The strongest saint

Chapter 279 Divine Artifact Sky Feather

Chapter 279 Divine Artifact Sky Feather
Tianhuo looked at the Xiantian Lingding cauldron with a strange expression. Could it be said that the four top-level materials could not be refined even a low-level artifact?Not to mention anything else, Guangyinglong's wing bones are super materials that are almost impossible to obtain!

"The refining of these materials is at least a high-level artifact. You actually want to refine a low-level artifact. I really don't know what you think." Amidst Tianhuo's disappointment, Luoshending's voice came faintly.

"Advanced artifact?" Tianhuo's spirit was lifted, and the previous loss disappeared in an instant. Up to now, I still don't understand the detailed distinction between the different levels of artifacts, so I said that I already have the mortal god palace on my body, which is a top-level artifact, but it comes with The attribute is not strong, perhaps because of the lack of that mysterious important part.

Now the wings are refined to be a high-level artifact, Tianhuo is looking forward to it very much, I don't know what kind of attribute it will be.

The Luoshen cauldron said that it would take three days, so there shouldn't be too much error. Tianhuo waited quietly at the side, and checked the refining situation of the congenital spirit cauldron through induction from time to time, but found that in the spirit cauldron, four materials They were all refined together, but the slowest one was naturally Yinglong's wing bone.

The coercion released from the Xiantian Lingding cauldron made the uncle blacksmith dare not come to disturb him. He originally said he would give advice to Tianhuo, but now he has nothing to do with him. However, the uncle blacksmith did not leave, and he waited quietly outside the house. I hope Tianhuo can call him when he doesn't understand.

However, the blacksmith uncle is doomed to be disappointed. He didn't know that Tianhuo's innate spirit cauldron was based on the Luoshen cauldron. After so many years, the method of alchemy and weapon refining that he understands is comparable to that of ordinary alchemy masters.

Three days passed slowly while Tianhuo and Uncle Blacksmith waited. For the two of them, the three days became particularly long. At the moment when the third day arrived, both of them had strong eyes. The color of anticipation.

"Luoshending, since you have refined so many artifacts, you should still be able to sense them, right? Hehe, why don't we go find them some other day?" For three days, Tianhuo relied on chatting with Luoshending to pass the time, otherwise he would let himself Waiting for three days like this is not ordinary discomfort.

And from Luoshen Ding, he learned that when he followed Luoshen, he refined countless artifacts, so Tianhuo naturally thought about those artifacts.

The Luoshen Cauldron didn't seem to be distracted during the refining process. After three days, I chatted with Tianhuo from time to time, as if to pass the time, "Tianhuo, almost all the artifacts I refined were destroyed in the war. Even if it still exists in the world, it is not so easy to find."

Tianhuo shrugged his shoulders. No one would dislike things like artifacts. As long as there is a chance, if you can get it, you will definitely get it. "If you encounter it, you must remind me."

"I'm afraid you won't like it at that time, so you should concentrate on finding your Glyph Sage suit. The origin of the Glyph Sage suit is very mysterious. Although it is only a demon weapon, if you can gather it all, it will be as powerful as a divine weapon suit." Luo Shending Said lightly.

But when these words fell into Tianhuo's ears, it was a different situation, which made Tianhuo ask with some doubts: "Luo Shen Ding, you said that the origin of the Wensheng suit is mysterious, don't tell me you don't know who made this suit?" of?"

"Don't say I don't know, even my old master Luoshen, I'm afraid she doesn't know. I think the only one who knows is the old master's master." Luo Shending said.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows in astonishment. Luoshen and Fanshen's masters are both the same as their father, but they are the masters of the main gods. Since he is the only one who knows, the power of the Glyph Saint suit may be beyond his expectations.

Maybe it's because of the similarity between that person and his father. When mentioning that person, Tianhuo is always full of inexplicable expectations, especially wanting to know all about that person's deeds, "Luo Shen Ding, can you tell me about Luo Shen?" Master?"

Luoshen Ding fell silent, and then said helplessly: "Tianhuo, I also want to know, but I have followed the old master Luoshen for so long, and I know very little about her master. I only know that he gave it to Lord Fanshen. The master is the Luoshen Luoshen Ding, I really don’t know the rest.”

"You don't even know his surname?" Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, this sounds a bit inappropriate, right?However, Tianhuo was slightly surprised that the Fanshen Palace and the Luoshen Cauldron were all made by that person, so that person must also be a very powerful craftsman!

"I don't know, well, it's almost finished, Tianhuo, please be quiet for a while." Luoshending interrupted Tianhuo's contemplation, and a somewhat excited voice came out.

Tianhuo nodded, and looked at the Xiantian Lingding expectantly, it was about to succeed!
On the Xiantian Lingding Ding, a soft white light quietly diffused at this moment, and a thick and awe-inspiring atmosphere also permeated. At this moment, the door became quiet, and everyone looked at the house where the sky fire was located. .

Tianhuo in it didn't know the situation outside, but at some point, the whole house was wrapped in colored light, and the awe-inspiring atmosphere quietly rose into the sky amidst the colored light.

"The divine weapon was born! Skyfire actually refined the divine weapon!" Seeing the vision above the house, the blacksmith uncle murmured in surprise. As a disciple of the Weapon Sect, he is no stranger to this scene, even if he has never seen it with his own eyes. You must also see the description in the data.

The unearthed gods will be accompanied by visions of heaven and earth, and new artifacts will be born, so naturally it is the same!
Many players may not understand what the vision at this moment marks, but those npcs who saw the colorful light in the sky all know that there is a new artifact!

There has always been a fixed number of artifacts in the Destiny Continent, and this number will only decrease as the artifacts are damaged. For many years, no new artifacts have appeared!

But at this moment, the vision that appeared in Tianyan City made everyone understand that once a new artifact appears, it means that someone can refine the artifact, and in this way, the number of artifacts on the mainland can increase again.

In an instant, countless npcs came from the sky, stopped outside the blacksmith shop and waited quietly.

"Worthy of being a disciple of the Qi Sect, it seems that the blacksmith's art of refining weapons has reached its peak." In the field, Yu Junhao was the first to arrive, looking at the colorful light rising into the sky inside the blacksmith shop, he murmured.

Those strong NPCs from the Tianyan Legion were almost there, and when they heard what the number one demon hunter Yu Junhao said, they all nodded in agreement.

In their view, it must be the blacksmith arranged by Qizong in Tianyan City to forge the divine weapon. After all, when it comes to the art of refining weapons, who can compare with Qizong?

"I don't think it looks like that guy. I understand his ability, and it's not as good as refining a divine weapon." Yao Lao was also present. The people in the city are also very familiar with it, so they spoke directly.

"Oh? Senior Yao, who would refine the artifact? This can only be refined by a top-notch refiner. When did such a powerful character appear in Tianyan City?" Yu Junhao turned his head and said.

Yao Lao shook his head, but his eyes were full of anticipation. Although he was not sure, he could vaguely guess, "Just wait and see!"

Inside the house, a colorful light shot out from Tianhuo's Xiantian spirit cauldron, and it fell straight into Tianhuo's hands, "Tianhuo, see if you are satisfied, let alone, although your Xiantian spirit cauldron is only in a low-level state, it can be refined It is not bad at all when it is used as a vessel, not inferior to Luoshen Cauldron."

Tianhuo laughed and nodded, his eyes shifted to the palm-sized thing in his hand, and he didn't wait to check it, but the system notification sounded.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on refining a high-level artifact, the cauldron sage profession has been promoted to an intermediate-level cauldron sage, and the innate spirit cauldron has gained a proficiency of 10."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on your tripod sage career promotion to intermediate tripod sage, four attributes +1000."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on successfully forging a high-level artifact. As the first player to forge an artifact, I will reward you with a divine casting scroll x 1 and a reputation of 20."

"Ding! System prompt: Unnamed artifact, please name it!"

Several system prompts sounded, and Tianhuo was a little surprised, but it was more of a surprise. The successful refining of the Xiantian Lingding actually allowed his cauldron sage auxiliary profession to be directly promoted to the intermediate level, and the upgrade of this auxiliary profession is even more for him. Tianhuo had never thought of adding a thousand of the four major attributes.

As for the god-forged scroll rewarded, Tianhuo had already obtained one, and with this reward this time, there are already two!

Divine Forged Scroll: A one-time item. After use, an attribute is randomly added to the equipment. The added attribute matches the equipment level.

When Tianhuo got this scroll, he wanted to use it to add an attribute to the Prisoner's Ring, but the system reminded him that the Prisoner's Ring was broken and he couldn't use the scroll made by God.

Thinking about it, Tianhuo said: "Tianyu!"

The wings have been successfully refined, and Tianhuo directly named it Tianyu. There is no special meaning, but it borrowed two words from the general Tianyu in the material.

With the system prompting that the naming was successful, the attributes of the wings also appeared in front of Tianhuo.

Tianyu (artifact, made by the player Tianhuo.), scroll attack +10000, defense +10000, four attributes +3000, movement speed +100%, ignore target defense +20%, damage bonus +50%.

Teleportation, an active skill, can teleport within the range of level × 10 meters after casting.

Description: A special artifact that can fly after being equipped, and the flying speed is agility/100 meters per second.It is made by adding the fusion spirit jade, which can be integrated into other similar equipment, and disappears after fusion.

"Teleportation?" The first time he saw Tianyu's attributes, Tianhuo's eyes were attracted by the attached skills!

(End of this chapter)

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