The strongest saint

Chapter 282 Nine Soul Responding Dragons

Chapter 282 Nine Souls Yinglong
A monster appeared in the mist of undead souls. Although it only disappeared in a flash, Tianhuo's sage eyes could see it clearly. The tail that appeared was tens of feet in size.

"Master, with our strength, those monsters don't need to be taken seriously, but this spirit fog is a bit difficult to break through." Star Devouring Moon Beast said.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, looked around, but saw the same thing everywhere, there was no loophole in these spirit fogs.

"I'll see if Diyan and Jiuhun can do anything." Tianhuo said, looking at the attribute panel of the two beasts.

Emperor Yan Linhuang Beast (divine beast, rideable), level 88, hp4400000, attack 440000, defense 352000.

Nine Souls Yinglong (advanced beast, rideable), level 40, HP 8000000, attack 440000, defense 400000.

Skills: Dragon Might, passive skill, where the dragons pass by, ten thousand beasts crawl, it has a deterrent effect on monsters under the middle-level beasts.

Long Yan, an active skill, the signature skill of the Dragon Clan, spits out the strongest flames and burns everything, the specific effect is unknown.

Shenlong wagging its tail, active skills, skills inherited from the Golden Dragon, powerful to break mountains and rivers, the specific effect is unknown.

Yinglong covers the sky, active skills, mysterious skills inherited from Yinglong, the specific effect is unknown.

"Fuck, Nine Souls Responding Dragon?" Tianhuo looked at the attributes of Nine Souls Golden Spirit Dragon in astonishment. Before long, this guy had changed drastically!

And what surprised Tianhuo even more was that even if this guy turned into a Nine Soul Yinglong, his level 40 attribute was actually stronger than the 88 level attribute of the Diyan Linhuang Beast!
After thinking about it, Tianhuo understood that it should be Yinglong's inheritance that made the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon become like this, but he didn't notice it at the time. After all, this guy's appearance didn't change at all, only his name and attributes changed, regardless of attributes If so, you really won't find out.

"Diyan, Jiuhun, come back!" In the blink of an eye, the two beasts had already appeared beside Tianhuo.

"Nine Souls, you boy turned into Nine Souls Yinglong, and you didn't even say a word, it's amazing!" Tianhuo laughed and scolded, Nine Souls Yinglong is a high-level beast, so there is no need to doubt its powerful attributes, 44 attacks, 40 defenses , stronger than yourself.

"Hey, I thought Master, you know what this place is? It feels weird." Nine Souls Yinglong said.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly. At the beginning, the Diyan Linhuang beast also changed from the Diyanlin Lion to what it is now. Not long after that, the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon also became the Nine Soul Yinglong, which is not bad!
"Revenant Soul Mist, master, we are developed, there must be something good in it!" Diyan Linhuang looked expectantly into the dense fog.

Tianhuo was stunned, he was worrying about how to pass through the spirit fog of the undead, it seemed that Di Yan knew about the fog of the undead!
"What good things are there?" Tianhuo had an inexplicable expectation in his heart. In such a desperate situation, there will be treasures?

"I don't know, I just have such a feeling." Tianhuo felt a little helpless at the answer of Diyan Linhuang Beast. Since he didn't know, he still said such things, isn't it a joke?
"Di Yan is right. It seems that the spirit mist of dead souls must have existed here for a long time. I don't know how many powers it has absorbed. Naturally, these forces will not be stored in the spirit mist, but gathered somewhere." Nine Souls Yinglong also said.

"Oh?" Tianhuo frowned, what Jiuhun said made sense, maybe those absorbed powers had already turned into some treasures, or powerful... monsters.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo rubbed his chin again, but his eyes were fixed on the mist of the dead souls. In the blink of an eye, a soft white light appeared in Tianhuo's eyes. At this moment, Tianhuo only felt that the scene in front of him had changed. You can't see through the dense fog, but you can see a trace of strange light surging in the dense fog, like a thin line, slowly flowing away towards the distance.

"Seeing through everything in the world! The eyes of the sage are really extraordinary, and they can actually see this scene." Tianhuo muttered to himself, and the scene in front of him at this moment made Tianhuo understand that it must be the absorbed power, which is Flow towards the distance.

Then, the gathering place of these forces must be where the treasure is.

Before, Tianhuo only wanted to find the regional envoy, but now that he encountered such a situation, he naturally went to see it first, maybe there really was a treasure that surprised him.

"Diyan, Jiuhun, can you break through the mist of dead souls?" Tianhuo asked with white light in his eyes.

"This Diyan can do it, don't I need to do it?" Jiu Hun looked at the Diyan Linhuang Beast and said relaxedly.

Diyan Linhuang nodded, "Leave it to me!"

As soon as the words fell, a raging purple fire suddenly gushed out from Diyan's body, and spread tens of meters around him in an instant, "Follow me!"

As he spoke, Di Yan kept the purple fire all over his body and flew towards the dense fog.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast carried Tianhuo and followed quickly, and the Nine Soul Yinglong was not slow, and chased after it as soon as it spread its wings.

As soon as he got close to the spirit fog of the undead, he saw that the dense fog melted instantly under the purple fire, and had no chance to affect the sky fire and the three beasts at all. However, Di Yan was not slow, advancing towards the depths.

"Go over there!" Tianhuo kept white light in his eyes, seeing the situation around him clearly, and instructed Di Yan to move towards the places where the streamers converged.

The further you go, the more thin lines Tianhuo can see, and they all converge towards the front.

After a few hours, the surrounding thin lines have become denser, and it seems that the place where the thin lines formed by these mysterious forces gather is getting closer!
However, at this moment, besides Diyan's purple fire, another huge tail tens of meters long swept across, and at the same time, a deep roar of beasts also rang in the ears of Tianhuo and all the beasts.

"Ang! Little monster, dare to make trouble in front of me!" Nine Souls Yinglong let out a dragon chant, which caused the thick fog around to disperse quickly, and gathered together after the dragon chant disappeared.

The Diyanlinhuang beast stopped and looked around warily, but it seemed that it was frightened by the dragon chant of the Nine Souls, so it didn't see the monster's figure again.

"Go on, it shouldn't dare to attack us." Tianhuo looked around and said.

However, as soon as the words fell, the huge tail suddenly appeared on the top of Tianhuo's head, directly cut through the purple fire, and swept towards Tianhuo.

"Huh?" Tianhuo frowned, but the Star Devouring Moon Beast under the seat reacted so quickly, and avoided the attack of the tail in a flash.

"Do it!" Jiuhun Yinglong roared angrily, he had already warned him, but the monster still dared to attack, it simply didn't give him face.

Amidst the loud shouts, the Nine Souls spread their wings and left the range of Diyan's purple fire, and headed towards the source of the tail. For a moment, the majestic Longwei emerged in this world.

hold head high……

The deep dragon chant resounded through the sky and the earth. Tianhuo and Ershou couldn't see the situation in the thick fog at all. They could only judge from the dragon chant of Jiuhun that Jiuhun had already fought the monster.

"It's a dead soul beast without wisdom. No wonder it's not afraid of my dragon power. Master, you keep going. I'll settle it." The voice of Jiuhun rang in Tianhuo's mind, which was the function of the pet's heart.

"Revenant spirit beast? Let's go and have a look." Tianhuo did not leave in a hurry, and signaled Diyan to open the way in the direction of Jiuhun.

Soon, there was a thick fog billowing outside the Zihuo in front of one man and two beasts. From time to time, the monster's tail could be seen writhing in the thick fog, but its body could not be seen.

"Boss, I'll help you!" Diyan Linhuang Beast said, the purple fire around him suddenly surged and rolled away, expanding to a range of several kilometers in an instant, completely dispelling the dense fog within the range.

And following the movements of the Diyan Linhuang Beast, Tianhuo and Star Devouring Moon Beast also saw the situation clearly, only to see that it was a huge monster with more than ten tails, and it was covered with gray and white fluff, which was beneficial Hidden figure in the thick gray fog.

However, under Diyan's purple fire, those gray and white fluff became curly in an instant, and this huge monster seemed to be afraid of the flames, desperately wanting to leave the range of the purple fire, ignoring the attack of the nine souls.

Under the attack of Zihuo and Nine Souls, hundreds of thousands of damage points continuously emerged from the top of its head, and it fell down before it left the range covered by Zihuo.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have gained 1 experience point, and an additional 6 experience points."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to your pet Nine Souls Yinglong for gaining 120 million experience points and an additional 120 million experience points."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to your pet Diyan Linhuang Beast for gaining 120 million experience points and an additional 120 million experience points."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to your mount Star Devouring Moon Beast for gaining 120 million experience points and an additional 120 million experience points."

A monster, Skyfire has reached a bottleneck, and its experience points have long been full, so it cannot continue to gain experience points, but this does not affect the experience points of the three beasts.

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up soul beads of the dead x3."

"Something exploded out, not bad." Tianhuo said with a smile, the two pets are not weak now, and they don't need to fight against such monsters by themselves.

It's just that the size of the void ray is too large, and sometimes it is not suitable to be carried by the side. Otherwise, if the three beasts join forces, the strength will naturally be extraordinary.

Tianhuo opened the Glyph Saint Ring and checked it. The items dropped by monsters in this Jedi should be quite special.

Soul Orb of the Dead: A strange orb conceived by creatures in the mist of the soul of the dead. Level -1 after taking it.

"Huh? It's really special." Tianhuo said dumbfounded. There are monsters in the game that explode such items?The level is lowered by one level!Only a fool would use it!
"Master, look over there, the spirit mist has become colorful." The voice of the Diyan Linhuang beast pulled Tianhuo back.

Following the eyes of the Diyan Linhuang Beast, the thick fog not far ahead has become colorful, and with the help of the eyes of the Glyph Saint, Tianhuo can even see that it is the place where the thin lines converge!
(End of this chapter)

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