The strongest saint

Chapter 306 Thunder Bead Breaks the Formation

Chapter 306 Thunder Bead Breaks the Formation (starting to update)
There are sharp swords made of light in all directions, whistling with the sound of piercing the air, as if they can crush everything.

Tianhuo's heart sank to the bottom, under this strong sense of crisis, let Tianhuo understand that he underestimated the power of the formation! -
35, -38...

When the sharp sword came, Tianhuo couldn't dodge it. For a while, his whole body felt tingling, but Tianhuo could only resist!
Although each sharp sword can only cause more than 30 damage to Tianhuo, after all, it has 75% and 50% damage reduction, but it seems that the damage is very low, but there are hundreds of sharp swords!

Countless sharp swords arrived almost instantaneously, and in an instant, Tianhuo's health had bottomed out, but Tianhuo found that the sharp sword below had disappeared, and he didn't need to explain himself, the Star Devouring Moon Beast had already hurriedly fell, avoiding the rest Those sharp swords under attack.

Tianhuo looked at his health nervously, at the moment when it was the lowest, there were only 12 points left!However, within a few breaths, the life value recovered, and Tianhuo let out a long sigh of relief, and this test was considered to be over.

Fortunately, the Star Devouring Moon Beast descended in time, otherwise, even if he suffered one more attack, he would die.

Fortunately, the Star Devouring Moon Beast is under his seat, blocking the sharp sword below for him, otherwise he would still have to die, but the Star Devouring Moon Beast is not feeling well at this moment, and its HP has also bottomed out.

"His uncle, almost finished playing, master, let's fight, kill him!" The Star Devouring Moon Beast roared, and it was the first time it was so embarrassed since following Tianhuo.

Tianhuo let out a long sigh of relief, and turned his eyes to the master of Wanchao Sect, but saw that the guy was still surrounded by beams of light. Obviously, if he did it at this time, he could only cause one hundred fixed damage to him!
"It's not dead!" The master of Wanchao Sect looked at Tianhuo in astonishment, and murmured.

The master of Wanchao Sect naturally understands that this round of attack is the strongest attack of the large formation, and has killed countless strong men, but in front of Tianhuo, this round of attack seems to be useless, but within a few breaths, Tianhuo's HP Has actually recovered.

"Scared me to death, Tianhuo, why don't you use thunder beads?" Tianling's nervous voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind, this round of attack was so close to taking Tianhuo's life!
Tianhuo was also afraid, but when he heard Tianling's reminder, he took out a thunder bead without hesitation.

Thunder Bead: A spiritual creature conceived by the power of thunder and lightning. It contains extremely strong power of thunder and lightning, and its purpose is unknown.

"How do I use this?" Tianhuo hurriedly asked looking at the Leizhu, but there was an explanation on it, and the purpose was unknown!

While Tianhuo was interrogating, the third round of attacks had begun to condense, and the master of Wanchao Sect stared at Tianhuo with a ferocious expression, "I don't believe it, I want to see how long you can last!"

"Crush it!" Tianling said hastily.

Seeing that the third round of attacks has gathered quickly, Tianhuo doesn't care about other things. If this round of attacks fails, I'm afraid I will not be so lucky, and the health of the Star Devouring Moon Beast under my seat can't recover as fast as myself , at this moment, it is still in the state of empty blood. If it is hit, the Devouring Star and Moon Beast will definitely die, and once it dies, its own attributes will drop a lot, and it will undoubtedly die at that time.

The thunderball shattered instantly in Tianhuo's hands, and suddenly, the violent thunder and lightning exploded, turning into an attack wave and spreading in all directions. The air was twisted under the impact, one can imagine how powerful it is.

Under this impact, Tianhuo also felt uncomfortable, he couldn't breathe at all for a moment, and the right hand that crushed the thunder beads lost consciousness in an instant.

"Ding! The system prompts: Negative status immunity takes effect."

A system prompt sounded in Tianhuo's ear, and when he looked around, he saw that the thunder light had already enveloped the entire mountain peak, and there was no tendency to stop, it scattered in all directions, and in an instant, the light film covering the mountain peak was instantly shattered !
"The big formation is broken!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, feeling the rapid restoration of perception in his right hand, he murmured.

"Haha, let's kill him this time!" The Star Devouring Moon Beast also laughed, and a ray of light pierced the air when it opened its mouth, and went straight to the master of Wanchao Sect.

The master of Wanchao Sect didn't have such good luck as Tianhuo. After the formation was broken, the beam of light covering him also dissipated instantly, and unfortunately, he was unable to move at this moment and was completely paralyzed by the impact of the thunder light. Said, the whole body was scorched black!
"Moon Devourer!" The Star Devourer Moon Devourer's attack gushed out, and its screaming sound came out, and Tianhuo's movements were also not slow, and the strokes of the Glyph Sage swiped like long dragons, arriving in an instant!

In the paralyzed state, it is good that the master of the Wanchao Sect did not fall. It is very difficult to move at this moment, and it is impossible to avoid the attacks of the sky fire and the star devouring moon beast. Suddenly, he was hit by the attack of one person and one beast. The life value dropped rapidly.
16890, -15740, -192410!

Tianhuo's attack was mixed with critical strike damage from time to time, a full 12 times the normal damage, causing the Wanchao Sect master's health to drop rapidly, but within a few breaths, his health had already bottomed out .

"Help!" As soon as he got out of the paralyzed state, the master of Wanchao Sect roared hastily. At this moment, he turned pale with shock. How could he still have the previous disdain?
Amidst the roar, the master of Wanchao sect quickly crushed a jade slip, but it was already too late, Tianhuo's pen attack did not stop at all, and after a few more attacks fell, the master of Wanchao sect fell down.

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 2 pieces of equipment, Lingzhu x 5, mysterious token x 1."

"Yeah! This old bastard is finally dead!" Star Devouring Moon Beast was overjoyed, but just as he spoke, an illusory figure suddenly appeared at the place where the master of Wanchao Sect fell.

"Projection!" Tianhuo frowned, he knew this kind of existence, and it was the projection caused by the master of Wanchao Sect crushing the jade slip before his death!
It was an old man with a hooked nose and sharp eyes. He looked at the body of the master of Wanchao Sect who was still falling, and then turned his gaze to Tianhuo, and said coldly: "Did you kill him?"

As soon as the words came out, the temperature in this world dropped suddenly, and the coolness appeared between the sky fire and the heart of the star devouring moon beast. What was even more strange was that the air around the old man seemed to be frozen, and traces of ice crystals were rapidly condensing.

Tianhuo looked at the old man and his surroundings solemnly, and suddenly smiled, "Isn't this nonsense?"

The other party is just a projection, and Tianhuo knows that this kind of existence cannot last for too long, as soon as the time is up, it will dissipate, so he is not worried at all.

The old man was startled, as if he didn't expect Tianhuo to dare to talk to him like this, after a moment of silence, he said: "Very well, you caused my Xuanzong to lose a subsidiary sect, are you interested in taking over the Wanchao sect? I can decide! "

Tianhuo was stunned, the other party didn't pursue the fact that he killed the master of Wanchao sect, but made himself the master of Wanchao sect instead?

If one of the ten cities under the Wanchao Sect becomes the sect master, it means that he can manage those ten cities, but Tianhuo teased, "I'm not interested!"

Tianhuo refused without hesitation, why didn't he understand that even if he became the head of the sect, he was also a subordinate of the Great Xuanzong.

However, knowing that the other party was a member of the Great Xuanzong, Tianhuo was secretly happy. He had the parts of the Glyph Sage suit in the Great Xuanzong. Xuanzong is still there, so his parts are naturally still there.

"Well, I don't force it, but in this case, I can only kill you!" The old man nodded slightly and said calmly.

But as soon as the words fell, the old man raised his right hand abruptly. Following his movement, the ice crystals that had gathered around him suddenly condensed into a huge sword in front of him, and the icy chill covered it. The breath quietly diffused.

"Kill me? You're just a projection, I'll just break you up!" Tianhuo curled his lips, it wasn't the first time he had done this kind of thing!

After speaking, Tianhuo's voice paused, "Definitely!"

The body-fixing spell that was not cast against the master of the Wanchao Sect before was cast at this moment. Immediately, the old man's movements were frozen, and with a wave of Tianhuo, eleven guards appeared beside him, unexpectedly maintaining a volley status!
Without Tianhuo's order, eleven guards stepped out in the air, surrounded the old man in an instant, and blasted out attacks one after another.

With every attack, although there was no damage value, the figure of the old man faded a bit visible to the naked eye, but within a few breaths, his figure had faded away.

"Thunder is loud and rain is little!" Tianhuo shook his head slightly. This projection seemed powerful, but it was really not that good. He was blown away by eleven guards without even needing to make a move.

"Really?" However, as soon as Tianhuo's voice came out, the old man's voice suddenly sounded behind Tianhuo, which surprised Tianhuo. Before Tianhuo could make a move, the Star Devouring Moon Beast hastily avoided it.

Just as the Star Devouring Moon Beast carried the Skyfire to avoid it, a terrifying attack suddenly appeared at the place where it was standing before, and it went straight down. The attack failed and hit the ground below. The soil rolled on the ground, and a large pit with a radius of tens of meters was formed in an instant!
"Huh? So fast!" Seeing that his attack failed, the old man sighed lightly.

"Fuck..." Tianhuo stared blankly at the big pit below. If he was hit by the bombardment, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast is also on guard in a hurry, such an attack will not feel good to anyone, but luckily it dodges in time!
Tianhuo was also secretly on guard. He had never seen how the old man's projection appeared behind him before. Facing such a strange old man, Tianhuo did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Amidst the sound of sighs, the old man slowly shifted his gaze to the Devouring Star and Moon Beast under the Skyfire Seat, with a look of greed in his eyes, "Intermediate beast! This is the first time I have seen an intermediate beast in the entire second-level area." Woolen cloth!"

"Fuck, you have to ask me for the idea of ​​swallowing the stars!" Tianhuo instantly became angry. Not long ago, the Diyan Linhuang beast was taken away by the Phoenix family. At this moment, this old guy dared to try to swallow the stars. , making Tianhuo angry, "Prison me!"

A light flashed suddenly on the Prisoner Ring, and a cage made of light suddenly appeared around the old man.

 I'm starting to make up updates. It's not sure how much I can make up today, but I will try my best and ask for votes! ~
(End of this chapter)

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