Chapter 315

"People behind, hurry up, we have to teleport five more times, it's not okay to dawdle like this." In Tianhuo's excitement, the leading disciple turned his head and said.

Tianhuo froze for a moment, and sent five more times?It seems that this place is still far away from the Great Xuanzong, but it doesn't matter, just follow these people.

It didn't take much time to teleport five times, and soon, everyone had arrived at their destination.

As far as the eye can see, the mountain ranges stretch out, like dragons crawling one by one, and there are countless buildings in these mountains, and this is the mountain gate of the Great Xuanzong.

In front of him, a [-]-meter-wide road stretched out, and then branched out into countless trails leading to various mountains and peaks, and this wide avenue did not know where it went.

At the entrance, two tall stone monuments stood on both sides of the road. The runes on the stone monuments flickered, forming a nearly transparent light film blocking the road. Tianhuo found that whenever someone passed by, the big mysterious order on their waist would be issued. Liang, it seems that this light film is to identify the existence of the disciples of the Great Xuanzong.

Tianhuo looked at the Great Profound Token on his waist, this token was not his own, he didn't know if he could let him pass it, but thinking of what Senior Skeleton said, Tianhuo was relieved again.

"Brother Tianhuo, which peak are you on? I'll come and find you if I'm free!" Wei Cheng looked ahead and said.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows without a trace, how could he know?Some peaks are not clear, how should I answer?Smiling, Tianhuo said: "Brother Wei Cheng, how about you? I'll come and find you."

"Oh, I'm on Peak 72, right there, easy to recognize, next to the Yunv Peak, hehe..." Wei Cheng pointed to the mountains not far away, smirked, and continued: "On the Yunv Peak It's a female disciple, there are many beauties!"

Tianhuo rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "I really envy you, it's so close, or I'll go to Peak 72 with you!"

Wei Cheng's eyes lit up, "Really? Okay, anyway, you just need to register."

Tianhuo nodded and heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. In this way, he could be regarded as really sneaking into the Great Xuanzong.

Everyone stepped towards the light film between the two stone tablets, the Great Mystic Token around their waists glowed, and they entered the Great Xuanzong without any hindrance. Tianhuo followed the crowd, and felt relaxed at this moment.

When the Great Xuanling approached a few meters in front of the light film, there was a faint luster, and there was also a stream of light surging on the light film, as if responding to the token, allowing the sky fire to enter it smoothly.

As soon as they entered it, everyone went their own way, and soon dispersed. It seemed that these people were also temporarily grouped together, and now they returned to their respective residences.

And Tianhuo directly followed Wei Cheng and walked towards the 72nd peak. When he first came here, Tianhuo also needed to be familiar with the environment and the rules of the Great Xuanzong, so that he could easily find the Wensheng suit.

"Brother Tianhuo, let's go to the Hall of Deacons to report first. When you join Peak 72, hehe, I'll take you to a good place then." Wei Cheng turned his head and said, leading the way.

Tianhuo nodded, the Hall of Deacons should be a place to handle daily affairs, and it is clear when one thinks about it.

After walking along the main road for an hour, Wei Chengcai walked towards the side road, which was obviously the route of Peak 72, while Tianhuo pointed to the main road extending far away: "Wei Cheng, have you gone to the road?" walked through?"

"Inside? If you go inside, it's the residences of senior brothers and seniors, as well as the main hall of the sect. I haven't been there before." Wei Cheng shrugged, and continued: "But sooner or later, I'll be able to go in, by the way, Just three days later, the sect's opening ceremony will be held in three days, and almost everyone will be there, hehe, it's very lively."

Tianhuo nodded, and couldn't help but take a few more glances into the distance. The Glyph Saint suit should be in the depths of the Great Xuanzong!
Soon, the two came to the deacon hall halfway up the mountain. Every peak has such a deacon hall, which is responsible for receiving disciples and distributing sect missions.

Knowing this situation, Tianhuo couldn't help but glance at those npcs, don't meet the old man last time, he is also a deacon, if he meets him, he will definitely recognize him.

Fortunately, Tianhuo's luck seemed to be good. After looking around, he didn't see the old man.

"Don't look, come quickly if you have something to do." Behind the high counter, a disciple shouted loudly, and the voice echoed in the empty hall.

"Hello senior brother, this is senior brother Tianhuo, he wants to transfer to our peak 72." Wei Cheng hurried forward and said to the disciples behind the counter.

The disciple stared at Tianhuo for a moment, then smiled and said, "Spirit level 30! Hello, brother, I welcome you on behalf of Peak 72."

This disciple just accepted the reception task of the Hall of Deacons, and only worked here for a short time. Seeing that the Skyfire Spirit was level 30, he naturally didn't dare to embarrass him.

"Dare to ask the brother's name? I will record your name on the record." The disciple laughed again.

"Tianhuo." Tianhuo said.

The disciple nodded, picked up a pen and paper and quickly recorded it. After finishing the recording, he raised his head, but his expression changed, and he hurriedly bowed and said, "Master Deacon!"

Tianhuo and Wei Cheng were stunned for a moment, and they also looked back, only to see an old man who had come behind him at some point, with the words '72 Peak Deacon' on his head.

And Tianhuo's face also changed slightly. He said that he was lucky before, but now...

The deacon in front of him is actually the deity of the projection of Wanchaomen!

The old man glanced at Wei Cheng slightly, then turned his gaze to Tianhuo, and at this moment, Tianhuo became nervous, all this might be in vain!
However, the strange thing is that the old man just glanced at Tianhuo indifferently, and then said to the disciple behind the counter: "If the peak master comes back, tell him, I will wait outside the Daxuan hall first."

After finishing speaking, the old man turned around and left without looking at Tianhuo at all.

Tianhuo stared blankly at the old man who just left like this, and he became puzzled in his heart, it didn't make sense, he destroyed his projection, and he also issued his own arrest warrant, why did he look like he didn't know him when he saw him at this moment?
Could it be that I have identified the wrong person?This deacon just looks like that person?
While Tianhuo was puzzled, the disciple behind the counter had already handed over a wooden sign, "Brother Tianhuo, this is your house sign, please keep it."

Tianhuo took it indifferently, still looking at the outside of the hall, still thinking about this question in his heart, and when Wei Cheng saw the wooden sign in Tianhuo's hand, his expression became weird, and he thought to himself: "It's good to have a high level. Independent courtyard!"

"Brother Tianhuo, let me take you to the residence!" Wei Cheng's voice interrupted Tianhuo's thinking.

Tianhuo smiled, nodded and said, "Thank you."

Tianhuo's residence is not far from the Deacon's Hall, just on the mountainside on the side of the Deacon's Hall. When Wei Cheng came to the residence, Wei Cheng looked envious, "Senior Brother Tianhuo, I originally wanted to take you to a good place. You can see the bathhouse on the opposite side of the Yunv Peak there, but your courtyard is stronger than that place, so I won’t take you there.”

Tianhuo looked towards the opposite mountain peak, and saw that there were also courtyards standing on the opposite mountain peak, and among those courtyards, a clear pond was clearly visible, which must be the bathhouse Wei Cheng mentioned.

Tianhuo shook his head secretly. It was only more than one kilometer by visual inspection. With his own eyesight, he could even see the bluestone patterns on the bottom of the pool clearly. If someone was taking a bath in it...

With a dry cough, Tianhuo smiled and said: "Wei Cheng, you can come here to find me when you have nothing to do. Of course, if you don't feel comfortable living there, you can also move here."

Wei Cheng was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Brother Tianhuo, my place is a collective dormitory, so it's naturally not as good as here, so I'll move here."

After finishing speaking, Wei Cheng turned around and ran away impatiently, with an excited look on his face.

It doesn't matter to Tianhuo, the courtyard is quite big, the house is two-story, there should be many rooms, it doesn't matter if there is one more person, and Tianhuo can also get to know Xuanzong through Wei Cheng.

Pushing open the gate, I saw that the nearly [-]-square-meter courtyard was empty, but there were more than a dozen wooden ladders placed beside the wall. At a glance, Tianhuo knew that it must be used by the guy who lived here before to peep of.

Tianhuo stood in the courtyard and looked around for a moment, then put his arms around his arms, "Tianling, help me sense it, and see if I can find the Wensheng suit."

"Isn't it? Let me feel it? Tianhuo, I can't help you with this, I still have to rely on you." Tianling responded.

Tianhuo looked helplessly at the Glyph Sage Ring in his hand. It seemed that it was still far away from that suit, otherwise it must have responded. This is also the reason why Tianling was asked to help, but he was wrong, Tianling seemed unable to sense it To Wensheng suit.

It's just that now that he has come here, Tianhuo is not reluctant. In a few days, he will be able to go to the central area of ​​Daxuanzong. There, maybe the ring of Wensheng will respond.

Thinking about it, Tianhuo stepped directly to the second floor. The balcony here is not small, and there is no wall to block the view. Looking around, the stretch of mountains appeared in front of Tianhuo.

I don't know how big the Great Xuanzong is. After looking at it for a while, Tianhuo didn't see any place that might be the core of the Great Xuanzong. "It seems that it is not as simple as I thought. The Great Xuanzong is so big, it is not easy to find it!"

While talking to himself, Wei Cheng had already run from outside the courtyard, and flew directly to the second floor. He looked towards the opposite side excitedly, but then shook his head in disappointment, "Hey, Senior Brother Tianhuo, thank you very much."

Tianhuo nodded, "As long as you like it."

"Hey, I like it, of course I like it. How many people are eager to get in this courtyard. This is the closest location to the opposite side." Wei Cheng laughed and looked at the opposite mountain peak again.

Tianhuo rolled his eyes, he didn't have time to watch people take a bath, but if he met... it seemed like he didn't see it for nothing!
"I'll take a rest first, you choose the room yourself." Tianhuo said, turned around and entered a room at random.

As soon as he entered the room, the huge bronze mirror hanging on the right side immediately attracted Tianhuo's eyes, and when he saw the situation in the bronze mirror, Tianhuo couldn't help being surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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