Chapter 296
Tianhuo looked at Bai Xiaosheng expectantly, if he could know the name of that person, then everything would be clear.

However, facing Tianhuo's question, Bai Xiaosheng shook his head, "I'm afraid only those main gods can know this, after all, that person is too mysterious."

Tianhuo sighed secretly in his heart, it really wasn't that easy to find out!
Watching Tianhuo fall silent, Bai Xiaosheng rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Brother, how about I tell you about Fanshen's deeds? That's amazing, Fanshen is a native of our Destiny Continent!"

"Huh?" Tianhuo raised his eyebrows and asked doubtfully, "Could it be that the other main gods are not from this world?"

"Eh? That's not clear. I only know Fanshen. Fanshen was an ordinary person at the beginning, but he has grown to the realm of a master god. Tsk tsk..." Bai Xiaosheng sighed.

Tianhuo listened quietly, knowing more would never be wrong.

Fanshen, also surnamed Lin, no one knows the exact name, but the strange thing is that Fanshen disappeared after birth, and was not found by the Lin family until he was an adult. At that time, Fanshen was already good at defense The peerless powerhouse.

Later, by chance, he became the main god, but soon the monsters attacked, and the mortal gods were also the first ones to come out to resist. Later, other main gods came one after another, gathering the power of more than ten main gods to suppress the monsters, but the ending was as follows As it is now, more than a dozen main gods either fell or fell asleep.

"It's a pity that Lord Fanshen has fallen, otherwise, he might have a chance to see the demeanor of Fanshen!" Bai Xiaosheng said longingly.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, he had seen the remnant soul of a mortal god, and it gave people a very warm feeling.

"By the way, it is said that all gods can see the past and predict the future to a certain extent, isn't it amazing?" Bai Xiaosheng said suddenly.

Tianhuo smiled, seeing the past and the future is indeed amazing, but they have all fallen, what a pity!

"Brother Bai Xiaosheng, what about Thunder God? Did he leave behind any legends after his fall?" Tianhuo asked expectantly. After listening for so long, Thunder God was his goal.

"Thunder God? Yes, it is said that when he fell, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered. Countless thunder lights pervaded the entire second-level area, destroying all the monsters. When the thunder lights dissipated, a Thunder God Mountain was left behind. It is still full of thunder and lightning." Bai Xiao His eyes glowed with reverence.

"Thunder God Mountain?" Tianhuo seemed to think of something, and asked, "Where is Thunder God Mountain?"

"Haha, brother, since ancient times, countless strong people have gone to Leishen Mountain to find out, hoping to get the treasures left by Leishen, but countless years have passed, and no one has found anything in Leishen Mountain." laughed.

"As for Thunder God Mountain, I'm afraid no one knows about the second-level area. Hehe, except for you, of course, Thunder God Mountain is [-] to [-] miles to the north, not far away." Bai Xiaosheng said with a smile.

There was a flash of light in Tianhuo's eyes. The Leishen Mountain left by Leishen is still surging with thunder. There is no doubt that there must be treasures in it, and Tianhuo has enough reasons to believe that the treasure is separated from Leishen's cemetery. It doesn't matter.

"Thank you, I'm going to check it out, brother Bai Xiaosheng, then I'll take my leave!" Tianhuo got up and clasped his fists and said, since he got the clue, he naturally went to check it out.

Bai Xiaosheng was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Tianhuo to go to check so soon, so he also hurriedly got up, "Brother Tianhuo, wait a moment, can you help me next time?"

Tianhuo turned around suspiciously, he didn't have time to delay right now, but when he turned around, he saw Bai Xiaosheng's face full of hope, and couldn't help smiling, "Please tell me!"

"Hehe, that's how it is. Since you are going to Thunder God Mountain, I thought, if there is a chance, help me get some Thunder Pearls." Bai Xiaosheng said expectantly.

"Ding! The system prompts: Congratulations, you triggered the mission Bai Xiaosheng's request for help, do you accept it?"

Tianhuo nodded, since what Bai Xiaosheng needed was in Thunder God Mountain, he was on his way, so it's okay to help, just take it as a reward for this guy and tell him the news, "Accept!"

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on accepting the quest Bai Xiaosheng's request for help. Please check the quest panel for details."

Mission: Bai Xiaosheng's request for help.

Task Difficulty: Grade A.

Mission reward: unknown.

Mission introduction: The powerful thunder and lightning power gathers all year round, and a strange thunder bead will be born. Someone in the Thunder God Mountain once obtained the thunder bead and handed it to Bai Xiaosheng. He will give you a satisfactory reward.

Looking at the quest introduction, Tianhuo frowned slightly. This was the first quest he received in the second-level area. It seemed to be pretty good, but the quest introduction said that someone had obtained Thunder Beads, so it should be very rare .

But there is no mission penalty, if you can't meet it, forget it, Tianhuo doesn't force it, just do your best.

"Brother Bai Xiaosheng, I'll take my leave first." Tianhuo said while cupping his fists.

Bai Xiaosheng nodded excitedly, and clasped his fists in return, "Brother Tianhuo, everything is going well!"

Tianhuo smiled, turned around and left the Fugui Building, walking towards the North City Gate.

However, before reaching the gate of the city, Nine Souls Yinglong's anxious voice sounded in his head, "Master, come quickly, Di Yan has been taken away!"

Tianhuo was startled, "Recall the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast!"

"Ding! The system prompts: Your pet Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast is under control and cannot be recalled!"

"Fuck! Who dares to touch Diyan!" Hearing the system prompt, Tianhuo's heart suddenly burst, and then his anger rose to the sky.

Without hesitation, Tianhuo's back spread its wings fiercely and stepped into the air, using teleportation one after another, and teleported towards the south of the city quickly.

On the map, Nine Souls Yinglong, Star Devouring Moon Beast, and Void Ray are chasing forward, obviously wanting to rescue Di Yan. The speed of the three is extremely fast, but they have not stopped, which shows that they are still there. There is no chasing God.

Tianhuo's figure flickered quickly, and he teleported almost every second. Every time, he appeared a thousand meters away. Soon, he had already teleported out of the city from midair. Looking at the map, he moved towards The three beasts quickly chased after them.

In front of the Nine Souls Yinglong and the Three Beasts, a light woman is holding the Diyan Linhuang Beast with one hand, and the latter is completely controlled, even struggling.

The Diyan Linhuang beast is the weakest existence among the four beasts, it is only a low-level beast, and it is strange that the woman will stare at Diyan instead of capturing a high-level beast like Jiuhun.

"Old witch, quickly leave my brother behind!" Nine Souls roared as they chased after her.

Although the Diyanlinhuang beast couldn't struggle, it just watched the three beasts chasing from behind. The fastest star-eating moon-eating beast among the three beasts was about to catch up, but it was blown away by the woman's backhand, and it was not rescued at all. Di Yan's chance.

The woman blasted away the Star Devouring Moon Beast, ignored the curses of the Nine Souls, grabbed the Diyan Linhuang Beast and walked through the air, the speed was not slow.

"Old witch, stinking woman... stop!" Jiuhun Yinglong roared, but his speed was not as fast as the woman's, and he couldn't catch up at all, so he could only keep a certain distance.

Suddenly, the woman's figure paused, and she turned sharply to look at Nine Souls Yinglong. She stared at Nine Souls who had rushed over with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Rogue Dragon, have you scolded enough?"

Nine souls were overjoyed, and seized the opportunity to sneak up in front of the woman, and could not help but say that a terrible attack fell on the woman, "Leave my brother!"


Facing the attack of Nine Souls, the woman just let out a cold snort, and the blue flames in her beautiful eyes disappeared in a flash, but seeing the attack of Nine Souls fell, the woman moved, and a flick of her fingers was a burst of blue light. It shot out and hit Jiuhun instantly.

The blue light hit Jiuhun's neck, but strangely, a blood hole appeared on the back of Jiuhun's neck, and blood spurted out from the blood hole for a while.


Seeing that the woman was still about to make a move, Tianhuo's shouts finally sounded. Amidst the shouts, Tianhuo's figure blocked the Nine Souls Yinglong, and looked at the woman with angry eyes.

The woman was dressed in red, her hair fluttered in the wind, her soft willow eyebrows, her eyes like a bright moon, her straight nose, her light figure, and strangely, there was a faint glint of light in her hair.

"Let go of my pet!" Tianhuo looked at the woman for a moment, then said slowly.

While Tianhuo was looking at the woman, the latter was also looking at him, with no emotion in his eyes, his red lips parted slightly, and said: "You came just in time, I want to tell you, this little guy has to leave you for two or three years."

Tianhuo frowned, "I have the final say on my pet, if you want to take it away, you have to get my consent!"

"I'm not asking for your opinion, I'm just letting you know." The woman said, turning around slowly and wanting to leave.


Tianhuo teleported in front of the Diyan Linhuang Beast and the woman, and the Book and Pen of the Sage of Grammar fell into his hands, and said in a deep voice, "I said, let go of Diyan!"

The woman looked at the weapon in Tianhuo's hands slightly, but there was still no emotion in her eyes, "Two years soon, three years later, goodbye!"

As soon as the words fell, ripples suddenly appeared around the woman.

"Stepping on the sky and moving? Lock it up for me!" Jiuhun Yinglong's eyes flashed solemnly, and he flapped his wings violently, and the violent air wave rushed towards the woman.

But it was too late, in this strange ripple, the woman's figure suddenly faded away, and when it faded away, the attack of the Nine Souls arrived.

Tianhuo frowned deeply, looked at the place where the woman disappeared, and clasped his hands tightly, "Don't let me find you, or even if you are a woman, I will kill you!"

In front of him, the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast was taken away like this, how could Tianhuo not be angry, but he had no way to do it, that weird way of leaving was beyond his ability to stop!

"Master, what should we do?" The Star Devouring Moon Beast landed beside Tianhuo, asking worriedly.

Tianhuo frowned deeply, and didn't know what would happen if Diyan fell into that woman's hands. She said that she would only see Diyan after two or three years, why?
"What should I do? Look for it! That girl, Huang, if you find the Phoenix family, why worry about not being able to find Di Yan?" Jiu Hun said viciously.

"Phoenix? Are you sure?" Tianhuo slightly raised his head and looked at Jiuhun. This Tianhuo knew that the female of the Phoenix family is a phoenix, and the male is a phoenix, but he did not expect that the Emperor Flame Linhuang beast would actually attract a strong member of the Phoenix family.

"I'm sure, I'm sure, since Ta Tian Nuo removed the main god, only the Phoenix family can perform it." Nine Souls Yinglong said.

(End of this chapter)

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