The strongest saint

Chapter 273 The Demonized Old Dragon Emperor

Chapter 273 The Demonized Old Dragon Emperor

Tianhuo's mood sank to the bottom, this suit part of Longdao is about to miss!
Are you trying to break in?But he didn't even know where their forbidden area was, and facing the unfathomable Dragon Emperor, Tianhuo knew that he had no chance at all.

The parts of the Glyph Sage suit are related to the scattered Glyph Sage suit task. If this piece is missing, it will be impossible to complete it. It is a branch task for him to return to reality. If he cannot complete it, even if he reaches the full level, he will not be able to complete it Back to reality.

"Tianhuo, it's done!" At this moment, Luoshending's voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind. After so many days, it finally succeeded in refining the devil's egg.

"Huh? You have actually arrived at Dragon Island, and it's still the Dragon Palace, amazing! Except for the main gods, I haven't heard of any human beings who can come here." Luoshending said in a somewhat surprised voice.

Tianhuo smiled wryly, "I can't do it if I don't come, here are the parts of my Glyph Sage suit, but it's in someone's forbidden area, and they won't let them in. She said that no human has ever entered, so she can't set a precedent."

"No, all the main gods have been to the forbidden land of the Dragon Clan. It's the place where the dragon is buried. There's nothing special about it." Luo Shending said disdainfully.

Tianhuo shook his head, he is the main god, if he wants to go in, would the Dragon Clan dare to stop him?But I am just an ordinary person, so it is naturally impossible for the Dragon Clan to let me in.

The exchange of consciousness is only a momentary thing, and the Dragon Emperor didn't see anything unusual, and said: "You can change the conditions, within the scope of my dragon clan's ability, I will try my best to help you."

Tianhuo secretly sighed in his heart, at least for now, there is no way to get the parts of the Glyph Saint suit, so let's come again when the strength is stronger in the future!

"It's not good, Lord Dragon Emperor, the old Dragon Emperor's demonic energy has exploded again..." At this moment, a middle-aged man galloped over, with a deep fear on his face. Trembling slightly.

"Quick!" The Dragon Emperor's expression changed slightly, he didn't care about the two of Tianhuo at all, and rushed towards the distant hall. The other dragons didn't dare to neglect, and they galloped away with a dignified look.

"Hey, Tianhuo, let's go and have a look too." Mu Yichen said with a smile.

Tianhuo nodded, and the demonic energy erupted. It should be that the old dragon emperor was entered by the demonic energy, so it's good to go and have a look.

When passing by Ye Xin, this girl was still imprisoned, but Tianhuo had no choice but Mu Yichen looked at Ye Xin with a smile for a moment, and teased: "Ye Xin girl, wait slowly, let's go and have a look first."

hold head high……

As soon as Mu Yichen's words fell, a large hall more than ten miles away was suddenly shattered into pieces, and a scalp-numbing dragon chant resounded through the sky and earth. Immediately afterwards, he saw a head covered in blood. The black dragon soared into the sky!

This dragon is thousands of meters huge, and the suffocating breath immediately filled the air, and the blood-red eyes of the dragon stared at the gods galloping away below, and the ripples visible to the naked eye spread out when it opened its mouth .

The speed of the spread of the ripples was terrifying, and it spread to the front of the gods and dragons almost in an instant. Immediately, one after another figure was thrown away, and huge damage values ​​also appeared from their heads one by one.

All the divine dragons that were thrown away uttered dragon chants, and amidst the dragon chants, they all transformed into the bodies of divine dragons, but they seemed a bit small in front of the divine dragon that was full of black energy.

"Go and help activate the dragon protection array!" The Dragon Emperor said in a deep voice, and his figure changed, and he instantly turned into a dragon body no less than the size of the old Dragon Emperor. Fight together.

"Sure enough, it didn't come in vain, Tianhuo, we are lucky." Mu Yichen looked excitedly at the two dragons confronting each other in the sky in the distance, and murmured.

Tianhuo looked intently, the situation of the old Dragon Emperor was somewhat similar to that of Xuan Cheng, the disciple of Xuandu, but it was obviously worse than that guy Xuan Cheng, and seemed to have lost his mind.

"How could this happen? It's clearly suppressed!" The Dragon King's anxious voice sounded in the sky, and his eyes were full of despair and pain. At this time, the old Dragon King can only be killed!
However, the strength of the old Dragon Emperor is extremely powerful, if you kill him, the Dragon Clan will suffer heavy losses!
"Sigh, that female dragon has already moved to kill, but unfortunately, the elixir I just made from the devil's egg can save that old dragon." Luoshen Ding murmured.

"What? Can even save a dragon?" Tianhuo lost his voice, causing Mu Yichen who was beside him to be puzzled.

Tianhuo had known for a long time that the elixir made from devil's eggs could save demonized humans, but he didn't know that even this kind of divine dragon could be cured!
"Of course it can be saved. Do you think the devil's egg is ordinary? The devil's strength is immeasurable, but just like human beings, his strength is suppressed too much in the third-level area. How can the devil's egg be simple?" Luoshen Ding said.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, then, wouldn't his chance come?

Thinking of this, Tianhuo was overjoyed and said in a loud voice: "Senior Dragon Emperor, if I restore the old Dragon Emperor to normal and consume the condition, can I enter the forbidden area?"

Tianhuo's voice resounded throughout the world, and even those dragons who were preparing to launch a large formation looked at Tianhuo in astonishment. Is this possible?Just with a small human being?

"Get out of here, don't bluff and deceive me here. If you can save the old Dragon Emperor, I will immediately give you a thousand dragons under my command as pets!" In the distance, a big man fiercely pointed at Tianhuo. drank.

Everyone understood that the old Dragon Emperor had to be killed, but that was their former king, how could they bear it?At this time, Tianhuo's voice turned into sarcasm in the ears of the gods and dragons, that's why the big man said such angry words.

"Old Qi, don't pay attention to him, prepare for the big formation!" The second elder gave Tianhuo a far look, and said.

The muscles on Tianhuo's face trembled slightly, no one believed him?But the opportunity was right in front of him, Tianhuo didn't want to miss it, and said loudly again: "What I said is true, I can really make him return to normal."

"Get out!" More than a dozen dragons shouted at the sky fire, and then quickly formed a series of handprints. In an instant, all kinds of lights shot up to the sky from in front of them, and gathered together in the sky above the palaces.

Under the convergence of various colors of light, it turned into seven colors in mid-air, and then spread suddenly, falling towards the palace complex, and formed a light film in an instant to cover the entire floating peak.

Tianhuo and the others were also shrouded in a light film. For a while, they felt a huge pressure suddenly appeared, but Tianhuo was fine, feeling that this pressure disappeared in an instant, while Mu Yichen and Ye Xin's expressions changed instantly. pale.

The light film formed, and the gods and dragons quickly swept towards the center, gathered together in a few breaths, and looked warily at the two generations of dragon emperors in the sky.

"Trap the old Dragon Emperor first!" The Dragon Emperor quickly left the battle and said in a deep voice, with a glimmer of hope in his heart, as if he had a glimmer of trust in Tianhuo.

All the gods and dragons were stunned, and they all looked at Tianhuo. The second elder frowned and said, "Your Majesty, do you trust that kid?"

"It's better to believe it, hurry up!" said the Dragon Emperor, and his huge body flashed to the top of the light film.

And all the gods and dragons did not dare to slack off, and they all shouted violently: "Large array of dragon protection, imprison!"

Immediately, the light film covering the entire floating peak shrank suddenly, and the old dragon emperor in midair seemed to be stunned, without the slightest resistance, and was instantly covered by the light film.

In the sky, the old dragon emperor was full of black air, and his huge body was struggling violently. However, although the light film twisted with his struggle, it still showed no sign of being broken through.

The Dragon Emperor turned into a human form and landed beside Tianhuo, "You only have one minute, can you really save the old Dragon Emperor?"

Tianhuo nodded, and took out the only elixir in the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron, and saw that the elixir exuded a thick black air, but it didn't have the cold breath of a monster, which was very strange, "Just swallow it for him .”

The Dragon Emperor took the elixir, took a deep look at Tianhuo, as if he wanted to see through Tianhuo, and then said: "I hope what you said is true. In that case, I don't think anyone will object to letting you go to the forbidden area."

Saying that, the Dragon Emperor stepped into the air and flew towards the old Dragon Emperor, and Tianhuo's face was full of joy, Glyph Saint Suit, here's a chance!

I saw the Dragon King directly drilled into the light film, regardless of the old Dragon King's attack, taking advantage of the moment the old Dragon King opened his mouth, he flicked the pill into the old Dragon King's mouth, and then flew back.

"Luo Shen Ding, tell me quickly, how long will it take to take effect?"

Seeing that the Dragon Emperor managed to make the old Dragon Emperor swallow the elixir in an instant, Tianhuo asked expectantly.

"It will take effect immediately, but to completely wipe out the devilish energy, I guess it will take three or four days!" Luo Shending said.

Tianhuo is overjoyed, three or four days, I can wait!
Sure enough, the old dragon emperor stopped struggling, and his body began to tremble violently, including the light film around him, and in the trembling, the black energy around him dissipated visibly with the naked eye.

Seeing this situation, all the gods and dragons turned into human forms one after another, watching the change of the old dragon emperor in the sky with weird expressions, and then looked at Tianhuo with that strange look, it seemed to be really useful!
Tianhuo shrugged and didn't say much, just quietly watching the changes of the old dragon emperor in the sky.

Not long after, the light film around the old Dragon Emperor suddenly dissipated, and the black energy around him had already dissipated, his body stopped trembling, and the blood-red eyes also returned to clarity. Understand why you are in mid-air.

"How did you get the elixir made from the devil's egg?" the old dragon emperor said, his old but powerful voice resounded.

All the gods and dragons turned their gazes to Tianhuo, which meant that it was obviously due to Tianhuo.

The old Dragon Emperor suddenly shrank into a human figure, and looked at Tianhuo in astonishment, "Heir of the Saint of Literature? Hehe, thank you very much!"

Tianhuo nodded with a smile, what he wanted was not a thank you, but to enter the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Clan!

Before Tianhuo could speak, the old Dragon Emperor had already drifted towards a palace in the distance, "I will fully recover in three days, please don't bother me."

After the words fell, the old Dragon Emperor had disappeared into the palace.

"Hehe, seniors, I wonder if I can get the parts of the Glyph Sage suit?" Tianhuo clasped his fists and looked at the gods and dragons with a smile.

The arena suddenly became quiet, but Tianhuo noticed that the big man before did not dare to look at him, as if he was depressed by the angry words. A thousand dragons were given to Tianhuo as pets, although it was just angry words, But everyone is listening!

Tianhuo looked at the gods and dragons expectantly, waiting for their answer. Thinking about it, he probably won't break his promise!
(End of this chapter)

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