The strongest saint

Chapter 269 Going to Dragon Island

Chapter 269 Going to Dragon Island
"Hey, Tianhuo, do you know the route of Long Island?"

Standing in front of the teleportation formation, Mu Yichen asked.

Tianhuo shook his head, how could he know that it was in the east sea, but this is not a problem, because Tianhuo has a dragon diving boat, just put the dragon scales on it, and the dragon diving boat can go to the location of Long Island by itself.

"Don't worry, teleport to the east first, let's go!" Tianhuo laughed.

"My lord, I'm afraid this trip will take a few months. Take care!" the teleporter couldn't help saying when he heard the conversation between the two.

Tianhuo and Mu Yichen looked at each other, how many months?Does it take that long to get to Long Island?
"Senior, have you been to Long Island?" Tianhuo asked.

The teleporter smiled mysteriously and signaled Tianhuo to step on the teleportation array, "I've heard of it, Lord City Master, please!"

Tianhuo shook his head slightly. With the Dragon Boat, it shouldn't take too much time.

"Let's go!" The teleporter activated the teleportation array, and in an instant, the figures of Tianhuo and Mu Yichen had disappeared from the teleportation array.

Teleporting all the way to the eastern city, each time it crossed a hundred cities, and teleported more than 200 times in succession. When the two felt tired, they finally reached the easternmost city.

This city called Wanghai City has a lot of players, perhaps because it is adjacent to the sea, those players who have never seen the sea in reality gather here, so it is also lively here.

Wanghai City was built not far from the sea, and from the east gate, you can already see the boundless sea.

"Even the smell in the air is so realistic, not bad, Tianhuo, have you ever seen the sea?" Mu Yichen looked at the coast in front of him, turned his head and asked.

Tianhuo took a deep breath, "I haven't been to the beach for a long time, I miss it."

Mu Yichen shrugged, "I hope Long Island is not too far away."

Tianhuo nodded, and the two walked side by side. When they came to the beach, Tianhuo took out the dragon boat and threw it into the sea. Immediately, the dragon boat magnified in front of their eyes, and it became more than ten meters long before stopping.

"Bigger, the bigger the better." Mu Yichen said.

Tianhuo shrugged. The Qianlong boat in front of him was [-]-[-] meters long and [-]-[-] meters wide, but it could no longer grow bigger. "It's only this big, let's make it!"

Tianhuo also thought that the bigger the dragon boat, the better it would be comfortable, but this is already the limit.

Stepping on the dragon boat, Tianhuo put the dragon scales on the boat. Immediately, the dragon boat glowed with a soft white light, and then it slowly moved towards the east through the waves.

"It's amazing, old man Chuandu's dragon boat can move forward automatically, but the speed is a bit slow, not as fast as when I exploded with all my strength." Mu Yichen turned his head and looked at the farther and farther coast, and said.

The current speed of the Qianlong boat is equivalent to about [-] miles on land. It is indeed slow to go to Dragon Island at this speed. "Let me do some research. It should be more than this speed."

As Tianhuo said, he checked the Qianlong boat.

Dragon diving boat (a special spiritual tool), a necessity to go to Dragon Island, it will automatically go there after sensing the direction of Dragon Island, and the sailing speed is half of the speed of the controller.

Now the controller is Tianhuo, and the speed is only half of Tianhuo.

Sharing the attribute with Mu Yichen, Mu Yichen said helplessly: "I can only wait slowly, your speed is faster than mine, so you should control it."

Tianhuo smiled mysteriously, "In terms of speed, I can't compare with the Star Devouring Moon Beast."

As he said that, Tianhuo summoned the Star Devouring Moon Beast. As soon as this guy appeared on the Dragon Boat, he occupied most of the hull of the boat.

Tianhuo handed over the control to Star Devouring Moon Beast. Immediately, the speed of Qianlong Boat suddenly increased several times, and under this acceleration, the two of them didn't feel the slightest jolt, just like sailing on that river back then. generally.

Going to Long Island at such a speed naturally shortened the time required several times, and both of them were looking forward to it, Long Island, that is the place where Shenlong lived.

"Xiao Mu, what do you want to go to Long Island?" After walking for a long time in the dark, there was nothing but sea water around them, and the two of them became bored.

"I received a mission in the cemetery of the gods, and I went to Dragon Island to do the mission, hehe, how about you?" Mu Yichen smiled.

Tianhuo shook his head, he didn't have any missions, but there was a Glyph Saint suit there, and Tianhuo had to go for the professional suit.

Lying on the boat and looking at the endless stars, the two fell into deep thought. At this moment, apart from the sound of the diving dragon boat breaking the waves, Tianhuo felt unprecedented peace in his heart. After traveling through the game for so long, he finally had a chance to calm down!
But after so long, Tianhuo still has no way to save his father, and at this moment, he doesn't even know where his father's statue is, and the statue in Fanshen Palace, could it be his father's?
Thinking of this question, Tianhuo couldn't calm down. If it was his father, why was he set as the master of the main god? Is it just a coincidence or is there other reasons?

Moreover, after I traveled to the game, I experienced game updates at the beginning, but never experienced it later. The official statement is that the game is already perfect, and it is enough for the players to activate various systems, and there is no need for so-called updates.

However, Tianhuo felt more and more weird, whether it was the npcs he encountered or various settings, it was like a real world, not just a simple game.

All of this, after he completed the ultimate task, he might be able to know, Tianhuo secretly looked forward to it.

Tianhuo had vaguely guessed that if he went from the second-level area to the first-level area, he would be able to reach the full level, and then he would be able to complete the second stage of returning to reality.

Thinking about it, Tianhuo fell into a deep sleep unknowingly, and has been running around to find a way to rescue his father, and strengthen himself. Although Tianhuo is not tired, is he really not tired?Calm down at this moment, even the heart is unprecedentedly calm.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Tianhuo was awakened by Mu Yichen's exclamation, and suddenly turned over from his sleep, "What's wrong?"

As soon as the words fell, Tianhuo saw sea beasts fighting in the nearby waters, and the sea water had turned scarlet.

"It's so spectacular! Look, there are all kinds of sea beasts." Mu Yichen said excitedly, pointing to the front.

Tianhuo frowned, "Our boat is too small, it's better not to be affected, by the way, how long have I been asleep?"

Mu Yichen looked at Tianhuo with a strange expression, the corner of his mouth twitched and said, "Qi Tian, ​​if you weren't still breathing, I would have thought you were dead!"

Tianhuo rolled his eyes, if he didn't breathe, then he was dead, but Tianhuo didn't expect that this sleep would last for seven days.

"Heavenly Fire, find an island to rest, it's okay if you've been asleep, I'm so bored to death, I can't take it anymore, if I didn't know that Dragon Island can't be teleported, I'll definitely wait for you to arrive before dragging me there. "Mu Yichen said helplessly.

"Oh? Dragon Island can't be teleported?" Tianhuo was a little astonished, no wonder this guy has not escaped after staying for seven days, it turned out to be the reason!
"Yeah, I came across an island a few days ago, but your mount refuses to go up, so I'll go..." Mu Yichen sighed.

Tianhuo looked around intently, but he couldn't find the island at all, so he couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Be patient, we'll talk about it when we meet the island."

Mu Yichen shrugged, "Why don't you borrow your mount and let me fight, look, there are so many sea beasts!"

Tianhuo rolled his eyes, and before he could speak, the Star Devouring Moon Beast had already opened his mouth and said, "You think it's beautiful, I'm an intermediate beast, can anyone ride it?"

"Tch, haven't I ridden it before? Let me ride it again! How about I take you to kill those sea beasts to upgrade?" Mu Yichen said seductively.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the Qianlong boat, and it trembled violently, as if it had been bombarded by something.

Tianhuo and Mu Yichen each grabbed the hair of the devouring star and devouring moon beast to stabilize their figures.

"It should be that a sea beast accidentally bumped into the Qianlong boat, so be careful." Tianhuo said cautiously.

However, as soon as the words fell, the sea water in front suddenly rose, and it rose to hundreds of feet in an instant, and in the high sea water, a bloody mouth protruded fiercely, and swallowed it towards the Qianlong boat.

Just for a moment, Tianhuo and Tianhuo felt that their eyes went dark, and their feet slipped, and they slid towards an unknown place together with the endless sea water.

Tianhuo has the eyes of the sage but can see clearly, surrounded by blood-red walls of flesh, this is clearly the body of that behemoth!

"Come back!" Tianhuo took back the Star Devouring Moon Beast immediately, and after the sea water receded, he saw that the soft but extremely slippery place was huge for miles, and Mu Yichen and Qianlongzhou had disappeared!

"Damn it! What is this thing!" Tianhuo cursed inwardly, the size of the light in front of him was several miles, and it seemed to be just the mouth of this huge monster!How terrifying is the size of this thing!
"Tianhuo?" Mu Yichen's shout came from a distance, but Tianhuo followed his voice, but couldn't find Mu Yichen's location, as it seemed to be blocked by the pile of meat walls.

"I'm here, how are you?" Tianhuo asked.

"I'll go, I'm fine, but the dragon boat is gone, I only have time to grab the dragon scale." Mu Yichen said without tears.

Tianhuo's heart sank, the dragon boat is gone?Then how do I get to Long Island?How to get the Glyph suit?

"It's pitch black, you can't see anything, but you have to catch it well, if you fall into this big guy's stomach, you will definitely be killed instantly, alas, it's strange, you can't use the scroll back to the city anymore." Mu Yichen said .

Tianhuo let out a long sigh of relief, then gritted his teeth, Qianlongzhou must be found! "You wait, I'll come find you."

"That's not necessary, Tianhuo, think of a way, how do we get out of here? I don't know if we can kill such a huge monster." Mu Yichen's helpless voice came.

Tianhuo tightly grasped a mustache, and frowned, yes, how to leave the body of this behemoth?

(End of this chapter)

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