The strongest saint

Chapter 310 Fire Source Sky Crystal

Chapter 310 Fire Source Sky Crystal
Tianhuo deliberately described the murderer who killed the 12 people as a strange meteor. Naturally, he hoped that the Yinlingmen and Daxuanzong would fight.

Seeing that young man leaving angrily, Tianhuo knew that there was still great hope, but he didn't know how arrogant the Great Xuanzong could be, and dared to fight with Yinlingmen, one of the top ten sects.

This has a lot to do with the backing behind the Great Xuanzong. If the forces behind him support it, then there is really no problem. At that time, it will be easy for Tianhuo to get the parts of the Glyph Saint suit.

The youth left, and Tianhuo opened the property panel with a smile.

Character name: Tianhuo
Occupation: Vincent
Auxiliary Occupation: Ding Sheng (Intermediate)

Level: Ling 21

Upgrade experience (spirit): 361540/22071000
HP (spirit): 29755/29755
MP (Spirit): 5907/5907
Scroll Attack (Spirit): 5861-5861
Defense (Spirit): 3999
Strength: 32955, Constitution: 28955, Intelligence: 29535, Agility: 32545
Reputation: 4884700
Sin: -3892102

"I'm really speechless. In the second-level area, the increase of attributes is too slow! The four major attributes have increased so much, but the spiritual attribute is still so low!" Tianhuo murmured, his scroll attack was actually less than [-] , compared to the time in the third-level area, the difference is too much!

But what excites Tianhuo is his agility, with more than 3 agility, under the sky feather, the flying speed is close to the speed of sound!
Although the attributes are not as good as before, the blessing of the Star Devouring Moon Beast is very high.

Mounting effect: movement speed +2300%, physical attack +230%, magic attack +230%, defense +230%, crit chance +40%, crit damage +500%, negative state resistance +20%.

Once riding the star devouring moon beast, Tianhuo's scroll attack becomes 19341, which is not a big problem against spirit beasts of the same level.

"Continue to go east, I hope that when we reach the Great Xuanzong, the Yinling Sect has already found the door, so there will be something to watch!" Tianhuo said with a smile.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast nodded, the monsters here have been almost cleaned up, and it's time to move to another place.

It didn't take long to go forward, and I saw that I had reached the edge of the grassland, and further forward, there were more and more trees, and it was obviously another map.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on discovering the map of the endless forest. The reward spirit experience value is 10 and the reputation is 1000."

"Endless forest, the monsters in the forest should not be dense enough, swallow stars, let's go!" Tianhuo shook his head and said, hoping to get to the next map earlier, after all, it is not convenient to spawn monsters in the forest.

However, the Star Devouring Moon Beast slowed down, and suddenly shifted its gaze to the front left, with a serious look in its eyes.

Seeing the strange appearance of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, Tianhuo raised his eyebrows slightly, "What's wrong?"

The Star Devouring Moon Beast seemed to be sensing something, and after a moment of silence, it said solemnly: "The auras of many spirit beasts seem to be snatching some treasure."

"Oh?" Tianhuo was overjoyed, the spirit beast must have snatched something good, and he actually met him.

"You wait for me nearby, I'll go and have a look!" Tianhuo stepped up from the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, spread its wings and disappeared in the eyes of the Star Devouring Moon Beast in an instant, with a speed of more than 300 meters per second The speed is naturally not slow.

As Tianhuo moved forward, violent battle fluctuations gradually came from ahead, and even the air was trembling from the fluctuations generated by the battle, and as the distance approached, Tianhuo also disappeared.

In the invisible state, Tianhuo gradually approached the center of the battle, and saw that most of the dense forest in front had been destroyed, with fallen leaves all over the ground, and in the center, there was a lake full of ice crystals.

Beside the lake, more than a dozen spirit beasts rushed towards the lake, but they restrained each other. For a while, none of the spirit beasts could rush to the sky above the lake.

A tyrannical atmosphere permeated the field, and a series of chaotic attacks shot out, destroying the trees where they passed, while more than a dozen spirit beasts avoided the attacks vigorously.

"It's so chaotic, I can't tell how many gangs it is..." Tianhuo clicked his tongue secretly, and more than a dozen spirit beasts were scrambling to fly to the lake, but none of them could do so. Once any spirit beast approached the lake, It must have been forced back by the attacks of other spirit beasts.

"Huh? Huanchen Frozen Fox!" Suddenly, Tianhuo saw a spirit beast hidden in the woods not far away. It was actually the Huanchen Frozen Fox he had seen in the third-level area of ​​Ice Wind City!

The Huanchen Ice Fox is petite, hiding behind a big tree and poking its head out from time to time to check, but has never been discovered by other spirit beasts. It seems that this little guy has the same idea as himself, and he wants to make a profit.

The Huanchen Binghu is Xuanxuan's pet, and it is the granddaughter of Xuandu, the suzerain of the Alchemy Sect. However, what is strange to Tianhuo is that this little guy seems to have come here by himself, because he did not see Xuanxuan.

While thinking about it, I saw Huanchen Binghu poking his head out again, nervously looking towards the lake, his small eyes flashed with anxiety, seeing this, Tianhuo couldn't help but smile, and then walked towards Huanchen The ice fox flew away.

"Hey, little guy!" Tianhuo teased after landing behind the big tree, revealing his figure.

Huanchen Binghu trembled all over, turned around quickly and looked at Tianhuo on guard, when he saw that it was Tianhuo, the guard in his eyes relaxed, and he said: "Big villain, so it's you!"

"Big villain? I turned you into a high-level spirit beast, how dare you call me a big villain?" Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, pretending to be frightened.

Huanchen Binghu sticks out his tiny tongue in a very humane way, "Anyway, you are a big villain, but you came at the right time, can you help me snatch the fire source crystal?"

"Huoyuan Tianjing?" Tianhuo looked at Huanchen Binghu suspiciously, then slightly poked his head out to look at the lake, "So many spirit beasts are for Huoyuan Tianjing?"

The Huanchen Binghu also looked at the beasts still fighting by the lake again, nodded and said: "That's right, the Fire Source Sky Crystal can make spirit beasts evolve into divine beasts, but I'm not for the evolution, but for my master. "

"Xuanxuan needs the Fire Source Sky Crystal?" Tianhuo asked.

"Listen to me, okay?" Huanchen Binghu rolled his eyes.

Tianhuo shrugged, not because he didn't want to hear it finish, but because it seemed that it had finished!

"My master was captured by Daxuanzong and trapped in the Daxuan iceberg. Only the Fire Source Sky Crystal can rescue my master, so I need it." Huanchen Binghu said.

Tianhuo looked at Huanchen Binghu in astonishment, and asked with some uncertainty: "Are you sure that Xuan Xuan was captured by the Great Xuanzong? He is the granddaughter of Xuandu, the little Great Xuanzong dared to touch her?"

Xuandu is the suzerain of Danzong, and Danzong is one of the top ten sects. It is too late for a small power like Daxuanzong to fawn on him. How dare he take action against Xuandu's granddaughter?
You must know that the first, second and third-level areas are actually respected by the top ten sects, and as one of the ten sects, there is no doubt about the strength of the Alchemy sect. Now, there is a force that dares to touch the granddaughter of the majestic sect. ?

"I thought so too, but Daxuanzong really did this. Fortunately, I didn't sign a contract with the master, otherwise I wouldn't be able to escape." Huanchen Binghu said a little angrily.

"That's just right!" A stern look flashed in Tianhuo's eyes, and he happened to be going to Daxuanzong to get the Wensheng suit, so let's see if he can save Xuanxuan. ,not bad.

Tianhuo would not just sit idly by calling her 'Master Messenger', not to mention her grandpa Xuandu has been very kind to her.

"Great! Master is saved!" Huanchen Binghu was so excited that he screamed.

And under this scream, I saw the dozen or so spirit beasts in the distance stopped attacking, "Who is it! Get out!"

"You're too excited..." Tianhuo smiled wryly. He could sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight, but now, it looks like it's going to become a battle between species.

Huanchen Binghu stuck out his tongue, "Anyway, they are not your opponents, it doesn't matter!"

"Damn, you really think highly of me, this is a second-level area!" Tianhuo feigned anger.

"Get out!" The spirit beasts yelled again, but this time, a series of suffocating attacks also appeared, blasting towards the place where Tianhuo and Huanchen Binghu were.

Tianhuo and Huanchen Binghu hurriedly dodged to get out of the way, and their figures appeared in the eyes of all the beasts.

"Humans, Huanchen Frozen Fox!" The dozen or so spirit beasts were taken aback for a moment, as if they hadn't expected that there would be humans here.

Tianhuo gave a dry cough and asked in a low voice, "Is the fire source Tianjing in the lake?"

"Well, it's at the bottom of the lake!" Huanchen Binghu looked nervously at the many spirit beasts, and responded in a low voice.

Tianhuo nodded, shifted his eyes to the lake behind the beasts, and smiled slightly, "Go ahead, leave me alone, teleport!"

Suddenly, Tianhuo's figure appeared on the lake, and a huge air arc was suddenly pressed out of the lake, and the lake water around the air arc was quickly pushed away, and Tianhuo's figure fell even more quickly. Down, towards the bottom of the lake.

This is naturally the credit of Li Shuizhu. Although this thing has no effect on Tianhuo, once it does, it is the moment that Tianhuo is looking forward to. The secret treasure in Xinshou Village and the fire source here are the same.

"Damn it!" More than a dozen spirit beasts were furious. Everyone had fought for so long without any results, but when the sky fire came, it fell directly towards the center of the lake.

In the rage, the spirit beasts moved. This time, their targets became Skyfire, and they jumped up and attacked the falling Skyfire.

Tianhuo raised his head slightly and took a look, and suddenly the Star Devouring Moon Beast appeared above, successfully blocked those attacks, and Tianhuo jokingly said with a smile: "Don't force my mount to kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, Tianhuo's figure had already dropped by a hundred meters, but this seemingly small lake has not reached the bottom yet, and it is unknown how deep it is.

(End of this chapter)

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