The strongest saint

Chapter 291 Spiritual Attributes

Chapter 291 Spiritual Attributes

"Brother Tianhuo, it's done!"

After a long time, Tie Shi returned to Tianhuo, pointed to the Qingyu Square on the ground and said: "This reception platform is connected to the reception spirit pool in the second-level area, Brother Tianhuo, remember not to rush out after arriving at the reception spirit pool, until the spirit pool Kick you out."

Tianhuo looked at Tie Shi suspiciously, and asked, "Receive and guide the spirit pool? What is that?"

"Hehe, the second-level area is more advanced. The spirit pool is a place for baptism for those who go up for the first time. The longer you stay in it, the more benefits you can get. You will know when the time comes, remember Just don't rush out."

Tianhuo became curious. There was nothing to do in the third-level area. It was time to go. To go to the second-level area, he had to upgrade the Rabbit Fairy Medal, and he had to find important parts of the Fanshen Palace. There were many things to do.

"Brother Tieshi, goodbye then!" Tianhuo said with a smile while cupping his fists.

Tie Shi also smiled, "Take care!"

After finishing speaking, Tie Shi stepped back, left the area of ​​the square, and made a strange seal with both hands, and then the square slowly glowed with blue light.

Immediately, Tianhuo felt that the scenery in front of him changed, and rays of light of various colors appeared in front of his eyes. After a while, a warm feeling suddenly appeared all over his body, and then with the eyes of the sage, Tianhuo found that his figure was rising. Looking carefully, the surrounding Those colored lights actually formed a channel.

As for Tianhuo himself, he naturally flew involuntarily in this passage, and was supported by the mysterious force to keep going up.

Outside the passage, there is an endless emptiness composed of stars all over the sky.

Before he had time to see the situation around the channel clearly, Tianhuo felt his whole body tense, and the feeling of coolness came, and he appeared in a piece of milky white liquid, which made people feel comfortable all over.

The strange thing is that in this liquid, he can also breathe, but he cannot move at all, as if he is bound by a mysterious force.


A series of light puffs appeared, and Tianhuo saw the Star Devouring Moon Beast, Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast, Nine Soul Yinglong and Void Ray all appearing beside him, and the figure of Void Ray was suppressed to only ten feet. Xu big and small, the four beasts are also unable to move.

"Could it be that this is the Receiving Spirit Pool?" Tianhuo thought to himself, but when he was wondering, he suddenly felt a numb feeling all over his body, as if there were countless small insects that could not be seen by the naked eye burrowing into his body, it was very itchy and numb Underneath is comfort again, making Tianhuo painful and happy.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have reached the second-level area and are undergoing baptism. Please wait patiently."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on reaching the second-level area. As the first player to reach the second-level area, you will be rewarded with 80 reputation and +1 reward point."

"Ding! World news: Congratulations to player Tianhuo for being the first to go to the second-level area and getting rich rewards."

World news rang in the ears of all players. At this moment, everyone was smacking their tongues. The second-level area...

"Ding! World news: The level bottleneck has been broken, and all players who have reached level 99 can be sent to the second-level area through the induction platform."

Although only Tianhuo and Mu Yichen have reached level 99 right now, under the system prompt, countless people are looking forward to it. As long as they reach level 99, they can go to the second-level area. I don't know what it will be like there.

While countless people were looking forward to it, Tianhuo still stayed in the receiving spirit pool, feeling the mysterious power penetrated into his body, and opened the attribute panel suspiciously.

Character name: Tianhuo
Occupation: Vincent
Auxiliary Occupation: Ding Sheng (Intermediate)

Level: 99 (transforming)

Upgrade experience: 538483540/490149000
HP: 2351500/2351500
MP: 481900/481900
Tome Attack: 496840-496840
Defense: 356420
Strength: 23515, Constitution: 23515, Intelligence: 24095, Agility: 23105
Reputation: 4884700
Sin: -3892102
Pets: Emperor Yanlin Lion (divine beast), Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon (advanced divine beast), Void Ray (divine beast)
Mount: Star Devouring Moon Beast (Intermediate Divine Beast)
Puppet: War Spirit (Dark Gold)
Gangs: None
Battlegroup: Tianyan Legion (Junior Legion)

Servant: Zhi Duoxing.


There are more attributes that are being transformed on the attribute panel. It seems that the transformation will change after the transformation is completed, but I don't know what it will become when the time comes.

"Tianhuo, don't think too much, just calm down and sense this power." Luoshending's voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind, full of anticipation and joy.

Tianhuo nodded, closed his eyes and felt it, only to feel that one after another elusive breaths were constantly rushing towards his body, and as time went by, Tianhuo could faintly feel that his strength seemed to be getting stronger.

Unknowingly, Tianhuo seemed to see the meridians in his body, some unknown substances were being expelled from the body, gradually being occupied by the mysterious power around him.

I don't know how long it has passed, Tianhuo is still quietly watching the changes in the body, looking at the situation in each meridian, and has already fallen into an inexplicable state.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on successfully transforming into a spiritual attribute, welcome to enter the second-level area."

The system notification sound suddenly rang in Tianhuo's ear, pulling Tianhuo back from that state, and at this moment, an inexplicable force pulled him to fly upwards, and quickly pushed away the receiving spirit pools on both sides.

Tianhuo's body broke through the water, and was supported by that force and landed on the edge of the receiving spirit pool, but at the moment his whole body was still covered with those liquids.

"Wow, master, you've finally come out, it's been a month!" the Diyan Linhuang beast said in surprise, and rushed over together with several other beasts.

"One month?" Tianhuo frowned, he felt that it was only a moment, but a month has passed?

A month has passed so quickly, so other players have also entered the second-level area?
"Congratulations, congratulations! You are the first person who can stay in the spirit pool for so long!" Tianhuo was surprised, and a voice sounded not far away.

Only then did Tianhuo hastily shift his gaze over there, taking a look at his surroundings by the way.

I saw a film of light emitting a faint colored light on the side. White mist lingered in the film, and through the white mist, I could vaguely see the milky white spiritual pool below, which was where I came out.

And not far from the light film, there is a gazebo, and an old man in white is sitting in the gazebo, with joy in his eyes, staring at Tianhuo intently.

"Hello, senior!" Tianhuo said with a smile while cupping his fists.

The old man in white nodded with a smile, got up slowly and stretched his body, "It's been a long time since no one came here by guiding the spirit pool, how dare I ask my friend's name?"

Every move of the old man contained great power, which prevented Tianhuo from slacking off, and clasped his fists again and said, "I'm going down to Tianhuo, please senior..."

Before Tianhuo's voice fell, the old man waved his hand, "No hurry, take a look at your attributes first, and then I will introduce you to the second-level area."

Tianhuo looked at the old man suspiciously, and then opened the attribute panel.

Character name: Tianhuo
Occupation: Vincent
Auxiliary Occupation: Ding Sheng (Intermediate)

Level: Ling 1

Upgrade experience (spirit): 0/55000
HP (spirit): 23515/23515
MP (Spirit): 4819/4819
Scroll Attack (Spirit): 4968-4968
Defense (Spirit): 3564
Strength: 23515, Constitution: 23515, Intelligence: 24095, Agility: 23105
Reputation: 4884700
Sin: -3892102
Pets: Emperor Yanlin Lion (divine beast), Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon (advanced divine beast), Void Ray (divine beast)
Mount: Star Devouring Moon Beast (Intermediate Divine Beast)
Puppet: War Spirit (Dark Gold)
Gangs: None
Battlegroup: Tianyan Legion (Junior Legion)


"Huh? What's going on?"

Tianhuo found that only the four major attributes of his attributes have not changed, and the suffix of the word "spirit" has been added to the rest of the attributes, and the attributes have been reduced by a hundred times.

Even the level has become level 1 spirit!
And the upgrade experience is only 55000, but there is also an extra word 'spirit', I don't know what this means.

"Hehe, don't be surprised. It's not that your attributes have decreased, but that your attributes have been transformed when you come to the second-level area. In fact, such attributes are stronger than yours before!"

As the old man in white said, a soft white light flooded Tianhuo's body as soon as his sleeves were rolled up. Immediately, all the liquid on Tianhuo's body disappeared and he became dry again.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on successfully passing through the baptism, the four attributes +1000."

Another system prompt sounded, and Tianhuo knew that it was because his whole body became dry, which made the system judge that he had been baptized, while before, he had only completed the transformation.

However, Tianhuo saw that the four major attributes increased by one thousand, and only added 60 scroll attack (spirit) for himself, and he was even more surprised. The current attributes seem to be too low!
"Okay, let me introduce you to the second-level area. This is no better than the third-level area. Here, there are many sects and strong people like clouds. It is far from what the third-level area can compare. Moreover, there are many cities under each sect. It is rare to see a city without sectarian management."

The old man then said with a smile: "If you want to survive here, you must choose a sect to join. Otherwise, if others see that you don't have a sect, they are likely to rob you of your items. Moreover, no one cares, one is not good, how can you die?" Do not know at all."

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, "Isn't it managed by the top ten sects?"

"Hehe, you are right. All the sects have chosen to join the large sects, and the large sects have chosen to become affiliated with the top ten sects. However, the ten sects have no time to manage these, and they are all left to the subordinates. Sect management, big and small, all they need is to pay tribute." The old man laughed.

Tianhuo nodded slightly and wrote it down. This place is not dominated by cities, but is full of sects, but the difference is not big, after all, there are still many cities.

"My Wanchao Sect is a first-class sect in the second-level area, my friend, are you interested in joining my Wanchao Sect?" After talking so much, the old man finally revealed his purpose.

Tianhuo was amused in his heart, and he was not in a hurry to answer, and asked: "Senior, is this the territory of Wanchaomen?"

The old man nodded, "You have been in the spirit pool for a month, and you have extraordinary potential. If you join Wanchaomen, you will definitely get the best treatment."

Tianhuo coughed dryly, "Senior, how can I get to the nearest city?"

The old man froze for a moment, and glanced at Tianhuo with a frown without a trace, "The second-level area is not peaceful. In addition to the many powerful monsters, there are also countless bandit groups. You really don't want to join the sect to seek refuge? You know, if you join us Chaomen, even a large group of bandits would not dare to do anything to you."

Tianhuo nodded, waiting for the old man's answer.

The old man suddenly became expressionless, and said with a cold snort, "Thousands of miles to the east."

Tianhuo was stunned, the old man's attitude changed too quickly!
But without thinking too much, he stepped into the air with his fists clasped together, and with his wings spreading, he led the four beasts galloping away.

And as Tianhuo left, the old man quickly took out a jade slip, and muttered in his mouth: "This adventurer from another world can stay in the spirit pool for a month, he must be a talent against the sky. You have to inform the Zongmen..."

(End of this chapter)

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