The strongest saint

Chapter 297 Strange Attributes

Chapter 297 Strange Attributes

Move over the sky?

It was the first time Tianhuo had heard of this skill, but since only the main gods and the Phoenix clan could use it, it was enough to show how powerful this skill was.

"Phoenix, although I haven't seen the main body, but in my impression the Phoenix family is a symbol of auspiciousness. It seems that I was wrong." Tianhuo murmured.

That's right, on the earth, the phoenix is ​​a symbol of auspiciousness, but the woman kidnapped the Diyan Linhuang beast, completely subverting Tianhuo's impression, no matter what, Diyan must be rescued.

"Eh? Boss, Tun Xing, the Phoenix family has always been kind and kind to others, so they shouldn't embarrass Brother Diyan, right?" Void Ray said with some uncertainty.

"Cut! The forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds, who knows what kind of mind those broken birds have?" Jiuhun Yinglong said disdainfully.

"That's right, Nine Souls, do you know where the Phoenix Clan is?" Tianhuo asked with a slight nod, still dignified.

However, before Jiuhun could respond, Tianling's voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind, "Hey, what are you worrying about, the Diyan Linhuang beast should go to the Phoenix family, you should go to Leishen Mountain to have a look. Well, maybe there really is something in there that unlocks Thor's grave."

Tianhuo was a little puzzled when he heard the words, "Should Diyan go to the Phoenix clan? Why?"

"Don't ask too much, anyway, there is no harm in going. You have been sleeping as the Diyan Linhuang beast for the past two years, and it will naturally come to you when the time comes."

Tianhuo hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to believe Tianling's words. It seemed that she knew something about the Phoenix Clan, otherwise she wouldn't have said such a thing.

"Let's go, let's go to Thunder God Mountain first." After thinking about Di Yan's matter, Tianhuo waved his hand and got on the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

"Ah? Master, don't you want to save Diyan?" Jiu Hun looked at Tianhuo in disbelief and asked.

Tianhuo shook his head, "That may be Di Yan's adventure, don't worry, let's go!"


The three beasts looked at each other, unable to understand the meaning of Tianhuo for a while, but judging from the previous situation, it would not be difficult for the woman to kill the four beasts, but she did not do so, which is enough to show that Di Yan would not die easily.

And even if Diyan dies, that's not a good thing, as long as he finds the Beast Soul Grass, he can be revived, and then he will naturally return to Tianhuo's side, wouldn't it be easier.

Tianhuo naturally understood this truth, so he was relieved. Even if he died, it would only drop one level, and he would just need to be resurrected.

"Master, you said to go to Thunder God Mountain, where is it?" Star Devouring Moon Beast asked without caring about Di Yan.

Tianhuo pointed to the north, "Twenty to thirty thousand miles over there, let's go!"

"Oh, master, Void Ray and I don't need to worry about it anymore, you can pull us over when you arrive!" Jiuhun hurriedly said when he saw that the Star Devouring Moon Beast was about to set off.

Tianhuo nodded, and it saved them from running [-] to [-] miles. It would be better to let them upgrade nearby.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast strode towards the north with four hooves, and quickly disappeared from the sight of the Nine Souls and Two Beasts as fast as lightning.

This trip is two to three thousand miles, but compared to the speed of the current Star Devouring Moon Beast, it only takes more than half a day, and Tianhuo is not worried about the speed issue.

It's just that they have only been going for a few hours, but the situation in front of them made Tianhuo stunned, "Bandits robbed?"

In the sky several miles away, dozens of npc powerhouses flew over the sky and fell towards the ground farther away. The majestic aura permeated the place they passed, and as these people fell to the ground, the sound of shouting and killing was also heard. Then spread.

Below, a road leads straight to the north. On the road, a convoy is being besieged. There are men, women and children in the convoy. Under the attack of dozens of tyrannical men, some people die from time to time.

Without Tianhuo's confession, the Star Devouring Moon Beast flew towards the field, "These bastards, even if they rob, they actually kill innocent people! Stop it!"

The Star Devouring Moon Beast roared and flew towards the field, but those robbers just looked up at the sky, not only did not stop, but accelerated the speed of attack, "Quick!"

"Your uncle! Devouring the moon!"

The Star Devouring Moon Beast couldn't help being furious when he saw that his yelling didn't take effect, and he used the Moon Devouring skill, and this was the first time Tianhuo saw the Star Devouring Moon Beast using this skill.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast is just a mount, but its combat power should not be underestimated. After using its skills, a soft luster like moonlight can be seen spreading out. Wherever it passes, thousands of damage points appear on the heads of the robbers.

Highway bandit, spirit level 15, hp (spirit) 2600, attack (spirit) 320, defense (spirit) 240.

"You can fly at spirit level 15?" Tianhuo looked suspiciously at the attributes of the humanoid monster. He must have read it correctly before, these bandits came by flying.

"Help..." When the people in the convoy saw Tianhuo coming riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast, they all cried out for help.

"Oral punishment, killing one is a crime..."


As soon as the first big golden characters fell, all the bandits who were attacking the convoy fell down instantly, and the following big characters fell, which had no effect.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have obtained 375 spiritual experience points, and an additional 1875 spiritual experience points."


More than 30 system prompts appeared at the same time, which instantly increased Skyfire's experience bar by a large amount. From the second to the third level of the spirit, 2 experience points are needed, and this time, nearly 3 spiritual experience points were obtained.

However, all the robbers in the field were instantly killed. These were just ordinary monsters. Although Tianhuo's current attributes were not strong, it was not difficult to deal with these monsters.

"Thank you young hero..."

During the inspection of Tianhuo, there was a sound of sincere gratitude from everyone in the convoy.

Tianhuo looked around and found that the convoy had more than 20 vehicles and horses. Nearly half of the vehicles were pulling wooden boxes. I don’t know what was in them. The other vehicles were normally used for carrying people. More than 30 people beside the vehicle were looking at Tianhuo gratefully. .

Tianhuo waved his hand, patted the Star Devouring Moon Beast and was about to leave, but there was a roar from the forest beside the road, "You actually killed my subordinates, you are looking for death!"

As soon as the loud shouting came to an end, a burly figure emerged from the forest, as if he had been hiding there all along.

Bandit leader (silver boss), spirit level 15, HP (spirit) 62000, attack (spirit) 990, defense (spirit) 530.


"Oh? Boss!" Tianhuo's eyes glowed with joy. I don't know if it's because I haven't moved around too much, or because there are few bosses in the second-level area. This is the first boss I have encountered. The equipment in the second-level area is What attributes, I really want to know!
"Brush, kill!"

Without saying a word, Tianhuo raised his hand, and strokes flew out of Wen Sheng's pen.

Fortunately, the second stroke showed critical damage, instantly clearing the life of this little boss.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have obtained 24000 spiritual experience points, and an additional 120000 spiritual experience points!"

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 1 pieces of equipment, Lingzhu x 2."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 3, and the four attributes are +5."

The Silver Boss at Spirit level 15 is still so unbearable in Tianhuo's hands, allowing Tianhuo to almost understand his attributes at the moment, which seems to have been reduced by a hundred times, but compared with monsters of this level, he is still as strong as ever.

The level has reached the third level of spirit, and there is no obvious change. Tianhuo's eyes moved to the ring of the sage. This silver boss only broke out one piece of equipment, which made Tianhuo look forward to it.

Spirit bracelet (silver), physical attack (spirit) +20, strength +1500, agility +1500, use requirement: spirit level 15.

"Huh? Why are the attributes like this?" Tianhuo murmured in his heart, this bracelet has no professional requirements, and he can use it when he reaches the spirit level of 15, but it is very strange that the spirit's physical attack has been increased by 20, and his strength and agility have actually increased. 1500!

There are only three attributes, but the latter two attributes look extremely attractive. With more than 1000 basic attributes, even a level 90 silverware in the third-level area may not be able to add so much.

"Young man, let's go quickly! Kill the bandits here, I'm afraid there will be stronger bandits coming soon." Someone in the motorcade said worriedly.

Tianhuo smiled freely, is there a stronger one coming?Isn't that cheap for yourself? "Hurry up, I don't pay attention to these bandits."

Everyone looked at each other, as if thinking of the strength that Tianhuo had shown before, without hesitation, they drove the convoy away quickly, drifting away with the sound of gratitude.

Tianhuo turned his head, looked towards the surrounding forest, and murmured: "Will there be a gold boss? The dark gold boss is better, hehe, come quickly!"

In the anticipation of Tianhuo, time gradually passed, and after waiting for more than half an hour, the ghosts did not see a single one, so Tianhuo gave up waiting helplessly, and no stronger boss came to him at all.

"It's rare to meet a boss, but there is only one..." Tianhuo shook his head and smiled wryly, it seemed that there would never be a boss coming to seek death.

"Hey... Tianhuo, I'm convinced of you, let's go! With your current level, even if you reach the second-level area, you can't use the spirit weapon, and even if you can use it, how long can you use it? Don't forget What you need is the Glyph Sage suit." Tianling reminded, as if she couldn't stand Tianhuo's waiting.

Tianhuo smiled awkwardly, and he saw that the attributes of the equipment in the second-level area were a bit attractive. He just wanted to get a few more advanced ones to see, but there was no other meaning. He naturally understood what Tianling said.

Shrugging his shoulders, he patted the Star Devouring Moon Beast under his seat, and the figures of one man and one beast quickly disappeared into the sky.

This time, there were no bandits or anything like that, and it was only at the dawn of the next day that the Star Devouring Moon Beast slowed down, and in front of it, there was a faint thunder flashing in the dawn.

The sky in the north brightened from time to time, and silver-white light flickered in the sky from time to time, and a powerful aura of destruction also quietly permeated this world. Obviously, Thunder God Mountain was just ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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