The strongest saint

Chapter 270 Divine Beast Void Ray

Chapter 270 Divine Beast Void Ray

"Hey, Tianhuo, if such a big and borderless monster is made into a pet, hehe, tell me, it would be so exciting!"

Tianhuo was thinking of a way to get out of this huge object, while Mu Yichen said heartlessly from a distance.

"Forget it, just one mouth is several miles in size, how can you subdue it? I don't know what it is yet!" Tianhuo said, rolling his eyes.

"Huh? It's pitch black, can you see it?" Mu Yichen was surprised.

Tianhuo smiled wryly, "What's the use of being able to see? This big guy's mouth can't be seen anywhere, it's too big."

"Eh?" Mu Yichen fell silent, thinking about something.

Tianhuo looked carefully, as long as the big guy opened his mouth again, he should be able to see where his mouth was, and he might be able to get out at that time, but at that time, there would inevitably be a lot of seawater pouring in, so he had to be careful It's fine, otherwise it will fall into the stomach of this big guy, and it will be over.

"Haha, Tianhuo, there is a way, you can try it with the capture technique."

Mu Yichen's loud laughter suddenly came, which made Tianhuo stunned, and then used the capture technique conveniently.

"Ding! System prompt: capture failed, capture proficiency +2, additional proficiency +2."

"Fuck, Xiao Mu, let's do it, it will be easy to make it into a pet!" Tianhuo was surprised, and then overjoyed, he really didn't expect that he could use the capture technique.

"Hey, let's compare and see who will succeed first!" Mu Yichen laughed loudly.

Capture: spirit level 4/100000, there is a certain chance to capture monsters as pets after casting, cooling time is 1 second, note: monsters with less blood volume are easier to capture, and after successful capture, they will be turned into pet eggs.

Skyfire's catching technique has become a spirit level after the Demon's Nest mission, and the success rate should not be low. Even if this behemoth is full of blood, it still has a chance of success.


"Ding! System prompt: capture failed, capture proficiency +2, additional proficiency +2."

For a moment, both Tianhuo and Mu Yichen were tirelessly using the capture technique, and after an unknown amount of time, there was still the sound of capture failure in their ears.

The once-a-second capture technique was being used over and over again in the hands of the two of them, but the huge monster didn't seem to notice it, it just trembled a few times from time to time, and never opened its mouth.

Every time he can get 4 points of proficiency, Tianhuo watched his skill proficiency increase, and gradually became a conditioned reflex, unconsciously using the capture technique.

"Ding! System prompt: capture failed, capture proficiency +2, additional proficiency +2."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on upgrading your capture technique. You are currently at the god level. Please check the skill panel for details."

The sudden different system prompts made Tianhuo stunned. Has the skill been upgraded?The capture technique, which requires a skill proficiency of [-], has actually been upgraded?

With the hidden spirit jade pendant in hand, Tianhuo can gain double the skill proficiency, and unknowingly leveled up!

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you are the first to cultivate the capture technique to the god level, and the reward capture technique is promoted to the god capture technique."

Tianhuo looked at the system prompt in astonishment, is there such a benefit?The God Catch technique sounds a little weird.

God Catch, which cannot be upgraded. After casting, there is a great chance to catch monsters as pets. There is no cooldown time. Note: Monsters with less blood volume are easier to catch. After successful capture, monsters have a chance to keep their level and have a chance to evolve .

In the past, after the capture technique was successful, the monster would turn into a pet egg, but the current God Catch technique has a chance to keep it like this, and has a chance to evolve!

"My catching technique has been upgraded to the high-level fast spirit level, but I still haven't succeeded." Mu Yichen murmured to himself from afar.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "God Catch Technique!"

"Ding! System prompt: Capture failed!"

"God Catch"


A long time passed, and Tianhuo continued to use the god catch technique one after another, but there was no successful prompt, which made Tianhuo doubt for a while, I'm afraid it was a waste of time for so long!It might be impossible for this big guy to be captured as a pet.

However, as soon as this idea appeared, a crisp system prompt sounded suddenly, which lifted Tianhuo's spirit.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on successfully capturing the Void Ray as a pet and triggering the chance of evolution. The Void Ray evolves into a low-level beast."

"Huh? You succeeded? How can I remind others that pets cannot be captured?" Mu Yichen's doubtful voice came.

Tianhuo laughed loudly, "Haha, it's a blessing in disguise, Xiao Mu, your idea is really good, divine beast!"

Mu Yichen was speechless for a while, wondering if he was stunned.

Void ray (divine beast, can be ridden by multiple people), level 99, HP 9000000, attack 500000, defense 500000.

Dance of the Void: Passive skill, wings can fly in the void.

Tremor of the Void: Active skill, after being cast, it will cause a devastating blow to the target under the body, the effect is unknown.

Devouring Void: Active skill, swallows targets whose level is not higher than its own level 30 after casting, the effect is unknown.

Explanation: The strange beast from ancient times has evolved the ability to penetrate the void, and it often swims in the void, but its favorite is the endless ocean.

Looking at the attributes of the void ray, Tianhuo didn't feel much, but thinking of this guy's incomparably huge figure, he immediately suppressed this thought. The tremor of the void seemed to become extremely powerful under this figure.

"Void ray, open your mouth and let us out." Tianhuo said.

"Yes, Master." Void Ray's voice sounded like thunder, and then he opened his mouth. Immediately, the eyes of the two lit up, looking at this mouth that seemed to be able to swallow everything in amazement.

After the shock, Tianhuo summoned the Star Devouring Moon Beast, took Mu Yichen up into the air, and flew towards the mouth of the Void Ray.

"I'm drunk too, I'll go, I really can't imagine flying out of someone else's mouth!" Mu Yichen patted his forehead, always feeling unreal.

And an even more shocking scene appeared. After the two people and the beast flew out, they could only see the huge body of the Void Ray stretching for hundreds of miles, with two fleshy wings spread out flat, with no end in sight.

Baili's huge body!Both Tianhuo and Star Devouring Moon Beast looked at the scene in disbelief, and Tianhuo was even more shocked. At this moment, he understood the horror of the Void Tremor. The range will be attacked, and a city may not be enough for it to see.

"The sea is indeed the most mysterious place, there are monsters like this..." Mu Yichen murmured as the muscles on his face trembled violently.

Tianhuo was not much better, he had only thought that this guy would be very big before, but after seeing it, he realized that his imagination had been shrunk and exaggerated.

Landing on the back of the void ray, Tianhuo hurriedly asked: "Void ray, where is my dragon boat?"

"Dragon boat? I don't know!" The thunderous voice of Void Ray resounded, shaking the space in front of it trembling.

"Damn it, Qianlongzhou, wouldn't you know if you swallowed it?" Mu Yichen exclaimed.

"Ah? Master, if I swallow it, there will be no existence except the artifact..." Void Ray said weakly.

"Damn, it's over, how do we go to Long Island this time?" Mu Yichen slapped his forehead, his face was full of disappointment.

"Dragon Island? I know!" The voice of Void Ray made Tianhuo and Mu Yichen's eyes light up.

The two looked at each other, and sure enough, monsters like this wandering around always have a lot of knowledge.

"Void Ray, let's go, just go to Long Island, how far is it?" Tianhuo asked with great joy.

Void Ray pondered for a moment before saying, "There are probably hundreds of thousands of miles left."

Hearing this, Tianhuo and Mu Yichen's expressions changed slightly, hundreds of thousands of miles away?Even if you travel thousands of miles a day, it will take dozens of days!

"It's easy to arrive in three days. If the master is in a hurry, two days is fine. After all, I am on the sea, and my speed is okay." Void Ray said again.

The muscles on Tianhuo's face trembled slightly, but then he saw the speed mentioned by the void ray, and saw its fleshy wings tumbling, bringing up a huge wave, and its figure shot out instantly, making the two of Tianhuo and The Star Devouring Moon Beast slid back several miles before stopping.

"Master, please sit down. This is just an ordinary speed. Do you want to go faster?" The voice of Void Ray felt a little bit unbearable at this moment, and I don't know if it was because this guy was too innocent or on purpose.

"Damn, it's enjoyable, it's too enjoyable, with such a huge body, I can't feel the slightest movement..." Mu Yichen's face was full of excitement.

Tianhuo also secretly clicked his tongue. With the size of this big guy, even the people who carry the entire legion will have no problem at all. Standing on his back at this moment, he feels so small.

The back of the void ray looks like a black and flat stone ground, but it is a bit soft to step on. Even if it just sticks out of the sea, there is no trace of water on it. It is not bad to land on it. Feel.

After two days of walking, the surrounding area has become densely foggy, and even Tianhuo's Glyph Sage's eyes can't see too far, but he can faintly see islands passing by in the dense fog, just in the void. Moving forward with all his strength, those islands disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Several hours passed before the surrounding dense fog began to gradually lighten, and the moment the fog disappeared, the speed of the void ray also slowed down.

Ahead, there appeared an invisible continent, hundreds of miles away, but the lush greenery could still be seen on it, and as it approached, Tianhuo's face gradually showed an unbelievable expression.

On the lush land, there are all kinds of huge trees, and what is even more surprising is that there are floating peaks above, yes, they are floating peaks!
Looking at the scenery in front of him, Tianhuo couldn't help but think of the scenery in the movie Avatar on Earth, which is not inferior at all!

"Master, this is Dragon Island. I haven't been there before, but I only know it's very big." The Void Ray stopped on the coast, and there was some fear in his words.

After marveling for a long time, Tianhuo said: "Okay, you are too big, go and play by yourself, I will call you when something happens."

With the heart of pets, Tianhuo has always allowed pets to move freely, just like now, the Diyan Linhuang beast is still strolling in Tianyan City.

With that said, Tianhuo and Mu Yichen got on the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and flew towards the island quickly as the Star Devouring stepped through the air.

"Get out! Little humans, how dare you go to my Dragon Island?" As soon as they entered the sky above Dragon Island, a terrifying roar came over.

And under this roar, the Star Devouring Moon Beast froze and fell towards the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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