Chapter 289
The huge Fanshen Palace of hundreds of feet stands on the ground, attracting the attention of players in the distance.

Tianhuo rode the Star Devouring Moon Beast into the air, landed on the top of the palace, looked around intently, looking for the figure of Taoist Baibao.

Taoist Baibao should have the skills or props to sense treasures. If the Fanshen Palace appears, he will definitely be able to sense it. This is why Wu Mo asked Tianhuo to do this.

Condescending, Tianhuo looked at the situation around him clearly, and saw that many players were attracted by the palace, but after a long time, he did not see Taoist Baibao.

"What kind of equipment is this? It seems to be brought by Skyfire." Hundreds of players were attracted, looked at the huge palace expectantly, and whispered one after another.

"This palace shouldn't be equipment, right? I haven't heard that there are such types of equipment as palaces in the game..." The players who appeared on this low-level map are all low-level players, but they are also familiar with Tianhuo's name. When Tianhuo stood on the top of the hall, he was full of doubts.

Tianhuo ignored those players, just looked around, looking for the figure of Taoist Baibao, but after a day passed, Taoist Baibao was not attracted at all, perhaps because the Fanshen Palace already recognized him as the master, let Taoist Baibao Couldn't sense it, or Taoist Baibao had other things to do and couldn't come here.

For a whole day, Tianhuo didn't wait for Taoist Baibao, so he reluctantly took back the Fanshen Palace, and immediately said that the opening of the second-level area will be three years later. Does it really take him so long to get one of these gems?

"I can't wait that long!" Tianhuo raised his head and sighed. If it really took three years like this, Tianhuo would not be able to last. After all, he is different from others. Others are here to play games, but he is to return to reality and save his father. what!

After waiting for a long time, Taoist Baibao still did not arrive, so Tianhuo turned his gaze to the east, "Perhaps, you can go to Dragon Island to look for Master of Everything. Since he is a dragon, he should be on Dragon Island. Even if he is not, the Dragon Emperor should There will be a way to inform him."

Just do what you think, Tianhuo flies towards the sea on the star devouring moon beast, as long as you fly a certain distance, you will be able to transfer to the void ray, and it will only take a week to go to Long Island.

Flying only a few hundred miles away from the coastline, a small island appeared in Tianhuo's field of vision. This was a normal thing, but on the small island, Tianhuo actually saw sword lights flickering.

With a distance of more than ten miles, Tianhuo could vaguely see four or five people in the same clothes besieging one person, and the clothes of the four or five people seemed familiar, but they were too far apart to see clearly.

Tianhuo put down the ice dragon mask, left the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and flew towards the small island alone. As the distance approached, Tianhuo's eyes suddenly beamed with joy. The one who was besieged was actually Baibao Taoist!

"It's easy for me to find, so you are here!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, his heart was full of excitement, he just waited for Taoist Baibao for a day, just when he gave up, he unexpectedly met here.

Happiness came too fast, Taoist Baibao was drenched in blood at this moment, and under the siege of those four or five people, he didn't even have a chance to use the scroll. Tianhuo secretly thought, if Taoist Baibao is saved, this guy should not hate him anymore ?At that time, maybe there will be a discount to thank myself, that would be perfect!

"Yo, the people from the Prisoner Dragon Sect, just right, kill two birds with one stone!" After seeing the costumes of the five people, Tianhuo was even more delighted. He didn't expect that Taoist Baibao would also match up with the people from the Prisoner Dragon Sect. The second time the Baibao Taoist snatched the Fanshen Ruler.

The Baibao Taoist had confronted the strong man of the Prisoner Dragon Sect back then, and now he must have come to take revenge, and what made Tianhuo even more delighted was that those five people were all famous names.

"God help me too!" Since all five of them are red-named, he can use a large-scale attack!

A few miles away, Tianhuo directly used teleportation, and his figure flashed more than 900 meters apart. After three or four flashes, Tianhuo had already appeared in the sky above everyone, "Good and evil mode, the title is Ten Thousand Slayers!"

"Oral punishment, killing one is a crime!"

As the golden characters appeared, fierce killing intent spread over the small island. In this hot place, the air instantly became icy cold, and the five Prisoner Dragon Sect did not expect that someone would appear suddenly. Qiqi color change.

"Tu Wan is a hero!"


As soon as the second line of the poem came out, the five members of Prisoner Longzong fell down one after another, and their bodies slowly disappeared amidst the clear and loud explosion, without even a chance to scream.

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 7 pieces of equipment, and [-] gold coins."

A simple system prompt sounded, but Tianhuo didn't bother to check it. His eyes moved to Taoist Baibao, but he saw that the other person looked at him incredulously with a look of fear.

Tianhuo grinned and hid the ice dragon mask, "Taoist Baibao, long time no see, are you okay?"

Taoist Baibao stepped back, his health was recovering quickly, he stared at Tianhuo warily for a moment, and then said: "It's actually you!"

Tianhuo shrugged and said with a smile, "Surprised?"

Taoist Baibao's face sank slightly, without the slightest expression of gratitude on his face, he snorted coldly: "Hmph! Don't think that I will be grateful to you if you save me. I don't pay attention to these little thieves, are you? You're just being selfish."

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "Daoist Baibao, I didn't want to make you grateful. This time, I just wanted to make a deal with you. If you die, how can I make a deal?"

"Trading? Haha, your idea is too beautiful, I will not sell you anything, unless you give me the Palace of Fanshen!" Taoist Baibao snorted coldly.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, this guy really hated himself because of the matter of Fanshen Palace, but the conditions he put forward were a bit too much!
"Taoist Baibao, your things are clearly marked with a price. You won't just let the business go, will you? In that case, I really want to try it. If you hang up, how many good things will burst out." Tianhuo said intently , full of threats in the words.

Taoist Baibao stepped back again, looked at Tianhuo warily, and suddenly burst out laughing. Amidst the loud laughter, a scroll suddenly shattered in his hands.

"Ding! System prompt: affected by the immobilization scroll, you cannot make any actions within 10 seconds."

Tianhuo's heart sank, Taoist Baibao is a bastard, it's okay to be ungrateful for saving him, but he actually wants to deal with him at this moment!
In 10 seconds, there are 5 seconds on Tianhuo, 5 seconds, enough for Taoist Baibao to do a lot of things!
"Hmph! Threatening me? I think you have forgotten my tricks! Wind and Clouds!" Taoist Baibao snorted coldly, and cast Wind and Clouds!

Tianhuo's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and the other items in his backpack were nothing, but the battle group's artifact could only be placed in the backpack. It was once stolen by Taoist Baibao, and now, he has been tricked again!
Tianhuo cursed angrily in his heart, if he hadn't worried that killing Taoist Baibao would not reveal the gems he needed, how could he be polite to him, now it's good, good intentions will not be rewarded.

"Ding! The system prompts: Taoist Baibao cast a storm on you and successfully stole 13 items."

Tianhuo saw that his backpack was emptied in an instant, he seemed very unlucky this time, there was nothing left in the backpack!Together with the warband artifact, it was stolen!The others are just potions that Tianhuo can't use, which doesn't matter, but losing the battle group's artifact again made Tianhuo furious.

"Bastard, when the fixed body state is over, I will kill you!" Tianhuo cursed in his heart, this time, no more sympathy, even if he can't get the gems he needs, he will kill this wolf-hearted bastard !
"Ding! The system prompts: The perverse action is in effect. Congratulations, you have successfully stolen 3 item by casting the wind and clouds on Taoist Baibao."

"Huh?" Tianhuo and Taoist Baibao were taken aback at the same time.

Tianhuo was in a daze because three items suddenly appeared in his empty backpack, and the Nine Dragons Battle Flag was one of them. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the Nine Dragons Zhanqi came back, and there were two more items. Things that are diffused with light can be seen as good things at a glance!
But Taoist Baibao never thought that the wind and clouds he cast on others would fall on him. You come and go, Taoist Baibao only got more than ten bottles of potion, but lost two precious things.

Tianhuo, who was still furious before, suddenly calmed down at this moment, and the fixed state has passed, but Tianhuo rolled his eyes and didn't move, pretending to be still in the fixed state.

"There are still 5 seconds left, return my things, Feng Juan Yun!" After a few seconds of stunned, Taoist Baibao saw that half of the ten-second immobilization time was left, and cast Feng Juan Yun again.

"Ding! The system prompts: Taoist Baibao cast a storm on you, and the theft failed."

Tianhuo was amused in his heart, in fact, he was already able to move, but he just pretended not to be able to move. Those two things that were filled with light had already been transferred to the ring of sage by himself, how could Taoist Baibao steal it?

But this time luck was good, the Nine Dragons Battle Flag was not stolen.

"Ding! The system prompts: The perverse action is in effect. Congratulations, you have successfully stolen 2 item by casting the wind and clouds on Taoist Baibao."

Another system notification came, and there were two more items in Tianhuo's backpack. Tianhuo didn't bother to check it, and hurriedly transferred it to the ring of the sage.

"Ah! What's going on here!" Taoist Baibao couldn't help roaring when he saw that his treasures were missing two more.

My own signature skill has never been rumored, so why can Skyfire also use it?

As for Tianhuo, his heart was already full of joy, the four items, all the things on Taoist Baibao were strange things, I really wanted to see what these four items would be, but now is not the time to check.

"Bastard, I don't believe in evil, come again! Wind and Clouds!" Taoist Baibao gritted his teeth viciously, and cast Wind and Clouds for the third time!

 I got the certificate yesterday and got engaged today. The time is tight. There may be few updates from December 12st to 1th. Please forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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