The strongest saint

Chapter 280 Ghost Spirit Realm

Chapter 280 Ghost Spirit Realm

Artifact Tianyu!

Looking at the attributes of the wings, Tianhuo was excited, not only the teleportation skill, but also the flying speed, which was beyond Tianhuo's imagination!

The flying speed is agility/100 meters per second, and the agility attribute of Tianhuo has reached 23095 after obtaining the bonus of the tripod and wings, which is a flying speed of 230 meters per second!
This incomparably fast speed is no slower than riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast now!

However, the wings did not indicate the consumption required for flying. In Tianhuo's mind, the consumption should not be low.

While thinking about it, Tianhuo couldn't wait to recognize the Lord. Following Tianhuo's thoughts, suddenly, a pair of wings full of dreams appeared behind him. When the wings spread out, although they were only three or four meters wide, an invisible force suddenly spread around him. Diffuse.

"Luoshen Cauldron, is there no specific level description for the divine weapon?" Looking at the wings on the back, Tianhuo asked with suppressed ecstasy.

Tianyu didn't indicate the level of the wings, only the system prompts explained this high-level artifact, so Tianhuo was a little confused.

"It's not for this reason, it's because you are in the third-level area. When you arrive at the second-level area and the first-level area, all equipment attributes will change. At that time, the level of the artifact will naturally be distinguished. In this third-level area, I I feel that there is no need to distinguish." Luoshending said quietly.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows. In the second-level area and the first-level area, will the attributes of the equipment change?Why?
"Don't think about it, you will know when the time comes, try Tianyu first and then talk." Luo Shending said again.

Tianhuo smiled, nodded and swept out of the house. Before Tianhuo stepped into the air, he was taken aback by the surrounding situation. He saw that the courtyard was full of players and NPCs, all of them looked at the inconceivable sky fire.

"Oh my God! Skyfire actually created an artifact! It's still a high-level artifact!" Players looked at Skyfire in horror, probably at the pair of wings behind Skyfire.

The previous system prompts rang in the ears of Tianhuo, and the news of the world also rang in the ears of the players. No one did not know that Tianhuo had created a high-level artifact!
Seeing the wings on Tianhuo's back at this moment, everyone knows that the high-level artifact created by Tianhuo is these wings!

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on successfully building the wing equipment, enabling the equipment system, rewarding 20 prestige, and gaining reward points +1."

"Ding! World News: Congratulations to player Tianhuo for opening the wing system and getting rich rewards."

The second round of system prompts came a few minutes late, but compared to the first time, it was even more shocking, because at this moment, everyone understood that there are still wings in the game!
That means that players can also fly!
"I didn't expect that it was the head of the Skyfire Army who created the artifact, and it was a high-level artifact!" Many npcs who were still guessing before fully understood at this moment, it turned out that the one who created the artifact was actually Skyfire!

But Yu Junhao and other members of the Tianhuo Legion turned weird, and they looked at Tianhuo who was still standing there in surprise. Yu Junhao looked up and down Tianhuo with a strange expression, and murmured: "It's incredible, the leader of the Tianhuo Army actually It can also create artifacts!"

Yao Lao on the side showed a natural expression. He had thought about it a long time ago, but he just didn't dare to confirm it. After all, if he wants to create a divine weapon, Tianhuo's innate spirit tripod is the most likely!
"As expected of the envoys of the two sects, there is hope for the two sects this time!" Yao Lao murmured.

The same is true for Uncle Blacksmith. His ideas are similar to those of Yao Lao. Pill Sect and Qi Sect have always been friends. The envoys representing the two sects will bring them unexpected hope.

Tianhuo gave a dry cough, and he had almost seen many NPCs in front of him, and some of them were members of his own legion, so he didn't have any reservations, so he smiled and said, "What are you all doing?"

"Haha, Captain Tianhuo, it's really surprising, congratulations, congratulations!" Yu Junhao was the first to laugh out loud and said with fists clasped.

The blacksmith and Yao Lao looked a little excited, and looked at Tianhuo expectantly, the blacksmith said: "Grandfather, we Danzong and Qizong have been waiting for you for a long time, and we had disputes about your identity before, this time I see who dares to accept you?" What more to say, haha, happy!"

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled. He didn't have any idea about the identity of the envoy. Whether it was Xuandu, the suzerain of Danzong, or Yu Fengyang, the young suzerain of Qizong, they were all his saviors. If the two sects needed me, of course he would Can't refuse.

"Okay, let's leave, everyone! It should be enough to see everyone running in without my consent." The blacksmith turned around and said.

Everyone rolled their eyes, Yu Junhao smiled and said: "Blacksmith, Tianhuo is our army commander, don't even think about sending us away."

"Haha, let's talk slowly, I'll try my wings first." Tianhuo laughed loudly, and with a thought, he stepped into the air, and his figure disappeared in the eyes of everyone in an instant.

The speed of 230 meters per second, 828 kilometers per hour, in the feeling of Tianhuo, this is a feeling like lightning, and the scenery on both sides recedes quickly, but in more than ten seconds, Tianhuo has already gone out of the sky. city.

"Exciting!" After feeling the speed for a while, Tianhuo stayed in mid-air. This speed is absolutely unmatched among players, and not to mention the flying speed, even on the ground, it also has a 100% movement speed bonus Effect!Running is not comparable to ordinary players.

After enjoying it for a while, Tianhuo turned back, but met two figures coming from the air, far apart, the two figures had already greeted each other, "Brother Tianhuo!"

Tianhuo stopped and looked at the approaching two with a smile, "Senior City Lord, Senior Wine King!"

"Haha, brother Tianhuo is amazing! Those old fellows of the Qi Sect must be very happy to be able to produce high-level artifacts." Wen Hao laughed and stopped in front of Tianhuo.

"I don't think so. Those old fellows from the Qi Sect couldn't refine the divine weapon, but now they were refined by Tianhuo. They must be mad." Wine King laughed.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "Seniors, where are you going?"

The overjoyed expressions of the two gradually calmed down, and the wine king said: "Brother Tianhuo, there is nothing else going on here, we should go back and return to our orders. We have been waiting here these days just to say goodbye to you."

Tianhuo has long been used to the two of them coming and going as soon as they say it, so it's not surprising, but they are a little bit surprised that the two of them have been waiting for him to come back these days, "Seniors, I believe we can meet again in a short time. , Those two seniors take care."

The wine king smiled, "That's natural, that's the same sentence, if you reach the first-level area, you must come to Wenshengmen as soon as possible. Don't forget, your Wenshengmen's partner is still at Wenshengmen."

Tianhuo also smiled, the match of Wensheng was given to him by Qingsong, but the suit was sealed, and a certain number of suits had to be collected to unseal it, and it is not available now, but there is no need to worry.

"By the way, two seniors, I want to ask, how to learn the golden mouth words that you performed that day?" Tianhuo has always been thinking about the golden mouth words. When the two used them, the effect made Tianhuo look forward to it for a while.

"Jinkou Yuyan?" Wine King and Wen Hao looked at each other with weird expressions, then shook their heads helplessly, Wine King said: "Brother Tianhuo, you have to understand this by yourself, otherwise you have to wait until Wen Shengmen to learn. "

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, this skill made him look forward to it very much, but if he wanted to comprehend it by himself, he didn't have any clue at all.

"Yes, Tianhuo, don't worry, you will be able to comprehend this skill sooner or later." Wen Hao laughed.

Tianhuo nodded. Now that his attributes are strong enough, he is not in a hurry. After thinking about it, Tianhuo asked again: "Do the two seniors know the regional messenger?"

Right now, Tianhuo has no clue about his mission. He will only find out about everything after he finds the regional messenger, and Tianhuo has never even heard of the regional messenger.

"Region envoy? That guy is too mysterious. We don't know how to find him." Wen Hao frowned.

Tianhuo was stunned. If this is the case, it will be troublesome. The third-level area is so big that there is no edge. If there is no clue, there is no way for him to find it!
"Seniors, he doesn't have a fixed residence?" Tianhuo frowned.

"Yes, but even if you go, you may not be able to see him. That guy often wanders outside, and no one knows where he wanders again." Wine King said.

"It's good if you have it, and please tell the two seniors." Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief, since the system gave him this task, maybe the regional envoy has returned to that fixed residence.

Wine King's expression froze, as if he had thought of something terrible, he hesitated for a moment before saying: "There is an area in the center of human settlements in the third-level area. There is no human habitation in the area for hundreds of thousands of miles. It is called the ghost spirit domain. The permanent residence of the envoy is on the island in the middle of the lake in the center of the ghost realm."

"Oh?" Tianhuo was a little surprised. In the place where human beings live, there is such a place?There is no human habitation for hundreds of thousands of miles, so the environment there must be very harsh!

"Thank you senior for letting me know. I'll find out when I go and have a look. It's best if I can find him. If I can't find him, I'll find a way." Tianhuo clasped his fists and said.

The two nodded slightly, and the wine king said again: "Brother Tianhuo has to be careful, it's not safe in the ghost realm, then we'll take our leave, see you someday!"

Tianhuo clasped his fists and said, "Seniors, take care!"

The two nodded and left, but Tianhuo couldn't help being a little curious, wondering how they left the third-level area, but he needed to do this task to leave.

The figures of the two wine kings had disappeared from Tianhuo's sight, and Tianhuo let out a long sigh of relief, "Ghost Lingyu, I hope the messenger of the area is still there, otherwise this task will be difficult to complete."

 I'm getting engaged these few days, I'm a bit busy, I'm sending them regularly, please bless me, ask for a monthly ticket! ~
(End of this chapter)

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