The strongest saint

Chapter 303 Thor's Entrustment

Chapter 303 Thor's Entrustment

Hearing Tianhuo's calm voice, the Star Devouring Moon Beast's eyes were flooded, and it roared fiercely towards the sky, saying: "Get out of here if you don't want to die!"

"Bold!" Dozens of people galloped from all directions inside the Wanchao Gate. Since Wanchao Gate moved here, no one had dared to break into the mountain gate so recklessly.

A stern look flashed in the star devouring moon beast's eyes, "It seems that the warning is useless, we have come to trouble your sect master, once again, if you don't want to die, get out!"

While speaking, dozens of people had already stopped in the sky, surrounding Skyfire and the Star Devouring Moon Beast, "Kill!"

Dare to break into the sect's residence, in the eyes of these people, Tianhuo and Star Devouring Moon Beast are already regarded as dead!

As the crowd shouted violently, one after another of sharp attacks gathered in their hands, and without a word, they all blasted down towards the sky fire and the devouring star and moon beast. For a while, the attacks of various colors printed the sky in color.

Tianhuo raised his head calmly, looked at the falling attack, shook his head slightly, and gave the Star Devouring Moon Beast a chance to perform. This guy is good, he is a bit of a mother.

"Your uncle, it's okay if you don't give you some color, Tun Xing!" The Star Devouring Moon Beast shouted violently, and when it raised its head, a deep vortex appeared above the sky fire.

As soon as the vortex appeared, the attacks of dozens of people also arrived. However, it is strange that those attacks were swallowed by the vortex released by the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and the latter and Tianhuo did not suffer any damage. .

When the last attack was completely absorbed by the vortex, the vortex also disappeared abruptly, and the Star Devouring Moon Beast's eyes showed a playful look, "Do you still want to try? Hand over your bastard sect master!"

Hearing the warning from the Star Devouring Moon Beast, Tianhuo smiled inwardly, shook his head and patted the Star Devouring Moon Beast, "What are you doing to tell these people that it's useless? Verbal punishment, killing one is a crime!"

Tianhuo spat out softly, and in an instant, the temperature of this world seemed to drop suddenly, making everyone feel chills. Then, a golden word "kill" suddenly appeared in the sky. It was as if they were all taken away by that big character, and endless coolness suddenly appeared in my heart.

"Go back!"

Everyone's reaction was not slow. At the moment when the killing intent spread, everyone hurriedly backed away, but it seemed too late, the word 'kill' had already been smashed down with a whistling sound, and the second big character appeared immediately after.

The figures of the people in mid-air suddenly dropped a bit, and a damage value of more than 1 appeared above their heads.

There was almost no gap between the five big characters, and they were all smashed down in an instant, but Tianhuo did not continue to attack, but looked at the scattered crowd jokingly, and patted the Star Devouring Moon Beast again, "Let's go!"

The Star Devouring Moon Beast sneered and rushed towards the center, this time, no one dared to stop it.

The faces of those dozens of people changed, watching Tianhuo flying towards the center on the Star Devouring Moon Beast, they didn't dare to speak again, after all, they had already experienced the powerful attack of Tianhuo, and they who were only around 20 spirits, did not dare Provoke the fire again!

"He is the sect master's enemy, I'd better not provoke him..." Dozens of people had this thought in their hearts, and farther away, there were also many people who stepped up into the air. After not going up, he kept silent in a tacit understanding and let the sky fire go forward.

However, those who came later didn't understand that the speed of the Devouring Star and Moon Beast was not fast, so why didn't anyone chase after it?After all, he broke into his sect!
Tianhuo deliberately slowed down the star devouring moon beast, just to let the head of the Wanchao sect find out, but in the eyes of others, this is simply provocation and insult.

However, Tianhuo thought wrongly, and came all the way to the forbidden area of ​​Wanchaomen, the mountain where the cemetery is located, still did not see the figure of the master of Wanchaomen, but the great elder Tianhuo had seen before, had already been waiting at the Wanchaomen Monument forward.

"Little friend Tianhuo is always beyond people's expectations! Have you found a way to open the cemetery?" The elder asked with a smile on Tianhuo, as kind as a friend, but this attitude made Tianhuo slightly puzzled.

Tianhuo stopped in front of the Wanchao Monument, looked the Great Elder up and down, and said, "The Great Elder is also interested? Is he interested in the cemetery? Or is he interested in the position of Sect Master?"

The Great Elder's expression froze for a moment, and then he was restrained very well, and said with a smile: "My little friend is joking."

Tianhuo sneered all over, thinking he didn't see it?Waiting here early in the morning, and changing his previous attitude, must have something to ask for, and the most likely one should be the position of sect master.

"It's very easy to become the sect master of Wanchao Sect. Tell me the whereabouts of the current sect master. If I kill him, the position of sect master will naturally be yours."

Hearing this, the Great Elder hurriedly and cautiously looked around, as if he was afraid that others would find out, and when he saw no one around, he relaxed and said with a smile: "Little friend, please do your own thing, the sect master hasn't come back yet, if I do, I will Will let you know."

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth curled up. Although the great elder didn't say it clearly, it was already obvious that he really wanted to use his own hands to remove the sect master, but he could sit firmly in the sect master's position.

Glancing at the Great Elder mysteriously, Tianhuo rode the Star Devouring Moon Beast and plundered towards the mountain peak. Seeing Tianhuo entering, the Great Elder carefully looked around again, and left the place sneakily, as if Fear of being discovered by others.

Not long after, hundreds of disciples from the Wanchao Sect gathered in front of the Wanchao Monument, "There are so many of us, why worry about that kid? Find him, and we will surely kill him together!"

"Yes! If you dare to break into my Wanchao gate, you must kill him!"

"Go! Go in and search!"

As the people spoke, they wanted to enter the mountain peak.

"Stop it all, this is a forbidden area!" The Great Elder stepped out of the air, looked at the many disciples with a gloomy face, and said in a deep voice.

The disciples did not dare to be presumptuous, and hastily bowed to salute. The leading disciple said: "Great Elder..."

As soon as the words came out, the elder raised his hand to stop him, "I see, I chased that person here, but I don't have permission to enter the forbidden area, I can only wait for the door master to come back and let the door master clean him up."

"Have you heard? Now, stay away from the forbidden area, otherwise, you will know the consequences!" The voice of the Great Elder was a little higher.

The disciples did not dare to disobey, and retreated after saluting again. When the elder saw this, an inexplicable joy flashed in his eyes, he turned his head to look at the mountain, and retreated again.

Tianhuo doesn't know what's going on outside the mountain peak, even if he knew, he wouldn't care about it. He just arrived in the second-level area before, and he thought Wanchaomen was so great. After he learned that it was just a small sect at the bottom and met the owner of the sect After his own strength, he has already subverted his own views.

What makes Tianhuo a little curious is that such a small sect can keep the secret of the Lord God's cemetery for dozens of generations, and now it is cheaper for him.

After entering the mountain peak, Tianhuo took out the Xuanwu whip, "Tianling, what should I do?"

The basalt whip is Thor's early weapon. Although it is a divine weapon, there are mission items written on it. It must be able to activate Thor's cemetery. However, he has been walking in the mountains for a long time, and there is no response, which makes Tianhuo puzzled. Ask Tian Ling.

"Walking around, I'm not sure." Tianling said, it can only sense that the cemetery is in the center, but it doesn't know whether the Xuanwu Whip can open the cemetery, let alone how to open it.

Tianhuo nodded, indicating that the Star Devouring Moon Beast speeded up, and flew around the mountain at a low altitude, but there was no reaction from the Xuanwu Whip.

"Isn't it okay? Master, then I'll try to go up." The Star Devouring Moon Beast said, and flew towards the peak.

Not long after, the Star Devouring Moon Beast flew over half of the mountain, but the Xuanwu Whip still didn't respond, and Tianling didn't sense any changes in the cemetery.

"This is something from Thor, but there is no response. Could it be something else that opened the cemetery?" Tianhuo frowned and looked at the long whip in his hand.

After not being in Thunder God Mountain for a long time, he got the Xuanwu Whip directly. Tianhuo thought it was the thing that opened the cemetery, but now it seems that he was wrong. Maybe the key item to open the cemetery is still in Thunder God Mountain.

A few hours passed, and it seemed that the cemetery still could not be opened. The Star Devouring Moon Beast fell helplessly on the top of the peak, and Tianhuo was also helpless in his heart. It seemed that he had to go to Leishen Mountain again.

After thinking for a while, Tianhuo said to himself, "Tianling, let me go to Thunder God Mountain again. It seems that the Xuanwu Whip cannot open the Thunder God's cemetery."

"Wait, don't move!" Tianling said suddenly, as if sensing something.

Tianhuo was taken aback by Tianling's words, and then he looked forward to it, did something change?
After a moment of silence, Tianling said again: "Tianhuo, try to recognize the master of the Xuanwu whip."

Tianhuo nodded, he knew the traditional way of recognizing the owner with blood, and many high-level equipment needed to do this.

The blood fell on the Xuanwu whip, disappeared on the whip in an instant, and was absorbed by the whip. In Tianhuo's expectant expression, a faint colored light flashed on the Xuanwu whip. Starting from the tail of the whip, a few breaths Then filled the whole whip body.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on activating the mission Thor's request, do you accept it?"

At the moment when the colored light was fully diffused, a system prompt sounded in Tianhuo's ear, and Tianhuo accepted it without hesitation, not for anything else, but because Lei Shen was the younger brother of a mysterious man who looked the same as his father.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on accepting the task of Thor, please check the task panel for details."

The system notification sounded again, and without waiting for Tianhuo to check, the Star Devouring Moon Beast suddenly yelled, and Tianhuo only felt a strong suction force, and his figure fell down with the Star Devouring Moon Beast involuntarily.

"I can't control my figure, master, what should I do? I won't be the first beast to fall to death, right? In that case, you can't tell Boss Nine Souls and them, you must say that I died in battle, otherwise it would be too embarrassing "The Star Devouring Moon Beast was able to speak during its rapid fall, which surprised Tianhuo.

(End of this chapter)

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