Chapter 277 Thousand-Headed Dragon
Tianhuo stopped in mid-air on the star-devouring moon-devouring beast, looking at the situation on the coast, full of doubts.

I saw giant dragons prostrate on the shore, and in front of these giant dragons, the burly Seventh Elder really walked back and forth, rubbing his hands constantly, with an anxious expression on his face.

Suddenly, the seventh elder put down his hands, looked up at the flying sky fire, and grinned, "Tianhuo, you are here."

"Elder Seven, are you waiting for me?" Tianhuo looked at Elder Seven suspiciously, no wonder he hadn't seen this guy before, it turned out that he had been here a long time ago.

"That... yes, hehe, they..." The Seventh Elder awkwardly pointed at the giant dragons behind him, and continued: "I keep my word, since you saved the old Dragon Emperor, these giant dragons are given to you. Don't worry, I've taught you, and they will listen to you."

"Eh?" Tianhuo stared blankly at the Seventh Elder, and then at the thousand-headed giant dragon. When he said that he could save the old Dragon Emperor, the Seventh Elder angrily said that if he saved it, he would give him a thousand heads. Julong, Tianhuo only took it in anger, but the Seventh Elder took it seriously!
After being surprised, Tianhuo was amused in his heart, shook his head and said: "Seventh Elder, that was just angry words, I didn't take it seriously, you don't have to do that."

The Seventh Elder's expression froze, and he said solemnly: "That's not acceptable. Our Dragon Clan keeps our word and puts our reputation first. I will do what I say. You must take it away, even if you lose one head."

Tianhuo shook his head helplessly, what a joke, if he took these giant dragons with him, he would have to ride the Void Ray all the time, and after returning to the mainland, he would have to take them across more than 2 cities, and he would not be able to return in a few years Go to Tianyan City!

After all, my pet bar only has six spaces, so it is impossible to keep all these dragons as pets, let alone take so many dragons across so many teleportation arrays.

"This... Seventh Elder, I really can't take it away, forget it!" Tianhuo said with a wry smile.

"No, absolutely not, Tianhuo, if you don't take it away, I don't think I'll have any face? Please!" The Seventh Elder said pleadingly.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, didn't he play with himself like this?This is simply a big burden for yourself!
"Tianhuo, please, you must take it away!" The Seventh Elder pleaded again.

Tianhuo secretly sighed in his heart, if someone else got a thousand giant dragons, it would be too late for him to get excited, and it would be a big trouble for him, and how much time he would have wasted!

"Tianhuo, you still refuse such a good thing? I really don't understand you!" Luo Shending's voice sounded in his head.

"I want it too, but how do I bring it back? It's a waste of time, so forget it." Tianhuo smiled wryly.

"Stupid, the Fanshen Palace is not in use, why do you want to come?" Luoshending said with a smile.

Tianhuo was overjoyed, the description of the Fanshen Palace clearly stated that it could accommodate everything, but he had overlooked it, thinking of this, Tianhuo was overjoyed, a thousand dragons, after all, are also divine beasts, this post!

"Seventh Elder, then I will not be polite, thank you!" Tianhuo clasped his fists and said.

The Seventh Elder showed a look of relief on his face, heaved a long sigh of relief, and murmured: "That's great, that's great, otherwise I won't be able to see anyone in the future."

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, and it was fine to forcefully send the beast, but after sending it out, he was so relieved. You must know that if these giant dragons are placed on the mainland, if they are placed in front of the players, they will all cause a sensation!
Not in a hurry to receive these giant dragons into the palace of the gods, Tianhuo waved and summoned the void ray to the seaside, and clasped his fists at the seventh elder: "Seventh elder, then goodbye!"

"Hehe, please!" The Seventh Elder said in a majestic voice, but his eyes were staring at the void ray that suddenly appeared by the sea in surprise. Even Shenlong couldn't compare to it in size!

"Let's all go up!" Tianhuo looked at the giant dragons and said.

A thousand giant dragons spread their wings and flew up, and landed on the back of the void ray. It didn't look crowded on the hundred-mile-sized back, and it just occupied a small piece of the void ray's back.

Tianhuo left, and Yun Shangrong and Ye Xin walked out of a large hall on the Fufeng Peak where the Dragon Hall of Dragon Island was located, "Sister Yun, hurry up, brother Tianhuo should have returned from the forbidden area."

"What? Haha, you are late, Tianhuo has already gone back." Mu Yichen laughed when he heard the second daughter's voice.

"Ah? Brother Tianhuo, how could he be like this? He didn't even wait to see Sister Yun." Ye Xin stomped her feet angrily.

Yunshang smiled softly, "I said that Tianhuo is very busy, do you believe me now? Alright, I'll go back and practice the skills my master taught me."

Mu Yichen rubbed his chin, and muttered to himself: "How did Tianhuo know them? What is Tianhuo's identity in reality, why doesn't he have any impression!"

"Big guy, let's go play around?" Knowing that Yun Shangrong was busy practicing skills, Ye Xin shifted her gaze to Mu Yichen.

Mu Yichen was overjoyed, he stayed here just to go shopping!However, just as he was about to answer, he saw a man suddenly descending from the floating peak. This man's sturdy figure was holding a folding fan, and he looked a bit nondescript.

If Tianhuo is here, he can recognize that this person is a know-it-all.

As soon as Wanshitong appeared, the Dragon Emperor hurriedly brought all the gods and dragons to greet him, "My lord!"

"Who is this? Sister Yun's master will salute him." Ye Xin asked suspiciously.

Mu Yichen made a hissing gesture, and listened intently to the audience.

"You don't need to be too polite!" Wanshitong waved his hand, then looked around, and frowned after a long time: "I sensed Senior Yinglong's breath, why didn't you see him?"

The Dragon Emperor hastily recounted the previous incident before saying, "My lord, do you know what's going on? Senior Ying Long actually wants to call that human being the young master!"

Wanshitong pondered for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders and said: "I also want to know why, but Tianhuo is a good guy, he came here so soon, the next step should be to go to the second-level area."

"My lord, do you know Tianhuo?" The Dragon Emperor asked with some surprise.

Wanshitong nodded, and suddenly his expression became concentrated, "Shouldn't Tianhuo be that person's disciple? But his profession is a literary sage, which is wrong. Could it be that person's descendant?"

"My lord, you are talking about the person in Zulong's training?" The Dragon Emperor's pupils shrank slightly, and at this moment, he felt that the air was frozen, and his breathing became even more rapid!

"That's right, the first article of Zulong Xun said that my Dragon Clan respects that person, and only the disciple or descendant of that person can be called the Young Master by Senior Ying Long!"

Knowing everything said, his expression also became dignified.

And as soon as these words came out, the faces of all the dragons in the field changed suddenly. All the dragons knew the Zulong training. It was the dragon clan's rules passed down by Zulong, and no dragon dared to violate it.

After all, Zulong is the supreme existence of the dragon clan. Although he is not the first dragon in the world, he is a dragon that is stronger and higher than the dragon god, and he is a unique existence in the world.

The first rule of Zulong's training is to respect that person. After Yinglong called Tianhuo the young master, Tianhuo's identity became mysterious.

The Dragon Emperor's face changed, he almost killed Tianhuo before, if it wasn't for the appearance of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, Tianhuo must have died!If Tianhuo cares about it in the future, he can only apologize with death, but fortunately Tianhuo said it before, he doesn't care.

"I have to go back and find out. If this is the case, there will be hope for the Dragon Clan in the future, no, there will be hope for the entire Destiny Continent." Wanshitong said, his eyes shifted to the Dragon Emperor, "If you encounter Tianhuo in the future, do everything Power helps him, and I will also explain the secondary area."

"Yes, my lord!" The Dragon Emperor hurriedly saluted.

"Well, I'm going back to the first-level area first. If there is anything to do, I will contact the above directly." Said, Wanshitong's figure gradually faded away.

"Huang, is Tianhuo really that person's disciple or descendant?" The second elder asked uncertainly after seeing that Wanshitong had left. The other gods and dragons were also listening intently. This matter is too important.

"Whether it's true or not, just follow Senior Yinglong's orders." The Dragon Emperor murmured with amazement under his delicate face.

When the gods and dragons were in doubt, Tianhuo was already on the way back.

A thousand giant dragons were resting on the back of the void ray, and Tianhuo was sitting in front of him with the Star Devouring Moon Beast and the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon. The eyes of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon were full of excitement.

After a long time, Tianhuo couldn't help asking: "Jiuhun, your father has passed away, are you not sad?"

Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon shook his head, "Master, my father is a great hero, he died for this world, why should I be sad? I am proud of him!"

Tianhuo was stunned, but he underestimated Jiuhun, his awareness surprised him!

"By the way, master, the thing my father left you is a piece of his wing bone, he said that you should make good use of it." Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon said again.

Tianhuo nodded, took out the white jade-like thing and examined it.

Yinglong Wing Bone: A skeleton containing Yinglong's powerful strength, a unique forging material.

"Your father actually gave me a bone from his wing?" Tianhuo was astonished. He thought it was some kind of jade before, but now seeing the properties, Tianhuo was stunned.

Nine-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-spirited dragon shook his head, "Father said that the loss of such a piece will not affect my inheritance, but it will be of great use to you."

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, would it be of great use to him?This wing bone is a forging material, do you want to use it to forge equipment yourself?
"By the way, wings!" Tianhuo's eyes suddenly lit up. The blacksmith uncle said that wings can be made by adding feathers to the skeleton, so this Yinglong wing bone should also replace the skeleton, right?
Thinking of this, Tianhuo became excited, and Yinglong's wing bone was put on the general Tianyu in his hand, wondering what kind of wings he could forge!
Excited, the void ray had already carried Skyfire and the beasts into the dense fog area. It only took a few hours to pass through here, and then he could use the homecoming skill.

"Master, what should we do with these giant dragons? If you don't subdue them, they will be gone after they die." Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon asked.

Tianhuo nodded, and he knew that although these giant dragons were all divine beasts, they would disappear completely if they died, and if they became pets, they would have a chance to be resurrected.

Tianhuo only has six slots for pets, one more than other players, and there are still three slots left, but he can only summon three pets at the same time, no more is useless. After thinking for a while, Tianhuo smiled and said: " It's easy to handle, with a battle group of 3 people, a thousand dragons are not enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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