Chapter 314

"Master, look ahead." Star Devouring Moon Beast's excited voice sounded, attracting the eyes of the three of Tianhuo.

By the shore of the lake, hundreds of NPCs dressed in Xuanzong costumes are besieging a big bird of seven colors.

"Haha, the little phoenix who was born not long ago." The Star Devouring Moon Beast laughed loudly.

Tianhuo stared at the phoenix intently. Its body was seven or eight meters wide, its wings were injured, and it couldn't fly. It was besieged by those members of the Great Xuanzong, but it couldn't get away even though it fought back non-stop.

"It's really a phoenix, how could it appear here." Yifeng said intently.

"Go around, I'll save Little Phoenix in the past." Tianhuo said, stepping up from the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and then disappeared.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast didn't dare to disobey Tianhuo's order, and flew away with Yifeng and the two without approaching the battlefield.

Tianhuo remained invisible and flew towards the field, and as the distance approached, everyone's voices also reached Tianhuo's ears.

"Come on, we can take it back until it has no resistance, and the sect will definitely reward us!" A leading disciple shouted loudly.

Tianhuo stood in the air, looking at the field quietly, from the appearance, Tianhuo couldn't tell the gender of this phoenix at all, but seeing the unyielding look in the little phoenix's eyes, he was a little dazed for a while, the unyielding eyes touched The soul of Tianhuo.

Before, Tianhuo just planned to save this phoenix, and then lure it to tell the stronghold of the Phoenix clan, so that he can go to Diyan in the future, but now, Tianhuo has suppressed this idea, and just wants to save it.

The little phoenix didn't say a word, facing the tactical siege of hundreds of people, it kept fighting back, the blue flames didn't burst out violently, forcing everyone back, but it couldn't take advantage of this opportunity to step into the air , the flames dissipated, and those people besieged it again, making it fall into a bitter battle again.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly. If the phoenix, which has lost the ability to fly, cannot be rescued, it will end in a very miserable end!
"Come on, it's almost done!" the leading disciple said again, with excitement in his eyes.

Indeed, Tianhuo saw that the phoenix's life value had bottomed out. If it continues like this, he might be captured by the disciples of the Great Xuanzong. How many Xuanzong disciples rivaled.

"Tch..." The unyielding expression in the little phoenix's eyes remained the same, but there was a look of desolation in his eyes. It is a divine beast, and its wisdom is naturally not low. It understands that this time it is dangerous.

But how could a majestic beast be captured by humans?For a moment, determination welled up in Little Phoenix's heart, if it really got to that point, there was only one way out.

"Haha, the next group!" The leading disciple laughed loudly, and another 30 people quickly replaced them while waving his hands.

Suddenly, blue flames gushed out from Little Phoenix's body again, and the area of ​​tens of meters was filled with flames in an instant, and those disciples of the Great Xuanzong who had just gone up had to retreat.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, everyone was forced to retreat at this moment, so the little phoenix must not be on guard, if it does not resist, it is the best time to take it into the palace of the gods!
Without hesitation, the sky fire shot down, and with a thought, he took the little phoenix into the palace of the gods, just as he expected, it went very smoothly.

The flames dissipated, and the figure of the little phoenix had disappeared!
"Go...Huh?" Seeing that the flames had dissipated, those disciples hurriedly raised their weapons and rushed out. However, as the flames disappeared, they discovered that the phoenix had disappeared!
Hundreds of disciples stared blankly at the field, unable to return to their senses for a long time, "Where is Phoenix?"

Tianhuo's figure appeared on the periphery of many disciples, and he patted a disciple beside him, "Junior Brother, did you see how Phoenix left?"

After being slapped by Tianhuo, the disciple immediately came back to his senses, turned his head to look at Tianhuo, and shook his head hastily, "The devil knows, but as expected of Phoenix, we can't see how it left."

Tianhuo was overjoyed that he was not found out that he was not a disciple of the Great Xuanzong. It seems that the exquisite mask and the Great Xuanzong are indeed useful!In this case, you can rest assured!
The disciple pointed his toes and looked at the field, then suddenly turned his head and shook his head at Tianhuo and said: "Junior brother, you are not as old as me, you have to call me senior brother."

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, "But my level is 8 levels higher than yours..."

"Uh, okay, hello senior brother, my name is Wei Cheng, how dare I ask senior brother's name?" the disciple said helplessly. In the Great Xuanzong, there are countless disciples. Among the same generation, seniors are always distinguished by strength.

Tianhuo was amused, trying to take advantage of him?No way!
With a dry cough, Tianhuo thought quickly. Not long after he came to the second-level area, no npc should know him, and Daxuanzong issued a wanted order for him, and he didn't say his name. It should be safe. Thinking of this, Tianhuo said: "My name is Tianhuo."

"Oh, so it's Senior Brother Tianhuo! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Wei Cheng hurriedly clasped his fists together.

There was a strange look in Tianhuo's eyes, he patted Wei Cheng's shoulder, nodded slightly, and pointed to the front, "What shall we do this time?"

Wei Cheng shook his head, "It's getting late, so naturally we should go back to the sect!"

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, it was just right, it saved himself a lot of things, and it seemed that he could get in smoothly.

"Tun Xing, you listen to Yifeng, you don't need to come and look for me, I just sneaked into the Great Xuanzong." Tianhuo said directly to the Star Devouring Moon Beast using his pet heart.

"Oh, I understand." The Star Devouring Moon Beast returned.

Tianhuo doesn't have to worry about Yifeng's problems, they will also find a way to sneak into the Great Xuanzong, and then just meet in the Great Xuanzong, and right now, just follow these people and sneak in.

"The Phoenix Clan is really powerful, all right, return to the sect!" The leading disciple waved his hand, and then stepped into the air and flew towards the east.

"Hide the wings!" Tianhuo hurriedly hid the wings. After all, these guys can fly directly. If they show their wings, it would be too conspicuous, so I only hope that the wings can also be hidden.

"Ding! The system prompts: There is no such function at the moment."

"Fuck, I'm in trouble!" Hearing the system prompt, Tianhuo cursed inwardly, he couldn't hide his wings, so how could he get in?People ask, how do I explain it?

"Brother Tianhuo, let's go!" Wei Cheng looked at Tianhuo and said.

Tianhuo nodded and smiled, thinking quickly about a solution.

"Ding! The system prompts: The hidden wings function has been activated, and the hiding is successful."

While thinking about it, the system turned on this function as if it was helping him.

"Brother Tianhuo, what's the matter?" Wei Cheng asked.

"Oh, it's okay, let's go!" Skyfire stepped into the air, as long as they kept a certain distance from others, they would not be able to find that they had wings.

He tried his best to control the speed, so that Tianhuo could barely keep up with these Daxuanzong disciples. From Tianhuo's point of view, the speed of these guys was really too slow.

Darkness fell quietly, but it was not until the next day that Tianhuo saw a city from a distance. It seemed that he wanted to go to the Great Xuanzong through the teleportation array here.

"Huh... finally here, I almost died of exhaustion." Wei Cheng said to himself, and then turned his gaze to Tianhuo, "Brother, why don't you look tired at all?"

Tianhuo rolled his eyes and said, "You won't be tired when you reach my level."

"Oh, that's right, brother is 8 levels higher than me!" Wei Cheng nodded.

Tianhuo was dealing with Wei Cheng's question, but he became worried. He could only use the teleportation array of the second-class sect at the spirit level of 30, and he was only at the spirit level of 28. It would be no problem to take a lava flower pill at this time, it's just an upgrade The glow is sure to grab attention.

But after thinking about it, Tianhuo became puzzled again, less than half of the Daxuanzong disciples in front of him were over the thirtieth level, how did the rest of them use the teleportation array?
Soon, a group of people had entered the city mightily. Amidst the envious expressions of countless passers-by, the leading disciple led the crowd straight towards the teleportation array. Without saying anything, the teleporter saluted everyone , then respectfully activated the teleportation array and sent the first batch of ten people away.

Tianhuo could see clearly that among the ten people, two guys who were less than 30 spirits were teleported away!
Each batch consisted of ten people, and soon it was the turn of Tianhuo and others who were at the back of the line.

Tianhuo stepped onto the teleportation formation a little apprehensively, hoping that nothing would go wrong. After all, he is not an npc, so there might be differences.

However, after standing on the teleportation array for a long time, the teleportation light did not light up. Instead, there was a puzzled voice from the teleporter, "Strange, everyone, there is a problem with the teleportation array. Please wait a moment."

With that said, the teleporter looked around the teleportation array.

Tianhuo's heart skipped a beat, it seemed that it was his own problem. Sure enough, the npc could pass, but he couldn't. He had to be at level 30 spirit!
"Ouch... My stomach hurts, Wei Cheng, wait for me first." After speaking, Tianhuo quickly ran towards the alley on the side of the square.

Wei Cheng hurriedly got off the teleportation formation, anxiously looking at the direction of Tianhuo's departure, "Senior Brother Tianhuo, hurry up!"

Tianhuo ran to a corner where no one was around, and after looking around for no one, he hurriedly took out the lava flower pill and took it.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on taking lava flower pill, level +2, four attributes +50."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 29, and the four attributes are +5."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 30, and the four attributes are +5."

After reaching the spirit level of 30 in an instant, Tianhuo quickly ran towards the teleportation array, "I'm sorry, it won't hurt anymore when I get there."

"There is no problem with the teleportation array, all go up, I will try again!" At this time, the teleporter had finished checking the teleportation array, and urged.

Stepping on the teleportation array again, the teleportation array suddenly glowed with light. As the scenery in front of him changed, Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the level was up, and it really was his own problem!
When the scenery in front of him stabilized, Tianhuo became excited, "Daxuanzong, Wensheng suit, here I come!"

(End of this chapter)

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