The strongest saint

The power of the great formation

The power of the great formation
"Have you been in?"

The master of Wanchao Sect looked at Tianhuo angrily, pointed to the mountain peak behind Tianhuo and asked.

Tianhuo smiled sarcastically, this guy was still thinking about the cemetery of the Lord God, "To the dead, do I need to say anything?"

"Hmph! Under my Wanchaomen's mountain protection array, what do you think you can create? Obediently hand over the things you got inside, and I can let you go!" the Wanchaomen's head said coldly.

When he teamed up with Tianhuo in Leishen Mountain before, the master of Wanchao Sect had seen how powerful Tianhuo was, but this was his own territory, with a large formation protecting the mountain, he didn't worry about Tianhuo escaping from his palm at all.

Tianhuo has a different idea. He already has a general understanding of the strength of the master of the Wanchao Sect, which is equivalent to a 30th-level spirit beast. This kind of strength is not difficult for him. Judging by the situation, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

However, knowing that Tianhuo had already entered the cemetery of the main god, the master of Wanchao Sect did not dare to act casually at this moment. After all, Tianhuo is an adventurer in another world, and death may not necessarily explode the things he got inside, but will make him disappear in front of oneself.

"If you have the ability, come and get it?" Tianhuo jokingly said, before seeing the master of Wanchao Sect, he was still angrily wanting to do it, but now he was not in a hurry to do it, Tianhuo understood that he must be worried that he would get it inside. s things.

But Tianhuo himself understood that he didn't get anything in it at all, so he just accepted a task. will go.

The head of the Wanchao Sect fell silent, looked at Tianhuo with a livid face, and looked at the Star Devouring Moon Beast under the Skyfire Seat with a little nervousness. He could naturally see that it was a divine beast, and using a divine beast as a mount, he could get Not a weak bonus!

'We must find a way to separate him from his mount! The head of the Wanchao Sect secretly thought, but for a while, he couldn't think of a way to separate the Skyfire from the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

"You don't do it? Then I will do it. You will pay for that child's life!" Tianhuo said in a deep voice, before he finished speaking, he flipped open the fourth page of the Book of Grammar.

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, attack +30% within 100 seconds!"

Immediately afterwards, Tianhuo turned to the third page of the Book of the Sage of Gravity, and saw that the whole poem of the chivalrous man turned into a long rainbow, and instantly submerged into the main body of the Wanchao Gate, which was a hundred meters away.

Tianhuo can't see the attributes of the master of Wanchaomen, and can't know how much his health is, but at this moment, the attack bonus is only 100 seconds, and Tianhuo will not waste it. Daodao's strokes have already roared out.

Hundreds of meters away, a series of black strokes flew out roaringly, and soundlessly blasted towards the master of the Wanchao Gate, and the latter gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind, and suddenly shook his arms, "Then Just die!"

Following the loud shout of the master of Wanchao Sect, the light film formed by the large mountain guard array in the sky suddenly trembled, and beams of light as thick as arms descended, completely converging around his body, just blocking the attack of Tianhuo's strokes. .
100, -100...

A fixed damage value of one hundred emerged from the head of the head of the Wanchao Sect, which surprised Tianhuo, "Can it still be like this?"

Tianhuo, who didn't believe in evil, closed his eyes slightly, opened his mouth, and big characters appeared in the sky. The golden light was shining, and the big characters fell down quickly. However, the situation was the same, and they all had a fixed damage value of one hundred.

"Haha... want to kill me? As I said, you can't do it here!" The master of Wanchao Sect was surrounded by beams of light at this moment. As he moved, those beams of light were also moving, protecting him at any time. Looking at him, laughing loudly, he stepped towards Tianhuo, and the sword appeared in his hand, and a powerful aura spread instantly.

"Title, beheaded by ten thousand people!" Tianhuo calmed down, and instantly revealed the title, just as the master of Wanchao Sect entered the range of the title's effect.

The loss of 12 health points, accompanied by a 10% reduction in attributes, made Tianhuo understand that the master of Wanchao Sect only had 120 million health points, and there were still more than 80 health points left.

At this moment, Tianhuo misses the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast a little bit. If it is there, this guy's attributes can be reduced by 30%, making it easier to deal with it!
"Huh!" The master of Wanchao Sect was lowered by the title of Tianhuo, but he snorted coldly, but his speed did not slow down. On the sword, he had already begun to gather powerful attacks.

"Teleportation!" Tianhuo appeared hundreds of meters away with a teleportation, "Even if there is only 100 fixed damage, flying a kite can kill you!"

Tianhuo gritted his teeth and muttered, so what about the fixed damage of [-]? I can teleport, which is enough to keep the master of Wanchao Sect from getting close, and I can use teleport to attack it continuously, as long as there is enough time and nothing unexpected happens. Killing him wasn't much of a problem.

Teleporting away, Tianhuo turned around and swung out a series of strokes, but the master of Wanchao Sect didn't care about the attacks of those strokes at all, he also turned around and flew towards Tianhuo again, with a ferocious expression.

The damage values ​​kept popping up one by one, and Tianhuo kept waving his right arm. Soon, the bonus on paper was over, but the damage value was still the same one hundred, and there was no change. This made Tianhuo heave a sigh of relief. It's all [-] fixed damage, so it's easy to handle.

Seeing that the master of Wanchao Sect was tens of meters away again, Tianhuo teleported away again, not giving him a chance to attack, reappeared hundreds of meters away, and launched a pen attack again. This is Tianhuo's kite flying.

"Bastard, do you think you can teleport without limit? Let me see how you teleport!" The master of Wanchao Sect thought that there would be a limit to the teleportation of Tianhuo, but at this moment he changed his mind. He stopped in his tracks and let the fire of the sky attack him, but he raised his head sharply.

"Mount protection formation, shrink!" The master of Wanchaomen closed his palms together violently, and following his movements, the light film covering the entire Wanchaomen quickly gathered towards the center.

In just a few breaths, the light film actually shrank completely around the mountain peak, and at this moment, the light film seemed to be solidified, giving people an unbreakable feeling.

Tianhuo kept attacking, but the master of Wanchao Sect smiled cruelly, and swung his saber violently, "Mountain protection formation, attack!"

As soon as the words came out, the light film was twisted everywhere, and a sharp breath suddenly permeated the mountain peaks. In the twisting, sharp swords composed of rays of light slowly emerged from it.

Tianhuo glanced at the surrounding situation casually, kept moving his hands, and said, "Tun Xing, it's up to you."

The Star Devouring Moon Beast stretched out its tongue and licked its lips, and said worriedly: "I don't know if I can bear it, give it a try."

Within a few breaths, countless sharp swords had drilled out of the light film, and the tip of the sword was aimed at Tianhuo, and Tianhuo seemed to have not found it, and was still attacking the master of the Wanchao Sect, but the Star Devouring Moon Beast was ready. He stared at those sharp swords warily.

Suddenly, the sharp sword moved, and hundreds of thousands of sharp swords shot out suddenly, completely blocking the route of Tianhuo from all directions, and they arrived in an instant!

"Swallowing Stars!" At this critical moment, waves of ripples appeared all over Skyfire and Star Swallowing Moon Beast's body. Even though those sharp swords came, they were all submerged in the ripples.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast is currently at level 20, with only 40 spiritual HP, and the Star Devouring skill can devour 120 million damage. When the last sharp sword disappeared, the Star Devouring Moon Beast gasped, and the top of its head also There were more than 1000 damages. Obviously, this time, the performance of swallowing stars has reached its limit.

"Haha, as expected of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, but can you come again?" The head of Wanchao Sect laughed loudly regardless of Tianhuo's estimation.

While laughing loudly, the light film around the mountain peak rippled again. Obviously, it was the second round of attacks that were condensing.

"Master, think of another way, this time I can't devour it." Star Devouring Moon Beast said anxiously.

Tianhuo frowned slightly, the strength of the Star Devouring Moon Beast was beyond his expectations, it was enough, the next wave of attacks he couldn't avoid, it all depended on the strength of the attacks!
Thinking of this, Tianhuo waved a stroke again, and then quickly turned to the second page of the Book of Grammar, and was immediately entangled by the flying words.

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, the defense will increase by 10% within 50 minutes, and the damage received will be reduced by 20!"

Immediately, Tianhuo's damage reduction was as high as 75%, and he only needed to bear a quarter of the damage. However, at the moment when the sharp sword reappeared, Tianhuo felt his scalp go numb, and a strong sense of crisis emerged in his heart!

"Oh no, it's better than last time!" The star-swallowing moon beast's eyes flashed with solemnity.

"Haha, no one has ever been able to survive this round of attacks, Tianhuo, enjoy the power of the big formation!" The master of Wanchao Sect laughed, and those sharp swords had been successfully condensed.

Feeling the sense of crisis in his heart, Tianhuo frowned slightly, and said, "Tough Charm!"

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the tenacious charm skill, all members' damage reduction +50%, life recovery +10%, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

At this moment, he couldn't care less about attacking the master of Wanchao Sect. It was the last word to defend against this round of stronger attacks, otherwise, he might be doomed.

Surrounded by violent aura, teleportation is not safe in this situation, no matter where you teleport, you have to face those sharp swords, after all, there are sharp swords in all directions!

The damage reduction has already exceeded 100%, but Tianhuo also knows that the damage reduction added by the battle group's skills is not accumulated on those equipments, but has a sequence, otherwise, wouldn't he be invincible?

call out……

Suddenly, those sharp swords moved, bringing a piercing sound of piercing through the air, whistling with a force of destruction.

Tianhuo's heart sank, it was too late to use other auxiliary skills, can you hold it?
(End of this chapter)

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