The strongest saint

Chapter 298 Thunderstorm Skeleton

Chapter 298 Thunderstorm Skeleton
"The range of the power of thunder and lightning is too wide, right? What can create such a thunderfield?" The Star Devouring Moon Beast slowed down and murmured.

Tianhuo also looked at the front in amazement. In the dawn, the thunder and lightning that surged from time to time illuminated the sky. Looking around, there was no limit at all.

"Let's go! Thunder God Mountain is here!" Tianhuo said in a low voice with his eyes fixed.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast nodded, and galloped forward with four hooves. When the sun rose, it was finally outside the thunderfield.

"Thunder God Mountain, this is simply a boundless thunder field!" After arriving in front of Thunder God Mountain, Tianhuo discovered that countless mountains were shrouded in thunder and lightning, and it was difficult to see plants in the mountains, but none of the plants appeared. Not immune to lightning.

"Ding! The system prompts: Stepping into the range of Leishen Mountain, the HP (spirit) will lose 1000 per second."

Following the system prompt, 1000 damage points popped out from the top of Tianhuo's head every second, but at the same time, +31 health points were recovered every second. Tianhuo's [-]% health recovery is still there, so there is no need to worry about it every second. A thousand losses.

But the Star Devouring Moon Beast under the seat is different. It doesn't have automatic recovery of HP, it needs to take medicine to do it, but it has become a burden at this moment.

"It's no wonder no one can find anything here. I'm afraid not many people can stop such a high continuous damage. Even if there is a pill, it will be difficult to support this area." Tianhuo murmured, and came here to understand.

"Tun Xing, you go out first and move freely outside." Tianhuo said, swept down from the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and stood steadily in the air with its wings spread out.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast is not reluctant. Although it has a lot of HP, it cannot stay within the range of Thunder God Mountain for a long time.

There was no end to the endless mountain range, Tianhuo Lingkong stood on the edge and took a closer look, then flew towards the center, "Tianling, it's up to you to keep sensing."

Tianhuo was looking forward to it very much. Since the area surrounded by thunder and lightning was formed here after the fall of the God of Thunder, there must be something left by the God of Thunder here, which might be the key to the cemetery of the God of Thunder.

"I know, you should be careful, there must be someone else in the place left by the main god." Luo Shending reminded.

Tianhuo nodded, and his figure was like a phantom, galloping towards the central area.

An hour later, Tianhuo has flown eight or nine hundred kilometers, but there are still continuous mountains in front of him, and Luoshen Cauldron did not find anything abnormal, but Tianhuo found that the plants in the mountains have increased.

For countless years, many plants have adapted to this environment and grown here.

Skyfire remained vigilant and continued to fly forward.

Boom...Suddenly, a burst of noise attracted Tianhuo's attention.

Tianhuo hurriedly stopped his figure, looked along the place where the sound came from, and his expression suddenly became strange.

Tianhuo didn't fly very high, so it's not difficult to find the sound different from thunder. On a mountain with strange rocks, a large boulder slipped down and rolled down the mountain. This is a normal thing, but Tianhuo was surprised. Surprisingly, on the top of the mountain, a pair of human skeletons were clumsily pushing the surrounding boulders.

The boulders that rolled down before were the masterpieces of the bones.

"What is this?" Tianhuo opened his mouth, and there are many wonders about the size of the world, and he has gained knowledge.

The skeleton was as white as jade, and the thunder and lightning that appeared out of nowhere around it from time to time could not affect it at all, passing directly through the skeleton without damaging it at all.

The skeleton didn't notice the fire in the sky at all, and continued to push away the boulders around it, as if trying to push away the boulders to find something, completely ignoring the boulders he pushed down the mountain.

"The eyes of Wensheng!"

Yulei Skeleton, spirit level 30, HP (spirit) 70000, attack 950, defense 1260.

Explanation: The strong man who died in Thunder God Mountain experienced countless years of evolution and turned into these unconscious skeleton monsters, but he never forgot to look for the treasure here.

"So that's it!" Seeing the attributes of Yulei's skeleton, Tianhuo secretly said in his heart, it seems that there are quite a few such skeletons.

Yulei Skeleton's movement was slow, but its strength was incomparably great. Those huge boulders that were several feet in size were easily pushed away by it, and rolled straight down the back of the mountain, making a rumbling sound.

"Tianling, what do you think the skeleton is doing?" After observing for a long time, I saw that the mountain peak had been bulldozed tens of meters by the skeleton, but I still couldn't see what the skeleton was trying to do.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Tianhuo saw a dazzling thunder burst out from the ground in front of the skeleton, and the lightning shrank sharply, forming a floating bead the size of a fingertip.

"Cluck..." The skeleton's two rows of teeth rubbed against each other and made a rattling sound, as if excited by the beads that appeared in front of them.

"Thunder bead!" Tianhuo lost his voice, staring at the bead tightly, why didn't he understand that this is the thunder bead that Bai Xiaosheng entrusted him to find.

As if hearing Tianhuo's voice, the skeleton grabbed the beads in a hurry, turned to look at Tianhuo, and Tianhuo only discovered at this moment that there were actually two balls of lightning beating in the hollow eye sockets of the skeleton, which seemed to be its eyeballs .

"Heck..." The skeleton rubbed its teeth again, as if warning Tianhuo, but without waiting for Tianhuo to make a move, the skeleton jumped up suddenly, and appeared on another mountain top one after another.

"No way, such an amazing jumping ability!" Tianhuo opened his mouth in surprise. The distance between the two peaks was several miles, but the slow-moving skeleton jumped over like that.

It's not over yet, I saw the skeleton's leg bones bend slightly again, leaping and falling towards the top of the distant mountain.

"Damn, what a hell." Tianhuo complained, and chased after the skeleton, "Look at what this guy is going to do."

The skeleton kept rising and falling, and every time it rose and fell, it crossed a mountain peak, but Tianhuo was not in a hurry, and slowed down to follow behind the skeleton.

Not long after, the mountains in front became gentler and gradually flattened into a plain, but the sky and the earth were still filled with thunder.

Although the thunder light was not dense, it was difficult for Tianhuo's vision to see too far under the overwhelming sky, but gradually, a village appeared in front of Tianhuo's eyes.

The dilapidated huts with earth and stone structures are densely covered and look a bit messy.

When Tianhuo was looking at the small village, the skeleton got into the village and entered the largest house in the center of the village.

"Haha, Thunder Bead! You actually got the Thunder Bead! We have hope, hurry up, bring those two children together, I'm going to find the lord, and hand over the Thunder Bead and the two human children, we're ready You can get a year of peace!" A loud laugh came from the house and resounded throughout the village.

"Is there someone?" Tianhuo raised his eyebrows in mid-air, staring closely at the house in the center.

In doubt, he saw two skeletons walking out from the side of the house, holding a seven or eight-year-old child tied up by a bone chain in their hands. The strange thing is that the two children were not affected by the thunder around them.

"Thunder Spirit Chain! Oops!" Tianling's voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind.

"What's going on?" Tianhuo asked.

"Those two children are locked by this kind of chain, so they are not affected by lightning, but you don't know, this kind of chain is made of living people, such a chain needs at least a hundred of these children Skeletons!" Tianling said angrily.

Tianhuo's heart skipped a beat, where did these skeletons find the children?Could it be that they still go out from time to time to capture these children outside Thunder God Mountain?
"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on triggering a sudden task, accept it forcefully, please check the task panel for details."

"Fuck, accept it by force?" Tianhuo listened to the system prompt in a daze, and forced himself a task!
Mandatory mission: Rescue.

Task Difficulty: Grade A.

Mission Reward: News of Thor's Relic.

Task penalty: Level -2.

Mission introduction: Yulei Skeleton captures human children. If these children are not rescued within a day, they will die.

Simple task introduction, but Tianhuo is embarrassed, who knows how many children have been captured by Yulei Skull!

"Most of these Yulei skeletons have no intelligence. Someone must have ordered these Yulei skeletons to catch human children. Tianhuo, hurry up and find out what's going on. I have a very bad feeling."

Tianhuo knew what to do without Tianling's reminder. The task was to rescue the children by himself, and he didn't say how many there were, but judging from the current situation, I'm afraid that those children were all gathered together, at the place of the lord that the voice said.

In the village, a tall skeleton grabbed a child in one hand, stepped into the air and flew towards the distance. Obviously, he was going to pay tribute.

According to what it said before, as long as the two children and Leizhu are handed over, the village will have a year of peace, and as long as they follow, they can clarify the matter.

"Glyph Saint's Eye!" Following the big skeleton from a distance, Tianhuo secretly used the Grave Saint's Eye.

Yulei skull leader (silver boss), spirit level 30, HP (spirit) 180000, attack 2200, defense 2600.


Seeing the attributes of this skeleton, Tianhuo didn't care, but worried about the two children. The two of them turned pale, and looked at the big skeleton who grabbed them in horror. If they encounter such a thing at this age, they will be very afraid in the future. It's hard to get out of the shadows.

"Children, wait a little longer, I will definitely rescue you..." Tianhuo murmured, looking away from the two children, unable to bear to look at them.

After an hour or so, the skull leader slowed down, and in front of him, there was a dilapidated city without thunder.

Tianhuo also slowed down, and it seemed that this was where the so-called lord was.

Two skeletons with flashing eyes guarded the dilapidated city. Seeing the arrival of the skull leader, they did not stop them at all, allowing the skull leader to take the two children in, while Tianhuo was also preparing to hide himself and plunder towards the city.

"Ding! The system prompts: This skill cannot be used in the state of bleeding."

The sound of the system made Tianhuo frown slightly. It is not clear what the so-called lord is. If he can't hide himself, he can only break in.

After thinking for a moment, Tianhuo looked at the low and dilapidated city wall. There was no thunder within tens of meters in front of the city wall, so it should not be affected.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo avoided the guards at the city gate and flew towards the city wall beside him.

"Ding! The system prompts: The bleeding state has disappeared."

As soon as he entered a place where there was no thunder, Tianhuo found that as expected, the damage value protruding from the top of his head had disappeared.

"Thunder God's breath, there are Thor's relics here!" Tian Ling's voice also sounded at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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