Chapter 283

The mysterious power in the mist of undead souls gathered towards the front, forming a colorful mist there. Obviously, in that mist, there were some treasures emitting colorful light, which printed the surrounding mist into colors.

"Let's go!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, and as he waved his hands, the Diyan Linhuang beast opened the way again, flying towards the place filled with colorful light.

Soon, Tianhuo brought all the beasts into the range of the colorful mist, and under Diyan's purple fire, the colorful mist also dissipated. Under Diyan's control, the purple fire did not harm everything around, let everyone see Be clear.

On the top of a mountain, a ball the size of a football is emitting colorful light. Obviously, the previous colorful fog only appeared under its illumination.

"What is that? Why does it give people a very dangerous feeling." Tianhuo looked at the ball filled with colorful light and said.

On that ball, Tianhuo felt the danger, as if once touched, it would detonate the danger.

"Let me take a look!" Nine souls Yinglong Yi Gao Longdanda, dodged and landed in front of the ball, and began to observe intently.

After a long time, Nine Souls Yinglong shook his head and looked at Tianhuo, "Master, I don't see any tricks, how about I pick it up and try?"


As soon as Jiuhun Yinglong finished speaking, there was a loud shout, and then a man in green shirt broke through the fog and came, stopped in front of the ball, frowning at Jiuhun Yinglong who was about to pick up the ball.

"Regional Messenger?" Tianhuo was overjoyed to see the person coming, because there were four large characters "Regional Messenger" on the top of this person's head!
The man in the green shirt in front of him is the one Tianhuo is looking for!

Hearing Tianhuo's soliloquy, the man in green shirt turned his gaze to Tianhuo, frowned and said, "Who are you? Are you looking for me?"

Tianhuo was stunned. According to the description of the task, the regional envoy should know his purpose. Why did the regional envoy ask such a question at this moment?
But Tianhuo didn't think too much about it, he clasped his fists together and said, "Hello senior, I'm in Tianhuo, and my level has reached a bottleneck, so I'm here to ask senior for help."

Hearing this, the envoy of the region frowned even deeper, and glanced at Tianhuo again, before saying, "I can't help you, you'd better get out of here quickly! Also, don't try to touch everything here, or the consequences will be terrible." You can't take it."

After finishing speaking, the envoy of the area glared at Nine Souls Yinglong, and fled towards the thick fog, disappearing in the thick fog in an instant.

"Senior, please wait a moment!" Tianhuo said hastily, but it was too late, and the regional envoy left without looking back, and he was no longer seen.

"Strange, the mission shouldn't be like this!" Tianhuo frowned as he watched the envoy leave without looking back.

"Master, let's go and take a look. This guy's eyes are flickering, which is a little abnormal." Nine Soul Yinglong said, it was only a short contact with the area envoy before, but the Nine Soul is the closest to him, so naturally the performance of the area envoy see it clearly.

"Well, let's go!" Tianhuo nodded. If he wanted to break through the bottleneck, he had to rely on the help of the regional envoys. How could he not go?
A few more hours passed, and the fog of dead souls in front of me finally became thinner. After traveling for hundreds of miles, there was no trace of fog of dead souls around, and it turned into a patch of clear sky and lush green vegetation. Filled with lofty mountains.

"This is the ghost spirit domain? It's not much different from the outside, it's just that too many areas have been covered by the spirit mist of the undead." Diyan Linhuang beast took the purple fire away and murmured.

"Find the regional envoy first. Since he appears here, he must be in the center." Wine King told himself that the regional envoy is in the center of the Ghost Spirit Realm. Since he saw it before, he should be returning to his place of residence now.

"Hey, master, Diyan and I can move around freely? We'll be called back when you arrive." Jiuhun Yinglong laughed.

Tianhuo nodded. It's not necessary for everyone to act together on the way. He can ride the Star Devouring Moon Beast by himself, so he didn't object and let the two beasts leave.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast looked enviously at the two beasts going away, then moved its limbs, walked through the air, and flew towards the depths of the ghost spirit domain, "Master, shall we keep flying forward?"

"Well, this direction is the direction to the center, just keep flying." Tianhuo nodded and said, but his expression became weird, and there was a large village in front of him.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast also slowed down, and looked at the village in front of it suspiciously. This village is not small, with thousands of houses scattered in order, and there is still smoke rising from the kitchen.

"The Ghost Spirit Realm is known as the land of death, so it's strange that there is such a big village!" Tianhuo raised his brows, it was a bit different from the Ghost Spirit Realm he had inquired about.

The wine king told himself that this is a dead place, full of crises everywhere, but Tianhuo never thought that there are villages here, and it is still a peaceful scene.

"Go and have a look." Tianhuo patted the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

Soon, Tianhuo arrived outside the village riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast. After falling down, Tianhuo walked towards the village alone.

Surrounded by houses with rising smoke, the peaceful scene made Tianhuo's heart as calm as water, separated by the mist of dead souls, the people here may be isolated from the outside world, it can be regarded as a paradise!
"Is anyone there?" Tianhuo walked to a wooden house with the door open and shouted.

Although there were very few items in the house, everything was placed very neatly, and the stove was burning, but there was no one in the house, maybe the owner of the house had something to go out.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, and walked towards other houses.

After a while, Tianhuo had entered dozens of wooden houses, all of which were burning stoves, but there was no one in the house, which made Tianhuo feel a little hairy while he was puzzled.

It's so weird!It was dusk at this moment, and it was the time when people were preparing to eat at home. However, the dozens of houses were actually empty, and the stoves were burning vigorously!

After wandering around the village again for a while, Tianhuo felt hairy in his heart. At some point, his palms were already full of sweat, because this village with thousands of houses was empty!
In an empty village, the stoves of every household are burning. It's too weird!
"Swallowing Stars, let's go!" Tianhuo stepped up into the air with the spread of the wings on his back, and at the same time greeted the Swallowing Stars and Moon Beasts.

It's too weird here, Tianhuo doesn't want to stay any longer.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast came from outside the village, and within a few breaths, it arrived in front of Tianhuo. As Tianhuo stepped on its back, one person and one beast galloped away.

"Master, is there no one in there?" The Star Devouring Moon Beast surveyed the village slightly, and then left quickly, but it didn't see a single figure, which made it a little puzzled.

Tianhuo looked back at the distant village, and felt more comfortable now. The village was too scary, but Tianhuo's hairs stood on end, and he returned to normal at this moment.

"It's empty, it's like a ghost village." Tianhuo shook his head and said, although he knew that there were no ghosts in the world, but seeing this strange situation, he became suspicious.

Ghost Lingyu, could there really be ghosts here?

Thinking of this, Tianhuo shook his head hastily. Generally, such things will not be produced in games. Those strong people will have remnants of their souls. I am afraid that is the limit. Ghosts and the like will definitely not appear, maybe the people in the whole village They all hid, but they couldn't find it.

"Eh? Master, there is another village in front of you, which is about the same size." The Star Devouring Moon Beast said.

Tianhuo frowned, and after walking hundreds of miles, a village appeared again. Could it be that there are no people like the previous one?
"Slow down, let's take a look from above." Tianhuo didn't want to go down to check, he just planned to look from mid-air.

However, just like before, there is no one figure outside the houses in the whole village. This is too abnormal. It is not dark yet, and there is no figure?

"It's a bit scary, master, let's go quickly?" The Star Devouring Moon Beast was also frightened at this moment, and said hastily.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, and waited until he found the regional envoy, and it would be clear when he asked.

The night fell, and after walking for a short time, lights like stars appeared in front of the sky, and in the eyes of Tianhuo, the eyes of Wen Sheng were as bright as day, so Tianhuo could see very clearly that it was a city!
And with the help of extraordinary eyesight, Tianhuo could see even more clearly that there were figures in the city, unlike those villages before which were empty.

"Someone, master, let's go and have a look?" said the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

"Well, it's good to ask, what a surprise, there are people in the ghost spirit domain, and I haven't seen any monsters along the way." Tianhuo nodded.

There were no guards at the gate of the city, and the name of the city was not marked on the city wall, but the city was still very lively. Skyfire let the Star Devouring Moon Beast move alone, so it stepped into the city alone.

As soon as he entered the city, he saw that countless people turned their curious eyes over and stared at Tianhuo intently, causing Tianhuo to frown again. These people seemed to be able to tell that they were not locals.

"That person seems to be an outsider..." Words whispered into Tianhuo's ears one after another.

"Do you want to report to the envoy?" Some people retreated quietly, obviously, they ran to report.

Tianhuo stood on the spot, looking around, but wherever his eyes passed, everyone avoided, pretending not to see Tianhuo.

This scene made Tianhuo even more puzzled, he couldn't figure it out at all, what's going on?


Suddenly, a series of bells rang, and from the depths of the city, there was also a group of people shouting and cursing, "Catch the outsider, and the messenger will reward you!"

Following the sound from a distance, I saw pedestrians on both sides of the street avoiding one after another, and at the end of the street, groups of guards were galloping towards them.

Tianhuo frowned, the outsider is himself, these guards are here to capture him?
"I'd like to see what's going on here!" Tianhuo murmured, and waited quietly with his arms folded.

 I'm busy taking wedding photos today, so I'm posting them now, sorry, but book friends who are not yet married, remember not to choose too many wedding dresses when taking wedding photos in the future, or you will be exhausted!

(End of this chapter)

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