The strongest saint

Chapter 301 Level 9 in a row

Chapter 301
At the same time as Tianhuo waved his strokes, the master of Wanchao Sect also moved.
980, -1120...

A damage value of around 5000 keeps popping out from the head of the Skeleton Demon General. It seems that the damage of Tianhuo and the master of Wanchao Sect are similar, but what Tianhuo didn't expect is that his attack at the moment is only more than [-]. It can cause about [-] damage to the Skeleton Demon.

It seems that the Skeleton Demon General did not recover from the period of complete victory. Although the defense is high, Tianhuo can still break through his defense with various attributes and the 200% damage bonus of the Fanshen Palace against monsters.

"Hmph! Is this the only thing you can do? Then go to hell!" The skeleton demon accepted several attacks from the two of them abruptly, and then roared and stepped out, ignoring the master of Wanchao Sect, and heading directly towards Tianhuo fly.

Tianhuo sneered, he had expected this to happen a long time ago, and it was not surprising, so he directly opened the first page of the Book of Grammar.

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, within 10 minutes, all attributes will be doubled, and items and experience will be doubled!"

Tianhuo seldom uses the blessing of the first page of the Book of Glyphs, and usually only uses it on large-scale occasions, because Tianhuo is not very clear about the words on the first page, and the effect is different when used on different occasions.

But once it was used at this moment, the attributes of Skyfire suddenly skyrocketed.

But before Tianhuo attacked, the skeleton demon general had already arrived in front of him. On the phalanx wrapped in black air, the fierce attack pierced the air and pointed directly at Tianhuo's forehead.

"Teleport!" Tianhuo teleported hundreds of meters away without hesitation, and opened the fourth page of the Book of Grammar again.

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, attack +30% within 100 seconds!"

The blessing of the two skills on paper made Skyfire's scroll attack skyrocket again, but these bonuses are based on Skyfire's basic attack, plus the bonus of the mount, at this moment, the scroll attack is only more than 6000.

It doesn't seem to be high, but there are attributes such as ignoring defense by 40%, damage bonus by 50%, and damage bonus to monsters, which is enough!

The word "kill" was dismantled by strokes, and flew towards the skeleton general, separated by hundreds of meters, drawing a series of arcs and completely bombarded the skeleton of the skeleton general.
14620, -13290...

Originally, the damage value was only around 1, but now it has become more than 30, which shows how powerful the bonus is, but this kind of power only lasts for [-] seconds.

"Damn it!" The huge damage from the skeleton demon's head made him feel cold, and he turned around and fled with a curse.

Both Tianhuo and Wanchaomen sect masters were taken aback for a moment, never expecting that the skeleton demon general would turn around and run away, which is completely different from the previous arrogance!
"Entangling!" After being dazed, the master of Wanchao Sect's eyes glowed with joy, and with a single finger of the saber, invisible mysterious skills gushed out. Immediately, the skeleton demon general's speed suddenly slowed down, as if he had fallen into a quagmire.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he kept waving his strokes.


There was a sound of piercing through the air, and the strokes fell on the skeleton demon general. He fell down immediately who had no intention of fighting, and the surrounding thunder-yued skeletons scattered away when they saw this.

Items burst out one after another, and the master of Wanchao Sect was overjoyed when he saw it, but then, those items disappeared quickly, making his expression of joy froze on his face.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing the Skeleton Demon General. You will gain -90 crime points, 6 million experience points, and an additional 3.6 million experience points."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 2 pieces of equipment, mysterious item x 1, spirit beads x 10, thunder beads x 10, demon blood beads x 1."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 9, and the four attributes are +5."


"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 17, and the four attributes are +5."

All of a sudden, Tianhuo has upgraded the light of the three beasts, and Tianhuo has been upgraded to nine levels in a row!

"Big explosion! There are so many things..." Tianhuo was overjoyed. He had always thought that he had no chance to kill the skeleton demon general, but he had ignored the power of various bonuses, especially the damage bonus of the Fanshen Palace to monsters. There are no disadvantages!
"Bastard..." Tianhuo was overjoyed, but the master of Wanchao Sect at the side had a gloomy expression, gnashing his teeth and cursed angrily.

Tianhuo didn't bother to check these items, raised his head slightly, frowned and looked at the master of Wanchao Sect, "Who are you scolding?"

"The bastard scolded you! Take that thing out!" the head of the Wanchao Sect said loudly, as if he didn't notice the contradiction in his words.

Tianhuo smiled mysteriously, "You know you're a bastard, why don't you get out?"

The master of the Wanchao Gate had a gloomy expression, and the muscles on his face were trembling slightly with anger, "I have worked hard for dozens of generations of the Wanchao Gate to find the key to the Lord God's Tomb. If you want to take it all by yourself, you have to ask me!"

This is true. The head of the Wanchao Sect discovered the cemetery of the main god and moved the sect's residence around the cemetery. Unfortunately, the key to the cemetery has not been found, although generations of door owners have guessed that the key is in Thunder God Mountain. , But still can't find a treasure that can avoid thunder and lightning.

Now, the sect master in front of him finally got the treasure that can ignore the thunder and lightning of Thunder God Mountain, so he came with the treasure and successfully found the skeleton demon general. However, he did not expect that after dozens of generations of hard work, the thing fell into the hands of Tianhuo.

Tianhuo shrugged, the other party has worked hard for dozens of generations, what does it matter to him?If things fall into his hands, this guy can't take them away. He smiled and said, "I'm sorry, that's because you are incompetent."

As he said that, Tianhuo turned around and looked towards the main hall, only to see two pale-faced children nervously showing their heads at the gate of the hall to check the situation outside, and finally looked at Tianhuo.

Tianhuo smiled at the two of them, signaling them to rest assured, and then walked towards the two of them. Only these two children were missing, and the task could be completed.

Suddenly, the master of the Wanchao Sect galloped over, rushed to the two children first, grabbed one with one hand, and said fiercely to Tianhuo: "So you came here for these two children, hehe...stop!"

Seeing the strength of Tianhuo, the master of Wanchao Sect knew that he could not take that thing from Tianhuo's hands, but seeing Tianhuo walking towards these two children, how could he not know that Tianhuo was for these two children.

Tianhuo's heart tightened, he hurriedly stopped, and said in a deep voice, "Isn't the dignified master of Wanchao Sect too despicable?"

"Haha..." The master of Wanchao Sect raised his head and laughed loudly, "Despicable?"

Amidst the loud laughter, the head of the Wanchao Sect asked back, and then crushed the throat of the child in his right hand!
The child didn't even make a sound, his body went limp, and he lost his breath in an instant.

"Bastard..." Nine Souls Yinglong Three Beasts roared, but they didn't dare to go forward, for fear that this lunatic would kill another child.

Tianhuo stared blankly at the dead child, clenched his fists unconsciously, his joints turned white under too much force, and his heart was full of anger. In a word, he killed the child without hesitation !
"Hey, I'll say it again, hand over the things!" The head of the Wanchao Sect sneered, and he didn't feel the slightest bit of embarrassment after killing a child.

Tianhuo's eyes were filled with chill, and his eyes slowly moved up until he was looking at the master of Wanchao Sect, before he uttered: "Ding!"

Immediately, the head of the Wanchao Sect kept his movements sluggish, and seeing this, Tianhuo teleported out, rescued the child from the latter, and sent him to the Fanshen Palace.

After doing this, Tianhuo looked at the master of Wanchaomen fiercely, and said in a cold voice: "I know you can hear it!"

As he said that, Tianhuo raised his hand fiercely, and slapped the head of the Wanchao Sect on the face, and immediately slapped him away.

"This slap is just for your despicable means."

Tianhuo followed quickly, and slapped the master of Wanchao Sect on the face again, "This slap is for your cruelty."

Harsh slaps sounded again, followed by Tianhuo's voice, "This slap is for the child I saved!"

The master of Wanchao Sect was in a fixed state and couldn't resist at all. He was thrown out by the Skyfire Fan again, and his body hit the ground hard, causing a cloud of dust to fly up.

"Next, take your life to give back to that child!" Tianhuo pointed at the place where the dead child disappeared, bursting out with shocking anger.

After the words fell, Tianhuo waved his big hand, and the three beasts galloped out. The fastest one was naturally the Devouring Star and Moon Beast. It leaped high, and its huge body suddenly fell down. He stomped down on the master of Wanchao Sect, "Damn bastard..."

As the huge body of the Star Devouring Moon Beast fell, the ground trembled violently.

Heck!The muffled sound of bone shattering came from the master of Wanchao Sect, followed by the scream of the master of Wanchao Sect.

In front of Tianhuo and the three beasts, the head of the Wanchao sect killed the child without saying a word, which had already touched the bottom line of the four. One person and three beasts were all furious, and they broke out completely at this moment.

"Tun Xing, let me do it!" Jiuhun Yinglong yelled, and the dragon's tail slammed down from top to bottom. At the moment Tun Xing avoided it, the dragon's tail hit the head of the Wanchao Sect .

The ground trembled violently again, and a deep pit appeared.

"Ah! I want you to die!" The master of Wanchao Sect roared in the deep pit.

Tianhuo raised his brows, he didn't expect that under the attack of Ershou, the master of Wanchao Sect would be so angry.

Suddenly, with that deep pit as the center, the ground quickly split open, and the figure of the master of the Wanchao Sect also flew out of it, covered in a dazzling red light and stepped into the air, a terrifying aura permeated the air at this moment By the way, compared to when dealing with the demon general, I don't know how much stronger it is.

Tianhuo let out a cold snort, and directly opened the third page of the Book of Glyphs, and then saw the whole poem of the chivalrous man turned into a long rainbow, blasting towards the master of the Wanchao Sect, but before the long rainbow entered his body, his figure changed Fades weirdly.

"Today's humiliation will be repaid a hundred times in the future!" An angry roar echoed, and there was no sign of the master of Wanchao Sect in the field.

Tianhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, "Return it? If I don't kill you, how can I be worthy of that child? Go, Wanchaomen!"

(End of this chapter)

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