The strongest saint

Chapter 299 Skeleton Lord

Chapter 299 Skeleton Lord
"Is there a Thunder God relic here? I think I understand why this place is not affected by lightning." Hearing Tianling's exclamation, Tianhuo murmured.

This area is under the influence of the power of thunder and lightning. Once entering, it will lose a thousand life points per second, but it is not affected here, presumably because there are Thor's relics here.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo directly used the invisible skill to enter the invisible state, but he became puzzled in his heart. The task reward was to tell himself the news of Thor's relic, and now Tianling had already sensed it, so this task reward...

"Tianhuo, be careful, don't forget that you are only at level 3." Tianling reminded.

Tianhuo nodded, and hurried towards the city gate.

In the city, there are also low earth and stone houses, which look very dilapidated, but in the center, a three-story earth and stone hall was built, and the skull leader entered there.

In the invisible state, Tianhuo still ran towards the main hall cautiously, stopped at the entrance of the main hall and looked into it.

The light in the main hall was a bit dim, and before Tianhuo could see clearly, he heard a majestic voice, "You have done a good job, you will be exempted from taxes for one year, go!"

"Thank you, Lord Lord..." the skull leader said anxiously, and retreated cautiously.

Tianhuo also saw the situation in the hall clearly, except for the two children who were chained by Thunder Spirit chains, there was only one tall dark golden skeleton left.

Skeleton Lord (dark gold), spirit level 35, HP (spirit) 680000, attack (spirit) 5200, defense (spirit) 6600.


"Fuck, stronger than me!" Looking at the attributes of the skeleton lord, Tianhuo clicked his tongue secretly. If it wasn't for the attribute of ignoring the target's defense, he couldn't break through the defense of this big guy at all.

The dark gold boss at Ling level 35 is actually so much stronger than the silver boss. If it is a battle, it will take a long time to settle it.

Seeing the skull leader leave, the lord grabbed the two children and walked towards the large seat in the center of the hall. When he reached the seat, the skeleton lord kicked the seat away, revealing a hole.

The Skeleton Lord looked back and saw no one around, so he jumped directly into the cave.

"So it's all hidden below!" Tianhuo flashed out, maintaining his invisibility, and came directly to the entrance of the cave, only to see that there was a gentle staircase below, and he didn't know where it extended.

But now that he knew where the Skeleton Lord hid the child, how could Skyfire hesitate, and without hesitation, he fell towards the stairs, walked along the stairs, and came to an underground hall not long after.

There are cages made of bones around the hall, and in each cage, there are seven or eight children imprisoned in it. Seeing the arrival of the skeleton lord, these children dare not show their breath, and their faces are covered with tears. The color of fear.

Inexplicable anger grew in Tianhuo's heart. He clenched his fists and looked at the situation in the hall. Once the skeleton lord left, he could safely rescue these children!At that time, this boss must be destroyed.

The skeleton lord threw the two children into a cage, closed the door of the cage with his hand, and said to himself, "There are still eight children left, so I can give it to... huh?"

And after talking to himself, the skeleton lord suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of Tianhuo.

Tianhuo's heart tightened. He had just stepped into the hall from the passage, but he was afraid that he would be discovered in this narrow passage later. He didn't expect to be noticed by the skeleton lord once he entered the hall, and he couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart.

"Get out!" The skeleton lord stared straight at the place where Tianhuo was, and the raging arcs in his eyes danced.

Tianhuo knew that he had been sensed, so he didn't hide. He showed his body and asked calmly, "Who do you want to dedicate these children to?"

Tianhuo could hear clearly that the skeleton lord said that he was only eight years away from dedicating his child to someone.

"Hmph! Humans at the third level of the spirit dare to come here... Huh? How could you pass through such a thick lightning area?" The skeleton lord snorted coldly, and suddenly asked curiously.

"Kill him first, and the mysterious person behind him will naturally appear!" Tianling said, not wanting to listen to the nonsense of Tianhuo and the skeleton lord.

Tianhuo smiled wryly, and he was afraid that those children would be affected if he did it here. After all, if the Skeleton Lord loses, he might use those children as a threat, and then he would be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo suddenly turned around and ran towards the way he came. The speed was not fast, just so that the skeleton lord could keep up with him.

"Want to escape? It's too late!" The skeleton lord snorted coldly, and started chasing after Tianhuo.

Soon, Tianhuo had already returned to the main hall, and stood aside to get ready to get up when he came out of the cave, "Nine Souls, Void Ray, Swallowing Stars!"


The three beasts and ten guardians appeared beside Tianhuo, and Tianhuo involuntarily grabbed the Star Devouring Moon Beast's back, and its attributes suddenly soared.

As soon as the skeleton lord came out of the cave, he saw one man, three beasts and ten guards, and the thunder in his eyes trembled, "So you were prepared, hehe, but do you think my territory is so easy to break into?"

"Fool, fix it!" Tianhuo shook his head and said, the fixing spell was cast suddenly.

Immediately, the Skeleton Lord's movements stopped, and with a wave of Tianhuo, ten guards and two pets rushed up quickly, and Tianhuo opened the third page of the Book of Glyphs.

The chivalrous line turned into a long rainbow that passed through the skull lord's breastbone and disappeared, and a damage value of more than 13 appeared above the skull lord's head.

"It's only ten seconds, speed up." Tianhuo shouted. In the past, it was never necessary to deal with the dark gold boss. Now it is different. In the second level area, it is not so easy for his own attributes to deal with the visitors of the dark gold boss.

The attacks of the two beasts and the ten guardians landed on the skeleton lord, but unexpectedly, the level 3 void ray could only cause less than 4000 damage to the skeleton lord, while the nine souls were quite powerful. Can cause more than [-] damage to it.

On the other hand, the ten guards seemed to be decorations, and their attacks could only deal a mandatory damage to the Skeleton Lord.

"I'm going, it seems that the level gap is too big..." Seeing everyone's damage value, the corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, and then he raised his hand and waved the pen of Wen Sheng, "Brush, kill!"
15240, -14960, -168550...

In the riding state, Tianhuo got the powerful bonus of the Devouring Star and Moon Beast, and the critical strike damage also increased by 500%. Under the critical strike, it immediately became 12 times the damage, which is more than 16! -

There was another stroke with critical damage, which immediately emptied the skeleton lord's health, but at this time, the immobilized state also disappeared, and the skeleton lord quickly took out a pitch-black shield in front of him. When the attack fell, the damage value was instantly halved!
"Boy, I underestimated you, but you don't want to kill me!" The skeleton lord stuck out his head without any flesh and blood, and sneered.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, his HP had bottomed out, how dare he say such big words?

As Tianhuo expected, as soon as the Skeleton Lord's voice fell, the life value was instantly emptied by the two beasts, and just fell down, and the sound stopped abruptly.

However, with the fall of the skeleton lord, Tianhuo found that there was no system notification sound in his ears!
"Jie Jie..."

As soon as this idea appeared, the Skeleton Lord stood up abruptly, and the dark golden skeleton turned into pitch black in an instant, and black energy began to entwine around him.

"Monster?" Tianhuo frowned, and Wen Sheng's pen tightened.

"Hurry up, this is a monster at the level of a general!" Tianling's anxious voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, he killed a lot of general-level monsters by himself, why worry?However, when he saw the skeleton attribute at this moment, Tianhuo cursed secretly in his heart.

Skeleton general, spirit level 35, HP (spirit) 156400/3800000, attack (spirit) 26000, defense (spirit) 33000.


Explanation: After the death of a demon general, the bones left behind have developed wisdom after countless years. Although the strength is not as good as before, it is not weak.

Tianhuo never imagined that the demon generals in the second-level area, and the ones whose strength was not as strong as before, would be so powerful!Compared with those magic generals in the third-level area, this is more powerful!It can also be seen from this that the magic generals in the third-level area are indeed suppressed with too much strength.

Faintly, Tianhuo could think of how tragic the war between heaven and earth was at the beginning. No wonder more than a dozen main gods were about to fall or fall asleep. The power of monsters was beyond his imagination. With his current strength, he couldn't deal with them at all. This poor magic general in front of him, let alone those magic generals in their heyday.

"Master, it doesn't have much life left, do you want to fight?" Nine Soul Yinglong was full of fighting spirit.

Tianhuo shook his head hastily, what a joke, he has a mount bonus of 203%, and only more than 5000 spiritual attacks, plus 40% ignore defense, still can't even break through other people's defense, how to fight?How to spell it?

While speaking, the skeleton demon general made a move, and in the blink of an eye, a burst of black energy rushed towards Tianhuo.

"Let's finish the task, teleport!" Tianhuo's expression froze, and he teleported out as he said in a deep voice, appearing in front of the cave in an instant.

Without the slightest sloppiness, Tianhuo went straight into the hole, and teleported again to the hall where the children were held, "Come out, I'll take you away!"

While shouting, Tianhuo opened a cage and took the child into the palace of the gods.

However, the children in the other cages seemed to have been frightened for a long time, and they cried out in horror. No one reacted and walked out of the cage, which made Tianhuo's rescue very difficult.

Another cage was opened and the seven or eight children in it were sent to the palace of the gods, but the roar of the skeleton demon general came from the passage.

Tianhuo cursed inwardly, seeing that there were still ten cages imprisoning children, he shook his head helplessly, there was no time to get all the children out, it seemed that he had to lure the Skeleton Demon General away first.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo teleported away directly, and appeared beside the skeleton demon general. He stepped past the demon general and ran towards the entrance. remaining children.

(End of this chapter)

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