Chapter 284

Tianhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, waiting for the arrival of those guards. He didn't intend to leave. He just followed these guards to see. They wanted to capture him and hand him over to the regional envoys. Why?

Seeing the guards approaching, the corner of Tianhuo's mouth curled up, and soon, he would know.

"Go!" Suddenly, a familiar voice rang in Tianhuo's ear, and then Tianhuo felt his arm was grabbed by a big hand like iron pincers, and then the scenery in front of him changed.

When the scenery in front of him stabilized, Tianhuo found himself appearing in a mountain range, and the person holding him was Tieshi, whom he hadn't seen for a long time!The divine beast, the god of the sky!
"Brother Tieshi, why are you here?" Tianhuo stared blankly at Tieshi who brought him here in an instant, a little surprised in doubt.

"I still want to ask you, Brother Tianhuo, why did you come to the Ghost Realm?" Tie Shi looked at Tianhuo suspiciously and asked.

Tianhuo smiled wryly, he was about to follow the guards to see the situation, but was brought here by the blacksmith.

"I have reached a bottleneck in my level, so I want to find the regional messenger." Tianhuo smiled wryly. If he followed the guards, he would definitely see the regional messenger. After all, the guards said that they would capture him and hand him over to the regional messenger.

"Region envoy? Huh, you are talking about Tiemu, the only remaining area envoy, right? That bastard wants to monopolize the Ghost Spirit Realm, and he does a lot of evil here. I can't wait to take his skin off." Tie Shi said viciously.

Tianhuo was stunned, "There is more than one regional envoy?"

Tie Shi took a long breath, "Under my master's regional manager, there are nine regional envoys, but that bastard Tiemu killed them one by one, and even my master was trapped somewhere by him. "

"Nine? Regional managers?"

"That's right, I would have been the tenth regional envoy, but that bastard Tiemu trapped Master, and I couldn't find that prison to rescue Master, Brother Tianhuo, I'm afraid it's impossible for you to break through the level bottleneck .” Tie Shi said.

"Originally, after your level reaches the bottleneck, there will naturally be regional envoys to come to you and help you break through, but now there is only one regional envoy left, Temu, and he wishes that everyone will be trapped by the bottleneck, how can he help you. "Tie Shi continued.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, now he understands that the area manager must be responsible for the reception of these third-level areas. Once someone reaches the level bottleneck, he will send envoys to find them and help them break through the level bottleneck and go to the second-level area.

But now it is different, the area manager is trapped, and the only remaining area messenger, Temu, ignores the people who have reached the level bottleneck. If he does not find a way to rescue the area manager, Tianhuo knows that he will not be able to break through the level bottleneck.

"Ding! System prompt: Seeking a breakthrough mission is activated, please check the mission panel for details."

Unique task: seeking a breakthrough
Task difficulty: S rank.

Mission reward: unknown.

Task penalty: Level -10.

Mission introduction: You have reached the bottleneck of the third-level area, and you need to break through before you can continue to upgrade. However, if you want to break through, you can only do so with the help of the area messenger. Now there is only one area messenger left, and it is impossible to help you A breakthrough, therefore, to rescue the zone manager is key.

As the system prompt sounded, Tianhuo found that his mission had changed. Before, he was looking for the regional messenger, but now, he became to rescue the regional manager.

Looking at the mission introduction, Tianhuo slowly closed the mission panel, turned to look at Tieshi, "Brother Tieshi, where is the envoy in that area now?"

"That bastard is naturally having fun in the city. Brother Tianhuo, don't even think about entering the city. Once you are caught by those guards, you won't be able to escape."

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled. With his current strength, there might not be many people who can block him in the third-level area. At least Tianhuo has only seen the existence of the Dragon Emperor to block him.

"Brother Tieshi, don't worry, I'm not as unbearable as before."

"No, the ghost spirit clan is not as simple as you think. As long as one person does not die, then everyone will not die. The 900 million ghost spirit clan in the city are under the control of that bastard Temu, and there is no way to deal with it." Iron Stone said solemnly.

Tianhuo looked at Tieshi in astonishment, ghost spirit clan?If one person does not die, everyone will not die. What is going on?

In astonishment, Tianhuo shook his head again, "Brother Tieshi, no matter what, I have to rescue the district manager. He is your master, so you won't ignore him, right?"

This is the key for Tianhuo to go to the second-level area. As long as this task is completed, he can go to the second-level area. Only then can he continue with the ultimate task and find a way to rescue his father.

"Master's kindness to me is as great as a mountain. I don't want to rescue him, but to save my master, we must first kill all the ghosts and spirits. We can't do it at all!" Tie Shi smiled wryly.

"You don't know, that bastard Tiemu got the Ghost Spirit Race from nowhere. These people are bloodthirsty. In order to steal other people's cultivation, they even set up a ghost fog around the Ghost Spirit Domain. Over the years , I don’t know how many people died in the mist of undead souls, and the strength of the ghost spirit clan is getting stronger and stronger.”

"Ghosts, the level of hatefulness is no less than that of monsters!"

Hearing Tieshi's helpless voice, Tianhuo frowned deeply. The ghost clan seemed to be attracted by the regional messenger Tiemu to deal with the regional manager and other regional messengers. With them, the regional manager would be trapped forever.

To rescue the regional manager, you must first kill all the ghosts and spirits. That is 900 million people. If one person does not die, everyone will not die. How to kill them?

"Brother Tieshi, there is no other way?" Tianhuo asked with a frown.

"Yes, there is no other way!"

Tianhuo took a long breath, and his eyes became sharper, "Then... kill!"

Tie Shi was stunned, and his expression became fierce, "Ghosts and spirits seem to not exist during the day, we can't see them at all, if we want to kill them, we have to take advantage of the night!"

"Oh?" Tianhuo raised his brows, it turned out to be the case, no wonder the two villages he saw before were empty, it turned out that there was no one there, but because he couldn't see them.

"To do it, tonight is the best time, because all the ghosts and spirits will gather in the city, but we are not sure. Although the strength of the ghosts and spirits is not strong, but to make them disappear, they must disappear within an hour." Kill all the ghosts and spirits in the city." Tie Shi said calmly.

Tianhuo's gaze became firm, and the 900 million ghosts and spirits had to be killed in order to break through the bottleneck!

"Killing one is a crime, and killing ten thousand is a hero. If you kill 900 million, you will be a hero among heroes." Tianhuo gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on creating an unprecedented swan song, four attributes +10, level +1, verbal skill proficiency +1000, note: you can only get three special rewards within every tenth level, beyond the number of times you can't get it award."

"Ding! The system prompts: The level has reached the bottleneck and cannot be upgraded."

Tianhuo didn't pay attention to the system prompts, but looked at Tie Shi, "It's not too late, Brother Tie Shi, lead the way!"

As he said that, Tianhuo's wings popped out from his back, and then he stepped into the air.

Tie Shi was stunned, but also spread his wings and stepped into the air, leading Tianhuo to fly towards the city, but Tianhuo's voice echoed in his mind, "Killing one is a crime, and killing all is a hero."If you kill 900 million, you will be the hero among the heroes! '

For a moment, Tieshi felt his blood boil, no matter what the result was, he had to fight with Tianhuo!
In the city of Zishi, all the ghosts and spirits gathered here. The whole city looked overcrowded. In the center was a huge altar. On the altar, the man in green shirt that Tianhuo had seen stood with his hands behind his back, looking around the densely packed crowd.

"Tonight is my Ghost Spirit Clan's festival. After this festival, the entire Ghost Spirit Realm will be my Ghost Spirit Clan's territory, and no outsiders will come to disturb you..." The man in the green shirt's voice resounded throughout the city.

However, before he finished speaking, the man in the green shirt suddenly raised his head and looked into the midair. Under the moonlight, two figures were clearly visible standing in midair. On the backs of the two figures, there were a pair of wings flapping.

"Hmph! Tie Shi, I've been waiting for you for a long time. Once you die, that old guy will be completely hopeless. At that time, the Ghost Spirit Realm will be in my hands!" The man in the green shirt recognized that one of them was Tie Shi at a glance.

"Brother Tianhuo, I'll entangle him, let's do our best!" Tie Shi took a long breath, and appeared in front of the man in the blue shirt in a blink of an eye.

This man in the blue shirt is naturally the regional envoy Tiemu!
Tie Mu glanced at Tie Shi lightly, and said with a sneer, "You alone are not enough!"

Said, Tiemu waved his hand, "Kill that outsider."

"Kill!" The sound of 900 million people gathered shook the sky, and a terrifying wave of air spread through the sky and the earth with the sound.

Tianhuo's expression froze, "Diyan, Jiuhun, Swallowing Star, Void Ray, kill them!"

In an instant, the four beasts all appeared under Tianhuo's body, but unexpectedly, the body of the void ray alone almost covered the entire city. For a moment, the ghosts and spirits felt that the night was completely dark, and the sky was completely dark. The stars and the moon are gone.

"Kill these people? Master, just leave it to me!" Void Ray's disdainful voice came out, and then his voice increased, and he shouted violently: "Void Tremor!"

Immediately, the air in the entire city trembled violently, and a terrifying aura pervaded the air. Under the tremor, each ghost and spirit clan turned into a blood mist, and they were unexpectedly shattered by the skill of the void ray.

In just a few breaths, all the 900 million ghost spirits disappeared, leaving only a thick fog of blood floating in the city.

"Damn it, I forgot about your skill!" Tianhuo said dumbfounded, looking at Void Ray with surprised eyes, and with one move, he cleaned up all the ghosts and spirits in the city!
This kind of lethality can only be achieved by the Void Ray, which is the size of a hundred miles.

And with the death of 900 million ghosts and spirits, countless system notification sounds appeared, and the light of upgrading on the four beasts lasted for a long time.

"Ah! I want you to die..." Seeing that all the ghosts and spirits disappeared in an instant, Tiemu growled.

Amidst the roaring sound, streaks of colored light came from all directions, and Tianhuo could see clearly that among those colored lights were balls that had only been seen in the dense fog before.

(End of this chapter)

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