The strongest saint

Chapter 300 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 300 Lead the snake out of the hole
Passing by the demon general, the latter didn't seem to think that Tianhuo would dare to teleport to his side, and he didn't react for a while, but Tianhuo had already taken the opportunity to plunder towards the entrance of the cave.

The skeleton demon general was furious, and the majestic black air swept away instantly, and the terrifying air wave rushed to the back of Tianhuo, sending Tianhuo flying out.

Nearly [-] critical strike damage values ​​emerged from the top of Tianhuo's head, and Tianhuo's figure also staggered for a while, hurriedly stabilized his figure and teleported out again, and came to the entrance of the cave, "Skeleton general, come!"

"Ah!" Provoked by Skyfire, the Skeleton Demon General roared and rushed out without hesitation.

Seeing this, Tianhuo walked out of the cave without looking back, and then flew towards the outside of the hall, "Come on, I can't save people if you don't come!" '

The skeleton demon general also came out of the cave soon, looked at the sky fire flying out of the hall, and roared: "Catch him for me, I will pull out his skin!"

Following the violent shouting of the skeleton demon general, one after another skeleton figures emerged from everywhere, covering the entire city in an instant, and the sound of bones colliding made one's scalp tingle.

"Fuck, why are there so many skeletons!" Tianhuo flew in mid-air, felt scalp numb looking at the situation below, couldn't help cursing, the city is not big, only a few miles around, but the skeletons in it , I'm afraid there are nearly ten thousand people.

"Leave here first, we will always find a way!" Tianling said.

Tianhuo gritted his teeth, "I'm afraid I won't have such a chance next time."

As he said that, Tianhuo looked back, but saw the skeleton demon general standing at the entrance of the main hall, with two bone arms embracing him, as if he had no intention of chasing him.

"Crazy once, that guy's critical strike only caused less than 31 damage to me, which means that the normal damage is only [-] to [-]. I have [-]% life recovery, so I should be able to last many times." Tianhuo murmured .

As soon as the voice fell, Tianhuo violently fell towards the bottom, "Mouth punishment, killing one is a crime!"

Large golden characters appeared in mid-air, and then slammed down, covering a huge area with a diameter of 515 meters. Within the area, dense damage values ​​emerged from the tops of those Yulei skulls.

These are just ordinary spirit level 30 monsters. Although Tianhuo is not riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast at this moment, it can still cause six to seven thousand damage to them. More than a dozen big characters fell, and there is no one in the range that can stand. skeleton.

But at this moment, countless system prompts sounded, and the experience bar of Tianhuo increased sharply.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have obtained 1200 spiritual experience points, and an additional 6000 spiritual experience points!"


"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 4, and the four attributes are +5."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 5, and the four attributes are +5."


"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 8, and the four attributes are +5."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, and you can pick up thunder beads x 1."


In an instant, it was raised by five levels. Nearly a thousand thunder-bathed skeletons in this area and millions of spiritual experience points made Skyfire go from spirit level 3 to spirit level 8. However, there was no equipment to change, and the attributes of Skyfire did not change much.

It's just that Tianhuo was puzzled that there were so many monsters, but no equipment was revealed, only a thunder bead was revealed!
"Damn it! Get back, let me do it!" The skeleton demon general shouted violently when he saw that Tianhuo had killed so many thunder-baiting skeletons in a few breaths, but Tianhuo was not damaged at all.

As soon as the shouting sound fell, the skeleton demon general had already stepped into the air and flew towards Tianhuo.

Tianhuo was refreshed, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "Good job!"

I was worried that the Skeleton Demon would not come after me, since he did it, things would be easy!

Tianhuo directly stepped into the sky and flew towards the outside of the city. This time, the Skeleton Demon General did not hesitate, and flew right after Tianhuo, "Where to escape!"

Tianhuo really wanted Star Devouring Moon Beast and Nine Souls to save those children, but considering that those children were already terrified, if they saw the Three Beasts, they would be even more frightened. After all, they are all seven or eight years old. Children, they can't stand such a fright.

Therefore, Tianhuo can only try to lure the Skeleton Demon General away, and then use the advantage of speed to return to the underground hall of the main hall. In that way, there should be a great chance to rescue the remaining children, but it also needs to be lured away enough just do.

Soon, Tianhuo flapped his wings and stepped into the range of the thunder light outside the city. The Skeleton Demon General did not hesitate at all.

"Can't fly anymore? Hehe, kid, then die!" The skeleton demon galloped forward, laughing and waving his hands, and the attack whizzed out with a destructive aura.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, "Teleport!"

At the moment when the attack was about to fall on Tianhuo, Tianhuo's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already a thousand meters behind the skeleton demon general.

"Huh?" The Skeleton Demon made a suspicious voice, and his body without any flesh and blood turned around suddenly, but he saw that the sky fire kept using teleportation, and disappeared in an instant.

"Fortunately, this guy's brain is not bright, this time there should be no problem." Tianling's teasing voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo nodded, and used teleportation non-stop, but in more than ten breaths, he had returned to the sky above the city, but the situation in front of the main hall in the center of the city made Tianhuo frown.

I only left here for about 10 minutes, but at this moment, the remaining [-] or [-] children have all come out, and the Nine Souls Yinglong, the Void Ray, and the Star Devouring Moon Beast are attacking Yu Yu who wants to come forward. Lei Skull firmly protected those children in the center.

It seems that the three beasts have not been idle after Tianhuo left, they have picked up all the children, but after they came out, they encountered the siege of these thunder-baiting skeletons, and the current situation appeared.

"Master, please help!" The level of the three beasts is still low, and it is the limit to be able to block these densely packed thunder-bathed skeletons for a few minutes. When the sky fire came back, Jiuhun said hurriedly.

Skyfire walked through the air, and landed firmly on the back of the Devouring Star Devouring Moon Beast, "Excuse me! Killing one is a crime!"

hum!In an instant, the chilling killing intent permeated the air, and the chilling breath filled every corner. With the appearance of large golden characters, the Yulei skeletons within the envelope all let out a crackling sound. It sounded like a bone was about to break.

The five big characters fell one after another, and the Yulei skeletons within the envelope fell to the ground instantly, and Tianhuo also took the opportunity to fall in front of those children. With a thought, he took these children one by one into the Fanshen Palace.

In just a few breaths, all the children in the arena have been taken in by Tianhuo, but there is no news of the completion of the task in Tianhuo's ear, it seems that these children need to be sent out.

"Skeleton general, don't run if you have the guts!" At this moment, a familiar voice sounded in the sky, attracting Tianhuo's attention.

In the sky, the skeleton demon will come quickly, and behind him, a figure is chasing closely.

It was a middle-aged man, dressed in brocade robes, looking extremely luxurious.

"Master of the Wanchao Sect! This guy is here too!" Seeing the middle-aged man, Tianhuo frowned slightly, and after a little thought, he understood that he must have come here to find the key to open the Thunder God's cemetery, just in time to see the skeleton The magic general came after him.

Tianhuo guessed right, the master of Wanchao Sect had an excited look on his face, and he was even more delighted in his heart. He never expected to meet a seriously injured demon general with only more than [-] HP left here. The benefits he can get will definitely be unexpected.

It is a pity that his speed is not fast, and it is slightly insufficient compared to the Skeleton Demon General, so he has been catching up to the city and has not yet caught up.

However, the skeleton demon general stopped. He didn't even look at the Wanchaomen sect master who was chasing after him. Thunder light danced in his eyes, as if he was staring at Tianhuo. For a while, the field fell silent. The sect master was not in a hurry to act, but looked at Tianhuo in surprise.

"Master, there are two other children who dare not come out of the hall." Jiuhun Yinglong said through the voice transmission of the pet heart.

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, thinking that all the children had come out, so he couldn't leave in a hurry.

"Tianling, have you sensed the specific location of the Thunder God's relic?" Tianhuo said via voice transmission, besides these children, the more important thing is to get the Thunder God's relic.

With the head of the Wanchao Sect, he might hold back the Skeleton Demon General if he didn't know the situation. At that time, he would go and get the Thunder God's relic, and then take the two children away.

"I sensed it, it's on the skeleton demon general." Tian Ling said.

It is said that Tianhuo raised his brows without a trace, which is a big trouble. If all his states are added together, he may be able to deal with him, but the current situation is different. The master of Wanchaomen is still eyeing him. If he uses his auxiliary skills Come out, if the Wanchao sect is mainly against him, he will have no choice but to escape.

While Tianhuo was thinking, the master of Wanchao Sect frowned, and said, "Boy, the skeleton in front of you is a monster. Let's join hands to kill him first, and then worry about our affairs, how about it?"

Tianhuo's expression changed, the hatred of the Skeleton Demon General towards himself was greater than that of the Wanchao Sect Master, Tianhuo knew that the Skeleton Demon General was after him, if the Wanchao Sect Master joined at this moment, it would be able to divert part of the hatred, but he didn't know How much strength can the head of the Wanchao Sect use, and will he secretly play tricks?

But that doesn't seem to matter anymore, Tianhuo's attacks are all long-range attacks, just keep a safe distance, thinking of this, Tianhuo nodded, "Then what are you waiting for!"

As soon as the words came out, Tianhuo waved his hand, and strokes whizzed out, pointing directly at the skeleton general.

The head of the Wanchao Sect didn't seem to have expected Tianhuo to agree so simply and make a move. After a moment of surprise, he also stepped forward, holding a saber in his hand, and also attacked the Skeleton Demon General.

(End of this chapter)

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