The strongest saint

Chapter 311 Exquisite Mask

Chapter 311 Exquisite Mask
The lake is only a few hundred meters in diameter, but Tianhuo used the drop of water to fall from the center to find that the lake is so deep that it has been falling for a thousand meters, but it has not yet reached the bottom.

Above, the Devouring Star and Moon Beast successfully blocked those spirit beasts, and did not let them chase down, which is also Tianhuo's reassurance.

Although I don't know what the situation above is, Tianhuo is very relieved. In front of the mid-level beasts, the spirit beasts should not dare to act rashly.

After descending more than 1000 meters, the surrounding space became narrower, and it seemed that it was almost at the bottom, but soon, a deep pit at the bottom of the water appeared in front of Tianhuo.

Tianhuo shook his head helplessly, continued to dive against the light film formed by the water droplets, and landed towards the deep pit.

"Missed, missed, there is a passage above." After descending a few hundred meters again, Tianling's voice rang in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo spread his wings, hurriedly stabilized his figure, and asked, "The passage? Where is it?"

"Up a hundred meters."

Tianhuo nodded, it would be easy to have Lishuidrops, and he was already nearly 2000 meters underwater at the moment, if there were no Lishuizhus, how could he have fallen to this level?
Flying back a hundred meters, through the light film formed by the water droplets, Tianhuo saw that there was actually a passage across the pit on one side, and a faint red light emanated from the depth of the passage.

Tianhuo flew towards the passage holding the Lishui drop in one hand, and soon came to the end of the passage, but saw a skeleton half lying on the ground quietly, and the red light was coming from the skeleton's hand.

"It's a good thing you have the eyes of a scribe, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see anything here, but this skeleton is a bit weird. It's obviously a human skeleton. How could it have such a long tailbone?" Tianling's voice sounded.

Tianhuo nodded, the tailbone of the skeleton was three to four meters long, it was like a tail, and the skeleton was indeed a human skeleton.

After looking at it for a while, Tianhuo turned his gaze to the skeleton's hand, and saw that he was holding a diamond-shaped gemstone. The dazzling red light on the gemstone was the fire source Sky Crystal that many spirit beasts wanted to snatch.

"Senior, I need the Fire Source Sky Crystal to save people, I've offended you!" Tianhuo was silent for a moment, then slowly said.

As he said that, the Skyfire Probe grabbed the Fire Source Sky Crystal and took it out of the skeleton's hand.

The Fire Source Sky Crystal started warm, and the Sky Fire didn't look at it much, and directly received it into the Ring of the Grave Sage.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, Tian Ling shouted softly.


As soon as Tianling finished speaking, a white light suddenly hit Tianhuo's chest. Caught off guard, Tianhuo was immediately blasted out and hit the passage wall fiercely.

Looking around, it turned out that the tailbone of the skeleton was attacking the sky fire. After the sky fire was blown away, the skeleton struggled to stand up, but there was no further movement, but a misty voice came out: "The descendant of Wen Sheng , your strength is not bad, since you have taken away the Fire Source Sky Crystal, are you willing to do me a favor? If this is done, I can tell you the whereabouts of a Glyph Saint suit."

Tianhuo rubbed his aching chest, and this blow took away half of his health, which shows that the strength of this skeleton is not weak.

However, this kind of situation is no surprise to Tianhuo. In Leishen Mountain, such skeletal Tianhuo is not uncommon. Thinking about those in Leishen Mountain, there are also powerful ones.

"Senior, please tell me!" Tianhuo was not angry, after all, it was about the next Glyph Saint suit.

Staring at Tianhuo with hollow eye sockets, he seemed to be able to see everything about Tianhuo, and the voice came out slowly: "I was killed by a traitor back then and ended up like this. Hatred doesn't matter anymore, but I still have a wish, you Let me know that the opportunity has come."

Tianhuo didn't interrupt, and listened quietly, the bones paused, and said again: "The Great Xuanzong should still be there, right? I want you to find someone, and bring her here after you find it, then it's your task finished."

"Ding! The system prompts: Congratulations, you triggered the task to find someone, do you accept it?"

Tianhuo nodded, it should not be difficult, if that person is still there, there should be no problem in finding him, "Accept!"

"Very good, you take this thing with you. If you find that person and give it to her, she will naturally follow you." Skeleton took out an earring from nowhere and handed it to Tianhuo.

Tianhuo took the earrings, and without waiting to check them, Skeleton handed over a brocade box, "You will use this thing, but there is still one identity token of the Great Xuanzong, you can figure it out yourself!"

After the voice fell, the skeleton half-lyed back, and there was no more sound.

Tianhuo bowed to the skeleton, turned around and walked towards the way he came. Although he really wanted to check the mission and what the skeleton gave him at the moment, it was a little inappropriate to check in front of the skeleton, so he had to wait until he got out.

On the shore of the lake, more than a dozen spirit beasts prostrated themselves on the ground, even the Huanchen Binghu. In mid-air, the Star Devouring Moon Beast paced high and high, glancing at the spirit beasts from time to time, just casually. He took a quick look, but those spirit beasts didn't dare to breathe.

Suddenly, ripples appeared in the lake, and the ripples became more and more dense. Soon, the figure of Tianhuo stepped out of it.

As soon as he came out of the lake, Tianhuo looked around warily, but the situation in front of him stunned Tianhuo. More than ten spirit beasts were crawling on the ground obediently, not daring to lift their heads.

"What's the situation?" Tianhuo murmured, very surprised.

In my opinion, after I left, the Star Devouring Moon Beast must have fought against these spirit beasts, but Tianhuo was relieved of its strength, so it went down calmly. It was discovered that these spirit beasts were trembling.

"Hey, master, you're here!" The Star Devouring Moon Beast quickly walked to Tianhuo's side and said with a smile.

Tianhuo pointed to the spirit beasts lying on the ground, "You made these?"

The Star Devouring Moon Beast nodded hastily, "These are my new recruits, master, let's take them with us?"

Tianhuo is dumb, there are ten giant dragons in the Fanshen Palace, and he has never looked at them, but now this guy swallowing stars has brought more than ten spirit beasts with him. Get on these spirit beasts.

And thinking of the giant dragon in Fanshen's palace, Tianhuo's heart trembled, "Oh no, I forgot about those children!"

He hurriedly moved towards Fanshen Palace, but saw nearly a hundred children playing around the ten giant dragons, all of them had bright smiles on their faces, and there was no such thing as the distraught situation a few days ago.

"Master, you have made me miserable. I'm almost buried, and I still have to take care of these children..." Sensing Tianhuo's thoughts entering the palace of all gods, the housekeeper hastily complained.

"Eh? The housekeeper has a long life, thank you for your hard work..." Tianhuo said awkwardly. He originally planned to put these children in Wanchao City, but he forgot.

"Long life to a hundred years? This... I don't know how many hundred years I have lived, master, what should I do with these children?" the housekeeper asked.

"Stay here for the time being, I will send them away in a few days." Tianhuo touched the tip of his nose and said, then he left Fanshen Palace with his mind, and hurriedly opened the mission panel.

Mandatory task: rescue (failed).

Task Difficulty: Grade A.

Mission Reward: News of Thor's Relic.

Task penalty: Level -2.

Mission introduction: Yulei Skeleton captures human children. If these children are not rescued within a day, they will die.

Those children have been rescued by Tianhuo. Of course, one of them was killed by the master of Wanchao Sect. However, this task has failed, and there is no need for Tianhuo to do it, but these children are not easy to arrange!
After thinking about it, it doesn't matter, anyway, the mission is invalid, and the child can be resettled in any city at that time.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo calmed down and looked at the task he had just accepted.

Task: Find someone.

Task Difficulty: Grade A.

Task reward: the whereabouts of the parts of the Wensheng suit.

Task penalty: Level -5.

Mission introduction: In Linxin Lake in the endless forest, a mysterious person entrusts you to go to Daxuanzong to find someone, and bring him to Linxin Lake after you find it.

Simple task introduction, but Tianhuo is stunned, who to look for?It didn't say anything in the mission introduction!How can I find it!
After being dazed, Tianhuo remembered the two things that the bones gave him, and hurriedly checked.

Earrings: Lin Qiaoqiao's token, mission item.

"Fortunately, it looks like I'm looking for Lin Qiaoqiao..." Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief, if he didn't know who to look for, it would be troublesome.

The other item was a brocade box. Tianhuo slowly opened it, only to find a delicate flesh-colored mask inside.

Exquisite Mask: After wearing it, it can hide the identity of an adventurer from another world, time limit: 30 days.

"Hiding the identity of an adventurer in another world?" Tianhuo frowned, with an unbelievable look in his eyes. If this can be hidden, then no npc can see that he is a player. At this moment, Tianhuo understands the skeleton What does it mean to say that I am short of an identity token!

With the identity token of the Great Xuanzong and this mask, he can completely pretend to be a disciple of the Great Xuanzong. In this way, what else can't be done?
Thinking of this, Tianhuo became excited, this time, not only to find the Glyph Saint suit, but also to rescue Xuanxuan, and to complete this task!
Tianhuo's eyes sparkled, the best thing is to take over Daxuanzong and make it his own force, then there will be no worries about arrangements for the [-] members of the legion.

"Haha, Tun Xing, let them disperse. If you want my brother, I will give you a few giant dragons." Tianhuo laughed and said, at this moment, his heart was full of joy, as expected, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain!

The Star Devouring Moon Beast was stunned for a moment, then shook its head hastily, "I don't dare to rob my younger brother with the boss of Nine Souls, so let's forget it, let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, more than a dozen spirit beasts retreated respectfully, leaving as if fleeing without entering the forest, not daring to stay at all.

"Huh? Huanchen Binghu, why are you still here?" Star Devouring Moon Beast stared at the only Huanchen Binghu left in the field, wondering.

"Big villain, your mount is so rude, even I am driven by it, you have to make the decision for me!" Huanchen Binghu's eyes were full of tears, and there was a sign that Tianhuo would cry if he didn't agree.

Tianhuo coughed dryly, Tunxing didn't know the identity of Huanchen Binghu, so he drove it as a general spirit beast, and it can't be blamed on it. Thinking of this, Tianhuo changed the subject and laughed: "The things are in hand, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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