The strongest saint

Chapter 290 4 Artifact

Chapter 290 Four Artifacts
"Winds and clouds!" Taoist Baibao used this skill for the third time, and the corners of Tianhuo's mouth curled up slightly, fully revealing the benefits of doing the opposite at this moment.

Reverse action, passive skill, after encountering the enemy's non-attack skills, actively copy the skill and cast it on the enemy once.

With this skill, Tianhuo once thought that he didn't have to worry about other people's status skills, but only now did he realize that he didn't have to worry about other people's theft skills!
"Ding! The system prompts: Taoist Baibao cast a storm on you, and the theft failed."

"Ding! The system prompts: The perverse action is in effect. Congratulations, you have successfully stolen 1 item by casting the wind and clouds on Taoist Baibao."

In Tianhuo's backpack, there was only the Nine Dragons battle flag left, which was a divine weapon. It was unprecedented to have been stolen twice by Taoist Baibao. Now he failed again, and under the perverse actions, Tianhuo got another item from Taoist Baibao .

This is a rhombus-shaped gemstone, and the colorful light is permeating the gemstone. Tianhuo was not busy checking it, and it was transferred to the ring of the sage at the first time.

"Huh? Taoist Baibao, don't stop!" Tianhuo raised his head in doubt and said after waiting for a while but Taoist Baibao made no next move.

When he looked up, he saw Taoist Baibao staring at him with a livid face, trembling with anger.

"Haha, Taoist Baibao, there's no need to be like this. I'll just stand here, and you continue." Laughing, Tianhuo checked, there were five items in total, and the one that caught Tianhuo's attention the most was naturally the rhombus-shaped gemstone.

Void Stone: A special gemstone born in the void, containing huge power of space.

"Void Stone! Haha, it's done! Take the lead, didn't you say it will take three years? It's less than three days!" Tianhuo laughed, sure enough, Taoist Baibao owns this kind of gem.

"What? Give me back the Void Stone, I don't want the other artifacts!" Hearing Tianhuo's laughter, Taoist Baibao turned pale with shock and said nervously.

"Oh? The Void Stone is useful to you?" Tianhuo teased, frowning slightly.

Taoist Baibao's expression froze, he hesitated for a moment, raised his right hand abruptly, and said solemnly: "Tianhuo, I was wrong, I'm sorry, I apologize, but no matter what, please return the void stone to me, I swear, I will no longer be hostile to you in the future."

Tianhuo sneered, "Daoist Baibao, when did you become so talkative, don't bother me."

With that said, Tianhuo continued to check.

Escape dagger (artifact, unidentified.)
Sun Chaser Bow (artifact, unidentified.)
Holy martial sword (artifact, unidentified.)
Linlong Thorn (artifact, unidentified.)
Four artifacts, four weapons!
"Strange, it feels familiar." Tianhuo secretly said in his heart, looking at the four unidentified artifact-level weapons in the Glyph Saint Ring, he had an absurd idea in his heart. The professional names of Li Xiao and Hua Xiaoran are actually similar. Could it be their exclusive weapons?

This is too nonsense, if the four artifacts obtained by perverting are really the exclusive weapons of the four of them, isn't my luck too much?

For a moment, Tianhuo felt a little unbelievable, Taoist Baibao had countless treasures, why did he let himself get these four?Then if the Taoist Baibao uses the wind and clouds on himself again, will he still get the weapons of other friends?

At this moment, Tianhuo had doubts in his heart, it couldn't be such a coincidence, something must have happened that he didn't know about!

It's just that Tianhuo has no way of knowing why this is!
"Tianhuo, please, the Void Stone is very important to me..." Taoist Baibao begged, how dare he use Fengjuanyunyun at this moment?
Taoist Baibao's voice interrupted Tianhuo's thoughts, causing Tianhuo to frown, and asked, "Taoist Baibao, let me ask you, how many artifacts do you carry?"

Taoist Baibao was startled, and the muscles on his face twitched slightly. In his opinion, Tianhuo must have wanted to exchange other artifacts for the Void Stone!
"Here, Tianhuo, I only have these artifacts and some scrolls on me. I don't have the rest with me." Taoist Baibao said.

Tianhuo squinted his eyes, why couldn't he see that this guy was not telling the truth, if he only had these items with him, would he still be Taoist Baibao?

After thinking about it, Tianhuo stopped worrying about it. Anyway, these four artifacts are of great use to Fatty and the other four, and getting them is better than nothing. Thinking of this, Tianhuo shook his head slightly, "I will take the Void Stone to repair the guiding platform, so don't worry about it." Think about it, goodbye!"

With so many benefits, those are four artifacts, and the void stone is also in hand. Tianhuo has no intention of beheading Taoist Baibao at this moment, and just wants to go to the ghost spirit realm to find iron stone as soon as possible, so he turned and left without saying a word .

Unexpectedly, Taoist Baibao didn't chase after him, but froze on the spot, muttering: "Receive the platform? This time, I have lost a lot. If I knew it earlier, I beg you to do something. Just take it and hurt me." Lost four artifacts, your uncle's Skyfire..."

Taoist Baibao looked viciously at the direction where Tianhuo left. If Tianhuo heard Taoist Baibao talking to himself, he would definitely be puzzled again, but unfortunately, Tianhuo has already flown away.

Taoist Baibao shook his head, staring at the direction where Tianhuo left. After a long time, he suddenly stepped into the air and flew in another direction.

Tianhuo flew towards Wanghai City, and soon came to the front of the teleportation formation. Now that he had the Void Stone in his hand, he naturally went to the Ghost Spirit Realm.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Tianhuo stepped onto the teleportation array, and soon, he will be able to go to the second-level area. By then, the level can continue to improve, and the day when he can complete the ultimate task is also approaching!
Soon, Tianhuo has reached the edge of the ghost spirit realm, but today's ghost spirit realm is very different from when Tianhuo first arrived. The sky is clear and bright, and there are endless mountains as far as the eye can see. Where is the ghost spirit mist? shadow.

Since the death of the 900 million ghost spirit clan and ghost demon king, the spirit mist of the undead has completely dissipated, and it has returned to its appearance countless years ago.

However, perhaps because it has been shrouded in dense fog for too long, these mountains are very barren, and it can be said that there is no grass growing.

Standing outside the ghost spirit domain, Tianhuo took a long breath, and patted the Star Devouring Moon Beast under the seat, "Tun Xing, you will be able to go to the second-level area soon, do you have any thoughts?"

"I don't think there is a need to go. Hey, if we go there, we can say that we need to start over. It doesn't matter if we don't pass, our strength will be greatly improved." Said the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

Tianhuo looked at the Star Devouring Moon Beast suspiciously, "Start again?"

The Star Devouring Moon Beast shook its huge head, "Probably, we will know when we go, and I just heard from the boss of Nine Souls."

"Hehe, let's go and find Tieshi." Tianhuo smiled, there is nothing to miss in the third-level area, and it won't be long before everyone will go to the second-level area, so let's meet in the second-level area!

The Star Devouring Moon Beast moved forward quickly, while Tianhuo was playing with the Void Stone. Suddenly, Tianhuo thought of taking the lead, and couldn't help but slightly hooked his mouth, directly opened the secret language channel and sent the attributes of the Void Stone to it.

"What? How is this possible!" Seeing the properties of the Void Stone first, he naturally knew that Tianhuo had obtained the Void Stone, and couldn't help but wondered.

"Hehe, take the lead, come on, I'll wait for you in the second-level area." Tianhuo smiled, but thought in his heart, judging from the reaction of the lead, what he said before must be true, then, repair the receiving platform by himself He was so surprised when the time came earlier.

After the sound of astonishment came first, there was no more words, and Tianhuo ignored it, leaning on the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, waiting for the Star Devouring Moon Beast to reach its destination.

"Haha, Brother Tianhuo, are you so leisurely? I sensed a treasure that contains the power of space, have you found it?" Tie Shi's voice rang in Tianhuo's ear.

Tianhuo got up in a hurry, but saw that Tie Shi had already stood on the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast at some point, and Star Devouring ignored him and let him stand like this. Everyone is a divine beast and has fought side by side. Nothing.

Tianhuo laughed too, took out the Void Stone, and said, "Brother Tieshi, is there any problem this time? How long will it take to fix it?"

"Haha, of course there is no problem. Don't worry, it will be done in a few hours." Tie Shi took the Void Stone and smiled.

Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, a few hours, that's fast!

"Go, it's too slow to go in this way, I can teleport here, and I will take you there."

As Tieshi said, he stepped on his feet, and Tianhuo felt that the scenery in front of him began to change. When it stabilized, he had already appeared on an island in the middle of the lake.

The iron stone fell from the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, nodded slightly towards Tianhuo, and then walked towards the center.

Tianhuo also followed up expectantly. Not long after, he had come to a square. The square was not big, only a few miles around, but the ground was completely paved with sapphire, and there were strange runes flickering faintly. Somewhat similar to the teleportation array.

"This is the reception platform. After it is repaired, it will transport you to the second-level area." Tieshi smiled and began to fiddle with the square several miles around.

"Level [-] area..." The corner of Tianhuo's mouth hooked up, and soon, he would be able to reach the second level area!

After a long time, Tianhuo suppressed the excitement in his heart, opened the mail system and mailed the four artifacts to the four people, and mailed the equipment in the Glyph Sage Ring to Twilight, and then opened the Legion channel and said: "Everyone, I am leaving soon. Level [-] area, Twilight, the Legion will depend on you from now on."

"Damn it, so fast? But the sky is so hot, the legion seems to be managed by Twilight all the time." The fat man teased.

Tianhuo was dumb, indeed, he didn't ask anything, it was Twilight and the others who took care of everything.

"Go, haha, the first player to reach the second-level area has more chances." Twilight broke dawn and laughed.

Tianhuo nodded, "Why don't you see Xiaomu?"

"You should know better than us, right? That guy is still on Long Island and he can't bear to come out and can't be contacted. Don't worry about him, just go, anyway, we're almost there." Twilight broke dawn and said with a smile.

Tianhuo nodded, Tianyan City and King's House don't need to worry about it, the housekeeper and Zhi Duoxing will take care of it, and there is no need to say goodbye.

This time, there is nothing to worry about, only need to work hard to find a way to save his father and his own sage suit!
(End of this chapter)

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