The strongest saint

Chapter 294 Thor?

Chapter 294 Thor?

The induction of Luoshending is the same as the map given by the old man Wang Qi, both of which prove that there is the cemetery of the main god here, which makes Tianhuo excited.

Taking another look at the endless wall in front of him, Tianhuo strode towards the entrance.

At the entrance, more than a dozen disciples were also guarding, but they didn't find Tianhuo who was invisible at all, and let Tianhuo walk in without knowing it.

Tianhuo was secretly complacent, the convenience brought by the hidden spirit jade pendant was not once or twice, with it, it was much more convenient for him to do things.

Entering the Wanchao Gate, you can see the curved stairs that connect the entire Wanchao Gate in all directions. However, the target of Tianhuo is the mountain peak in the center. At this moment, he doesn't want to go out of the way and go straight to the center mountain peak.

In the stealth state, the speed is halved, but with Tian Yu's bonus, the speed is not slow at the moment. Two hours later, the mountain peak is close in sight.

In front of the mountain, stands a ten-foot-tall stone tablet with the inscription: Wanchao Monument.

The mountain was lush and lush, and there were no buildings. It seemed that Wanchaomen left it on purpose. Seeing this, Tianhuo became more certain that the tomb of the main god must be there, and Wanchaomen left it on purpose.

"It's really the cemetery of the main god, it's him!" Luoshending's voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind again at this moment.

"Do you know this Lord God?" Tianhuo asked.

Luoshen Ding, Qi Ling, who he named Tianling, replied: "I know, I know all the main gods. This main god doesn't talk much, but he has a powerful thunder and lightning power that no one can match. It is said that there is no one here. Before becoming the main god, he was called Thor."

Thor?Tianhuo couldn't help but think of the scenes in those movies on the earth. Could it be Westerners?

"Just go and have a look, Tianling, did you sense the entrance?" Tianhuo asked.

The map that the old man Wangji gave him only indicated this place, but no indication of the entrance.

Tianling was silent for a moment, then said: "I can't sense the entrance, let's look for it!"

Tianhuo nodded, since they are all here, it shouldn't be difficult to find the entrance.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo stepped forward, passed the stone tablet and walked towards the mountain peak.

"Hehe, little friend, please stay behind!"

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded behind Tianhuo, startled Tianhuo, turned his head to look hastily, but saw an old man standing with his hands behind his back at some point beside the stone tablet, looking at him with a smile.

Tianhuo was astonished and looked at the old man warily. He was in a state of invisibility, but from the old man's eyes, Tianhuo could clearly see his own shadow. Obviously, his invisibility had no effect on the old man.

Tianhuo sighed inwardly, and withdrew his hidden spirit skills. Now that he had been discovered, there was nothing to hide.

"It is said that my little friend stayed in the spirit pool for a month. This is unprecedented. Seeing it now, it is really extraordinary." The old man smiled, and then his hands behind his back slightly drooped, and he said: "I don't know if my little friend would like it." Join my Wanchaomen?"

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows indiscriminately. He thought he was safe, but he never expected that someone would find out, and it seemed that this person must be a senior member of Wanchaomen.

If you do something here, you will definitely not be able to escape. You must know that this is a second-level area, not a third-level area, and your homecoming skills can no longer be used.

And judging by the old man's appearance, if he didn't agree, he might not even think about leaving here alive.

Thinking about it, Tianhuo clasped his fists and said: "Thank you for your kindness, senior, but the kid is used to being alone, so let's forget about joining the sect!"

The old man smiled slightly, "Really? Then you have to think about it, for a genius like you, it is impossible for me to let you fall into other forces."

Tianhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, the meaning of the old man was obvious, if he did not agree to join Wanchaomen, then the old man would kill him!

Thinking about it, Tianhuo laughed, "Senior, you should know that I am an adventurer from another world, right? Can death threaten me?"

Although I really only have one chance to live, but with the hat of adventurer from another world, npc will always have some scruples.

The old man shook his head slightly when he heard the words, and murmured: "It's a pity, if a rare genius can join the Wanchaomen, it will be a blessing to the Wanchaomen!"

Tianhuo was taken aback suddenly, how did he know that he had stayed in the spirit pool for a month?Could it be that the old man who guided him told him?That's not right, in that case, the old man in front of him would not be able to recognize him immediately.

Could it be that the old man deliberately used the news of the main god's cemetery to lure him here?In this way, it is natural to know that it is you when you see an outsider!

Thinking of this, Tianhuo fully understood that the cemetery of the main god was just a bait to lure himself into the net!

But I got the system prompt sound of the main god's cemetery map, which is enough to show that there is indeed a main god's cemetery under the mountain of Wanchaomen. In order to attract myself, Wanchaomen sent people to tell me the news, and If you don't agree to join, don't think about leaving here, after all, they are also afraid of the news leaking out.


Another two figures galloped over and landed beside the old man. After saluting with fists in the palm of their hands, they turned their gazes to Tianhuo. Of these two people, one of them was naturally to receive the old man beside the spirit pool, and to receive the envoy.

And the other person was actually the old man with the lookout who gave him the map of the cemetery of the main god.

"Little friend, you are so fast, you actually got here before me." The old Wangji laughed.

"Sure enough!" Tianhuo thought to himself, this time, he was fooled, Wanchaomen actually set up a trap so quickly for him to sneak in.

But the price of Wanchaomen is not small, at least, they let themselves know that there is a cemetery of the main god here, this is worth it!
"Hehe, it seems that I have to join the Wanchaomen?" Tianhuo laughed at himself.

The three old men nodded in unison, "He who understands current affairs is a brilliant man. If you join Wanchaomen, we will definitely help you to reach the top as soon as possible."

Tianhuo smiled, and there are those who forcibly accept disciples, he has increased his knowledge, but the mere Wanchao sect is not as good as Tianhuo Fayan, even if he wants to join the sect, it is still a Wensheng sect in the first-level area.

"Then you are wrong!" Tianhuo said, holding the pen and the book of the sage in his hands.

"Great Elder, I don't think there is any need to talk nonsense with him, just forcefully imprint him with the seal of my Wanchao Gate!" said the envoy, and the old watchman on the side also nodded slightly, expressing his agreement with the envoy.

Great Elder?At this moment, Tianhuo knew that the old man was the great elder of Wanchaomen!

However, the other party's words put Tianhuo on alert and forcibly stamped the Zongmen's mark, which is equivalent to becoming a member of Wanchaomen, which cannot be explained to Wine King and Wen Hao.

The Great Elder was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "Okay, then do this!"

As soon as the words fell, the figure of the great elder flickered, and suddenly appeared in front of Tianhuo, with some withered hands covering Tianhuo.

"Beautiful thinking!" The corner of Tianhuo's mouth curled slightly, "Teleportation!"

Suddenly, Tianhuo's figure disappeared in place, and instantly appeared a thousand meters away, already stepping into the mountain peak.

The Great Elder was stunned for a moment, he never thought that Tianhuo would teleport, he looked at Tianhuo thousands of meters away in disbelief, and then his face changed drastically, "That is my forbidden area of ​​Wanchaomen, get out!"

Tianhuo was also slightly taken aback, forbidden land? "Hey, the forbidden place is the cemetery of the main god, right? Then, Grand Elder, where is the entrance to the cemetery?"

"You..." The Great Elder stood still and didn't dare to move forward, as if he couldn't step into the forbidden area, he was trembling with anger for a while, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"If you don't tell me, I can only look for it myself." Tianhuo shrugged and said, seeing that the three of them dared not step into the mountain, turned around and teleported towards the mountain.

"Damn it, Wang Qi, what a bad idea you came up with! Hurry up and invite the sect master here." The Great Elder said angrily.

It was the old man Wang Qi who made such a notice before and led Tianhuo to the Wanchao Gate. In their view, Tianhuo is just a newcomer to the second-level area. It must be easy to capture him in the sect, but no one thought of it. , Skyfire can teleport unexpectedly.

The old man Wangji's face changed drastically. He naturally understood that if Tianhuo was allowed to find the entrance to the main god's cemetery, it would be troublesome. At that time, he must lose his wife and lose his army!As for his own sins, even a few hundred times of death would not be enough.

Tianhuo wandered on the mountain peak, looking for the entrance of the cemetery, but after a long time, he still did not find the entrance, and around the mountain peak, more than a dozen senior officials of Wanchaomen had gathered.

"Tianling, come on and feel, isn't it hard to give yourself a name?" Tianhuo joked.

Using teleportation, Tianhuo has checked most of the mountain peaks, but still can't find the entrance to the cemetery, it's impossible to continue like this.

"I'm trying to sense it. How can it be so easy to enter the Thunder God's cemetery? If it was that easy, Wanchaomen would have already entered. How can I wait for you?" Luo Shending said helplessly.

Tianhuo nodded, that's the reason, the gatekeeper of Wanchao chose to stay here because he knew that there was a cemetery of the main god here, but he couldn't find the entrance for many years.

"Come on, let's see who finds it first." Tianhuo could only say helplessly, the mountain was full of lush greenery, and he didn't know the skills of earth escape, so he could only find it slowly.

However, Wanchaomen would not allow Tianhuo to fulfill his wish. Soon, a middle-aged man stepped into the air, flew directly into the sky above the mountain peak, and galloped towards Tianhuo.

"Oh, the door master is here. It seems that he is the only one who can enter this mountain freely." Tianhuo looked up at the middle-aged man who was getting closer and murmured.

"Whatever, the cemetery doesn't belong to their sect. You continue to teleport, and I'll sense it," Tianling said.

Tianhuo nodded, his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and the head of Wanchao Sect who happened to come just in time was caught in the air.

"Huh?" The middle-aged man glanced at Tianhuo who appeared a thousand meters away in surprise, his eyes gradually became excited, "Teleportation? It's the ability of the wings. This time, boy, since If you don't want to join my Wanchaomen, then you must die today, and the wings are mine!"

As he said that, the middle-aged man opened his big hand, and a majestic aura immediately permeated the mountain peaks. At this moment, Tianhuo Qianxing's figure seemed to have fallen into a swamp. Just as he was about to use his teleportation skills, he heard The middle-aged man yelled, "Block!"

(End of this chapter)

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