The strongest saint

Chapter 286 Regional Manager

Chapter 286 Regional Manager

"Let's go! Brother Tianhuo!" Tie Shi's face was full of anxiety.

Tianhuo shook his head firmly, "No, there is still a chance! Puppet, the guard's call!"

Summoned the puppets and nine guardians, Tianhuo then shouted violently: "Gen Sheng bless! Fighting soul, violent soul, tough charm!"

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the spirit of battle skill, and the attributes of all members are enhanced by 1.5 times, and the duration is 10 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The head of the team has cast the violent soul skill, all members have a +20% critical strike chance, +200% critical strike damage, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the tenacious charm skill, all members' damage reduction +50%, life recovery +10%, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: You have used the suit skill Blessing of the Saint of Grace, and the defense of friendly personnel will increase by 500% for 10 minutes!"

It wasn't until this moment that Tianhuo used a series of auxiliary skills, and this didn't stop, Tianhuo hurriedly opened the second page of the book of sages.

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, the defense will increase by 10% within 50 minutes, and the damage received will be reduced by 20%!"

He didn't care about using these skills before, but now that Tieshi is blocking the attack for him, Skyfire has a chance to use it, and his attributes suddenly skyrocketed. However, Tieshi was not blessed because he was not a member of the legion.

But it didn't affect it, Tianhuo quickly showed the sage's pity to himself, recovering the lost health, more than half of it recovered in a few breaths, and turned to the fourth page of the sage's book.

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, attack +30% within 100 seconds!"

Immediately afterwards, Tianhuo turned to the third page of the Book of Glyphs, "Ten steps to kill a person..."

The chivalrous line turned into a string of rainbows and immediately charged into Tiemu's body.

"Oral punishment, broken iron clothes on the battlefield of hundreds of battles..."

Under the terrifying attribute bonus, every big golden character that falls on Tianhuo is a crit damage. At this moment, 1200% crit damage is 13 times the attack damage. Every big character that falls is more than 50. Hit damage values ​​emerge from the top of the Ironwood head.

But when the fourth big character fell, Tiemu had already stagnated and fell down!

Tianhuo let out a long sigh of relief. In the future, when encountering such a strong person, it is better to use the auxiliary skills as soon as possible. With all his strength, Tianhuo believes that no one can match him. If he adds the battle group artifact, he will be indomitable. !

However, the skills of the warband artifact require half of the members to be present, which is the only shortcoming.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Tianhuo frowned, and Tiemu had been down for dozens of seconds, yet there was no system notification sound!

Hastily looking towards Tiemu's corpse, he saw that his corpse seemed to be intact, and there was faint blood mist surging around him.

While Tianhuo was checking, Tiemu suddenly bounced up from the ground, and was instantly filled with thick black air, "Jie Jie, I should thank you for breaking the bondage of blood energy for me!"

"Damn it!" Tianhuo gritted his teeth viciously, this guy is still alive, and his health has been restored to full, not to mention a more powerful aura pervades his body, which is not comparable to before!
"This is the real strength of the ghost demon king, hurry up, or there will be no chance." Luoshen Ding murmured.

"His uncle!" Tianhuo cursed secretly, the Demon Lord really has no weaklings, and now the 30-second blessing effect on the fourth page of the Book of Saints has passed, and his attack has been reduced by half, and the cooldown time is not up. At this moment, the Demon Lord has resisted!
"Jie Jie, in order to thank you, I decided to make your life worse than death!" Tie Mu laughed, and when he casually waved his hands, the air around him trembled violently, as if he was afraid of the might of the Demon King.

"You're dreaming!" Tianhuo snorted coldly. Even if the attack was reduced by half, the defensive buff hadn't disappeared, and the HP was fully recovered at this moment. He didn't worry about what Tiemu could do to him. If he wanted to leave, he Can't stop it either.

"Brother Tieshi, don't resist, I'll take you to a place!" Tianhuo said in a low voice. Right now, he can only retreat first. If he is really in a hurry, Tianhuo can only gather an army to fight.

But in that case, I'm afraid most of the legion members will die, which is not what Tianhuo wants to see.

Tie Shi stared blankly at Tianhuo, but saw that Tianhuo's face was full of calm, as if he didn't take the devil seriously.

But at this time, Tiemu seemed to see Tianhuo's plan, and appeared in front of Tianhuo in a flash, and the terrifying attack fell towards Tianhuo, not giving Tianhuo a chance to act.

Tianhuo cursed inwardly, avoided the attack with a teleportation, and appeared hundreds of meters away, "Ghost Demon Monarch, come!"

Tiemu, that is, the ghost and demon king, heard Tianhuo's ridicule, but smiled cruelly, instead of chasing Tianhuo, he grabbed Tieshi and held Tieshi's throat tightly, "Jie Jie, you seem to care about him."

Tianhuo was taken aback, he didn't expect this guy to threaten him with iron stones, this is troublesome.

"Brother Tianhuo, don't worry about me, let's go!"

"Jie Jie, do you dare to leave? Then I promise to crush his throat." Ghost Demon Lord laughed loudly, tightening his right hand holding Tie Shi's throat, so Tie Shi couldn't make a sound.

Tianhuo gritted his teeth, stared coldly at the demon lord, and said sarcastically, "The majestic demon lord has fallen to the point of threatening others. Compared with the original demon lord, Lan Gu, you are far behind."

"Hey, don't provoke me, it's useless, if you don't want him to die, just give me..."

"Naughty animal! Sue!" Suddenly, a terrifying roar interrupted the Demon Lord's words. This somewhat old but majestic voice came from nowhere, but following the sound, the Demon Lord's figure suddenly collapsed. fly out.

And Tieshi took the opportunity to plunder away, breaking away from the control of the Demon Lord.

There was a clear sound from the altar where the two were before, and the altar began to crack, and the cracks that filled the entire altar were densely covered in the blink of an eye.

The altar was shattered, and a somewhat crooked figure rose from the shattered place, angrily staring at the demon king who was blown out, "Nieve, today is your death day!"

"Area manager!"


Tianhuo and Tieshi said at the same time, Tianhuo saw the words above the old man's head, he was the regional manager!It turned out that he was trapped under this altar!
The envoy of the area did not turn his head back, his eyes were still fixed on Tiemu, he just waved his hands at Tieshi and Tianhuo, and then stepped out, step by step towards Tiemu, with each step, the ground tens of meters apart was filled with Deep pits appeared.

"Old guy, this kid helped you, but what do you think you can do if you come out? Kill me? Hehe, your strength has been greatly damaged, isn't it enough!" Tiemu sneered, not worried at all that the regional manager could How will you be.

The regional manager shook his head slightly with a cold face, and said in a deep voice: "This old man has been in the mainland for countless years, and it is enough. It is useless to talk about it. Even if you are not a monster, these stupid things you do are enough to die a hundred times. What's more, you are still a monster? Die!"

As soon as the words fell, the area manager suddenly raised his arms slightly, and immediately, a majestic aura permeated the field, but Tiemu snorted disdainfully when he saw this, folded his arms, and quietly waited for the area manager's response. action.

"Master..." Tie Shi's expression changed, as if he saw something, he said anxiously.

The area manager ignored Tie Shi, his palms changed rapidly, and suddenly palm shadows appeared in the sky and earth, gathering from all directions with a powerful aura, and blasting towards Tie Mu.

Tie Mu quietly watched those palm shadows flying towards him, and at the moment when he reached in front of him, he suddenly punched out and shouted violently: "Break!"

A dark light appeared between the iron-wood fists, and with his bang, it happened to collide with those palm shadows. Immediately, the palm shadows shattered, and the black glow between the iron-wood fists also dissipated.

"Hey, my good master, your strength really isn't that great!" Temu sneered as he punched through the area manager's attack.

The area manager didn't say a word, he stepped out fiercely, and rushed towards Ironwood with a huge air arc. The moment he approached Ironwood, a wolf-shaped mount suddenly appeared under him, and the area manager His aura also skyrocketed at this moment, obviously due to the increase of the mount.

The area manager kept moving, and the appearance and attack of the mount were carried out in one go. As soon as the mount appeared, a thin sword suddenly appeared in the hand of the area manager, piercing Temu's chest with one thrust.

And Tiemu didn't seem to feel the tingling pain in his chest, so he smiled cruelly, and then he didn't retreat but advanced, making the rapier stab deeper, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Tiemu also punched the area manager's chest , together with the mounts under him were blasted back.

"Jie Jie... I can't think of a way I don't know, but it's useless. I have recovered my real body. Even in your prime, you are not my opponent." Tie Mu talked a lot of nonsense, perhaps in his opinion, Regional managers are not their own opponents at all.

"Fuck, this guy is too arrogant, Brother Tieshi, let's go together!" Tianhuo stepped out riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and now the three of them joined forces, plus their own pets, they would definitely be able to kill the ghost demon king.

However, the regional manager raised his hand to stop Tianhuo's movement, and said, "I will bear the consequences of what I have caused. You guys leave here."

"Master..." Tie Shi had already seen something, and said with a choked voice at this moment.

The area manager glanced at Tieshi, his eyes flashed with relief, and said again: "Tieshi obeys the order!"

Tie Shi was startled, and hastily knelt down, but the regional manager took out a token and threw it at Tie Shi, "Tie Shi, from now on you will be the teacher and become the new regional manager."

After the words fell, a smile suddenly appeared on the face of the area manager, he stepped up from his mount, and came to Tiemu in an instant, hugged Tiemu tightly with both arms, and pushed him back quickly. The shape also swelled up at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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