The strongest saint

Chapter 271 Dragon Island

Chapter 271 Dragon Island
Falling down from a height of hundreds of meters, both Tianhuo and Mu Yichen's expressions changed, and Tianhuo hurriedly shouted: "Swallowing stars!"

Under the violent drinking of Tianhuo, the Star Devouring Moon Beast came to a clear understanding, hurriedly stabilized its figure and landed on the ground, roaring: "Despicable, come out!"

"Hmph! The majestic mid-level divine beast has turned into a human mount, shame on you!" The previous voice snorted coldly, but Tianhuo and Mu Yichen couldn't grasp the source of this voice at all.

"Oh, it turned out to be the gatekeeper lizard, just a low-level beast. Who has the right to say that about me?" The Star Devouring Moon Beast seemed to have noticed the voice, and snorted coldly.

"Looking for death!" Suddenly, a huge dragon galloped out from between the two cliffs, roaring and flew towards Tianhuo.

"It's really a giant dragon. I thought Dragon Island was full of dragons!" Mu Yichen said with a smile as his eyes lit up.

That's right, Tianhuo didn't expect that the guy flying in front of him was not a dragon, but a western dragon. Tianhuo always thought that there was no such western dragon in the game, but now he realized that he was wrong.

When he subdued the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, Tianhuo knew that it was a descendant of Yinglong, so he had wings on his back. He didn't know that such a dragon existed in the game.

The speed of the giant dragon is not slow, and after flying over the people and beasts of Tianhuo, red golden flames spew out.


Suddenly, a silver bell-like sound came, and under the sound, the giant dragon trembled, and the dragon flames that spewed out hurriedly retracted, and then obediently fell aside, watching Tianhuo and the others warily Dare to make a move.

Hearing that silver bell-like voice, Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, the voice was too familiar, but he immediately denied it, maybe it was just similar!
"Brother Tianhuo, hehe, why are you here, huh? You're here too!" The silver bell-like voice reappeared. This time, Tianhuo and Mu Yichen were shocked, and they suspected that they had heard it wrong. .

"Ye Xin? How could you be here?" Mu Yichen said incredulously.

Tianhuo was also amazed, it was none other than Ye Xin riding a giant dragon in front of him!

At this moment, both Tianhuo and Mu Yichen felt that their brains were not enough. Some players arrived at Dragon Island earlier than themselves, and even the giant dragon dared not go against Ye Xin's wishes. What's going on?

Ever since Ye Xin and Yun Changrong went to do the task of hiding their occupations, Tianhuo has never seen them again, but Tianhuo has been busy all the time and has not taken the initiative to contact them, but Tianhuo would never have thought that Ye Xin would actually When we arrived at Longdao, it seemed that Yun Changrong must be here as well.

Ye Xin rode a giant dragon and landed in front of Tianhuo. He couldn't wait to dodge down and said happily: "Brother Tianhuo, it's great to see you!"

Tianhuo smiled slightly, "Ye Xin, what's going on?"

"Hee hee, let's talk slowly, let's go, I'll take you in." Ye Xin grinned and slid onto the dragon's back again, then glared at the dragon beside him, "You carry the big guy, come with me."

The giant dragon didn't dare to resist, let Mu Yichen land on its back, and then followed Ye Xin helplessly, flying towards the depths of Dragon Island.

Along the way, Tianhuo and Mu Yichen were both attracted by the indescribable scenery on both sides, all kinds of strange peaks, floating peaks hanging upside down, so beautiful!
After a long time, the gathering place of the dragon clan was still not seen. Tianhuo asked, "Ye Xin, how did you come here?"

Ye Xin smiled and looked at Tianhuo, "Brother Tianhuo, we never thought that we would come here in a daze since we were doing hidden professional tasks, and Sister Changrong became the apprentice of the Dragon Emperor, hehe, I also stayed here logically." Here it is."

"Eh? You have been here since then?" Tianhuo said in astonishment, a little surprised in his heart, becoming the apprentice of the Dragon Emperor is not easy!

"Yeah, it's so fun here, I really can't bear to go out, hehe." Ye Xin laughed.

Tianhuo shook his head. I'm afraid many people yearn for this kind of place. If it's not that there are too many things to do, it's not bad to stay in this kind of place!
After flying again for a long time, a floating peak with hundreds of miles appeared in front of it. There were many huge palaces on the floating peak, and the holy atmosphere mixed with a strong coercion filled the air, making people worship.

And around this huge floating peak, there are hundreds of floating peaks that are only a few miles in size, connected by ladders, and guarding the big floating peak in the center.

"That's it, hehe." Ye Xin pointed to Fufeng and said, "That's the place where dragons can go up, and these giant dragons are not qualified to go up."

During the conversation, Ye Xin led the two of them to land on a small floating peak, and saw the giant dragon crawling down towards the big floating peak, and only retreated respectfully after several people fell down.

"Go, I'll take you up." Ye Xin said with a smile, and led Tianhuo and Mu Yichen towards the ladder.

"Nonsense, you actually brought humans in?" Above the ladder, an old man in purple robe suddenly appeared, frowning at Tianhuo and the others who were about to step up the ladder.

Tianhuo and the others stopped in their tracks and looked at the old man suspiciously, but Tianhuo knew in his heart that this must be a dragon in human form.

Ye Xin stuck out her tongue and said with a smile: "Second Elder, they are all good friends of me and Sister Chang Rong, they came to see me and Sister Chang Rong."

"Nonsense, how can you bring people up in the important land of the dragon clan, let them leave quickly, otherwise they will not be able to leave if the Dragon Emperor knows." The purple-robed old man said with a straight face.

"Huh?" As soon as the words fell, the old man's eyes were firmly fixed on Tianhuo, and then his face became gloomy, and he said in a deep voice: "How dare you accept my dragon as a pet! You are looking for death!"

As soon as the words fell, purple light suddenly glowed all over the old man in purple robe, and his figure shot up into the sky in a flash, turning into a huge purple dragon of hundreds of feet, looking down at Tianhuo from the sky, "Hand over my dragon, and immediately terminate the relationship between master and servant! "

Tianhuo's face darkened, and sure enough, Wanshitong didn't lie to himself back then, once a dragon clan knew that he had subdued the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, they wouldn't be so talkative.

"Second brother, what's the matter?"

As if sensing that the purple-robed old man had transformed into his own body, more than a dozen human-shaped dragons of various colors galloped over and stopped at the top of the ladder.

"What's the matter? Look, there are human beings sneaking into my dragon clan's important place, or..." the second elder in the sky said viciously.

"Huh? Girl, this is your fault, let them go immediately, or we will be impolite!" Before Zilong finished speaking, he was interrupted by a middle-aged man beside him, pointing at Tianhuo and Mu Yichen. .

"Yes, humans are not allowed to come here, get out immediately!"

More than a dozen divine dragons who had turned into human shapes were full of displeasure on their faces, and they began to scold.

"Listen to me, didn't you feel it? That kid is still a human being who subdued my dragon!" Second Elder Zilong said in a deep voice.

As soon as this remark came out, the dozen or so people fell silent and looked at Tianhuo with frowns, but after watching for a few seconds, they all turned into dragon bodies and floated in the air, staring at Tianhuo angrily, "Boy , you are courting death!"

The second elder's figure dropped a little, and he also stared at Tianhuo angrily, "Boy, terminate the relationship between master and servant immediately. For Ye Xin's sake, I will let you go!"

Tianhuo's face darkened, "The Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon voluntarily followed me, seniors, you asked me to terminate the relationship without asking right and wrong, isn't it too much?"

"Hmph! I've given you enough face by talking nonsense with you for so long. If it wasn't for Ye Xin's face, boy, you would have died countless times!" The second elder said in a deep voice.

Tianhuo slowly raised his head, and stared at the eyes of the second elder without any fear, "I told you, the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon voluntarily followed me!"

"It seems that you don't want to get in touch with the master-servant relationship anymore?" The second elder's voice also became cold.

"Second Elder, seniors, don't be angry..." Seeing that the situation was wrong, Ye Xin hurriedly stood in front of Tianhuo, and said anxiously, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted.

"Get out of the way, girl, it's none of your business!" The second elder rolled Ye Xin onto the ladder from the air, imprisoning him instantly. Immediately, Ye Xin couldn't move, let alone speak.

"Second brother, don't talk nonsense with him, we imprisoned him and forcibly terminated the relationship between master and servant!"

The second elder nodded the huge faucet, "That's it!"

Tianhuo rolled over on the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, watched the attribute skyrocket, and then raised his head slightly again, "You can try it!"

The Star Devouring Moon Beast also let out a deep roar, as long as these dragons dare to move, they will fight desperately with them.

"Hmph! Imprisonment!" The second elder opened his mouth, and strange ripples rushed in front of Tianhuo in an instant.

"Ding! The system prompts: Immune to negative status successfully."

Riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast, Tianhuo's negative status immunity has reached 110%, which has already exceeded the limit of 100%, so naturally there is no need to worry.

"Huh? It's weird!" The second elder murmured with surprise flashing in his eyes.

"Huh! Then it's my turn!" Tianhuo snorted coldly, and then large golden characters appeared in the sky, even if they couldn't completely cover these huge dragons, at least they covered their upper bodies. Suddenly, a A damage value of [-] to [-] came out of their heads.

"Damn it, Tianhuo, you're playing too hard!" Mu Yichen looked at Tianhuo in astonishment, never expecting that he would attack more than ten dragons!

Tianhuo waved his hand, and continued to criticize his skills, "Furious, leaning on the railing..."

"Looking for death!" The anger in the eyes of more than a dozen dragons was even worse. How dare this little human being make a move?

In anger, more than a dozen dragons didn't care about other things, and as soon as they opened their mouths, a terrible attack fell. Before the attack came, the floating peak under Tianhuo's feet began to collapse, which shows how huge the power contained in those attacks is.

After all, Shenlong is a Shenlong. Even in the third-level area, the power that can be displayed is unmatched!
Seeing that the attack was about to fall, Tianhuo's eyes were fixed, and he used the injury-free spirit ball fiercely. This was the last chance to avoid injury, so he used it like this!And those more than ten attacks also fell, and misses appeared above Tianhuo's head, but Mu Yichen who was beside him was not so lucky, and fell down in an instant.

"If you want to fight, then fight!"

Tianhuo knew that Mu Yichen had resurrection props, so he wouldn't lose anything, and he wasn't worried. He said in a deep voice, and quickly cast Battle Soul and Violent Soul. At the same time, he opened the fourth page of the Book of Glyphs, a series of bonus reminders sounded.

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(End of this chapter)

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