The strongest saint

Chapter 307 Zongmen Level

Chapter 307 Zongmen Level
The old man of Xuanzong was trapped by Tianhuo's skills, but the latter didn't have the slightest worry on his face, but looked at Tianhuo jokingly.

The playful look in Tianhuo's heart caused a burst of anger, "It makes you proud! Verbal punishment, killing one is a crime!"

As the voice of Tianhuo exited, large golden characters appeared one after another in the sky, and then they slammed down.

"Haha, don't get excited. When we meet next time, I'll take the inner alchemy of your mid-level beast mount!" The old man didn't care about Tianhuo's attack at all, and laughed.

Amidst the loud laughter, the figure of the old man was also scattered by the golden characters, and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing the figure of the old man disappear again, Tianhuo became alert, but after a long time, the projection of the old man did not reappear, and it seemed that he had indeed disappeared.

"Should it be safe?" The Star Devouring Moon Beast looked around and said when no projection appeared.

Tianhuo nodded slightly. It seemed that the previous attack had consumed most of the power of the projection, and he was attacked several times by himself, and the dissipation was normal.

While nodding, Tianhuo looked down at the Star Devouring Moon Beast. Although it was his pet, if someone poached the inner alchemy, it would be over, and it might become an ordinary pet by then.

But it is not so easy, after all, once the pet dies, it will return to the pet space, and there is no chance of being poached from the inner alchemy of the beast.

It's just that since the old man said so, I'm afraid he will have something to do, so he has to guard against it.

The movement here has already alarmed everyone in the Wanchao Sect. There are countless people watching outside at this moment, but no one dares to step forward. Dissipated by the sky fire, even if they go together, there will only be one end.

Tianhuo looked around, not caring about being watched by so many people, he found the Great Elder in the crowd, and saw that the Great Elder's face was full of excitement at the moment, and Tianhuo didn't say much, patted the Star Devouring Moon Beast and turned towards the east fly away.

The master of Wanchao Sect died, and the one with the highest status naturally became the Great Elder. Tianhuo believed that there was no need to guess the rest, as the Great Elder must have successfully taken over the position of the sect master.

And Tianhuo doesn't care about this matter, the matter here is over now, it's time to go to Bai Xiaosheng, and when the time comes to inquire about the Great Xuanzong, he will go to find his own suit parts.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast galloped away carrying the Heavenly Fire, and not only did the Wanchao Sect members dare not stop it, but they seemed to send away the plague god, all of them had expressions of joy on their faces.

Wanchao City in the east of Wanchao Gate is the first city under Wanchao Gate. Last time, Tianhuo met Bai Xiaosheng here, learned about Thunder God Mountain, and was able to enter the Thunder God's cemetery to meet Thunder God.

This time, Tianhuo naturally wanted to repay Bai Xiaosheng's love, and agreed to Bai Xiaosheng's Leizhu, but Tianhuo did not forget, and he had already accepted the task, so he didn't know what satisfactory reward Bai Xiaosheng would give him.

Mission: Bai Xiaosheng's request for help.

Task Difficulty: Grade A.

Mission reward: unknown.

Mission introduction: The powerful thunder and lightning power gathers all year round, and a strange thunder bead will be born. Someone in the Thunder God Mountain once obtained the thunder bead and handed it to Bai Xiaosheng. He will give you a satisfactory reward.

Wanchao City has not changed because of the death of the sect master. It is still as lively as ever. After all, people with the identity of the sect master cannot be seen by these city residents, and his death will not be harmful. What effect do they have.

The open-air teahouse last time was still the same as usual, hundreds of people gathered here, listening attentively to Bai Xiaosheng's storytelling.

"Speaking of the God of War, I have to tell you something that you don't know. You must never have imagined that the God of War has the extraordinary ability to control metal in addition to his powerful combat power. As long as it is metal, in his hands..." Bai Xiaosheng's selfless narration Then, he didn't notice the arrival of Tianhuo at all.

Tianhuo didn't disturb Bai Xiaosheng's narration, God of War, Tianhuo had only heard it from Thunder God before, and according to him, God of War should be more teasing.

"It is said that before the god of war became the main god, no one could be defeated with a pair of fists, and it was commonplace to fight by leapfrogging..."

"Storyteller, do you know the relationship between these main gods? I have a vague feeling that their relationship is extraordinary!" Someone asked. They listened to Bai Xiaosheng's storytelling here every day, and every time, Bai Xiaosheng He will reveal something that everyone doesn't know, maybe this is his secret that can attract everyone to come every day.

"Of course it has something to do with it, but it's not something we mortals can know. Hehe, well, I want to know more about the God of War. Let's continue tomorrow!"

"By the way, don't forget my tea money for today!" Bai Xiaosheng got up and said, after finishing speaking, he saw Tianhuo who looked at him with a smile on the outside.

When Bai Xiaosheng saw Tianhuo, he couldn't help being overjoyed and hurried out of the crowd, "Haha, brother Tianhuo, you're back!"

Tianhuo teased a smile, "Thanks to you being Bai Xiaosheng, I've been back a long time ago, and you didn't even know that I even walked around the Wanchao Gate?"

"Haha, Brother Tianhuo was joking, this Bai Xiaosheng is not that Bai Xiaosheng, how could I know everything!" Bai Xiaosheng said awkwardly.

Tianhuo patted Bai Xiaosheng on the shoulder, "Let's go, Fugui Building."

Bai Xiaosheng was overjoyed, and hurriedly followed in Tianhuo's footsteps, "Brother Tianhuo, how did you gain from this trip to Thunder God Mountain?"

Tianhuo smiled mysteriously, turned his head and said, "What do you want thunder beads for? How many do you want?"

"Haha, of course it's used for self-defense. You don't know that the thunder beads are very powerful for self-defense. If you get it, three of them are enough for me." Bai Xiaosheng said expectantly.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, but he understood in his heart that Bai Xiaosheng must have other uses for this thing, but he didn't tell him and didn't ask too much, anyway, this guy has no hostility towards him.

And once the Thunder Bead is used, it will be an indiscriminate attack, even the user will be attacked. Before that, he was immune to the paralyzing equipment, otherwise he might be immobile like the master of the Wanchao Sect.

In a private room in the Fugui Building, the table was full of delicious food and wine, Bai Xiaosheng let go of his belly to eat, but Tianhuo didn't have much interest, but just like last time, he tried every dish.

I haven't eaten for a long time, and I don't feel hungry, so Tianhuo doesn't waste time eating. It's just a rare time to have a taste at this moment.

"Brother Tianhuo, a large number of adventurers from other worlds have poured into the second-level area recently, making the second-level area much more lively than before. I heard that there is an organization called the Tianyan Legion, do you know?" Bai Xiaosheng was vague. Said.

Tianhuo was amused in his heart, he just hid the title of general commander, but this guy didn't notice it, "I know, what's wrong?"

Bai Xiaosheng hurriedly swallowed the food in his mouth, and said expectantly: "I heard that after joining the Tianyan Legion, the strength will skyrocket. Brother Tianhuo, can you introduce me?"

Tianhuo laughed dumbly, "You are a storyteller, what do you need attribute bonuses for?"

Bai Xiaosheng collected himself and said with a smile, "Hey, who would think that his attributes are low?"

Tianhuo nodded. He and Bai Xiaosheng could get along well. It doesn't matter if he is added, but the army's quota of 30000 people is already full, and there is no way to add more people unless it is upgraded again, but that requires 600 million reputation points. Tianhuo now Only 4884700.

"You wait first." Tianhuo said, and opened the Legion channel. He hasn't contacted everyone for more than a month, and he doesn't know what's going on now.

In the legion channel, there are players chatting from time to time. After checking the online members, Tianhuo said, "Twilight, have you come to the second-level area?"

"Damn it, Boss Tianhuo! We thought you were sacrificed..." Fatty's voice sounded first.

"I've come a long time ago, Tianhuo, why haven't I been able to contact you, saying that you are being baptized, how long have you been baptizing?" Twilight Breaking Dawn interrupted the fat man and said.

"That's good, I've been baptized for a month, Twilight, where are you?" Tianhuo said, the time for his baptism is too long, and the setting of the second-level area is somewhat different from that of the third-level area, so he doesn't know where they are at the moment.

"Now one-tenth of the legion members have come to the second-level area, but almost all of them are scattered, waiting for you to find a fixed city!" Twilight breaks dawn to play.

A fixed city?Tianhuo understood the meaning of Twilight Breaking Dawn, which was the same as the third-level area, let himself find an ownerless city, so that the legion members could gather there.

"Don't worry about this. I'm currently in the area of ​​Wanchaomen. I should be attached to the Great Xuanzong. You can come over if you are free."

"Uh, there are so many sects, we still have to inquire about them. By the way, Tianhuo, hurry up and upgrade the legion. Many people are waiting to join the legion!" Twilight broke dawn.

Tianhuo nodded, and after Twilight Lixiao kicked a guy who hadn't been online for a long time, he invited Bai Xiaosheng, who was eating, to join the group.

Bai Xiaosheng was stunned for a moment, then slowly raised his head, shifted his unbelievable eyes to Tianhuo, and then he was overjoyed, "It's just that I didn't do my job well, and I didn't know that you are the leader of this legion, hehe."

Tianhuo smiled, "Bai Xiaosheng, you should know the Great Xuanzong, right? How about telling me about the Great Xuanzong?"

"Great Xuanzong?" Bai Xiaosheng's expression froze, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes, but he concealed it very well in an instant, and said with a smile: "Great Xuanzong is a second-class sect, and its strength is almost equal to that of a first-class sect." , Brother Tianhuo, what do you want to do?"

Tianhuo shrugged, "Just asking, how are sects classified?"

The second-class and first-class sects that Bai Xiaosheng said made Tianhuo a little puzzled, and this was the first time he heard this.

In the third-level area, cities are the mainstay, and Zongmen rarely appear, but the second-level area is different. Here, Zongmen is the mainstay, and there are more or less cities under each Zongmen.

The rank of the sect is distinguished by the number of cities under it, Tianhuo listened quietly, a sect like the Wanchao gate with only ten cities is actually not a popular sect.

And even the lowest third-class sect needs to have more than a hundred cities, and the second-class sect needs thousands of cities under it.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin. The more cities he had, the more resources he could get. For a sect as close to the first class as Daxuanzong, with more than 9000 cities, one can imagine the huge power. This is not easy to deal with!

(End of this chapter)

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