Chapter 275
"That's right, these strong men who fought and died for the sake of heaven and earth are the patron saints of all living beings. How can I break the idea of ​​destroying other people's graves? Hehe, I'm going back!" Tianhuo smiled freely. reluctance.

After finishing speaking, Tianhuo bowed to the Yinglong statue, then turned around and left.

At this moment, Tianhuo's heart was extremely relaxed. Some things should be discarded naturally when they should be discarded, as long as they have no regrets in their hearts.

However, as soon as he took two steps, a crisp sound came from Tianhuo's ear, which made Tianhuo's heart skip a beat, and he hurriedly looked back.

The crisp sound came again, and a crack appeared on the statue of Yinglong!
Click!Another crisp sound came from the statue, and the crack suddenly increased a lot, and it was not over yet, the crack seemed to be a fuse, and in an instant, cracks appeared amidst the dense sound, but in the blink of an eye In a short period of time, the entire statue has been covered with cracks.

Tianhuo's jaw dropped in astonishment, the indestructible statue just cracked like this?
In astonishment, Tianhuo suddenly changed, and lost his voice: "I'm finished, this scapegoat is big!"

puff!Following Tianhuo's voice, pieces of statue fragments were seen crashing down, but before they hit the ground, they had already turned into fragments and drifted down.

When the last piece of fragments turned into dust, a crystal clear skeleton appeared in front of Tianhuo's eyes, still in the posture of wanting to spread its wings, every inch of the skeleton was lingering with colorful lights.

"Yinglong's skeleton! He actually preserved the skeleton himself!" Luoshending said in amazement.

Suddenly, a flash of light flew out of the skeleton and landed in front of Tianhuo. After the light dissipated, a simple brush was revealed. However, before Tianhuo could do anything, Yinglong's skeleton was covered with colorful Light, in the colored light, his figure suddenly shrunk, and in an instant, there was only a ball of colored light the size of a fist. In the colored light, the miniature Yinglong skeleton could be faintly seen.

Whoosh!There was another sound of breaking through the sky, and I saw the colored light suddenly rushing towards Tianhuo. Tianhuo had no time to react, and was hit by the colored light.

"It's over!" Tianhuo sighed secretly in his heart, the speed of the colorful light was too slow, he didn't even have a chance to react!
It's just unexpected that when the colorful light hit Tianhuo, it disappeared like this, as if it had never appeared before, even if Tianhuo searched around, he couldn't find the whereabouts of the colorful light.

It seems that all this is just an illusion of Tianhuo, but the disappearing statue of Yinglong shows that what Tianhuo experienced is not an illusion, not to mention that there is a strange brush floating in front of Tianhuo!
Tianhuo didn't bother to check the brush, and asked a little nervously: "Luoshending, have you seen Yinglong's skeleton?"

"I didn't see clearly!" Luoshending's crisp voice came.

Tianhuo frowned, and looked again at the place where the statue disappeared. There was only one platform left, and his face turned bitter, "It's over this time, how can I explain it to the Dragon Clan?"

I ran here by myself, but the statue of Yinglong disappeared. I can't explain this matter clearly!
"Let's be honest, I can't escape anyway." Luo Shending said.

Tianhuo smiled wryly, he really couldn't run away, let's try it!there is always a solution to a problem!

Thinking of this, Tianhuo grabbed the writing brush floating in front of him, and his eyes lit up.

The pen of the sage, the demon weapon, the exclusive suit of the sage. (Owned, cannot be traded, cannot be discarded, cannot be stolen, cannot be dropped.)
Attributes: None.

Occupational Requirements: Wen Sheng.

Reverse action, passive skill, after encountering the enemy's non-attack skills, actively copy the skill and cast it on the enemy once.

Looking at the attributes of the Glyph Sage's pen, Tianhuo forgot about the scapegoat, that matter will be discussed later, and now it is naturally equipped with the Glyph Sage's pen.

Tianhuo was delighted by the additional skills of the Pen of the Graves. With this passive skill, the enemy's various state skills are completely scum, but the skills that do not cause damage to oneself can bounce back instantly.

And Tianhuo also understands that those skills that do not cause damage are generally status skills.

Set attributes (currently five pieces):
Attack +400%
Defense +400%
Four basic attribute bonus levels x40 (currently +3960)

Experience bonus +400%
Burst rate bonus +400%
Damage Reduction +20%
Critical strike chance +20%
Critical damage +400%
Negative status resistance +15%
Equipped with the Pen of the Sage of Grammar, the attributes of Tianhuo suddenly increased greatly, and as expected, those attributes were increased by 400%. Added 990, this is what Skyfire needs!
"This scapegoat is not in vain, at least I got the Glyph Sage's pen, which is a weapon and equipment, it cannot be missing!" Tianhuo murmured, this scapegoat should be worth it!

"Don't always be blamed, maybe people don't care about it!" Luo Shending said.

Tianhuo smiled dumbly, don't care?Hope!
Returning towards the way he came from, Tianhuo was beating in his heart, tangled all the way, considering whether to make it clear that the statue of Yinglong was gone, if he didn't say it, he might be able to get past it, but he couldn't pass his own test, and if he Having said that, I don't know how the Dragon Clan will react.

When I returned to Fufeng in a tangled state, it happened that the sun had just risen at ten o'clock. On the huge square, more than a dozen dragons took human form and were working together to help Mu Yichen repair the pair of gloves. It's the moment of truth.

Mu Yichen was excitedly staring at the movements of the crowd, but he didn't realize that the sky fire had arrived.

Tianhuo sighed secretly in his heart, and also looked towards the field, only to see that there were finger-sized rays of light on the pair of gloves swimming around, sneaking into the gloves from time to time, and then out of the gloves after a while. out.

"Ning!" All of a sudden, more than a dozen people shouted in unison, and saw those miniature dragons made of light suddenly get into the glove, and the colored light on the glove shrank suddenly, revealing the body exuding an inexplicable aura , slowly drifting towards Mu Yichen.

"Haha, my Nine Dragon Gloves are restored!" Mu Yichen laughed and stepped out, caught up with the gloves and grabbed them in his hand.

The dozen or so dragons shook their heads slightly, and the Dragon Emperor also said with a smile: "We can only restore the Nine Dragon Gloves to this extent. If you want to go further, you need to go to the high-level area to ask other dragons for help."

Mu Yichen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Hey, I'm already very satisfied."

The Dragon Emperor and everyone nodded slightly, and then turned their eyes to Tianhuo. The Dragon Emperor showed a charming smile, "You are back too, and you have what you need..."

As the Dragon Emperor spoke, his voice stopped abruptly, the smile on his face also froze, and his face suddenly changed. Endless killing intent burst out at this moment, and the extremely cold voice blurted out: "You actually took away my clan Yinglong?" The bones of the predecessors!"

Tianhuo's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said: "Senior, please listen to my explanation, it's not what you think!"

"I should have thought a long time ago, how can human beings be so kind..." The Dragon Emperor's chest heaved violently, and a cold breath permeated at this moment.

Tianhuo and Mu Yichen's expressions also changed, as if they had fallen into an ice cave, endless coolness rose from their hearts, and the two of them felt their scalps go numb!
"Little bastard, it's a shame I still trust you so much, die!" The second elder's face also became extremely ugly, and he stepped out as soon as the voice fell, and appeared in front of Tianhuo in an instant, with some dry hands clenched into fists, facing Tianhuo's chest exploded.

Not only the Second Elder and the Dragon Emperor were like this, but the faces of the other ten people were also gloomy and terrifying. It was the skeleton of Senior Yinglong, which actually appeared on Tianhuo in front of him!
The fact that Yinglong's skeleton can be obtained is enough to show that Tianhuo must have destroyed Yinglong's statue!
Dare to move the grave of the senior dragon, no matter what the reason, there is only one word, die!

Tianhuo looked bitter. Although he knew that he would take the blame, he never expected that the reaction of the gods and dragons would be so violent. It is not difficult to see from the anger on the faces of the gods and dragons that they would tear themselves to pieces.

"Listen to me explain..."

Tianhuo tried his best to explain the situation, but how could the enraged gods and dragons give Tianhuo a chance? The second elder's move was a terrifying attack, and the other gods and dragons also made moves. Spreading out on the floating peak, the giant dragon in the distance trembled.

Tianhuo gritted his teeth, and instantly cast the newly acquired legion skill, "Tough Charm!"

"Ding! System prompt: The leader has cast the tenacious charm skill, all members' damage reduction +50%, life recovery +10%, and the duration is 5 minutes."

Tianhuo itself already had 55% damage reduction, and at this moment it was 50% more, but it seemed that the two were not superimposed, and tens of thousands of damage values ​​still emerged from Tianhuo's head.

More than a dozen dragons shot together, Tianhuo had no chance to fight back, just a few breaths, Tianhuo was blasted out again and again, and the health value of more than 200 million dropped rapidly.

"Wow! Tianhuo can cause more trouble than me, but this guy won't be so easy to kill!" Mu Yichen was already stunned, and murmured heartlessly. He never had to worry about Tianhuo's safety, and it was the same at this moment.

On the other hand, Tianhuo has never been so embarrassed before. These dragons seem to have taken a powerful pill, and the power they erupted at this moment is not comparable to before!
The attacks of the gods and dragons seem to have all kinds of negative status effects. Tianhuo's newly acquired perversion has no effect at all, and at this moment, the up to 41% life recovery has not taken effect, which makes Tianhuo's heart sink to the bottom. The back is big!
"Disrespect to my dragon ancestors, no matter who you are, die!" The Dragon Emperor's charming face was full of endless anger, and he also made a move at this moment. The voice fell towards Tianhuo's eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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