The strongest saint

Chapter 274: Dragon Graveyard

Chapter 274: Dragon Graveyard
In the anticipation of Tianhuo, the gods and dragons fell silent, and after a long time, they turned their eyes to the Dragon Emperor one by one, as if they were waiting for the Dragon Emperor's decision.

The Dragon Emperor took a breath, his chest heaved, and he said: "My Dragon Clan puts faith first, and the old Dragon Emperor's salvation is more important than anything else!"

Tianhuo was overjoyed when he heard the words, the implication was that the Dragon Emperor agreed!
But upon hearing the Dragon Emperor's words, the Seventh Elder's face changed again, and then he gritted his teeth viciously, not knowing what he was thinking, but remained silent.

"Second Elder, take him there!" The Dragon Emperor slightly turned his head and said.

The second elder nodded, looking at Tianhuo now is no longer the previous disdain and anger, but a trace of respect!
"Skyfire, right? Thank you very much, but whether you can get the suit parts you need in the forbidden area depends on your luck." The Dragon Emperor said softly.

Tianhuo smiled, cupped his hands towards the gods and dragons, and then grabbed the Star Devouring Moon Beast's back, "Xiao Mu, wait for me to come back."

Mu Yichen nodded, "Go ahead, my gloves can't be repaired in a day or two."

"Little friend Tianhuo, please follow me!" The second elder made a gesture of invitation, then stepped into the air and flew towards the outside of the Fufeng Peak.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast also rose from the sky, and soon caught up with the Second Elder.

"Senior, the old Dragon Emperor is extremely powerful, how could he be contaminated by demon energy?" Tianhuo said as they walked side by side.

The second elder smiled at Tianhuo. Since seeing Tianhuo, this is still an unprecedented attitude, "It happened hundreds of years ago. The old Dragon Emperor met a monster at the level of a demon king and was accidentally injured by the demon king." It was because of the demonic energy that he gave up the position of Dragon King to the current Dragon King since then."

Tianhuo raised his brows, these guys are worth millions at every turn, but the old Dragon Emperor can really hold on, it took hundreds of years to be completely demonized.

"Little friend Tianhuo, you are the great benefactor of my Dragon Clan. Thank you so much. I hope you don't care about the way I treated you before!" The second elder said again.

Tianhuo smiled, "Senior, don't worry about it, I'm afraid it would be the same if it were me, it's fine."

The second elder smiled, and led Tianhuo through the canyon surrounded by isolated peaks, and finally came to a misty valley.

"Little friend Tianhuo, this is the place. When you find it, come back by yourself, I won't wait for you." The second elder pointed to the valley and said.

Tianhuo cupped his fists, "Thank you, senior!"

The second elder nodded, turned around and galloped away.

Tianhuo watched the second elder leave, and then looked at the valley in front of him. He saw that at the entrance of the valley, there were cliffs as high as a thousand meters on both sides, and the entrance was hundreds of meters wide. Can't even see too far.

"Tun Xing, remember the route carefully, if you don't go in, you won't be able to get out." Tianhuo patted the Star Devouring Moon Beast and said.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast nodded, then strode out, and flew towards the valley. As soon as it entered the dense fog, it landed and switched to walking, "Master, these dense fogs are a bit weird, and they contain very strange power."

Tianhuo nodded. He naturally knew that the thick fog was weird. After all, under the general thick fog, the eyes of the sage could almost ignore it, but the eyes of the sage couldn't penetrate too far, and could only see 40 That's all.

"Just walk around, just remember the route." Tianhuo said, looking at the ring of the sage of the sage, as long as it is close to a certain distance from the components of the sage of the sage, the ring of the sage of the sage will change.

"Huh? I'd better go straight ahead, or I'm afraid of getting lost." said the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

Tianhuo shook his head, the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast is Lu Chi, and the Star Devouring Moon Beast as a mount, shouldn't be so unbearable, right?But I don't object, I let Tun Xing go forward, and I always pay attention to the ring of the sage.

After a long time, the fog in front gradually disappeared, revealing a clear world. Looking around, there were huge statues of dragons standing neatly on their knees. The heads of the dragons were all facing the center, as if they were worshiping.

"Master, Longwei has become stronger, and it's coming from over there." Star Devouring Moon Beast said while looking at the center.

Because of the innate spirit cauldron, Tianhuo can't sense the coercion, but obviously, the center is probably the place where the dragon is buried, "Go there!"

Walking among the dragon statues hundreds of meters high, although Tianhuo didn't sense the coercion, there was an inexplicable depression in his heart, and this feeling was still lingering, even the innate spirit cauldron could not erase it.

On both sides are statues of prostrate dragons, of different sizes, but with the same posture, worshiping towards the center.

Looking at the postures of these dragon statues, Tianhuo was thoughtful and looked forward to it even more.

After traveling for more than ten miles, the pace of the Star Devouring Moon Beast became a bit heavy, as if it was restricted by something, and the speed was not fast, but at this moment, the Ring of the Glyph Saint finally responded!

On the ring of the Glyph Sage, a faint light pointed forward, as before, indicating that there were components of the Glyph Sage suit ahead.

"Senior Lan Yuan really knows that there is a Glyph Sage suit here!" Tianhuo became excited, the fifth Glyph Sage suit is coming soon!
I just don’t know what part the part in front will be. Now I have the crown of the sage, the ring, the book, and the wrist. There are too many missing parts, and each piece of the suit of the sage has a unique function. The number of pets summoned by the crown is +1, the ring is automatically picked up, the book is on paper, the mounts and pets on the wrist gain +100% experience bonus.

Every piece made Tianhuo full of expectations.

"Master, it's the statue of Yinglong!" While thinking about it, the Star Devouring Moon Beast's trembling voice came.

Tianhuo looked up, and a few miles away, a statue of a dragon with wings on its back stood upright, its wings were about to spread, and the aura of looking down on the world was invisible, it was Yinglong!
Yinglong is extremely rare in the dragon clan, but he is undoubtedly the best among the dragons. The nine-hundred golden spirit dragon of Tianhuo has Yinglong's blood.

"It's him?" Luoshending's astonished voice also sounded in Tianhuo's mind, it seemed that it actually knew this statue.

"Luo Shen Ding, let's hear it, these dragon statues are all worshiping him, it must be not easy?" Tianhuo said.

"Statue? You're wrong. It's not as simple as a statue. Every statue is actually a dragon tomb, and a dragon is buried in it." Luoshending said in a calm voice, but Tianhuo was amazed.

Every statue buried a dragon, so how many dragons were buried here?I'm afraid the number is in the thousands!
Tianhuo was shocked, didn't it mean that dragons are extremely rare?But there are actually thousands of dragons buried here. From this point of view, it seems that there are still a lot of dragons!But on the floating peak, Tianhuo only saw the dozen or so dragons, and felt a little strange.

"The war at the beginning was too tragic, and the dragons in the three areas were killed and injured. You have seen the situation now. There are only dozens of dragons left in the third-level area, and I am afraid it is less than a hundred. Alas..." Luoshen Ding sighed.

"That's right!" Tianhuo nodded, and finally understood. It seems impossible for the Shenlong clan to restore the original number. It has been a long time since the so-called great war, but the number of Shenlong has not yet developed. It's too much!
"As for the Yinglong in front of me... he is the most likely existence of the Dragon Clan to become the second Dragon God. Unfortunately, he also fell in the battle." Luoshending said regretfully.

Tianhuo's heart jumped, "The most likely to be the existence of the Dragon God? Isn't that the strongest other than the Dragon God?"

"That's right, he comes from the third-level area, he is the strongest here, and he is worshiped by all the dragons in the third-level area. If he was given some more time, he would definitely become the second dragon god. Maybe that's the case. These dragons will still worship him after they die!"

Tianhuo took a long breath, the strong are always respected.

A few miles away, the figure of the Devouring Star and Moon Beast was already trembling, obviously afraid of the aura from the statue of Yinglong, which made Tianhuo speechless for a while. This guy is an intermediate divine beast anyway, and Yinglong has been dead for an unknown number of years. In front of his statue, Tun Xing was so unbearable.

But it can also be seen from this that the strength of this Yinglong was probably beyond imagination!

"The ring of the sage of literacy is facing the statue of Yinglong, and it should be on the statue." Tianhuo murmured as he looked at the flashing light on the ring of the sage of literacy.

"Master, I can't move forward anymore. I really can't resist the coercion from the statue of Yinglong." The Star Devouring Moon Beast said with some embarrassment, even his voice trembled a little.

"You wait for me here." Tianhuo shook his head slightly. Since he had already arrived, he could go there by himself. Then he swept off the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, took a slight look at the statue of Yinglong, and stepped out.

The statue of Yinglong is only [-] meters high, and its strong body is vividly expressed by the statue, especially its indescribable aura, which is fully displayed.

Stopping a few meters away from the statue, Tianhuo frowned, and saw the light on the ring of the sage of sage pointing to the inside of the statue. Obviously, the parts of the sage's suit were sealed inside the statue!
"It's troublesome, with your strength, you can't break the statue, and even if you have such strength, if you dare to move this statue, those dragons will definitely trouble you." Luoshen Ding said leisurely.

The dead are the most important, and Tianhuo naturally understands this truth. However, if he wants to take the Glyph Saint suit, he must destroy this statue. This is Yinglong's tomb. If those dragons know about it, he will indeed be in trouble.

"It's not that I'm afraid of those dragons, it's just that since the Glyph Saint parts are sealed in the tomb, let's forget it!" Tianhuo was silent for a moment, and suddenly smiled freely, wanting to dig the grave of such a respected powerhouse himself , Tianhuo thinks he still can't do it.

"Hee hee, are you really going to give up? Actually, if you use the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron, it's not impossible to blow away the statue." Luoshen Cauldron laughed.

Tianhuo shook his head and said with a smile: "It seems that this Glyph Sage suit is really not destined for me. It's better not to disturb Senior Ying Long, and there are more than ten parts in the Glyph Sage suit, maybe we can find an alternative."

"Then it's up to you. It's really not good to disturb the dead, especially those strong men who died for this world." Luo Shending said, with deep respect in his words.

At this moment, Tianhuo looked away, if he had known this was the case, he wouldn't have to be so troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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