The strongest saint

Chapter 295 Xiaosheng

Chapter 295 Bai Xiaosheng

"Lockdown!" The middle-aged man shouted loudly.

And following his violent shouting, the entire sky was suddenly filled with almost transparent light, instantly covering the entire world.

"Wanchaomen's guardian formation?" Tianhuo frowned. This was not the first time he had seen such a situation, so he could naturally think of what was going on.

Sure enough, as the light enveloped the world, Tianhuo found that the teleportation skill could no longer be used.

"See how you're still running!" The middle-aged man stepped out of the air, drinking violently, his eyes full of greed. It doesn't matter whether Tianhuo can be sent to Wanchaomen right now, the important thing is to get the piece with The wings of teleportation skills!

"How do you run? Look!" Tianhuo jokingly smiled, and with a thought, a pair of wings suddenly popped up from behind, leaping into the air, and the speed was terrifyingly fast, appearing in the distance almost instantly, once again Let the middle-aged man catch a blank.

"Tianling, come on, it looks like I won't be able to delay for long." Tianhuo secretly said, now that he is in his base camp, and his sect protection array has been activated, there must be countless ways to take him down.

"The cemetery is in the center of the mountain, but there is no entrance. Something must be needed to open it. Skyfire, we have no choice!" Luoshending was silent for a moment, and finally said.

"Ah?" Tianhuo was stunned, is this a big joke, just before the cemetery of the main god, but can't get in?

"Stop it, why don't you retreat first? I'll find a way to get in later." Luo Shending said.

Tianhuo was silent, maybe there might be the remnant soul of Thunder God inside, or the clues left by him, it is very important for him to figure out the identity of Master Fanshen, this cemetery, I have to go in no matter what.

But since there is no entrance, it must be like what Luoshen Ding said, something is needed to open it. It seems that we can only look for the thing that opens the cemetery first.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo didn't hesitate, "Okay! Then find out more about it, but Wanchaomen is afraid that I will tell about the cemetery of the Lord God, so they will definitely not let me go. I just came to the second-level area, and they actually messed with me." This is big trouble."

"Hehe, are you still afraid of trouble? It's a big deal!" Luoshen Ding played with taste.

Tianhuo nodded, that's right, if Wanchaomen is in a hurry, he will spread the news. At that time, let Wanchaomen be in a hurry, but if that happens, Tianhuo may not be able to get the benefit.

"I hope the people of Wanchao Sect will be wiser." Tianhuo said, flapping his wings fiercely, and galloped towards the periphery.

"What a fast speed!" The middle-aged man watched Tianhuo leave, but he couldn't pursue it for a while. After all, Tianhuo's speed is close to the speed of sound, even if he can catch up, there is no guarantee that Tianhuo will stay.

"Sovereign, what should we do?" The elders also knew that they could not catch up with Tianhuo, and they were all worried.

The middle-aged man landed, looking gloomy at the direction where the fire disappeared, "It must be the artifact that brought him such a speed, send an order, and report as soon as possible if you find any traces of this person."

Tianhuo didn't care about Wanchaomen's movements, and was puzzled in his heart at this moment, "Tianling, why is this first-class sect not doing well? That man is their sect master, but his speed seems to be not very good! Not as good as some of the powerhouses encountered in the third-level area."

"A first-class sect? Do you believe what people say? It's ridiculous, Wanchao sect is just a small sect, and the master of the sect is only at the 30th level of spirit. How can the speed compare with your artifact Tianyu?" Luo Shending said disdainfully.

Tianhuo was stunned, he was only 28 levels higher than himself, so he might not be afraid of him if he was singled out!
While thinking, Tianhuo was puzzled again: "Isn't it right? A small sect? The Wanchao sect has such a large residence, so it could be a small sect?"

"Hee hee, you will know in the future that small sects like Wanchao Sect are considered to be at the bottom, but they are ashamed to say they are first-class sects." Luoshen Ding laughed.

"Then I'm relieved..." Tianhuo smiled and walked away.

Ten cities were established under the Wanchao Sect. With such a number of cities, it is indeed a small sect. Among these ten cities, the most prosperous one is the Wanchao City in the east.

Skyfire landed outside Wanchao City, and then walked straight towards the city gate. Since the cemetery of the Lord God still cannot enter, let’s see if we can find a way. I don’t know what the thing that opened the cemetery is, maybe I can find it out in the city. .

Letting the four beasts leave, Tianhuo came to the city gate, intending to stay here for a while, hoping to find the thing that opened the cemetery.

"Hey, the fee to enter the city is one hundred gold coins." As soon as they arrived at the gate of the city, the guard on the side shouted.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows slightly, he didn't care about such a few gold coins, but the entrance fee seemed a bit expensive.

"Don't stand still, it will be dark soon, when the monsters will gather outside the city, not ordinary people can survive, only in the city can they get shelter." The guard said again.

Tianhuo paid the entrance fee casually, and didn't say much. In the second-level area, it is no better than the third-level area. Even powerful NPCs are unwilling to stay outside the city at night. In that case, they have to face countless monsters.

The city is full of traffic, and the number of NPCs far exceeds Tianhuo's imagination, but looking around, there are no players at all. You must know that there are not many players who come to the second-level area, and the second-level area is no less than In the third-level area, it is difficult to meet players at this time.

Tianhuo walked casually in the city, looked at the shops lined up on both sides, and was a little amazed in his heart. In the third-level area, there were very few npcs, and the only ones he could see were shopkeepers and assistants of those shops. In the second-level area, various There are countless idle npcs.

"Speaking of Thor, that's amazing..."

Suddenly, a somewhat excited voice came into Tianhuo's ears. As soon as he mentioned Thor, he attracted Tianhuo's attention. He saw that in an open-air teahouse, hundreds of NPCs of various shapes were surrounding a young man, and the young man was drooling. Flying narration.

"Storyteller, tell me quickly, how amazing is Thor?" Everyone hurriedly urged when they saw the young man's voice paused.

Storyteller?But seeing the name on the young man's head, Tianhuo was overjoyed, "Bai Xiaosheng!"

Bai Xiaosheng cleared his voice, and then said: "Thunder God's real name is unknown, but it is rumored that his surname is Lin. That's amazing. His flowing silver hair is like thunder and lightning. During the war between heaven and earth, a wave of his hand can make the sky full of thunder. , where countless monsters turned into dust..."

Bai Xiaosheng narrated eloquently, while Tianhuo also listened with gusto. Thunder God is one of the main gods. At this moment, Bai Xiaosheng told his deeds.

"Hey, storyteller, we've already heard these things, let's talk about other things we don't know." Someone said boredly.

Bai Xiaosheng smiled mysteriously, "Okay, I will definitely scare you when I say it!"

As he said that, Bai Xiaosheng took a sip of tea, looked around and said, "Hehe, you must not know that Fanshen and Luoshen are actually Lei Shen's nephews! The two main gods want to call Lei Shen his uncle !"

Tianhuo was startled, Fan Shen wants to call Lei Shen his uncle?So, that being who looks the same as his father is Thor's brother?
Thinking of this, Tianhuo felt like his blood was boiling. In this way, to find out the identity of the statue, he could also find clues from Thor!Then, Thor's cemetery must be entered by himself!

"Really?" Everyone asked suspiciously.

"Haha, I, Bai Xiaosheng, am not just a storyteller. Of course what I say will not be false." Bai Xiaosheng raised his head and smiled.

Everyone was dumbfounded, as if it was the first time they heard such a statement.

Tianhuo, on the other hand, stared at Bai Xiaosheng closely, "Tianling, this person's attributes are hidden, can you see clearly?"

"Don't ask me, I can only see what you can see." Luo Shending responded.

"Okay, who will pay for today's tea? I'm leaving." Bai Xiaosheng stopped laughing, got up slowly and said.

"I'll do it." Tianhuo walked directly to the counter, paid for Bai Xiaosheng's tea, and then turned his gaze to Bai Xiaosheng, "Brother, can you take a step to speak?"

Bai Xiaosheng looked at Tianhuo suspiciously for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "It's easy to say, as long as you have good wine and good food, you can talk about anything."

Tianhuo smiled slightly, "You can choose whatever you want in the city."

Bai Xiaosheng was overjoyed, turned around and walked out, "Of course we should go to the Fugui Building, where the wine and food are delicious, tsk tsk..."

Tianhuo kept pace with him, Bai Xiaosheng might know about the cemetery of the main god, and even if he didn't, he might be able to find out the identity of the statue.

After some wine and meat, Bai Xiaosheng rubbed his belly in satisfaction, looked at Tianhuo with a smile and said, "In order to inquire about the Lord God?"

This guy was straightforward, he spoke directly after eating and drinking, Tianhuo nodded, "That's right, can you tell me about Fanshen and Luoshen's master."

Bai Xiaosheng smiled mysteriously, "There are more than a dozen main gods, and I know a little about them all, but only Fanshen Luoshen, Shizun... I know very little."

Tianhuo frowned slightly, the other main gods were none of his business, only the one who looked the same as his father made him worry about it all the time.

"I only know that all the main gods respect that person, and that person's weapon is a tripod, and the others... don't seem to know anything, hehe, brother, for the sake of treating me to a feast, why don't I treat the other main gods to tell you about it?"

"Wait, you said that person's weapon is a cauldron? An innate spirit cauldron?" Tianhuo asked suspiciously, his voice raised a little.

Bai Xiaosheng was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing, "The Xiantian Lingding Cauldron? What is the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron in front of that person? It is said that the man's cauldron has nine abilities, each of which is an existence against the sky, but what are they? I don't know, hehe."

"What's that man's name?" Tianhuo's eyes glowed with hope, could it be his father?

(End of this chapter)

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