Chapter 287
"Master..." Tie Shi's deep voice spread, and it became hoarse at this moment. His eyes were red and he looked at the area manager who was holding the Ghost Demon Lord tightly and retreated quickly, and his face was full of grief.

In an instant, the area manager had carried the Ghost Demon Monarch for several miles, and his figure seemed to have swelled to the limit at this moment.

Suddenly, a dazzling white light lit up around the area manager, illuminating the night sky.

"Self-explosion?" Tianhuo's heart sank, this kind of situation that can only be seen in novels appeared in front of Tianhuo's eyes at this moment.

The regional manager's power has been greatly damaged, and he is no longer the opponent of the ghost and demon king. At this moment, he actually plans to die together, which makes Tianhuo feel respect.

The white light appeared very quickly, and after a few seconds, it suddenly retracted violently, and then exploded completely, turning into terrifying air waves that permeated the sky and earth, followed by a deafening explosion.

In the center of the air wave that the area manager blew himself up, an aura of destruction swept over the world, and the ghost and demon king in it was filled with black energy, but he also became invisible in an instant under the air wave. Obviously, the ghost, spirit and devil Jun's defense can't withstand the self-destruction of such a strong man.

A few miles away, Skyfire, Tieshi, and the three beasts of Diyan were also affected by the sweeping air wave. They were thrown out in mid-air without any resistance, and they were thrown hundreds of meters away. It was only with difficulty that he stabilized his figure.

The air wave in the field lasted for a long time. Under this air wave, Tianhuo only felt that it was difficult to breathe, and his whole body was in pain. It can be imagined that the ghost demon king who was in the center of the explosion must have died!

After a long time, the raging air in the field calmed down, and looking towards the field, the figures of the area manager and the ghost demon king could no longer be seen, but appeared on the ground below where the area manager blew himself up. A huge bowl-shaped crater stretched for several miles, showing the power of the area manager's self-destruction.

Not only was there a deep pit in the ground below the self-explosion center, but even the entire building of the city was pushed down by the sweeping air waves. At this moment, there is no trace of intact existence in this city, and it has completely become ruins.

"Master... why are you doing this!" Tie Shi Ling Kong knelt down, looked at the deep pit, and murmured with tears in his eyes.

If several people work together, there is a great chance to kill the Demon Lord, but the regional manager doesn't think so. He said that he will bear the responsibility for the mistakes he made!
Tianhuo took a deep breath. Although the regional manager was a bit stubborn, his actions really made people respect him. Such a strong person should not die!
"Ahem..." A weak cough came from the center of the deep pit, causing Tianhuo and Tie Shi to feel a chill in their hearts. They looked at each other and flew towards the deep pit.

In the deep pit, the Ghost Demon Monarch was no longer human, lying on the bottom of the pit covered in blood, panting weakly.

"Bastard, give me back the lives of the eight senior brothers and master!" Seeing that the demon king was still alive, Tie Shi roared and flew down. A sharp blade that pierced the air was released, all of which were submerged in the ghost demon king's body.

Tianhuo was on the sidelines on guard, and he didn't expect that after the area manager blew himself up, this guy was still alive!
Facing Tieshi's attack, the Ghost Demon Monarch was powerless to resist. He just stared at Tieshi fiercely, wanting to say something, but unable to say it out. It's not bad if he survived the self-destruct of the area manager. There is power to resist.

Amidst the clear and loud explosion, the ghost and demon king finally died, and after a few items exploded, he disappeared. This time, it was the real death!
Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief, Ghost Demon Lord finally died, although he didn't get any benefits, but fortunately he was intact, and Tieshi became the new regional manager, so his affairs were easier to handle.

Tie Shi killed the Ghost Demon Lord, but he was not happy. Instead, he knelt down in the deep pit and cried bitterly. His eight senior brothers and masters all died because of Tiemu. It is a kind of relief to have revenge for his revenge.

Tianhuo didn't bother Tie Shi, and waited quietly on the Star Devouring Moon Beast. After a long time, Tie Shi calmed down from his grief, and murmured: "Master, I will definitely follow your teachings and try to let more people step into the second world." level area..."

Tianhuo listened attentively to Tie Shi's self-talk, and felt a little puzzled. The task of the area manager is to let more people enter the second-level area?

"Brother Tianhuo, I'm really sorry, I made you laugh." Tie Shi swept to Tianhuo's side, and said with an embarrassed smile.

Tianhuo also smiled, looked at Dongfang who had already turned pale, and asked, "Brother Tieshi, what are your plans for the future?"

Tie Shi took a long breath, "I will inherit the position of regional manager, and I will live here from now on. I will guide those strong people who have reached the level bottleneck and guide them to the second-level area. Hehe, brother Tianhuo, you I was the first one to pick up."

Tianhuo smiled, "Brother Tieshi, what should I do to get to the second-level area?"

Tieshi took out the token given to him by the area manager, but shook his head, "Originally, you can reach the second-level area through the reception platform, and Brother Tianhuo can continue to upgrade at that time, but the most important thing about the reception platform has been taken away by Tie Shi." The wood is gone, and now we have to find a way to replace it."

Tianhuo nodded slightly. This is an S-level mission, so naturally it won't be that simple, and he wasn't surprised. He asked, "What do you need? Just leave it to me."

"That's exactly what I mean. I just inherited the position of regional manager and I can't leave here for the time being, so I can only leave this matter to you. It's a bit troublesome. I need to find a gemstone that contains the power of space!"

Tianhuo frowned indistinctly. I'm afraid it's another mindless task. It seems that his time to go to the second-level area will be delayed again.

While thinking about it, the system prompt sounded: "Ding! System prompt: The task of seeking a breakthrough has changed. Please check the task panel for details."

Unique task: seeking a breakthrough
Task difficulty: S rank.

Mission reward: unknown.

Task penalty: Level -10.

Mission introduction: A new regional manager appeared, but the most critical thing on the reception platform was destroyed, and a replacement was needed, and the best replacement was the gem containing the power of space.

Looking at the mission introduction, Tianhuo felt bitter, he didn't explain where to find such a thing at all!

"Brother Tianhuo, such gems are very rare, no less rare than artifacts, and even if such gems appear, they will be used to refine artifacts, so you might as well pay attention to artifacts. As far as I know, Taoist Baibao is I have used such an artifact," Tieshi said.

Tianhuo smiled wryly, Taoist Baibao already hated him to the bone because of the Fanshen Ruler and Fanshen Palace, and this guy roamed all over the mainland, it was difficult to meet him in a short time, even if he did, he would be It is impossible to give such a thing to yourself, and if you want to buy it, no one in the game will be able to afford it.

"I'll try my best to find it! Brother Tieshi, then we'll see you another day." Tianhuo clasped his fists, and now he needs to go around to find someone to inquire about, so it's not too late!

Tie Shi nodded, "Go ahead, I also have to pick some regional envoys, I'm busy."

After saying goodbye, Tianhuo directly used the homecoming skill, and immediately appeared in the mansion, after thinking for a while, he sat down helplessly on the animal leather sofa, and said, "Luo Shen Ding, give me a trick? Where can I find gemstones that contain the power of space?"

Tianhuo knew that Luoshen Ding must know what happened outside, so he asked directly.

Luoshen Ding was silent for a moment, and then said: "There is no such thing in the third-level area. I think you should focus on the artifacts that can survive, such as your mortal palace."

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, then shook his head hastily, "The Fanshen Palace can't be used to repair the reception platform, otherwise it will be gone."

"Hee hee, it's not that you must have the Fanshen Palace, I mean, for example, you can find other similar artifacts." Luoshen Ding laughed.

"Must it be an artifact?" Tianhuo asked with a frown. He didn't have many artifacts on his body, and he had to find an artifact like the Fanshen Palace that could store living things. Where would he find it?
"What are you talking about? Those with this kind of ability must be artifacts. Unless you are lucky and can find gems such as void stones and space stones, repairing the induction platform will not be a problem, but the third-level area will really not appear. This kind of thing." Luo Shending said.

"Hey, that's not necessarily the case. The third-level areas won't appear, which doesn't mean they don't exist. Think about it, there are quite a few people coming from the first-level and second-level areas. Maybe they will come down with such gems, but then drift out again. ?” Tianhuo laughed.

"You know and still ask me? Then go find it quickly, I can't wait to go to the second-level area." Luo Shending teased.

Tianhuo shrugged, he was just guessing like this, the third-level area is so big, no ghost knows where it will be.

Suddenly, Tianhuo's eyes lit up. The third-level area is indeed very large, but billions of players are here. If you activate the power of these players, it will be easy to do things!

Thinking about it, Tianhuo asked: "Luoshending, tell me the names of this type of gemstones one by one."

Luoshending said without the slightest hesitation: "Void Stone, Space Stone, Meteorite, and Void Stone, these four have enough power to repair the guiding platform."

"Hey, that's easy!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, and immediately sent out news to the world.

"Ding! The player Tianhuo World shouted: Buy void stones, space stones, meteorites, void stones, or clues to these four gemstones at a high price, and talk to Tianyan City."

The world shout rang in the ears of all the players, causing many players to sigh. It seemed to be Tianhuo's first world shout for so long.

"Ding! Players took the lead in shouting to the world: Tianhuo, except me, no one will know the whereabouts of these four gems. Hehe, if you want it, please ask me!"

Only a few seconds after Tianhuo's world announcement, the first world announcement message appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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