The strongest saint

Chapter 304 The Remnant Soul of the Lord God

Chapter 304 The Remnant Soul of the Lord God
Tianhuo rode the Star Devouring Moon Beast, at this moment, the figure of one person and one beast fell rapidly, the surrounding light became dim, and when he looked up, the blue sky above gradually turned into the night sky. See the stars in the sky.

Just looked up, Tianhuo looked down again, but saw that there was a bottomless abyss below, and couldn't help cursing inwardly, could this be some mechanism of Wanchaomen?

I don't know how high it hits, it's strange if it doesn't die.

Just thinking about how to get out, Tianling's relaxed voice sounded again, "Finally came in, ready to land!"

"Come in? Is this the cemetery of Thor?" Tianhuo was astonished. He didn't expect that this would be the way to enter, and it was after he accepted the task.

As soon as the words fell, the Star Devouring Moon Beast screamed again, "It's over, I can't stop..."

Tianhuo hurriedly looked down, only to see the ground paved with bluestone enlarged in front of his eyes.

Before he had time to think about it, Tianhuo hastily spread his wings, but the next moment, Tianhuo found that he couldn't fly at all!
The Star Devouring Moon Beast hit the ground fiercely, and the sky fire was uncomfortable. Even if there was a soft Star Devouring Moon Beast at the bottom, there was a surge of energy and blood, dizziness in the head, and a feeling of nausea suddenly rushed up.

"Hee hee, I told you guys a long time ago that I'm going to land..." Tianling smiled heartlessly.

Tianhuo was gasping for breath, he was thrown to pieces, Tianling actually still had the desire to make fun of himself, but this feeling gradually faded away, and everything in front of him gradually became clearer.

Here is a hall made of bluestone, covering an area of ​​two or three acres, even the surrounding walls and top are inlaid with bluestone, but it is difficult to see the gap, it seems to be completely integrated.

And in this hall, there was nothing there!
It took a long time for Tianhuo to recover, gasped and staggered to his feet, and said helplessly, "Does Thor like to play tricks on people? There is such a passage in the cemetery, and it cannot fly, and there is nothing in this cemetery."

"Tricking people? That's something only a God of War would do, but I won't." A gentle voice sounded.

Tianhuo was taken aback, this voice was not from Tunxing, nor from Tianling, then...

In a daze, an illusory figure suddenly appeared in front of Tianhuo. This person's long silver hair was very attractive to the eyes. Even if it was only an illusory figure, his silver hair was beating like tiny lightning bolts.

"Thunder God!" Tianhuo's heart suddenly jumped, just after he said bad things about Thor God, he appeared in front of him, besides embarrassment, Tianhuo also became worried, he would not make Thor God angry because of what he said!
However, unexpectedly, when Tianhuo looked at Lei Shen's eyes, he saw a faint smile on Lei Shen's indescribably handsome face, and his soft eyes were staring at him, without any anger.

"Well, you can call me that for the time being." Lei Shen looked to be in his twenties, not a few years older than Tianhuo.

Tianhuo hastily saluted, "Hi, Senior Thunder God! Junior Tianhuo."

"I know, being able to see you is probably the most gratifying thing for me, Lin Xuan, in the past tens of thousands of years!" Lei Shen had a faint smile on his face, and he kept his eyes on Tianhuo.

"Lin Xuan? This is Thor's real name, right?" Tianhuo thought to himself, it turned out that the main god also had a name.

But he knows?what does that mean?Tianhuo was puzzled, and couldn't help thinking, he had never seen Thor, would he know himself?
While thinking about it, Tianhuo saw that Leishen's gaze was full of love, which was not the gaze that young people should have at all, which made Tianhuo suddenly puzzled, why did such gaze appear on Leishen?

"Senior Thunder God, may I ask if you know about the Fanshen Palace?" Tianhuo hesitated for a moment looking at Thunder God's gaze, and asked.

The smile on Thor's face remained unchanged, "I know, Lin Yu's palace is on you. Do you want to know the key parts of Fanshen's palace?"

Tianhuo became agitated, suppressed his excitement and said: "That's not the most important thing, Senior Thunder God, I want to know the identity of the statue headed by Fanshen Palace!"

As soon as the words came out, Lei Shen's face became weird, he looked up and down Tianhuo with some dumbfounding, and said: "You don't know? If you know, I can tell you about his deeds. Since you don't know, I'm afraid I can't tell you."

Tianhuo was taken aback, what does this mean?It's just that I don't know, that's why I want to know, but what Lei Shen said makes Tianhuo a little confused. If I know, I still need to ask?

But from Lei Shen's words, Tianhuo understood that Lei Shen was very familiar with that person!

"Senior Thunder God, why is this? I really want to know the identity of that statue!" Tianhuo said.

"Well, of course you want to know, but I can't tell you now. When you know his identity, I can tell you about him, so don't ask now." Thor shook his head.

"Tianhuo, something is wrong. Thunder God is notorious for talking very little, how come he talks so much when he sees you? And he doesn't seem to care about your intrusion into his graveyard." Tianling reminded.

Tianling's predecessor was the Cauldron Spirit of Luoshen Cauldron. She had followed Luoshen for countless years, and she was probably no stranger to Leishen, so she could naturally understand some of Leishen's character. Seeing Leishen's reaction at this moment made her very puzzled.

Before Tianhuo could respond to Tianling, Lei Shen shifted his gaze to Tianhuo's dantian, and his smile became stronger, "The Luoshen Cauldron and Cauldron Spirit are actually on your body, not bad, how long has it been since we haven't seen each other, girl Ceyu's little friend? "

Tianhuo was astonished, Tianling just sent a sound transmission to herself, but Leishen discovered it!And listening to his words, he is also very familiar with Luoshen, and if he dares to call a main god a girl, one can imagine the low position of Thor God!

Tianhuo was astonished in his heart, Lei Shen Lin Xuan, Fan Shen Lin Yu, Luo Shen Ceyan, this time's hard work was not in vain, and he actually learned the names of the three main gods from Lei Shen's mouth!
In astonishment, the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron floated out of the dantian uncontrollably, quietly floating between Tianhuo and Thunder God, "Master Thunder God, I haven't seen you since the fall of the old master."

"Falling? Don't talk nonsense, hehe, it's really good that you followed Tianhuo." Thunder God smiled rarely.

"What? The old master has not fallen? Then why can't I sense her?" Tianling's voice became agitated.

Lei Shen shook his head slightly, ignored Tianling, and looked at Tianhuo again, "Tianhuo, your arrival is earlier than predicted, but this is the best, you accept my task, then put this thing in Lin Yu boy's as soon as possible Physically."

Tianhuo was still thinking, when he saw Thor taking out a tortoise shell with a faint golden light, he couldn't help but took it in doubt, he hadn't checked the mission introduction yet.

The tortoise shell was extremely heavy, and Tianhuo hurriedly received it into the Ring of the Grave Sage before checking it.

Xuanwu? ? : It seems to be the carapace of Xuanwu, but the specifics are unknown. It is an item used by Fanshen in the early years, and it can sense the body of Fanshen.

Looking at the properties of the tortoise shell, Tianhuo raised his head and looked at Thor in doubt. Even the name of this thing is a question mark. How can he find the body of a mortal god?
"Don't underestimate it. Back then, Lin Yu defeated many powerful men with it." Thunder God said.

Tianhuo nodded, and opened the mission panel to check it out.

Task: Thor's entrustment.

Task Difficulty: Grade A.

Task reward: Xuanwu Whip.

Mission Penalty: None.

Mission introduction: The gods fell, and the most important body fell into the hands of a mysterious person. It must be retrieved as soon as possible. The remnant soul of the Lord God of Thunder is entrusted to you to find the body of the gods. It will be activated when the spirit is at level 50. Please take back the gods at that time. divine body.

"You actually want me to recapture the body of the mortal god, only A-level?" Tianhuo thought to himself, retrieving the body of the main god, this task seems a bit lofty.

"Lord Thunder God, can you tell me the whereabouts of the old master?" Tianling asked at this moment.

Thunder God looked at the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron, and shook his head slightly, "I have only a remnant soul left. How can I know the whereabouts of Ce Yan? If you want to find it, I think Tianhuo will help you."

As he said that, Lei Shen's teasing eyes moved to Tianhuo.

Tianhuo nodded hastily, "Tianling, don't worry, we will meet sooner or later, Senior Thunder God, then we will leave!"

Thunder God nodded, "There is a great Xuanzong a hundred thousand miles to the east. If this sect is still there, there will be your suit. You can go and have a look, and I will send you out."

As he said that, Thunder God phantom flicked his fingers, and suddenly, Tianhuo felt the scenery in front of him change, and when he stabilized, he had already arrived outside the mountain peak.

"The whereabouts of the Glyph Saint suit! Thank you, Senior Thunder God!" Tianhuo bowed towards the mountain and saluted, feeling a little strange in his heart. This main god is not as lofty as he imagined, but rather has a very strong feeling of kindness. .

Sending Tianhuo away, the passage above Leishen's cemetery suddenly disappeared, and Leishen stood on the bluestone ground, looked towards the east, and murmured: "Boy Lin Yu, it depends on Tianhuo whether you can return, your master and mother are now The whereabouts are also unknown, hey... you sleeping guys, when will you wake up!"

Tianhuo quietly stood outside the mountain peak, stared at the mountain peak for a long time, and then heaved a long sigh of relief. All of this, he will figure it out sooner or later, why Fanshen and Leishen are so kind when they see him!
"Heaven has a way, you don't go, protect the mountain!"

A shout suddenly sounded, and then a nearly transparent light suddenly lit up, forming a huge shield in the sky, covering the entire Wanchao Gate.

This voice was naturally the master of the Wanchao Sect that Tianhuo was looking for!
Tianhuo raised his brows, turned around abruptly and looked in the direction of the voice, and said in a deep voice, "I should say this sentence instead!"

The master of the Wanchao Sect had returned at some point, Ling Kong was standing hundreds of meters away from Tianhuo, looking at Tianhuo with anger on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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