The strongest saint

Chapter 288 The Whereabouts of Bao Taoist

Chapter 288 The Whereabouts of Baibao Taoist

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows and looked at the world that led the way and shouted, without any doubt about the authenticity of the words that led the way. I am afraid that what he said could not be false.

"This guy has been keeping a low profile for so long, and he's going to play tricks on me again?" Tianhuo muttered to himself, he hadn't bothered him for a long time, and now, he seemed to want to come out and jump around again.

"Damn it, the sky is on fire, why don't we go and take the lead? Make him talk about the whereabouts of these gems!" Fatty's voice sounded in the battle group channel.

"Tianhuo, what do you need these gems for?" Twilight Lixiao also asked.

Tianhuo knew that everyone was busy with leveling and hadn't contacted them for many days. Hearing their voices, Tianhuo couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, and said with a smile: "These gems are related to entering the second-level area, it's as simple as that."

"Oh, Tianhuo, it's been so long, you haven't finished this task yet! Hehe, take your time, it's best for us to go to the second-level area together." The fat man teased.

On the level list, Yima took the lead and surpassed Twilight Breaking Dawn, reached level 92, and is not far from level 99. Skyfire was delayed for more than ten days, and if it drags on, everyone will catch up.

"Tianhuo, since we know the whereabouts of these precious stones first, why don't we find a way to let him tell." Twilight broke dawn.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "I don't know why, but he hated me a lot in the first place, and after a few encounters, the hatred deepened. He couldn't possibly tell me."

Tianhuo doesn't care about taking the lead, after all, every time he takes the lead, he suffers a loss, but it's different when he takes the lead, he hated himself from the beginning, and after suffering a few times, it has reached an irresolvable point.

"Then look for it first, and if it doesn't work, then think of a way." Twilight Lixiao said helplessly, everyone understands that as long as these kinds of gemstones are mentioned, no one will tell, so it's useless for anyone to look for them first .

Tianhuo thought for a moment, slowly opened the secret language channel, and tried to send a message to Yima lead: "Yi Ma lead, since you are reborn, I believe you should know the function of these four gems, without them, no one can reach secondary area."

The secret language was successfully sent out, which surprised Tianhuo, who took the lead and didn't shield himself.

"Haha, Tianhuo, what a surprise, you actually sent me a secret message, that's right, you must have accepted the unique task of repairing the reception platform, if you don't complete the task, no one can go to the second-level area, but Is this none of my business?" He immediately responded.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, this guy doesn't care about going to the second level area?impossible!Who wants to stay in the third-level area all the time?After the level reaches the bottleneck, it is natural to find a way to break through.

"Hey, Tianhuo, if you kowtow to me and admit your mistake, I can consider telling you." He took the lead and said again.

Tianhuo sneered, but was not angry, "Take the lead, since you are reborn, you still make such a request to me, do you think it is possible?"

I took the lead in silence for a moment, and then sent another secret message, "Tianhuo, I know you very well, so I know it's impossible, but I just want to make the impossible possible!"

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, "The boy kneels to the sky and kneels to his parents. If you think so, you are wrong. Take the lead. If you don't say it, I will find a way to repair the receiving platform."

"That's right, you were the one who repaired it back then, but that was three years later, haha, then just wait slowly!" He said with a big laugh.

Three years!Tianhuo's gaze became dull, how long did it take?At that time, everyone should have reached the level bottleneck!

The most important thing is that Tianhuo can't afford to delay. It takes three years to repair the receiving platform, and the time wasted is beyond Tianhuo's imagination.

"This time, it won't take that long!" Tianhuo sent a secret message.

Yima took the lead in silence and did not respond to Tianhuo, but at the moment he was in deep thought. Many things have changed, which is different from before rebirth. Maybe it is because his actions have changed. This time, I don’t know if it will change.

Tianhuo sighed a long sigh when he saw that he was the first to respond. It's a pity that such a reborn person is too hostile to him. If it is his friend, it will be a great help!

Thinking about it, Tianhuo still sent the secret message again, asking the question he had asked before, "I'm the first one, I'm not the kind of person who makes trouble, but you hated me from the beginning, tell me why?"

In fact, Tianhuo doesn't have much dealings with players. Except for the Badao family, Tianhuo has no hostility towards other forces or others. In other words, Tianhuo's strength doesn't need to care about those players at all, so from Tianhuo's point of view, he should not offend anyone Talent is right, but take the lead and let yourself be too confused.

"Tianhuo, it's okay to tell you now, the game has been ten years, and I have worshiped you for more than nine years, but what did you do to me? In the first-level area, you ordered pets to kill me with one move. You have millions of fans, I hate it, so many of us adore you, so many people go to help you, but you actually do such a thing, after rebirth, I swear to surpass you!" The voice at the head of the horse was a little excited, but The deep hatred was not concealed at all.

Tianhuo is dumb, killing millions of fans with one move?I'm afraid it's not that simple, would I do such a thing?

"You must be thinking right now that you wouldn't do such a thing, right? Hehe, but you did it without the slightest hesitation, and it was completely ruthless!" Said Yimao almost roaring.

"I disdain! Take the lead, no matter what, I won't take action against so many players. Since you were reborn ten years later and took away a lot of things that belonged to others with the help of ten years of memory, then the following things will also If you are affected, just wait and see, things won't happen again." Tianhuo said calmly.

Immediately, he was silent again. Regarding what Tianhuo said, he understood immediately, not talking about the future, but now, it has been affected, and many things that happened later have already happened now.

And Tianhuo didn't expect that the hatred towards him at the first place came from this way, and it seems that he was still his super fan in the past, but it's just that things will be reversed, and that kind of strong admiration has turned into hatred.

Tianhuo breathed a long sigh of relief, what he said first should be after a long time, but since Tianhuo knew about this matter, he would naturally not do that again, as for now, he had to think of another way.

"Know everything, Taoist Baibao, hope is on you!" Tianhuo murmured, and opened the legion channel, "Everyone, help me pay attention to two npcs, one is Master of Everything, and the other is Taoist Baibao. Notify me soon."

"League leader, don't worry, we will remember." Many members responded one after another.

Tianhuo smiled, hoping that someone would see them, Wanshitong must know where to get those four kinds of gemstones, and Taoist Baibao, maybe he has these kinds of gemstones on him.

"Head of the Skyfire Army, come to me quickly, I just saw Taoist Baibao..."

In just a few seconds, a member reported to Tianhuo, which made Tianhuo startled, and hurriedly asked, "Where is it?"

"Wanghai City, just a few minutes ago, he went to the north." The player said.

Tianhuo nodded happily, Taoist Baibao must have what he needs, as for the price, let's talk about it at that time!

It takes more than 200 teleportations to get to Wanghai City. If you rush now, you should be able to catch up to Taoist Baibao with the speed of the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

"A few minutes? If that's the case, Tianhuo, you don't have to go. That guy usually won't stay in one place for a few minutes. By the time you get there, you won't be able to find him." Yu Junhao's voice sounded in the Zhantuan channel.

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, the joy on his face froze, he was so happy, "Senior Yu, is there any way for me to find him?"

"I'm afraid there is no way to do this. Taoist Baibao's whereabouts are erratic, and it is difficult to meet him, but he usually appears in places with treasures. You might as well give it a try."

Tianhuo shook his head, he didn't know where the treasure was, and he had to think of other ways.

"Tianhuo, you can try using the Fanshen Palace to lure him over." Wumo's voice sounded on the legion channel.

Tianhuo thought about it. When he was in the Fanshen Palace, Taoist Baibao knew that he had taken away the Fanshen Ruler. When he came out of the Fanshen Palace, he also knew that he had obtained the Fanshen Palace. Because of this, he hated himself. Absolutely, it might be possible to lure him out using the Fanshen Palace, but after he comes out, I'm afraid he won't be so talkative, and it's not certain whether he will sell his own gems.

While thinking about it, Tianhuo sighed helplessly. Those who had the opportunity to obtain these four gems all hated him, and so did Taoist Baibao. Only Wanshitong treated him well, but he hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Forget it, let's try!" After a long time, Tianhuo murmured and stepped onto the teleportation array.

Not long after, Tianhuo came to Wanghai City, rode on the Star Devouring Moon Beast and flew towards the north. After arriving at the field map with few players, Tianhuo directly communicated with the Fanshen Palace.

On the left arm, the imprint of Fanshen Palace exuded a faint golden light. Under the control of Tianhuo, the imprint directly popped out from the arm, landed on the open space, and quickly became larger.

But in the blink of an eye, the Fanshen Palace has become hundreds of feet huge, surrounded by a faint golden light, and a simple and simple atmosphere is also permeated between heaven and earth.

Looking at the Fanshen Palace in front of him, Tianhuo took a long breath, "Fanshen Palace, I hope you can attract Taoist Baibao..."

I hope this time, I can get along with Taoist Baibao peacefully. If that guy is as aggressive as the leader, things will be difficult, and maybe I will be unlucky. After all, the treasures and wind and clouds on that guy make people feel palpitating what!
(End of this chapter)

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