The strongest saint

Chapter 292 The Big Secret

Chapter 292 The Big Secret

Leaving the place where the spirit pool is located, Tianhuo galloped away with the four beasts, and there was a city thousands of miles to the east, which was not far away.

"I don't feel any difference in this second-level area. Master, we have all become level 1 spirits. What are we going to do next?" Star Devouring Moon Beast asked.

"Go to the city to find a blacksmith first, I want to upgrade the Rabbit Fairy Medal."

I have been waiting for this day for a long time. Back then, the blacksmith uncle told himself that if he wanted to upgrade the Rabbit Fairy Medal, he had to go to the blacksmith shop in the second-level area to do it.

Rabbit Fairy Medal (exclusive for players of Tianhuo): Exclusive medal for the Mid-Autumn Festival, after wearing it, the four major attributes +100, critical strike chance +20%, critical strike damage +100%.

Now there are five Rabbit Immortal fluffs. I don't know how far the medal can be upgraded.

"Hey, Tianhuo, when did you become stupid? Why do you need to look far away?" Luoshending's helpless voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind.

"Eh?" Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, and then slapped his forehead, "Damn it, I'm a dead end, I'm an intermediate tripod sage, I need to find someone else for such a trivial matter, really..."

"It's not what you think. No matter how powerful your refining technique is, you need to go to the second-level area to upgrade successfully, because the second-level area is different from the third-level area. In local terms, it is the aura of heaven and earth. Use your different In the words of the world, that is spiritual experience value." Luo Shending explained.

Tianhuo nodded, showing the original look, suddenly saw a small lake just below, and said with a smile: "The scenery below is good, let's go down, and upgrade the Rabbit Fairy Medal."

"Okay, okay, there are quite a few monsters, let's upgrade." Diyan Linhuang excitedly said.

Tianhuo smiled, now he is at level 1 spirit, and it will take a long time to upgrade, there is still a long way to go.

Before they landed, the four beasts had dispersed and rushed towards the monster not far away.

Tianhuo glanced sideways and said, "What's the matter with the void ray? It became so big when it was connected to the spirit pool, and it is still so big now. The previous size no longer exists?"

"Stupid? Just look at its attributes." Luoshen Ding said helplessly.

Tianhuo smiled and looked at the attributes of the void ray.

Void ray (divine beast, can be ridden by multiple people), level: spirit level 1, HP (spirit) 90000, attack (spirit) 5000, defense (spirit) 5000.

Dance of the Void: Passive skill, wings can fly in the void.

Tremor of the Void: Active skill, after being cast, it will cause a devastating blow to the target under the body, the effect is unknown.

Devouring Void: Active skill, swallows targets whose level is not higher than its own level 30 after casting, the effect is unknown.

Explanation: The strange beast from ancient times has evolved the ability to penetrate the void, and it often swims in the void, but its favorite is the endless ocean, and it can freely change its size on land.

"It's not bad to freely change the size of the body, but this guy's attributes are stronger than mine, so I'm ashamed of myself!" Tianhuo sighed.

"Hehe, that's not the case. It looks stronger than you, but it doesn't have attributes like critical strikes. It can't beat you in battle, you understand." Luo Shending said.

Tianhuo nodded, that's right. Calculated from his damage reduction, critical strike chance, critical strike damage, and ignore target defense, his combat power is not weaker than a few pets, and even much stronger.

"Okay, give me the medal and fluff, just wait."

Tianhuo nodded, this time, he didn't even need to take out the Innate Spirit Cauldron, and let the Luoshen Cauldron be directly refined in the body, which is much more convenient than before.

Seeing that he was fine, Tianhuo simply walked towards the monster in the distance.

Lake rock monster, level: spirit level 1, HP (spirit) 300, attack (spirit) 90, defense (spirit) 60.

After seeing the monster's attributes, Tianhuo raised his eyebrows slightly. In this second-level area, not only the player's attributes, but even the monster's attributes are also spiritual attributes!
"Tianhuo, don't do it, it's only a primary innate spirit cauldron, and it can't let you refine things while fighting me." Luoshending's voice rang in Tianhuo's mind.

"Oh, okay." Tianhuo shrugged, and almost did it himself. After all, the attributes have become like this, and Tianhuo also wants to try his current combat power.

Tianhuo couldn't do anything, but there was no problem with the mount and the three pets. Soon, a system notification sound came from Tianhuo's ear.

"Ding! The system prompts: Your pet Nine Souls Yinglong killed the Lake Rock Monster. Congratulations, you have gained 6 spiritual experience points and an additional 30 spiritual experience points."


The effect of the Diyou Pill has long passed, and now Tianhuo only has five times the experience bonus. A monster with a spirit level 1 can also give Tianhuo a 36 spirit experience value.

Although the experience value is not high, Tianhuo only needs 55000 spirit experience points to upgrade, and more than 1000 monsters are enough to upgrade to spirit level 2. Right now, Tianhuo can't do anything, so he waits quietly.

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 2, and the four attributes are +5."

Not long after, the upgrade system notification sounded, and there were three god-level pets and mounts to do it, and the efficiency was not low. Just like in the third-level area, the four attributes obtained by Skyfire after upgrading were still the same.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on successfully upgrading your Rabbit Fairy Medal, and your Xiantian Spirit Cauldron has gained a proficiency of 1."

Another system notification sounded, the Rabbit Immortal Medal has been successfully upgraded under the refining of the Qi Ling Luoshen Cauldron, but the proficiency of the Congenital Spirit Cauldron made Tianhuo a little confused, and there was no proficiency display on the Congenital Spirit Cauldron on the attribute panel. There is no indication of how much proficiency is required to advance to Intermediate.

Last time, refining the Tian Yu gave the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron a 11 proficiency level, and now I have upgraded the Rabbit Immortal Medal to get another [-] proficiency, which is already [-] proficiency, but I don’t know how much proficiency is required to upgrade the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron to the intermediate level At this time, the cauldron saint profession is already an intermediate level, and the only thing missing is the innate spirit cauldron.

With the strength of the innate spirit cauldron, if it is promoted to the intermediate level, the four major attributes will definitely increase even more.

Rabbit Fairy Medal (exclusive for players of Tianhuo): Exclusive medal for the Mid-Autumn Festival, after wearing it, the four major attributes +1000, critical strike chance +20%, critical strike damage +200%.

"Luo Shen Ding, how many levels has it been upgraded? The four attributes have changed from one hundred to one thousand, and the critical strike damage has also increased." Seeing the attributes of the Rabbit Immortal Medal at this moment, Tianhuo asked curiously.

"Anyway, it's a success. There's no saying that it has been upgraded a few levels. It's right that the attributes have been strengthening all the time. Also, don't call me Luoshen Ding, my main body Luoshen Ding has been swallowed by you." Luoshen Ding said.

Tianhuo nodded slightly. It is not bad that five Rabbit Fairy fluff can upgrade the Rabbit Fairy Medal to this level, but this is the medal obtained from the Mid-Autumn Festival event, and the Rabbit Fairy fluff was also obtained at that time. I am afraid there will be no way to upgrade the Rabbit Fairy Medal in the future. .

Thinking about it, Tianhuo smiled and said, "I'm used to calling you Luoshen Ding, why don't you think of a name?"

"Then let me think about it..." Luo Shending did not respond after speaking.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, it doesn't matter what the name is, anyway, it is the artifact spirit of Xiantian Lingding, "Okay, everyone, come back and continue to move towards the city."

Now that the Medal of the Rabbit Fairy has been upgraded, it is time to go to the city to see if you can find the whereabouts of the parts of the Glyph Saint suit, or the key parts of the Fanshen Palace, or the way to rescue his father. Satisfied.

"Master, someone here seems to be dying, do you want to come over and take a look?" Just as Tianhuo's voice fell, the voice of Diyan Linhuang Beast sounded.

"It's hundreds of miles away from the city, so you're going to come here if you have nothing to do?" Tianhuo plundered towards the Emperor Yanlin and Phoenix Beast with doubts.

In front of Diyan Linhuang Beast, an old man over half a hundred years old was half lying under a big tree, soaked in blood, but there were no signs of fighting around, which looked a bit abrupt.

Tianhuo came to the side of the Diyan Linhuang Beast, and after taking a closer look at the surrounding situation, he turned his gaze to the old man with weak breath. Before Tianhuo could speak, the old man slowly opened his eyes, hoarsely A voice came out: "Heirloom..."

"Heirloom?" Tianhuo frowned, this guy seemed to be out of breath, and still thinking about heirlooms?
However, as soon as this idea was born, Tianhuo's Glyph Sage Ring jumped slightly, as if something wanted to get out of it.

Tianhuo hurriedly looked at the ring of Wensheng, and saw something shaking that he hadn't touched for a long time.

Blacksmith's Family Heirloom: Its purpose is unknown, but it is indeed a treasure handed down from the blacksmith's ancestors.

It was the heirloom of the blacksmith, the task reward given to Tianhuo by the blacksmith of 9527 village, and it actually responded at this moment.

Tianhuo curiously took out the heirloom. After keeping this thing on his body for so long, Tianhuo always thought it was useless at all, but he didn't expect to have a reaction at this moment. So, what is this thing implicated in!

As soon as he took out the heirloom, he saw a soft white light suddenly appearing on the heirloom, which sank straight into the old man's body. At this moment, the old man's injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few breaths, The old man's breathing became steady, and the injuries all over his body disappeared.

Everything happened so fast that Tianhuo didn't even have time to figure out the situation. The old man had already recovered. He looked at Tianhuo in a half-lying position, and said with hope, "The family heirloom..."

"This is a gift from a senior. Does the senior know its origin?" Tianhuo asked with some uncertainty.

The old man turned his eyes to the heirloom in Tianhuo's hand, was silent for a moment, took a long breath and said, "Little brother, can you transfer this thing to me?"

"Isn't it? My master saved you, but you still have the nerve to ask for something?" Diyan Linhuang said first.

"No, no, I didn't mean that. If the little brother can transfer this thing to me, I will tell you a big secret, and I will definitely not let you suffer." The eyes of the old man were bright, and there was no such thing as half-dead before. look.

"Big secret?"

(End of this chapter)

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