Chapter 313
As the old man with bones said, he spread his hands out, apparently letting the sky fire attack him.

Tianhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, this old guy is very confident, but Tianhuo also knows that this old guy has the ability to be confident.

"What? Don't even dare to do it?" Seeing Tianhuo's silence, the old man with bones joked.

Why didn't Tianhuo know that the old man with bones wanted to find out his own strength, and at that time, he would be in danger.

"Hmph! Don't regret it!" Tianhuo suddenly raised his head, said in a deep voice, and called the Star Devouring Moon Beast to his side before turning over, and his stats skyrocketed immediately!
Immediately afterwards, Tianhuo turned over the fourth page of the Book of the Sage of Gravity, and the attack of the book increased again.

"Haha, come on!" The old man with bones laughed loudly, but Tianhuo didn't hesitate, gritted his teeth, and directly opened the third page of the Book of Glyphs. Immediately, the swordsman turned into a rainbow and roared out, rushing into the old man with bones in vivo.

boom!Changhong submerged, and the old man with bones was knocked back several feet before he stabilized, and a damage value of more than 9 appeared on the top of his head.

Seeing this damage value, Tianhuo immediately understood that he was no match for the old man with bones, and he was far from it!

"Haha, it looks like you are a disciple of Wen Shengmen, just right, I like to hunt and kill disciples of these great sects!" The old man with bones didn't care about the damage value coming out of his head, and laughed. Strength!
Tianhuo frowned, and then seemed to think of something, he relaxed his brows, and said with a smile: "Then you are wrong, I am a disciple of the Great Xuanzong!"

As he said, Tianhuo hung the Great Xuan Order on his waist, "Let you taste the power of my Great Xuanzong, I will!"

The immobilization spell was cast suddenly, and the movements of the old man with bones were instantly frozen. He kept laughing but made no sound.

Naturally, Tianhuo would not be idle. With such a good opportunity, he used the teleport directly behind the old man with bones, and then took out a prisoner's needle, and stabbed the old man with bones in the back!
puff!A cold light flickered on the Prisoner Dragon Needle, and it sank into the old man's body in an instant, but it was only two or three inches.

Tianhuo frowned, he didn't expect the old man's body to be so strong, he hurriedly took out another prisoner's needle, and stabbed the old man's neck.

"Ah!" Unexpectedly, before the second Prisoner Needle was pierced, the old man with bones suddenly roared, and walked out of the immobilized state so quickly.

Tianhuo was startled, and hurried away, only to see that the place where he was standing before was turned into a big hole by the old man with bones!
"Ah!" The figure of the old man with bones twitched, and his movements became difficult. Under the prisoner's needle, even a dragon couldn't move, let alone a human being?
Although he was only pierced by a prisoner's dragon needle, the consequences are not something ordinary people can bear. The old man seemed to have gone crazy and desperately wanted to pull out the prisoner's dragon needle. less than.

Last time, Tianhuo used the Prisoner's Dragon Needle to deal with the demon girl from the Yinling Sect, and quickly turned that woman into an old woman before she died. However, the old man with bones in front of him is obviously stronger. Nothing changed, except, of course, his growling of pain.

"Relax, brother Tianhuo, let's go!" At this moment, Yifeng's voice transmission came over.

Tianhuo turned his head to look, and saw that the spirit lock rope fell off automatically, allowing Yifeng and Zi Meier to recover their power of action, and couldn't help being overjoyed, "Come up quickly!"

Without any hesitation, the two of them scrambled onto the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and quickly left the island as the Star Devouring Moon Beast stepped into the air.

Several miles away, the three of Tianhuo could vaguely hear the roar of the old man with bones, and felt their scalps go numb, and they were worried for a while.

"Hurry up!" Tianhuo urged after receiving the Huanchen Binghu. The old man was only in pain after being pierced by the prisoner's dragon needle. There is no chance of escape.

The speed of the Star Devouring Moon Beast's four hooves suddenly accelerated, and it flew away like lightning.

On the small island, the old man with bones attacked like crazy, but in just a few breaths, the entire island was completely changed.

call out!Suddenly, the prisoner's needle on the old man's back was blown away abruptly, and sank straight into the soil in the distance. At this moment, the old man withered bones suddenly stopped roaring and gasped for breath.

After a long time, the withered bone old man looked at the direction where the prisoner dragon needle flew out with lingering fear, his eyes flashed with anger, "The prisoner dragon needle! The Great Xuanzong is a subsidiary of the prisoner dragon sect. Unexpectedly, the prisoner dragon sect gave all the prisoner dragon needles. Great Xuanzong, hum! Little bastard, I will find you after killing you Great Xuanzong!"

Tianhuo didn't know that the old man with bones had escaped from the prisoner's needle. If he knew, he would be even more horrified. If he could break free from the prisoner's needle, his strength could be imagined.

At this moment, the three of Tianhuo were leaving quickly on the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and they didn't dare to stay at all.

After flying wildly for several hours, the three of them relaxed a little. It seemed that the old man with bones would not come after him.

"Brother Tianhuo, I am lucky to have met you, otherwise we would have died." Yifeng said with a long sigh of relief.

Tianhuo turned his head and took a look at the back, and he was relieved when he saw the tranquility behind, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, I got the prisoner's needle back then, otherwise I might have been captured by that old man too, brother Yifeng, when will you arrive?" In the secondary area?"

When the two couldn't be contacted at first, Tianhuo thought that the two had gone to some place where they couldn't be contacted, but he didn't expect that they had already reached the second-level area.

"Hehe, let's not mention this, Brother Tianhuo, have you joined the Great Xuanzong?" Yifeng smiled, but a strange look appeared in his eyes.

Tianhuo shook his head hastily, "That's not it, I lied to that old man, I know I'm not his opponent, I just deliberately distracted his target."

"Oh?" Yifeng and Zi Meier looked at each other, and Qiqi showed a look of relief. It seemed that they did not want Tianhuo to join the Great Xuanzong either.

When Tianhuo did this, they naturally understood that it must be Tianhuo who had a grudge against the Great Xuanzong to lure a strong man like the withered bone old man to the Great Xuanzong. This move was a little unkind, but what did it matter?Anyway, they are not good people, let them fight!
Tianhuo had exactly such an idea. He knew that it was difficult to defeat the old man with bones, so he simply diverted the trouble to the east. When the Great Xuanzong was in chaos, he would have a chance to take advantage of it.

Yifeng looked at the token of the Great Xuanzong on Tianhuo's waist, and asked, "Brother Tianhuo, do you still have the Great Xuanzong Token?"

Tianhuo looked at Yifeng suspiciously, "Just this one? What's the matter? Could it be that you also want to sneak into the Great Xuanzong?"

Yifeng nodded, in front of Tianhuo, they didn't need to hide anything, "Exactly, I want to take back what belongs to me."

Tianhuo frowned, stared quietly at Yifeng for a moment, and then said: "The Great Xuanzong has great power, it's not easy, let's listen and see if I can help."

Yifeng looked at Tianhuo's expectant eyes, hesitated for a moment, and said: "My father was originally the suzerain of Daxuanzong, but unfortunately he was killed by a traitor. I came to the second-level area precisely for this reason. Father revenge!"

"Fuck..." Tianhuo muttered secretly in his heart, does Yifeng have such a background?
It's not easy for Yifeng to come all the way to the present. When he was young, his father was replaced by someone as suzerain. At that time, Yifeng's father tried to send Yifeng to the third-level area to avoid disaster, but his father, I'm afraid he didn't Chance to survive.

Tianhuo stroked his chin and said with a smile: "Brother Yifeng, our goals are almost the same. When we arrive at the Great Xuanzong, I will go in and find out the truth before making any plans!"

Yifeng looked at Tianhuo worriedly, "You are an adventurer from another world, you can tell it at a glance, it is inconvenient to do things, you should give me the Great Mysterious Order and let me do it!"

Tianhuo smiled mysteriously, and a mask appeared on his face in the flip of his hand. Immediately, Yifeng and Zi Meier's expressions became strange.

"How? Is this okay?" Tianhuo laughed.

Yifeng shook his head slightly, "There is no problem, but it's too dangerous..."

"Hehe, don't worry, I have a sense of proportion." Tianhuo smiled, it's really a good feeling that someone is worried for him.

Yifeng nodded helplessly, and said: "The Daxuanzong was originally a subsidiary of the Danzong, but for some reason these years, it has become a subsidiary of the Prisonerlongzong, and its behavior has become extremely arrogant. Originally, I wanted to find an opportunity to kill the enemy. Forget it, but now... I'm afraid there will be a lot of entanglement."

Tianhuo nodded, understood Yifeng's meaning, he was just worried that Prisoner Longzong was behind the scenes to cause his father's death, in that case, Yifeng would have to confront Prisoner Longzong.

"Let's talk about it after I find out the situation, anyway, Prisoner Dragon Sect is not a good thing." Tianhuo smiled, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he could already see the shore of the lake in front of him.

After flying for thousands of miles, he finally reached the edge of the lake. If he still couldn't see him, Tianhuo would really suspect that he was going in the wrong direction.

"Alright, when we arrive at the Great Xuanzong, we will find an opportunity to sneak in and meet you." Yifeng said.

Tianhuo nodded, but saw that there were countless lotus flowers on the shore of the lake, so he became curious. It was the end of the year, and it seemed that it shouldn't be the season for lotus flowers to bloom.

"The scenery of West Lake is really nice..." Zi Meier said leisurely.

"West Lake?" Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, this big lake with no edge is actually called West Lake?

"Well, this place is located in the west of the Great Xuanzong, so it is named West Lake." Zi Meier said.

Tianhuo smiled, "After all, in the middle of June in the West Lake, the scenery is not the same as that of the four seasons. The lotus leaves are infinitely blue in the sky, and the lotus flowers are red in the sun."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on creating an unprecedented swan song, four attributes +10, level +1, verbal skill proficiency +1000, note: you can only get three special rewards within every tenth level, beyond the number of times you can't get it award."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 28, and the four attributes are +5."

The poems recited by Tianhuo made Yifeng and the other two stunned, and they were even more surprised when they saw the upgraded light around Tianhuo, "Is this how Wen Sheng upgraded?"

Tianhuo shrugged and was about to speak, but the Star Devouring Moon Beast said excitedly: "Master, look ahead!"

(End of this chapter)

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