Chapter 281
Knowing that the regional envoy has a fixed residence, Tianhuo naturally intends to try his luck. Even if the regional envoy often wanders outside, he believes that he will come back one day. Maybe he just met him!

Thinking of this, Tianhuo flew towards the square. Now that there is a specific location, the rest is not difficult to deal with, but before setting off, it is natural to settle the matter of the dragon first.

On the square, the sky fire landed in front of the city lord's mansion.

"Welcome the city lord to return home!" As soon as he landed, the city guards hurriedly bowed and said.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, looked around the square, and said: "Let the deputy city lord lead the troops here, and clear the square temporarily."

As soon as the order was conveyed, Zhi Duoxing also led a large group of city guards to come, and led the city guards to drive away the players in the square without asking any questions.

The strength of these city guards may not be considered very strong, but in the city, no player dares to disrespect the city guards, because the city guards have a lot of power, so things went smoothly, and soon, the entire square was no longer seen player.

Outside the square, countless players looked at the square curiously. This was the first time such a thing happened in Tianyan City. I really don't know what these city guards are doing to clean up the square.

The city guards guarded the edge of the square, not allowing any players to set foot on the square. Even if there were complaints, the city guards would not explain, anyway, they only knew how to follow orders.

"The city lord of the player is a bull. Look, that is Tianhuo, who ordered to clean up the square." Some sharp-eyed players saw the skyhuo in front of the city lord's mansion and said loudly.

"Huh? Really, I don't know what Tianhuo wants to do. He usually doesn't care about Tianyan City's affairs. He made such a sudden movement. I'm afraid there will be a big move!"

For a while, more and more players gathered outside the square, all waiting to watch the excitement.

"Master, it has been cleaned up." Zhi Duoxing returned to Tianhuo, bowed and saluted, but did not ask Tianhuo what he wanted to do.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, and then opened the legion channel, "Twilight, and all the strong men from the Destiny Continent, come over to the square."

"Haha, Tianhuo, I just heard that you made a big commotion in Tianyan City, and now you are calling us, is it a good thing?" Twilight broke dawn and laughed, but his movements were not slow, and he quickly squeezed through the crowd. Appeared in the square.

Fatty, Hua Xiaoran and others were not slow, they appeared in the square one after another, and those strong NPCs in the legion were in Tianyan City before, so naturally they came quickly at this moment.

"Fuck me, there's such a big commotion, Tianhuo, what's the big deal?" The fat man happily ran to Tianhuo and asked with a smile.

Seeing that many NPCs had arrived, but only Yifeng and Zi Meier were missing, Tianhuo was a little puzzled. The two had disappeared for many days, and they didn't know where they went.

But Tianhuo didn't think too much about it, and said, "I got some giant dragons, each of you has one head."

As he said that, giant dragons began to appear beside Tianhuo, but within a few tens of breaths, they had already occupied most of the square!

At this moment, the whole world fell into silence, everyone was stunned watching Tianhuo's movements, looking at the giant dragons in the square, and suspected that their eyes were blurred!
"Oh my god, I must be dreaming, I actually saw so many dragons, yes, I must be dreaming..." This voice sounded in the hearts of countless players.

"I remember just waking up..." Twilight Lixiao frowned and looked at the situation in front of him, murmured, then reached out and wrung the fat man's arm fiercely!
"Ah... Dead Twilight, what are you pinching me for?" The fat man exclaimed.

"Fuck, it's true!" Twilight Breaking Dawn was dumbfounded.

"Okay, pick whatever you want, Twilight, there are a thousand dragons in total, I will keep ten for spare, and you will be responsible for distributing the rest, but remember, every npc must have a giant dragon." Tianhuo said with a smile.

The strength of npc is far beyond that of ordinary players. Only by matching them with dragon pets can they make better use of resources.

Twilight Breaking Dawn's expression was happy at first, and then became weird again, "Tianhuo, are you kidding me? These giant dragons are all mythical beasts, and the current players probably don't have the strength to subdue them."

"Don't worry, they won't resist. As long as they want to, they won't resist. Then just use the capture technique desperately." Tianhuo said.

"Seniors, you should choose first!" Tianhuo turned to look at the many npcs and said.

"Wait, Master Tianhuo, although the Seventh Elder arranged us for you, you shouldn't just give us to others, right? What do you think of us?" A giant dragon spoke, his voice full of concern for Tianhuo. dissatisfied.

As soon as this remark came out, the other giant dragons also nodded one after another. They are not goods, but a great dragon clan. How can Tianhuo distribute it as it says?
Tianhuo shrugged his shoulders, "Everyone, this is what I have considered carefully. These people are my partners. Following them will not make you suffer, and once you recognize them as masters, you will have endless lives, even if you die. Can be resurrected."

"That's not the case, Lord Tianhuo, although we are not dragons, we are also dragons. They want us to be pets of these people, unless they can defeat us!" said a giant dragon.

Under normal circumstances, even if they are defeated, it is impossible to make them compromise, but this thousand-headed dragon has the instructions of the Seventh Elder, and dare not go against it. They will do.

Skyfire can naturally guess what they are thinking, but the current giant dragons are all 99-level existences, and their strength is extremely powerful. Not to mention that these npcs may not be able to defeat them, and those legion members are even more unable to do so.

"I'm doing it for your own good, and I don't want to use the Seventh Elder or the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon to suppress you. Let's take a step back and let you choose my legion members and sign the contract." Tianhuo laughed, these giant dragons are under his control In his hands, he didn't worry that they would disobey orders, the big deal was to call back the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon to scare them.

Many giant dragons fell silent, but the people on the side had already been looking forward to it, and their faces were full of joy.

"Okay, the Seventh Elder told us to listen to you, so we will admit it, but, Mr. Tianhuo, let us take the initiative to sign the contract on an equal footing, and we will resolutely not sign the master-servant contract."

Tianhuo frowned slightly, an equal contract?I have never heard of it, but since they agreed, there is no need to say more, "Okay, then please!"

After the words fell, the eyes of many giant dragons all moved to the legion members in the field, choosing their favorite humans as the main ones.

"Luoshending, what is an equal contract?" Tianhuo asked.

"It's easy to understand. For example, if you recognize the owner with blood from a pet egg, or a pet captured by using the capture technique, it is a master-servant contract, which can restrain everything about the pet, but an equal contract is not. The status of the two is the same. On an equal footing, you can't restrict the other party at all, even if it's a pet space, it can enter and exit freely, but it's the same as a master-servant contract, it can't leave the owner's certain range."

"Is that so? That's fine, so don't offend the dragon clan. Equality means equality!" From Tianhuo's point of view, there is actually no big difference. Even with his three pets and one mount, he has never restrained them.

"Twilight, I'll leave it to you, I'll get to work first." Tianhuo said.

The excitement on Twilight's face froze, and he was about to say something, but Tianhuo had already run towards the teleportation array.

Twilight Lixiao shook his head helplessly, "This hands-off shopkeeper... with so many dragons, it's inappropriate to distribute them all at once, and there's no place to put them if you keep them!"

Tianhuo didn't hear the sound of twilight breaking dawn, and now he has arrived at the teleportation array, "Senior, please teleport me to the most central city."

"The center? That's Three Hearts City, Lord City Lord, you have to teleport many times, let me go!"

In the white light, Tianhuo's figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at another strange city. After hundreds of times of teleportation, Tianhuo finally arrived at the three-heart city mentioned by the teleporter.

Thousands of miles to the north of Three Hearts City is the edge of the Ghost Spirit Realm!
"Look, Tianhuo, the leader of the Tianyan Legion!" Several players noticed Tianhuo who had just come out of the teleportation point, and they were excited.

Tianhuo smiled at those people, then recalled the Star Devouring Moon Beast, turned around and flew towards the north.

The star devouring moon beast was faster than using its own wings. A few hours later, Tianhuo had already crossed the map in the north of Three Heart City, and came before a gray fog.

The front is full of tall mountains, and from the halfway up the mountain, it is covered by thick gray fog. Even with the eyes of the sage, it is impossible to see the situation in the gray fog.

"Master, that's the fog of undead souls, we can't get through it." The Star Devouring Moon Beast stopped in front of the thick fog and said.

"If you can't pass through, you have to wear it. Swallowing stars, what is the ghost fog?" Tianhuo looked calm, and he had come here, so there was no reason why he was blocked by the gray fog.

"I don't know the specifics. Anyway, if we enter the fog of dead souls, our strength will be lost quickly. I don't know how thick the fog of dead souls is. I'm afraid we have been beaten back to our original shape before we can pass through it." .” Said the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

"There should be an entrance, otherwise, how could the regional envoys live in it, look for it." Tianhuo shook his head, he believed that there is no unparalleled path in the sky, even if it is a dead place, there will be a glimmer of life.

"Uh, this is unlikely. I think the regional envoy must have some way to push away the spirit fog of the undead." said the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

"Is that so!" Tianhuo rubbed his chin, forcing the spirit mist away?The flames of the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast and the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon should be able to do it!
While thinking, Tianhuo was about to recall the two beasts, but saw a long tail flashing through the gray mist. Although the huge tail only disappeared in a flash, it was clearly captured by Tianhuo.

"There are monsters in the mist of undead souls!" Tianhuo's eyes were fixed. This trip may not be as simple as he imagined.

 I'm getting engaged these few days, I'm a bit busy, I'm sending them regularly, please bless me, ask for a monthly ticket! ~
(End of this chapter)

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