The strongest saint

Chapter 312 Trapped Members

Chapter 312 Trapped Members

"Have you obtained the Fire Source Crystal?" Huanchen Binghu immediately forgot the previous unhappiness and said excitedly.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, grabbed the Star Devouring Moon Beast's back, turned his head and said: "It's fast, come up!"

Huanchen Binghu looked at Tunxing nervously, hesitated for a while, and jumped on Tunxing's back, muttering: "Who told you to bully me before, now I will ride you..."

The star devouring moon beast rolled its eyes, but it was a high-level spirit beast, and it dared to speak like this to a mid-level spirit beast. This little guy was probably the first one.

Galloping out again, Tunxing continued to fly towards the east. When encountering a place where monsters are dense, it is natural to stop and clean up the monsters. After all, Tianhuo is only at level 21, and cannot use the teleportation array to go to the site of the second-class sect.

One day passed, Tianhuo and Ershou had already passed through the endless forest and came to the next map, the Benniu Plain.

The hills here are densely covered, and it has a unique flavor when viewed from mid-air, and among the hills, a level 50 bull monster is densely covered. There are no players here, so it naturally becomes a paradise for Tianhuo and Ershou.

It is a pity that whenever Tianhuo makes a move, Huanchen Binghu has to hide far away. After all, it has not signed a contract with Xuanxuan, and it is still in the ranks of monsters. If it is affected by Tianhuo's attack and dies, then There is no chance of rebirth.

"Tianhuo, after I rescue my master, can you help me persuade her to sign a contract with me?"

Tianhuo was fighting monsters, but Huanchen Binghu said from a distance.

Tianhuo cleaned up the monsters below, turned his head and said, "She is the one who refuses to sign with you? Why?"

"Yes, the master said that would restrict my freedom too much." Huanchen Binghu said helplessly.

Tianhuo was stunned, and murmured: "You are really a stupid woman, what's wrong with giving Huanchen Binghu more chances to be reborn?"

"You are not allowed to scold my master, she is doing it for my own good, you should hurry up, it has been delayed for two days." Huanchen Binghu said.

Tianhuo shrugged, "Spirit level 26, it's almost there!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden sound of shaking the mountains not far away, and the ground trembled. In the field of vision of Tianhuo, a hill not far away suddenly shattered. Suddenly, a huge bull monster over ten meters came out.

"Wow, I finally met the boss!" The Star Devouring Moon Beast let out a strange cry, looking at the monster excitedly.

Hill bull monster (dark gold boss), spirit level 50, HP (spirit) 556000, attack (spirit) 9900, defense (spirit) 8800.

"It would be great if it was a spirit beast!" Tianhuo secretly said, at this time, if you encounter a spirit beast, you will be able to level up quickly. Tianhuo really wanted to do it with the dozen or so spirit beasts before, but once those guys were tamed by Tunxing, he It's not easy to take another shot. Secondly, there are too many of them. If I really do it, I'm afraid I can't beat them.

It's just that the dark gold boss is also good. I haven't encountered a dark gold boss for a long time. It seems that if I exceed a certain level, there will be a level reward.

As soon as the hill bull monster appeared, it roared and ran towards Tianhuo, its huge body caused the ground to tremble violently.

"Haha, how could this stupid cow attack us, and it can't fly." The Star Devouring Moon Beast laughed and raised its figure.

Tianhuo also smiled, indeed, seeing the boss enters his attack range, how could Tianhuo be polite?

Flipping his hands, Wen Sheng's pen swung out strokes one after another, sinking into the boss's body one after another, "Killing one is a crime!"

One stroke after another fell into the boss's body, and the bull monster had already reached the bottom of Tianhuo, but he had no choice but to jump and jump again and again but couldn't attack Tianhuo.

After more than 30 strokes flew out, one of them sank into the boss's body without falling. Immediately, the boss fell like this. It's really rare to deal with the boss so easily.

The heavy body of the boss fell down with a bang, kicking up a cloud of dust. Amidst the crisp and loud explosion, system notifications sounded in Tianhuo's ear.

"Haha, silly cow." Tun Xing laughed.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on leapfrogging Killing Spirit's level 50 dark gold boss, level +1."

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 27, four attributes +5."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 2 pieces of equipment, Lingzhu x 1."

"Ding! The system prompts: You use the laziness of Wen Sheng, collect 1 monster corpse, and get demon pill × 1."

It seems that the explosion rate in the second-level area is lower. The bosses killed these days don't explode much.

"Almost? My master is still suffering!" Seeing the death of the boss, Huanchen Binghu said helplessly in the distance.

Tianhuo nodded, now the spirit level is 27, and the remaining three levels are easy to handle, just recite a few poems, and it's not too hard. I thought it was good to upgrade monsters before, but I lost interest in these days.

"Let's go!" Tianhuo patted the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and continued to fly towards the east, not knowing how far it was to the next city.

The hills gradually receded, and there was an endless lake in front of him, which made Tianhuo suspicious for a while. Lei Shen said that one hundred thousand miles to the east was the Great Xuanzong, but at this moment, the front unexpectedly turned into a boundless lake, just like the sea.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast didn't stop, it was still galloping, its eyes flashed with excitement, in this kind of endless place, it always makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Tianhuo has been staring at the front, and there is no mistake in the direction, that is the problem that the lake is too big.

"Roar..." After flying on this boundless lake for a long time, the Star Devouring Moon Beast couldn't help but howl.

"What's the ghost's name? I don't know if this will disturb the old man Qingxiu?" Following the long roar of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, an aggrieved voice sounded.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast hurriedly stopped and looked around warily, but there was no one in sight.

"Sorry, we're leaving now." Tianhuo said with a resentful smile, signaling the Star Devouring Moon Beast to move on.

Hearing his voice but not seeing his person, that must be a very powerful existence, Tianhuo dare not be careless, it is better not to provoke this kind of person.

"Leader, it's the leader..." Following Tianhuo's voice, a familiar voice appeared, and then stopped abruptly, as if being choked by something.

"Yifeng!" Tianhuo hurriedly stopped the Star Devouring Moon Beast, the voice was not someone else's, it was actually Yifeng!
Hearing Yifeng's voice, Tianhuo's heart skipped a beat, he seemed to be controlled by someone!
However, the strange thing is that Yifeng's voice did not appear again, and neither did the old man's voice.

Tianhuo observed the surroundings for a while, and gradually frowned. There were lakes that could not be seen all around, or the sea was more suitable. Where did the voices of Yifeng and the old man come from?

"I don't believe I can't find you, Glyph Sage's Eye!" Tianhuo's expression froze, white light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he looked around again.

At this moment, the surrounding situation changed. Just a few hundred meters away, there was actually a small island surrounded by lotus flowers, and the scenery on the island was charming. There was a two-story wooden house standing in the center.

In front of the wooden house, Yi Feng was tied to a wooden stake, and beside him, Zi Meier was also tied, the two stared at Tian Huo for help, but they couldn't speak.

"Damn it!" Tianhuo cursed inwardly, Yifeng is not only a member of his legion, but also his benefactor, to be treated like this at this moment, Tianhuo is furious!

Without hesitation, Tianhuo teleported out directly and came to the two of them in an instant. Just as he was about to untie the rope for the two of them, an old man suddenly stood in front of Tianhuo, and grabbed Tianhuo with his dry but powerful hands. "Since you're here, let's stay together!"

"Teleport!" Tianhuo hastily teleported away and landed a hundred meters away, only then did he look at the old man.

The old man was hunched, and his sharp eyes stared straight at Tianhuo, especially stopping for a moment on the wings of Tianhuo's back, and Tianhuo saw that the old man's left palm was actually a crystal color, without any flesh and blood, it was completely gloomy. Bones!
On the top of the old man's head, there is a purple-black name: Old Man with Bones!

Seeing the color of the old man's name, Tianhuo couldn't help squinting his eyes. I haven't met an npc with this color name for a long time. This is a very evil person!

Due to the relationship with the npc, Tianhuo couldn't see his specific attributes, but the strangeness of the old man and the aura emanating from his body all showed his strength.

The fist under Tianhuo's robe clenched tightly, no matter what, save the two of them first, even if both of them fell, I'm afraid I can't beat the old man with bones.

Facing the dignity of the sky fire, the old man with bones is also on guard. People who can teleport are rare, but such people are all strong!
"Prisoner! Teleportation!" Tianhuo first used the skill of Prisoner's Ring, and then teleported out again, appearing behind Yifeng and Zi Meier, quickly untying the rope for the two, but strangely, this It looks like a very ordinary rope, but it can't be untied!

"This is the spirit lock rope, Tianhuo, kill that old man first, or you won't be able to untie it." Tianling's voice rang in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo gave up helplessly, turned his head to look at the skeleton old man who was quietly watching him in the cage, and said calmly, "If you let them go, I don't mind."

The old man with bones sneered, raised his hands slightly, and the cage around him was instantly broken, "What do you care about? Let's talk when you have the strength."

Seeing Tianhuo's attack, the old man with bones seemed to understand the strength of Tianhuo, and the guarded look on his face faded instantly.

"You may be very strong, but I have a lot of ways to kill you!" Tianhuo said in a deep voice, but he didn't know it in his heart. Seeing that the old man easily broke through the cage, he knew that the old man's strength would be unexpected.

The old man with bones smiled, and looked at Tianhuo with disdain, "In order to make you give up, you can try, but later, you will stay here forever and become my nourishment!"

(End of this chapter)

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