The strongest saint

Chapter 272 Dragon Emperor

Chapter 272 Dragon Emperor
Under the injury-free spirit ball, the sky fire was not damaged at all, and the Star Devouring Moon Beast under the seat also opened its mouth fiercely amidst the roar, and swallowed the attacks that fell on it abruptly. star!
Devour Stars, an active skill, can devour damage no more than three times its own life value after casting.

Tianhuo raised his head slightly, and if he wanted to dissolve his relationship with the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, he had to ask himself if he would agree first!

With the blessing of the fourth page of the Book of Glyphs, the Soul of War and the Soul of Violence skyrocketed again. Looking intently at the dozens of dragons in the sky, he suddenly said, "Kill one person in ten steps..."

At this moment, the sky was brightened by the big golden characters, but before the big characters fell, a jade hand appeared out of nowhere and crushed those big golden characters!

At the same time, the angry female voice resounded throughout the world, "It's fine to come to my dragon clan's territory, but you dare to make a move here, you are so brave!"

"So strong!" Mu Yichen who was on the side revived and murmured while looking at the situation in the sky.

Tianhuo was also shocked, it was indeed so strong that he actually crushed the attack released by his verbal punishment skill!

With the appearance of this voice, the dozen or so dragons hurriedly turned into human forms, landed on the ladder and bowed, "Welcome to the Dragon Emperor!"

"Dragon Emperor? Sister Changrong's master?" Tianhuo frowned, and then realized that it was the Dragon Emperor who made the move!
As soon as this thought came to mind, I saw a slender figure standing quietly in the sky, dressed in white clothes better than snow, under the sunlight, the whole person seemed to be dyed with a faint brilliance, like a fairy who descended from the nine heavens to the world of mortals.

"Fairy..." Mu Yichen murmured in a low voice, his gaze was completely attracted to the woman.

Tianhuo was stunned, is the Dragon Emperor a woman?
The woman's peerless face was icy cold, she looked at Tianhuo quietly, and suddenly said: "Shenlong can't be a human's pet, hand it over!"

The voice was very calm, but Tianhuo could hear the coldness contained in the voice, the unquestionable taste, which made Tianhuo frowned again, "The dragon clan is unreasonable? I said, the nine-hundred golden spirit dragon voluntarily followed I."

The corner of the woman's mouth slightly evoked an intoxicating smile, as if all the coldness melted away at this moment, "Well, I will give you a chance, get off the mount, and wait for your temporary increase In the past, if I could defeat any of them, I would not pursue this matter."

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, and then cursed inwardly, without the boost of those skills, how could he defeat any giant dragon here? Even with the boost of the mount, he could only cause [-] to [-] damage to the dragons in front of him Ah, and once you leave the mount, it's unknown whether you can break the defense.

"Haha, I'm coming! I'll take care of you without dismounting the mount!" A burly middle-aged man stepped forward, looking at Tianhuo jokingly but didn't move, as if he was waiting for the increase of Tianhuo to pass.

Tianhuo took a deep breath, and slowly shifted his gaze to the woman, "What if I don't agree? The Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon has grown up, so I'm afraid you can't take it away, right?"

The woman kept a mysterious smile, "Do you want to try?"

Tianhuo tightened his left hand holding the Book of Glyphs, and looked at the woman intently, "You are wrong if you want me to give up my advantage to fight against them, and I will not hand in the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, unless it leaves me voluntarily." !"

The woman suddenly smiled, and the smile on her face became stronger and stronger, "Giggle... yes, yes, yes, let's leave!"

The transformation of the woman made Tianhuo stunned, what does this mean?Just don't pursue it?
"Huang, let's forget it?" The second elder asked in a deep voice.

The woman suddenly turned her head to look at the second elder, was silent for a moment, then turned her head to look at Mu Yichen, "What do you think?"

Mu Yichen was taken aback for a moment, he had nothing to do with this matter, why would he ask himself?But looking at the teasing look in the woman's eyes, Mu Yichen nodded with some difficulty, and hurriedly said: "Forget it, forget it, forget it..."

"Did you hear that? He said forget it, so let's just forget it." The woman smiled, making all the gods and dragons puzzled. What does it have to do with this human boy?Why did he say forget it?

The woman looked at the puzzled crowd teasingly, and said with a smile: "After all, the dragon god's token is on him, do you dare to disobey what he said?"

Dragon God?The gods and dragons were shocked, and looked at Mu Yichen in disbelief, the dragon god, that is the supreme existence of the dragon clan!

Although the dragon god is not the main god, it is the existence of the main god level, but all the gods and dragons know that the dragon god has died in the ancient war, and no new dragon god has been born so far.

But right now, the Dragon God's token actually appeared on Mu Yichen's body, even Tianhuo looked at Mu Yichen in astonishment, this guy has a mission to come here, probably it has something to do with the Dragon God's token.

Mu Yichen came out of the cemetery of the gods. From this point of view, the dragon god was probably buried in the cemetery of the gods. For a while, Tianhuo became curious about what kind of place it was.

"Take it out! With the token of the Dragon God, I can promise you three conditions, but the previous incident has already used up one condition." The Dragon Emperor said.

Mu Yichen lowered his head and groped in the backpack. Under the expectant expressions of the gods and dragons, he groped for a few minutes before slowly raising his head, "Excuse me, Dragon Emperor, what is the token of the Dragon God?"

"Damn!" The gods and dragons waited for a long time, but Mu Yichen's question came, and the corners of their mouths twitched for a moment, with the urge to vomit blood.

"Oh? I found it. I was reminded to get the token of the Dragon God, but I didn't know what it was. It turned out to be this thing!" Mu Yichen murmured, and took out a bead that was flowing with colorful light.

"Mysterious item: its purpose is unknown, is it this?" Mu Yichen said.

And the gods and dragons didn't seem to hear his voice, they were completely stunned at this moment, they all stared at the beads intently, and then quickly knelt down one by one, bowed their heads in silence, as if mourning for the dragon god.

After a long time, the Dragon Emperor stood up first, looked at the beads with a complicated expression, and said after a moment of silence: "Okay, tell me the two remaining conditions! Promise, but after agreeing to your three conditions, the token will be returned to my Dragon Clan."

Mu Yichen was overjoyed, and put away the beads. This thing had no effect on him at all, and it had no effect on them. Then he took out a pair of broken-looking gloves, and said with a smile: "It's very simple. Help me get my gloves."

The Dragon Emperor's expression suddenly became astonished, "Nine Dragon Gloves are actually in your hands, this is the personal possession of Lord Dragon God!"

"Haha, anyway, my condition is to help me fix it. As for the last remaining condition..." Mu Yichen said, turning his head to look at Tianhuo, "Tianhuo, come here!"

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, for himself?A promise from the Dragon Clan, just give it up to yourself, isn't that spending two promises on yourself?

"What is this? We don't care about his matter of subduing Shenlong. You actually want to give him a condition? No way!" The second elder said in a deep voice, as if he always disliked Tianhuo.

"Hey, the conditions are in my hands, I have the final say!" Mu Yichen laughed loudly, not at all angry for the second elder.

Tianhuo also smiled, "My condition is very simple, just give me the parts of the Glyph Saint suit on Long Island."

The second elder was about to scold Tianhuo, but was stopped by the Dragon Emperor, who asked, "How do you know that there are Glyph Saint suit parts here? Who told you?"

Tianhuo shrugged, "No one told me, is this important?"

The original Shenlong Lanyuan did not say it clearly, but the meaning is obvious, here it is!

The Dragon Emperor was silent for a moment, and looked at Tianhuo with complicated eyes, "It's not important, but it's important, it's not just a simple condition."

Tianhuo muttered in his heart, isn't it just a part of the Glyph suit for himself?It's not just as simple as a condition, what else could it be?
Thinking about this, Tianhuo looked suspiciously at the Dragon Emperor, waiting for the Dragon Emperor's next words.

The Dragon Emperor's expression became serious, "Because the suit parts you need are in the forbidden area of ​​my dragon clan, but the forbidden area is not accessible to humans. There has never been an exception since ancient times. It is impossible for me to make an exception for this condition."

"Haha, Senior Dragon Emperor, you can just send someone to take it out, my brother's condition is also very simple!" Mu Yichen smiled from the side.

The Dragon Emperor glanced at Mu Yichen, and then turned his gaze to Tianhuo, "You are wrong, even we only know that there is this thing inside, but we cannot know its exact location, there is no way to find it at all."

"So, you should change the condition!" The Dragon Emperor continued.

Tianhuo shook his head, he came here just for the parts of the Glyph Saint's suit, what's the change?That's impossible!

"Hey, Senior Dragon Emperor, how about changing my brother's condition to entering your forbidden area?" Mu Yichen's eyes lit up, and he said smartly.

"You don't need to think about the forbidden area, as I said, it's impossible." The Dragon Emperor said with a serious expression.

"Oh, that's wrong, didn't you say three conditions? Since my brother proposed it, you should agree!" Mu Yichen said helplessly.

The Dragon Emperor shook her head. She didn't have such courage. For countless years, no one had ever entered it. How could this rule be broken in her own hands?

Tianhuo frowned, sure enough, every part of the suit is not easy to get!

However, Tianhuo firmly believes in the truth that there is no unparalleled path in the sky, and there must be a turning point!
After pondering for a while, Tianhuo slowly raised his head, his eyes flashed with determination, "Senior Dragon Emperor, I have to get the parts of the suit no matter what, so there is no way to accommodate me?"

Looking at the firmness in Tianhuo's eyes, the Dragon Emperor frowned slightly. If it's something else, it's okay to say, but if he insists on letting humans into the forbidden area, he can't do it!

Tianhuo felt a chill in his heart, is there really no chance at all?Without the sage suit here, how can I get the sage suit together?

(End of this chapter)

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