, the title has 1200 more, the medicine has 150, the upgrade has 75 more, and the suit has more 450, a total of 10025 more four attributes, more than the four attributes of my body now, it should be powerful and terrifying!
The special battle group artifact, with 18000 more people, means 27000 more tome attacks and 18000 more defenses!

These bonuses obtained this time are higher than level 84 full body attributes!

It's a pity that the thirty or forty-level spirit weapons and monster weapons on Tianhuo's body can already be ignored, but Tianhuo doesn't care, and in the future, just try to find the Glyph suit by himself.

Character name: Tianhuo
Occupation: Vincent
Auxiliary Occupation: Ding Sheng (Elementary)

Rating: 99
Upgrade experience: 538483540/490149000
HP: 1950500/1950500
MP: 401700/401700
Tome Attack: 408720-408720
Defense: 284340
Strength: 19505, Constitution: 19505, Intelligence: 20085, Agility: 19095
Reputation: 3684700
Sin: -3892102
Pets: Emperor Yanlin Lion (divine beast), Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon (evolving)

Mount: Star Devouring Moon Beast (Intermediate Divine Beast)
Puppet: War Spirit (Dark Gold)
Gangs: None
Battlegroup: Tianyan Legion (Junior Legion)

This is still without riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast, the attribute has more than doubled than that at level 84, and riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast, the tome attack of Tianhuo has reached 1042236, breaking through a million. The defense has reached 483378!

When Twilight Lixiao and others had only [-] to [-] attributes, Skyfire was already terrifying!
If such attributes are added to the bonuses of the battle group's skills and on paper, with twelve times the damage, Tianhuo has the confidence to instantly kill the existence of the level of the devil!
Abnormal, it is no longer possible to describe how powerful Tianhuo is at the moment.

"Tianhuo, are you okay? You scared me to death, that old guy is so scary!" Mu Yichen said with lingering fear after he had also recovered.

Tianhuo smiled, "Yes, but we should all be able to reach that level in the future, after all, this guy should be from the first-level area, and we can't even go to the second-level area!"

"Hehe, that's right. I just used the level-up scroll, and it's already 99, but the reminder said to wait to open the second-level area." Mu Yichen was suppressed by the phantom before and couldn't move, so he secretly used the level-up scroll. Want to get out of bondage.

Tianhuo smiled awkwardly, he would not say that he needs to wait for him to do the task, after all, it is the only task, anyway, the two of them have reached level 99 right now, just let Mu Yichen wait.

Seeing that Tianhuo didn't speak, Mu Yichen said with a smile: "Tianhuo, it's getting dark, why don't we go out at night?"

Tianhuo was taken aback. He wanted to go to a blacksmith to inlay a few gemstones, and learn the inlay technique by the way, but with his current powerful attributes, even spiritual-level gemstones have little effect, so it's better to forget it, and he doesn't know yet Can the Wensheng suit want to grab gems?

Thinking about it, Tianhuo nodded, "Okay, I'll contact Hua Xiaoran later."

Mu Yichen laughed excitedly, "Then I'll wait for you at the teleportation array in Tianyan City."

With that said, Mu Yichen used the scroll to return to the city and disappeared into the white light.

"Xiaoran, is your dragon scale still there?" Tianhuo directly contacted Hua Xiaoran. If he wanted to go to Long Island, he needed something with dragon aura. The dragon scale in Hua Xiaoran's hand was naturally the most suitable.

"Yes, I'll mail it to you." Hua Xiaoran mailed it directly to Tianhuo without asking any further questions.

After receiving the dragon scales, Tianhuo asked Emperor Yan Linhuang to send Zhi Duoxing back slowly, while he directly used the homecoming skill and walked quickly towards the teleportation array, "Dragon Island, I really don't know what it looks like!"

(End of this chapter)

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