The strongest saint

Chapter 278 Innate Spirit Cauldron Refiner

Chapter 278 Innate Spirit Cauldron Refiner
Tianhuo had already made up his mind, these giant dragons were given by the Seventh Elder, so he naturally couldn't let them be damaged, and the best way was to make them pets.

Anyway, the battle group is his own, and it is good for him to strengthen the members' strength, not to mention that if so many dragons are carried on his body, it will not play much role.

There are Star Devouring Moon Beast, Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast, Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, Void Ray, Skyfire is enough!

Thinking about it, Tianhuo shifted his gaze to the Imprint of the Palace of All Gods on his left hand, and began to communicate.

Soon, the situation in Fanshen's palace was imprinted in Tianhuo's mind, and Tianhuo went directly to the steward, "Steward, why are there living things in here?"

"Currently, the functions of the Fanjing Palace are a bit monotonous for you. Master, if you store living things in it, it will be the same as your ring of sages. One thought is enough, but it needs the living things not to resist." The butler responded. .

Tianhuo nodded, and moved his gaze to the giant dragons, "Don't resist, everyone, I'll take you to a place."

These giant dragons have already received the orders of the Seventh Elders, and everything is subject to Tianhuo's arrangement, so naturally they will not resist now, not to mention that there is a high-level divine beast-level dragon beside Tianhuo!
A thousand giant dragons were collected one by one into the palace of the gods, and the back of the void ray suddenly became empty.

Looking at the surrounding area filled with thick fog, Tianhuo opened the task panel to check, and it was time to do that unique task.

Unique Mission: Seeking a Breakthrough (Inactive)
Task difficulty: S rank.

Mission reward: unknown.

Task penalty: Level -10.

Task introduction: You have reached the bottleneck of the third-level area, and you need to break through before you can continue to upgrade. However, if you want to break through, you must find the area messenger.

"Regional envoy?" Tianhuo frowned. Sure enough, after completing this task, he could go to the second-level region!
But before doing this task, it is natural to build wings first. Although his innate spirit tripod has been formed now, he can also build it with the help of Qiling Luoshen tripod, but Tianhuo has promised the blacksmith uncle to let him build it. Nature can't break his promise.

In the anticipation of Tianhuo, the void ray quickly left the dense fog area, allowing the pets and mounts to move freely, while Tianhuo used the homecoming skill and appeared in the mansion instantly.

In the days since Tianhuo left, Tianyan City has not changed much, but because of the disappearance of the Strange Meteor bandit group, Tianyan City has become more lively.

Today's Tianyan City, because of the Tianyan Legion, is more prosperous than any other city, and most of the legion members also use this as the main city. In the days when Tianhuo left, the ranks of the legion members increased rapidly, which did not make people feel uncomfortable. Tianhuo was disappointed.

Blacksmith shop, with the entry of Tianhuo, the lively atmosphere suddenly changed, and it became quiet in an instant, but this quietness was only for a moment. After Tianhuo took a few steps, many players came back to their senses. He looked at Tianhuo hotly.

"Game No.1, the blacksmith uncle said that he is the pride of my blacksmith, as if he was a craftsman a long time ago." Each player muttered in a low voice, but Chongre kept his eyes on Tianhuo.

As if sensing the change in the atmosphere in the courtyard, the blacksmith quickly ran out of the house deep in the courtyard. When he saw Tianhuo coming, he greeted him with a big smile, "Grandfather, are you back from Long Island?"

"Yes, Uncle Blacksmith, how are you doing these days?" Tianhuo said with a smile, he only stayed in Long Island for two days, but he was delayed on the road for a long time.

The blacksmith nodded, with a look of anticipation on his face, "Hey, benefactor, I'm fine, have you got the skeleton needed to refine the wings?"

wing?The blacksmith's majestic voice was not concealed at all, and the players in the entire courtyard could hear it. When Wing said it, they were full of doubts and expectations. The sub-professional chose the post of blacksmith, and naturally he was particularly interested in building equipment. Interested in.

Tianhuo is also looking forward to it, Yinglong's wing bones are more precious than what he expected at the beginning. According to what the blacksmith uncle said at the beginning, it should not be a problem to create an artifact.

Seeing Tianhuo's acquiescence, the blacksmith uncle was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Quick, benefactor, show me what skeleton you got?"

Tianhuo smiled, and turned his hands to take out Yinglong's wing bone. The blacksmith took the wing bone expectantly, and after a glance, his expression suddenly changed. "This... this is the skeleton of the Dragon Clan, um... my lord, you've caused a lot of trouble..."

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, then shook his head and smiled: "Don't worry, uncle blacksmith, the Dragon Clan knows that this should be dragon wing bone in my hands, there is no problem."

As soon as this remark came out, the blacksmith looked at Tianhuo with a strange expression, while the other players clicked their tongues. Hearing what Tianhuo meant, he had been to the Dragon Clan!
After a long time, the uncle blacksmith asked uncertainly, "Grandfather, did I hear you right? The Dragon Clan knew that you had taken away the bones of the Dragon Clan, so they didn't pursue it?"

Suddenly, the face of the blacksmith uncle changed again, and he said dumbfounded: "Wait, you said this is Yinglong's wing bone?"

Tianhuo nodded slightly, it seems that Yinglong's name is not weak among the top ten sects, otherwise the uncle blacksmith would not have such a surprised expression.

"My God! I really don't know what happened to you..." Seeing Tianhuo nodding, the blacksmith said with a long sigh of relief.

"It's hard to say, hehe, uncle blacksmith, how do you think about refining wings this time?" Tianhuo asked.

The blacksmith hurriedly shook his head, and regretfully said: "Yinglong's wing bone is not something I can refine. Now that your innate spirit tripod has been formed, I'm afraid you can only refine it by yourself. I can only give you some pointers."

Tianhuo frowned, if it was refined with the Xiantian Lingding, where would the uncle blacksmith need to point it out?I have Luoshen Cauldron with me!
Thinking about it, Tianhuo nodded slightly, since they are all here, let's refine it here!Thinking of this, Tianhuo said: "Uncle blacksmith, please give me a room, I am also looking forward to what kind of wings I can refine."

The blacksmith nodded excitedly, made a gesture of invitation, and led Tianhuo to the house deep in the courtyard, "Grandfather, if you want to make wings, you have General Tianyu, and Yinglong's wing bones are enough."

Tianhuo nodded, checked the ring of Wensheng, and found out the jade of melting spirit from it.

Spirit Fusion Jade: A strange gemstone from ancient times, after adding it to equipment for forging, there is a chance to increase the fusion attribute.

"Uncle blacksmith, what if this thing is added? What attributes will appear?" Tianhuo asked after shaking the Rongling Shenyu.

"Uh, this is a good thing that has been rare for hundreds of years. You actually got it. I think I only saw it once in the hands of the suzerain. This thing is very useful. If you join it, it may appear The fusion attribute means that the created wings can be fused with other wings." The blacksmith said with bright eyes.

Tianhuo smiled mysteriously, it's the best!
Entering the room, with a thought in Tianhuo's mind, the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron appeared in front of him immediately. This was the first time he summoned the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron. There were complicated patterns on the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron. Very heavy.

"Tianhuo, what are you doing? Artifact refining?" Following the appearance of the Xiantian Lingding Ding, the voice of Luoshen Ding resounded in Tianhuo's mind.

"That's right, Luoshen Cauldron, it's just that you can help me to see it. The current plan is to refine it with the spirit fusion jade, general Tianyu and Yinglong's wing bone. Let's see what things on my body can be added to it." Tianhuo said.

Luoshen Ding was silent for a moment, as if checking the contents of the Tianhuo Wensheng Ring, and said after a while: "It is enough to add the Horn of the Demon Mother, and the other grades are too low to match these kinds of materials."

Tianhuo was a little confused. The horn of the witch mother was a special item conceived by the witch mother. It did not say that it could be used as a refining material. I don’t know what effect it would have if it was added to the refining of wings. However, this thing has lost its effectiveness, so it can be used now. Useful, Tianhuo naturally does not object.

"Okay, what do I need to do?" Tianhuo nodded.

Luoshen Ding's grinning voice came: "You? With me here, do you still need to do it yourself? Just leave it to me, what should you do?"

"Huh?" Tianhuo was astonished, refining wings, there is nothing to do with him?
"Hee hee, don't worry, I guarantee that you will be satisfied with the refined wings. I can't even remember the years of my existence, and the refined fetishes are even more countless. Such a wing is nothing to worry about." The Luoshen Ding seems to be showing off, but it also seems to be reassuring Tianhuo.

"Engong, let's start. I think the bone of Yinglong's wing should be smelted first. I'm afraid it's not easy to smelt this thing." The blacksmith beside him didn't know that Tianhuo was communicating with Luoshending, so he said.

Tianhuo smiled, nodded slightly and asked Luoshending, "Luoshending, how long will it take to get it done?"

"Three days is enough!" Luoshending responded easily.

Tianhuo was overjoyed and looked at the blacksmith. He didn't know how to explain it. He pondered for a while and still didn't say anything. He directly put all the four materials into the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron. When the uncle blacksmith saw Tianhuo's movements, his expression became astonished again. "Engong, is that... the horn of the devil mother?"

The four kinds of materials have already fallen into the Xiantian Lingding, and without waiting for Tianhuo to answer, a faint colored light suddenly appeared around the Xiantian Lingding. Level Baoding also trembled violently. As the owner of Baoding, the blacksmith sensed the deep sense of fear coming from Baoding.

And the blacksmith's face was not good-looking. Under the colorful light of the Xiantian Lingding, his body trembled slightly, as if he was trying his best to resist the inexplicable coercion.

"Engong... I'll go out first, if you need anything, you can just call me." Saying that, the blacksmith uncle ran out of the room as if fleeing.

After leaving the room, the blacksmith ran away without turning his head, and turned back panting when he reached a distance, and murmured: "Grandfather's innate spirit tripod is so strange, it can produce such a strong pressure, I almost couldn't help worshiping it. Go down, what's going on?"

Tianhuo looked suspiciously at the blacksmith who had escaped from the house. This guy said to give advice to him before, but now he ran away first, but just as Tianhuo wanted, no one disturbed him, so he could start refining the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron with all his strength.

"Luoshen Cauldron, there shouldn't be any problem in refining low-level artifacts, right?" Tianhuo asked, ignoring the unresponsive blacksmith uncle.

"Low-level artifact? Tianhuo, what are you kidding, these materials are used to refine low-level artifacts?" Luoshen Cauldron sneered.

Tianhuo's heart suddenly jumped, didn't he?Every material is the most advanced existence I have ever seen. Is it impossible to refine a low-level artifact?
(End of this chapter)

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