Chapter 308

If it has tens of thousands of cities, it is a first-class sect, and Daxuanzong already has more than 9000 cities, which is considered the strongest existence among the second-class sects.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, it seemed that he wanted to get the parts of the Wensheng suit from Daxuanzong, it was very difficult!
However, I have already faced off against the Great Xuanzong, and I don't know the identity of the previous projection. If it is an ordinary disciple, it is fine, but if it is a high-ranking member of the Great Xuanzong, I am afraid that things will be a little troublesome.

"Having said so much, brother Tianhuo, don't trouble the Great Xuanzong, we can't mess with that." Bai Xiaosheng said solemnly.

Tianhuo nodded and smiled, took out three Thunder Orbs and handed them to Bai Xiaosheng, "I'll give you the Thunder Orbs, Bai Xiaosheng, how many first-class sects are there in the second-level area?"

Bai Xiaosheng happily took the thunder beads, and carefully put them away, "I'm afraid no one will be able to figure this out. After all, sects are destroyed and born every day, and there is no way to count them."

Tianhuo clicked his tongue secretly, how many sects must there be!The size of this second-level area is probably higher than that of the third-level area!

"Hehe, brother Tianhuo, thank you very much, I just got this thing a few months ago, I see you have the Medal of the Rabbit Fairy, just in time, I'll give it to you!" Bai Xiaosheng happily put away the three thunder beads, flipped his hands However, some white fluff was taken out.

"Rabbit fairy fluff?" Tianhuo's eyes lit up. He didn't expect Bai Xiaosheng to give him this thing as a reward. He only got five copies of the rabbit fairy's fluff at the beginning, but only five copies have already caused the attributes of the Rabbit Fairy Medal to skyrocket. At this moment, what Bai Xiaosheng took out seems to be quite a lot!
"Well, I got these back then, and I gave them to you." Bai Xiaosheng laughed.

Naturally, Tianhuo will not be polite, this thing is very useful for the Medal of the Rabbit Fairy, and after taking a look, it has a lot of fluff from the Rabbit Fairy!

"Haha, thank you very much, this thing is very useful to me." Tianhuo smiled and gave Tianling along with the Rabbit Fairy Medal in the flip hand. With her here, I just need to wait.

"Hehe, as long as you like it, Brother Tianhuo, I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first!" Bai Xiaosheng stood up and cupped his fists, presumably because he couldn't wait to do something after getting the Leizhu.

Tianhuo didn't stop him either. It just so happened that he should go to the Great Xuanzong to have a look. If there is a chance, it would be best to get the Glyph Saint suit as soon as possible.

Watching Bai Xiaosheng leave, Tianhuo also got up, and after paying the bill, he walked towards the teleportation array. It was a hundred thousand li to the east, and the distance was very long, so it was impossible not to use the teleportation array.

In front of the teleportation formation, the teleporter wandered around bored, seeing Tianhuo directly on the teleportation formation, he coughed dryly, "Where do you want to go, little friend?"

"Go to the Great Xuanzong!" Tianhuo shrugged and said, he didn't know which cities he had to pass through.

The teleporter frowned, "Aren't you kidding me? You're not at level 30, how can you go to the second-class sect through the teleportation array?"

Tianhuo was taken aback, there is such a request?I am now at level 17, so I am still at level 13!

Thinking about it, Tianhuo sneered, and hurriedly got off the teleportation array and walked towards the east gate. Since the teleportation array can't be used yet, he can only go out of the city to practice leveling, but Tianhuo naturally has plans, and there is also a city from here to the east , while walking and spawning monsters, when we get to that city, we should be at level 30 spirit, and it will be the same when we use the teleportation array to teleport there.

There are no players here yet, Tianhuo galloped away on the star devouring moon beast, and soon left the city and entered the wild map, but like the third-level area, the monsters in the wild map near the city are all of different levels. High, if you want to kill high-level monsters, you need to cross a few more maps.

The speed of the Star Devouring Moon Beast is extremely fast. Even so, it was not until the next day that the second map was reached. This map called Qingling Grassland does not know how big it is, but it really looks like the African savannah, with sparse trees between the grasslands. Quite a few, just in the grass, and more of them are all kinds of monsters.

As soon as he crossed the map, Tianhuo saw herds of bison.

Green spirit bull, spirit level 40, HP (spirit) 15000, attack (spirit) 1600, defense (spirit) 1180.

"It's just right, Tun Xing, start brushing here." Looking at the herd of cattle, Tianhuo nodded in satisfaction.

With my own attributes, I can easily kill these blue spirit bulls in seconds after riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast. Moreover, with the attack range of 585 meters, the leveling efficiency is very high. It is not easy to find places where such monsters are relatively dense Woolen cloth.

Tun Xing nodded, and flew low over the cows, and when Tianhuo opened his mouth, large golden characters began to appear in the sky.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have obtained 2000 spiritual experience points, and an additional 12000 spiritual experience points."


A large herd of cattle fell and turned into the experience points of Tianhuo and Star Devouring Moon Beast. After Tianhuo ate Diyougua, the experience value bonus has reached 600%, and each monster has 14000 experience points.

However, the current upgrade of Skyfire already requires about 1.5 million experience points, and it needs to fight more than 1000 monsters. Although it is not difficult, it is only a level up. It takes a lot of time to upgrade to level 30.

Within the attack range, there are probably only two or three hundred monsters. After cleaning up the monsters in this range, the Star Devouring Moon Beast galloped out, and flew towards the place where the monsters were densely packed, and Tianhuo once again used the skill of verbal punishment, and so on repeatedly.

Originally at level 17, Tianhuo could use poetry and songs to upgrade, and it happened to be at level 20, but he has been immersed in the thrill of killing monsters, and Tianhuo has already forgotten about upgrading poetry and songs.

A few hours later, Tianhuo has been upgraded by two levels, and reached the 19th level of spirit. At this time, Tianhuo naturally took out the lava flower pill, and there are only four of this kind of medicine left. It can be used once every tenth level, and it has been upgraded by two levels. , now is the time to use it.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on taking lava flower pill, level +2, four attributes +50."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 20, and the four attributes are +5."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 21, and the four attributes are +5."

"Uh, the lava demon lotus is rare, why are you using the lava flower pill now, wouldn't it be better to use it later?" Tianling said helplessly.

Tianhuo shrugged. The lava demon lotus is indeed rare, but the lava flower elixir does not have many additional attributes except for upgrading, so you can use it if you use it. Now there are three left. The future upgrades will not be difficult for Tianhuo.

"It doesn't matter, Tianling, there should be a lot of treasures like this, right? Let's find some more at the worst. In fact, from the beginning to now, I feel that most of my levels have been raised by various tasks and props. There are not many people who fight monsters and level up." Tianhuo shrugged.

"There are quite a few, but it's hard to meet them, so you can do whatever you want," Tianling said.

Tianhuo smiled, although fighting monsters and leveling is very boring, but it is still very rewarding to come here a few times.

"Master, you said we have been fighting for so long, why haven't we seen the boss?" The Star Devouring Moon Beast was only responsible for flying over the monster. It was very excited before, but now it feels a little boring.

After killing the monsters below him again, Tianhuo raised his head slightly and was about to speak, but saw a hill not far away, more than ten people were besieging two young people.

"Huh? There's a show to watch!" The Star Devouring Moon Beast also discovered the situation over there, and rushed out without waiting for Tianhuo to speak, rushing towards the field without any concealment.

Tianhuo didn't stop it either. When encountering this kind of thing, if you can help, it doesn't matter.

However, when he came to the field and saw the two youths who were besieged clearly, Tianhuo was stunned, "How is this possible!"

The two youths who were besieged were none other than the two leaders of the Yiqi Meteor bandit group who had been killed by him. The two were disciples of the Hidden Spirit Sect. In order to lure themselves out, they specially set up a bandit group in the sky. Yancheng committed crimes, but was later killed by Tianhuo.

But now, these two people actually appeared in front of Tianhuo again, making Tianhuo feel incredible, how did they come back to life?Tianhuo remembered clearly that both of them turned into white light and died!
In order to get back the Yinling Jade Pendant, these two people did not hesitate to summon the projection of the Yinling Sect expert, but the projection was also destroyed by him, and now he met these two people again, which made Tianhuo very puzzled.

On the other hand, more than a dozen people were dressed in the same clothes, obviously from the same faction, but Tianhuo didn't know this faction.

The arrival of Tianhuo naturally attracted everyone's attention, but they didn't stop fighting because of Tianhuo's arrival. Among the dozen or so people, someone glanced at Tianhuo and said loudly: "Senior brother, it's the wanted criminal!"

Tianhuo was taken aback, wanted criminal?Are you talking about yourself?
And following that voice, the two of Yiqi Meteor turned their heads together, seeing that the person who came was Tianhuo, they were all furious, "It's that bastard City Lord!"

"Damn it!" Tianhuo cursed inwardly, just as he came over, both groups of people didn't like him, it seems that he came by mistake!

"Separate two people to capture him and hand it over to the deacon." The leader said without turning his head, and then saw two figures break away from the battle circle, and quickly rushed towards Tianhuo.

"Hey, my Daxuanzong's deacon dares to provoke you too. You're tired of life, just obediently grab your hands, so as not to suffer!" The two surrounded Tianhuo, one left and one right, and one of them jokingly said.

Tianhuo frowned, the deacon of the Great Xuanzong?The projection of the old man from before?The speed is really fast, and he has already issued a wanted order for himself in Daxuanzong.

"I don't know how to live or die! Eat the Moon!" Without waiting for Tianhuo to say anything, the Star Devouring Moon Beast couldn't help it. It opened its mouth and unleashed its devastating Moon Devouring skill, and the invisible ripples exploded, hitting the two of them in an instant body.

More than 1 damage points kept popping out from the top of the two of them, but within a few seconds, the two of them fell down so silently that they didn't even have time to scream.

"Huh?" The movement on Tianhuo's side attracted everyone's attention, and they all stopped attacking and looked towards this side. When they saw the two dead, everyone's faces were filled with horror.

"Hmph!" The Star Devouring Moon Beast snorted coldly, glanced at everyone with cold eyes, and said, "Who else?"

 I will make up two chapters today, and continue tomorrow, asking for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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