The strongest saint

Chapter 285 Fighting the Demon Monarch

Chapter 285 Fighting the Demon Monarch
More than a dozen beams of colored light galloped from all directions, and fell on Tiemu's body in an instant. Without waiting for the sky fire and iron stone to stop him, all the spheres filled with colored light had already fallen into Tiemu's body.

"Those are the treasures produced by the power of countless people, and they were swallowed by this guy." Nine Soul Yinglong said in a somewhat exasperated manner.

Jiuhun wanted to take a ball before, but was blocked by the regional messenger Tiemu, and later came to chase him, but did not move the ball, but now it is discovered that there are more than ten such balls .

And this is not over yet, the blood mist permeating the air in the city is also gathering towards Tiemu at this moment, like torrents, continuously pouring into Tiemu's body, and the latter's aura is rapidly strengthening.

Tie Shi was stunned by the action of Tianhuo's pet Nether Ray. Before that, he was worried that he would not be able to kill all the ghosts, but the Nether Ray killed 900 million ghosts with one move, which left him dumbfounded. Only then came back to his senses and hurriedly shot.

With a stroke of Tie Shi's wings, two rays of light exuding a piercing aura whizzed out, blasting on Tie Mu's body in an instant.

However, unexpectedly, the two attacks landed on Tiemu's body and disappeared instantly, as if they were absorbed by Tiemu.

"Huh? Ghost Lord? How did you encounter such a monster?" At this moment, Luoshending's voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind, full of surprise.

"The devil? Is this guy a monster? But there is no breath of a monster!" Tianhuo frowned slightly, wondering, but his heart became dignified. The devil is several times stronger than the devil.

When the Luoshen Cauldron was unearthed, Tianhuo's memory of the horror of the Blue Valley Demon Lord was still fresh in his memory. Now that the Demon Lord appeared again, how could Tianhuo not be shocked?

"It can't be stopped, Tianhuo, let's go!" Luoshen Ding said in a deep voice, if his body Luoshen Ding is still there, maybe there is still a chance, but right now, with the strength of Tianhuo, it is impossible to deal with the existence of the Demon Lord level.

"Not necessarily!" Tianhuo stepped forward, waving his hands and the four beasts also shot together, all kinds of attacks roared towards Tiemu.

However, the attacks of the two people and the four beasts landed on Tiemu's body, and they were all submerged in the blood mist around him, but there was no damage value at all.

"Valuation, killing one is a crime, but slaughtering ten thousand is a hero. If you kill 900 million, you will be a hero among heroes!"

Big golden characters appeared one by one, and killing intent permeated the world instantly. As the big golden characters fell, those blood mist disappeared layer by layer.

"It's effective, come on Heavenly Fire, don't stop!" Luoshen Ding said hopefully.

Tianhuo nodded, and his skills of verbal criticism continued: "Killing a person in ten steps will never stop you for a thousand miles. When it's over, go away and hide yourself and your name."

The second poem turned into big golden characters and fell. Just like before, the blood mist dissipated layer by layer. With the fall of the last big character, the blood mist gathered by Tiemu finally disappeared, revealing Tiemu's ferocious look at the moment. figure.

"Jie's too late!" Tie Mu laughed ferociously, even though a lot of blood mist was destroyed by the sky fire, it was already too late.

Tie Shi flapped his wings and flew to Tianhuo's side, "I didn't expect there to be a monster that suppressed the devil's energy and hid beside the master. Brother Tianhuo, hurry up!"

Tie Shi looked dignified, staring at Tie Mu closely, if he stopped him for a moment, Tianhuo should be able to leave here safely.

Tianhuo frowned deeply, Tiemu, regional envoy, ghost demon lord, there are really many identities.

"Jie Jie... No one can leave alive!" Tie Mu raised his head and laughed loudly. With his sleeves rolled up, bloody mist roared towards Tianhuo and other humans and beasts.

Tianhuo held the book of literati in his left hand, and the pen of literati in his right hand. He waved the pen of literati, and strokes as black as ink waved out, meeting the roaring blood mist.

Puff... A series of soft puffs, the blood mist was broken, and those strokes kept on hitting Tiemu's body in a strange arc.

"Your sister..." Tianhuo looked blankly at the damage he caused to Tiemu, it was only more than 1!I have the attribute of 200% damage bonus to monsters in the palace of all gods!

Tianhuo naturally understood such an injury, it would be very difficult for him to kill him!After all, it was impossible for this guy to stand and let himself attack, and his counterattack must be extremely violent.

As soon as this idea came into being, Tiemu moved as expected, as if he was irritated by Tianhuo's attack, his figure suddenly disappeared in place with a roar, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Tianhuo, and his big bloody hand grabbed Tianhuo's forehead. Frighteningly fast.

"Teleport!" Tianhuo's figure instantly appeared hundreds of meters away, and strokes roared out as he waved the pen of the sage.

But this time, Tiemu dodged and evaded, making Tianhuo's attack almost miss, and Tiemu rushed towards Tianhuo again.

The attack distance of the stroke skill is 495 meters, and the teleportation can appear 990 meters away in an instant. Tianhuo doesn't have to worry about his own safety. Thinking about it, Tianhuo said: "You all back away, I will consume him to death!"

Tianhuo gritted his teeth, it would take a few hours at worst, and he would be killed sooner or later!
You can't teleport when riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast, otherwise, the damage of Skyfire will be stronger, but it's still barely there, with more than 1 damage, no auxiliary skills are applied, and the damage is 6 times when it is critically hit. Nearly one hundred thousand.

"I'm coming too!" Nine Souls Yinglong didn't want to back away, he stepped forward as soon as he spread his wings, the attack fell on Tiemu, and the other three beasts did the same.

"Haha, master, we are all level 99, do we still need to worry about this little devil?" Star Devouring Moon Beast laughed.

Tianhuo was taken aback, and took the time to look at the pet and mount panels, and saw that all the beasts had already reached level 99. Obviously, the 900 million ghost spirits made them all reach the bottleneck.

Emperor Yan Linhuang Beast (divine beast, rideable), level 99, hp4950000, attack 495000, defense 396000.

Void ray (divine beast, can be ridden by multiple people), level 99, HP 9000000, attack 500000, defense 500000.

Nine Souls Yinglong (advanced beast, rideable), level 99, HP 9000000, attack 1089000, defense 990000.

Star Devouring Moon Beast (intermediate beast, mount), level 99, HP 9000000, attack 990000, defense 990000.

Mounting effect: movement speed +1990%, physical attack +199%, magic attack +199%, defense +199%, crit chance +40%, crit damage +500%, negative state resistance +20%.

The weakest of the four beasts has become the Diyan Linhuang Beast, but it is only relative. In front of other players, Diyan's attributes are also unmatched.

"Haha, okay, let's kill him!" The attributes of each pet are stronger than their own, but they don't have other attribute bonuses, so the damage value may not be comparable to that of Skyfire. Thousands to hundreds of thousands of injuries.

Among all the beasts, Nine Souls Yinglong naturally had the highest damage value.

In the field, the one with the easiest attack is the Void Ray. The battlefield is just below his body.

Nine Soul Yinglong, Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast and Void Ray entangled Iron Wood, while Star Devouring Moon Beast rushed straight to Tianhuo, "Master!"

Tianhuo understood the meaning of Swallowing Stars, turned over, and suddenly, his attributes skyrocketed, the critical strike chance became 85%, and the critical strike damage became 1000%.

"Oral punishment, killing one is a crime..."

Every time the golden characters fell, Tiemu couldn't avoid the large-scale attack, almost all of them were critical strike damage, which made Tiemu's health slowly drop.

"Magic flames..." Besieged by Tianhuo and all the pets, Tiemu's anger soared to the sky. At this moment, it completely exploded, and the terrible air wave swept away while raising his head and roaring, and the black flames also exploded at this moment.

"Be careful!" Nine souls Yinglong dodged back, but it was too late, the black flames filled thousands of meters in an instant, and even the sky fire and the iron stone in the distance could not be avoided. start to fall.

The same is true for Tianhuo, with more than [-] damage values ​​constantly popping out from the top of his head, but looking around, the black flame has no sign of stopping, forcing Tianhuo to use the pity of the sage of the sage.

"Haha, go to hell!" Tiemu laughed ferociously, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Quick back!" Tianhuo saw that he was in a burning state, and his health light was reduced but could not recover. He knew that he could not stop the damage caused by the black flame, so he hurriedly shouted, but he couldn't stay in this black flame all the time.

"Want to leave? Haunted by ghosts and spirits!" Tie Mu sneered as he waved his sleeves, and saw the overwhelming black air turn into chains, completely enveloping the surrounding world. All the beasts hit the chains and were bounced back instantly .

"Master, he still has half of his health left, why don't you fight?" Jiuhun Yinglong turned his head to look at Tiemu and said in a deep voice.

"Fight? Jie's not over yet!" Tie Mu sneered, his sleeves rolled up again, and immediately, countless black spears solidified in front of him, roaring towards the crowd and beasts.

The black spears were too dense, and there was no gap for the people and beasts to avoid. They abruptly withstood the attacks of several spears, and their health was suddenly reduced again, and the void ray above was the worst. The countless attacks made his 900 million HP instantly bottom out.

"Jie Jie...continue!" Tie Mu didn't stop moving, and another overwhelming attack swept away.

"Oops, close!" Tianhuo turned over and took the void ray back to the pet space. This guy's super size has advantages and disadvantages, that is, the target is too big.

Fierce waves of battle swept through the air, and the health points of both sides were dropping rapidly. At this moment, everyone was risking their lives to see who would die first!
However, Tiemu's attack defense is not comparable to that of all beasts. He still has one-third of his health, and even if Tianhuo has 55% damage reduction, he still uses the pity of Glyph Saint from time to time. At this moment, his health is still only After betting more than [-] yuan, I can no longer withstand the attack of Tiemu!
"Brother Tianhuo, let's go!" Seeing that the situation was over, Tie Shi stood in front of Tianhuo, blocked the attack for Tianhuo, and said in a deep voice.

Tianhuo gritted his teeth, the Immobilization Curse couldn't take effect on the Demon Lord, and the Prisoner Ring was the same, so should he give up like this?

(End of this chapter)

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