Chapter 276
Seeing the Dragon Emperor's attack falling towards the center of his eyebrows, but Tianhuo had no time to dodge, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it's over!

The strength of the Dragon Emperor is not comparable to that of other dragons. At this moment, Tianhuo's health is not much left, and her blow is enough to kill herself.

But there was no despair in Tianhuo's eyes, only a deep sense of unwillingness, "Father, I can't save you this time..."

hold head high……

Just when the Dragon Emperor's jade finger was less than an inch away from Tianhuo's forehead, a deep dragon chant suddenly came from Tianhuo's body!
Under the sound of the dragon's chant, the heaven and the earth seemed to freeze, and the Dragon Emperor's jade finger was fixed an inch in front of Tianhuo's forehead!

"Ang... who dares to hurt my master!" Another dragon roar sounded, and accompanied by a familiar roar, a colorful light suddenly shot out from Tianhuo's body and shot towards the sky.

"Nine souls!" Tianhuo raised his head in astonishment and lost his voice.

The gods and dragons also retreated quickly, looking warily at the nine-spirited golden spirit dragon in the sky that kept making dragon chants. At this moment, they didn't dare to make any changes!

Ang... the dragon chant of the nine-hundred golden spirit dragon resounded throughout the world, and ripples visible to the naked eye continued to spread. At this moment, the entire Dragon Island became silent under the dragon chant of the nine-hundred souls, and countless giant dragons prostrated themselves one after another. Going down, I dare not lift my head up.

And the dozen or so dragons not far from Tianhuo had ugly expressions on their faces, and they all looked at the Nine Souls in the sky in shock, as if they were afraid!
"Okay, wake you up, I'm not asking you to come out to show off, accept my inheritance! The only chance to become the new Dragon God is you."

Suddenly, one after another faint voices sounded, so ethereal that people couldn't figure out the source.

However, after the words fell, a colored light suddenly appeared in front of Tianhuo, and in the colored light, Yinglong's skeleton was clearly visible!
All the gods and dragons hurriedly knelt down, even the Dragon Emperor, who didn't dare to show his breath while knelt down, and the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon also stopped, quickly landed in front of Tianhuo, and crawled down towards the ball of colorful light , "Dad, what are you going to do?"

"Don't talk nonsense, let's start!" said the voice, the colorful light suddenly dissipated, completely revealing Yinglong's skeleton, but the skeleton grew rapidly at the moment, and it returned to the size when Tianhuo saw it in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the bones seemed to be melted, turning into a white jade-like liquid and pouring it into the body of the Nine Souls Golden Spirit Dragon, but Nine Souls' body suddenly twitched, but endured it silently.

"Senior Yinglong..." the gods and dragons prostrated themselves on the ground, shouting with a choked voice.

"Hehe, you should be happy for me after waiting so long for my son to arrive. How difficult it is to see your loved ones after death!" The voice was soft but full of joy.

Tianhuo looked at the scene in front of him quietly, why didn't he understand that Yinglong's skeleton had gone to find the Jiuhun Jin Linglong by himself, but Tianhuo didn't expect that he was actually the father of Jiuhun. Countless years have passed!
No one was seen, but the voice came again, "Tianhuo, maybe I should call you the young master, just treat the Dragon Clan as my own home, and I will ask you to take care of the Dragon Clan in the future."

After the voice fell, all the white jade-like bones had been injected into Jiuhun's body, and the voice completely disappeared.

But Tianhuo was buzzing in his head, and his blood seemed to be boiling, young master?Call yourself young master?Why?
"Senior, don't go, tell me why!" Suddenly, Tianhuo roared and looked at the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, but where is the shadow of Yinglong's skeleton?

No one responded to Tianhuo. After a long time, Tianhuo slumped on the ground, young master?Is his master the father?What's the matter?

I just traveled to the game, to the world of Destiny, but why did Ying Long call himself the young master?

Tianhuo's mind was in a mess, and the word "young master" made Tianhuo's heart flutter, and he couldn't figure out what was going on!Ying Long has disappeared, and no one can answer for him!

The gods and dragons sighed even more, and looked at Tianhuo with doubts in their eyes. This human being in front of him, senior Ying Long called him the young master?

Looking at Tianhuo in deep thought, all the gods and dragons did not dare to disturb, so they had to wait quietly.

I don't know how long it took, the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon stopped the twitching of his body, got up and ran to Tianhuo quickly, rubbed against Tianhuo, and said: "Master, I succeeded."

Tianhuo came back to his senses, but saw Jiuhun handing over a palm-sized strange jade, which was crystal clear, "Master, my father left it for you."

Tianhuo sighed, still thinking about why Yinglong called himself the young master, he took the things and put them into the sage ring, and said, "Jiuhun, don't disturb me, I want to be quiet."

As he said that, Tianhuo lowered his head and walked to the side alone, thinking about it in his heart, Yinglong called himself the young master, it must be because of his father, and after his father and himself traveled to the parallel world, they turned into statues and turned into statues. Knowing that the World of Destiny will open a year later, I even inexplicably came to the second time travel, directly time travel to the game.

Looking at it now, Tianhuo realized that he didn't know anything about his father, what the hell is going on!

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became, Tianhuo shook his head hastily, pulled up his sleeves and looked at the imprint of Fanshen Palace. The statue more than ten meters high inside was exactly the same as his father. Could it be his father?Even Ying Long calls himself the young master, so the status of his father must be extremely high, right?

Looking at the imprint of Fanshen Palace, the situation in Fanshen Palace suddenly appeared in Tianhuo's mind, which made Tianhuo stunned. However, without waiting for doubts, he saw the housekeeper bowed and saluted, "I have seen the master! The master finally learned how to use it." Consciousness has paid attention to the situation in Fanshen Palace, congratulations!"

Tianhuo stared blankly at the steward of Fanshen Palace, in his mind, everything here is so clear!Since getting the Fanshen Palace, this is the first time that Tianhuo has communicated with the Fanshen Palace in this way.

In today's Fanshen Palace, only everything inside the mountains is left, and the surrounding area has become chaos. I don't know when it will recover. After looking at it for a while, Tianhuo asked: "Senior, you guard the Fanshen Palace, do you know?" Whose statue is in it?"

The butler shook his head, "Master, I haven't been in, sorry."

"Then do you know who the master of Fanshen is?" Tianhuo asked again, the master of Fanshen is the statue that looks the same as his father.

The butler still shook his head, "I'm sorry, master, I don't even know that a mortal god has a master."

"Alas..." Tianhuo sighed for a long time, as long as he can confirm the identity of the statue, he can figure out everything by himself, but it's a pity that Fanshen refuses to say, and the housekeeper doesn't know.

"Master, in fact, you don't need to worry about this. You should know that the world of destiny has three regions. If you are in the first region, you will definitely be able to find the answer you want, and maybe the second region will do." The housekeeper said.

Tianhuo frowned, "Senior, why are you so sure?"

"Hehe, the residences of all the main gods are in the first-level area, and it is said that some of the main gods have not fallen, but are just asleep. If you find one and want to know about the master of the gods, I am afraid that you will know." The butler laughed.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he nodded heavily, "Thank you for your guidance, senior!"

That's right, I was too hasty, there will always be a day when the truth will be revealed, so work hard!
Thinking of this, Tianhuo's spirit was lifted, a strong self-confidence inadvertently exuded, and then he walked quickly towards the gods and dragons.

Seeing Tianhuo coming back so soon, the Dragon Emperor and others looked a little embarrassed. The Dragon Emperor bowed and said, "Tianhuo, I'm really sorry before. I didn't know that Senior Yinglong left the forbidden area by himself. Please forgive me."

The rest of the gods and dragons also smiled awkwardly, looking at Tianhuo with a little dodge.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "I had expected such a scene a long time ago, and it's nothing, as long as the truth comes out."

The Dragon Emperor's face suddenly brightened, and he said again: "That's good, we have heard what Senior Ying Long said before, what Senior Ying Long said is an order, from now on, Tianhuo can do whatever you want in Long Island, we will not stop you. "

"Haha, Tianhuo, let's not be polite, let's look around, how about it?" Mu Yichen laughed and patted Tianhuo's shoulder. In the past two days in Longdao, the words of the Dragon Emperor were the most pleasant to hear.

Tianhuo laughed dumbly, "Seniors, if there is a chance in the future, I will naturally come, but it's time to go back now."

"Ah? Tianhuo, isn't it?" Mu Yichen looked at Tianhuo with a bitter expression. In the past two days, he only focused on watching Shenlong repairing the Kowloon gloves for himself, and he didn't even take a stroll around Dragon Island!

Tianhuo shrugged. He had to do the task himself. In order to understand the truth, he didn't want to waste time. "Well, you can hang out with Ye Xin and the others here, and I'll go back first."

"Huh? You can't use the city return scroll here, what should I do if you leave?" Mu Yichen's face turned bitter.

"No problem, when you want to go back, I will send two giant dragons to take you back, and you can use teleportation skills when you leave the dense fog area outside." The Dragon Emperor smiled, and looked at Tianhuo again, "Tianhuo, since you If you want to leave, I will not stop you, you keep this thing, even if you go to the Dragon Clan territory in the second or first level area, they will not make things difficult for you."

As he said that, the Dragon Emperor took out a token engraved with the word "Shenlong" and handed it to Tianhuo, and Tianhuo didn't refuse, so he took it as an apology from before!
The other side of the token depicts the appearance of a dragon, Tianhuo just glanced at it casually and put it away, clasped his fists and said: "Seniors, let's say goodbye!"

The gods and dragons hurriedly returned the gift, "We will always remember what Senior Yinglong said, Tianhuo, come back often!"

Tianhuo smiled, Ying Long's words are more effective than anything else!
"Goodbye!" Skyfire flew up to the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, leading the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon and flew out of Long Island.

With all its strength, the speed of the Star Devouring Moon Beast was terrifying, and it arrived at the coast in less than an hour. However, the situation in front of him stunned Tianhuo.

(End of this chapter)

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