The strongest saint

Chapter 316 The Hope of the Intermediate Innate Spirit Cauldron

Chapter 316 The Hope of the Intermediate Innate Spirit Cauldron

In the bronze mirror, a strange young man was looking at him in amazement, making Tianhuo's heart tremble, what's going on?

The young man in the mirror is not himself!But the familiar eyes of the young man made Tianhuo stunned, those star-like eyes were exactly the same as his own.

Surprised, Tianhuo hastily touched his own face, and at some point, he was no longer the familiar outline, and he turned into a different person!

"Exquisite mask?" Tianhuo instantly thought of a possibility, and hurriedly took off the mask. Suddenly, the familiar self appeared in the bronze mirror.

"Damn it... I was shocked. This mask actually has this function. I thought it was just changing the breath into an NPC, but I didn't expect it to change the appearance! That's how it is!"

At this moment, Tianhuo finally understood why the old man didn't recognize him. It turned out that it was because of the exquisite mask that he changed into a different person!
Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, knowing the reason, everything will become easier, but the exquisite mask is only valid for one month, and he must finish all three things within this period, otherwise he will be in trouble when the mask fails.

But now that he's here, he will try his best to do Wensheng's suit, rescue Xuanxuan, and find Lin Qiaoqiao.

Gathering his mind, Tianhuo half-lyed on the seat and poked his mind towards the Fanshen Palace. It had been a day since Xiao Fenghuang was brought into the Fanshen Palace, and he didn't know what was going on inside, and the nearly 100 people and children also It hasn't been sent away yet, so I don't know if it will cause any trouble.

The periphery of the Fanshen Palace has increased a lot, and the central mountain range has almost been revealed. Presumably, if the power of Tianhuo rises further, the central mountain range can be completely revealed.

On the stairs and the square outside the Fanshen Palace, those children were happily sitting cross-legged, their eyes staring at the little phoenix not far away, and they saw ten giant dragons quietly surrounding the little phoenix, and this guy had his toes all the way up. The high-spirited twittering, I don't know what I'm expressing.

It seemed that Xiao Fenghuang had fully recovered from his injuries, and the speed of recovery was not slow, it only took a day.

"Master, you are here. Just in time, I have a very serious question. With your current strength, how did you provoke the Phoenix family?" The butler's voice sounded, and Tianhuo's perception saw the butler sitting cross-legged in Fanshen Palace outside.

"Provoke? Butler, I saved this little phoenix, but it's a pity that it can't speak yet." Tianhuo said.

"Help? Phoenix is ​​known as a phoenix. Master, good intentions don't necessarily lead to good things!" The butler said helplessly, as if he knew the Phoenix family very well.

Tianhuo shook his head, he didn't understand this, saving little Phoenix's life shouldn't be a bad thing, right?But the title of phoenix is ​​clear to him.

"Leave it alone, just release it later, what is it doing now?" Tianhuo asked.

The butler shook his head, "I don't understand it either, but it doesn't matter, this is Fanshen Palace, it can't make any trouble."

"Hehe, then I don't worry, butler, I'll go to work first." With that said, Tianhuo Xinnian left Fanshen Palace.

"Tianhuo, I found a good place, hehe, there are so many spirit beads!" Tianling's voice rang in Tianhuo's mind as soon as he exited the Fanshen Palace.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "It's inconvenient to make extravagant issues right now, I'll talk about it after I finish what I'm doing."

Naturally, Tianhuo understood what Tianling meant, it was nothing more than wanting to get those Lingzhu for himself, but it was really inconvenient to make extra trouble now, if he just came here to steal the Lingzhu, he would definitely be noticed.

And having said that, I don't know how to steal, so it's useless to go.

"I know your worries, but don't worry, those spirit beads are not on the 72nd Peak, but on the opposite side of the so-called Yunv Peak, even if you steal them, you won't be discovered, and I want to tell you, if you get all those spirit beads, The Xiantian Lingding Cauldron must be promoted to the intermediate level."

"Intermediate level?" Tianhuo frowned. The current Xiantian Lingding Cauldron is only a primary level, but it has added four attributes of level x 50. If it is upgraded to an intermediate level, what will it look like?
For a while, Tianhuo looked forward to it. If the attribute is improved at this time, it will be very beneficial to the next thing to do.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo couldn't hold back anymore. Tianling was right, since those spirit beads are on the opposite mountain peak, if he passed by without anyone noticing, and then got the spirit beads, no one would know it was self-made!

It has no effect on the following things.

"Hee hee, Tianhuo, in fact, Peak 72 also has a lot of Lingzhu, but it's not safe enough, and it's not enough to upgrade the innate spirit tripod, but it's opposite, not to mention safe, and the number is large enough." Tianling tempted again.

Tianhuo let out a dry cough, opened the friend system, called Fatty and Hua Xiaoran, and started a group chat, "How is your theft technique?"

Hua Xiaoran and Fatty obviously didn't expect Tianhuo to ask about the theft technique as soon as he opened his mouth. Both of them were a little puzzled, but Fatty reacted quickly enough, and hurriedly said: "Tianhuo is big, are you going to steal the treasure house again? Hehe, I like it the most." , No problem, quickly pull us over."

"Huh? Captain Tianhuo, I have no problem."

"That's right, hehe, great fire, how can a low-level skill like theft be compared with our high-level existence, no matter what it is, I can get it for you." The fat man continued laughing.

"That's fine, wait for my news." Tianhuo smiled, he had seen Fatty's Stealing, he was indeed very strong, and Hua Xiaoran was a Linlong Assassin, the theft he knew also came with the hidden profession, so naturally he was not weak.

After turning off the friend system, Tianhuo waited quietly. It was getting late now, and when it was completely dark, it would be a good time to do it.

After waiting for a long time, Wei Cheng knocked on the door, "Senior Brother Tianhuo, hurry up and watch a good show, hehe..."

Tianhuo hurriedly got up, opened the door and looked, only to see Wei Cheng drooling, staring intently at the opposite mountain peak.

Following Wei Cheng's gaze, he saw more than a dozen slender women playing in the open-air bathhouse, creating a picture of a garden full of spring.

"Fuck..." Tianhuo cursed secretly, staring blankly at the dozen or so women who seemed to be right in front of him, everything about them was clearly printed in Tianhuo's eyes.

"Huh..." Tianling raised her voice a lot in Tianhuo's mind, "Not suitable for children, not suitable for children..."

"Tsk tsk... This location is good, but unfortunately, it's still too far away to see clearly." Wei Cheng murmured.

Tianhuo suppressed his shortness of breath and swallowed his saliva in secret. I'm afraid no man can resist the temptation in such a scene, but now that the sky is getting dark, it's time to act.

Tianhuo took a deep breath, resisted not to look at it, and said, "Wei Cheng, I'm really tired, call me again tomorrow, I will rest today."

After finishing speaking, Tianhuo returned to the room again and locked the door behind him, but the scenes he saw before still appeared in his mind, he shook his head hastily, threw those pictures out, quietly pushed open the rear window, and took a deep breath Then he stepped into the air and rose.

"Hey, it seems that Brother Tianhuo often looks for women, otherwise how could he resist such a scene..." Wei Cheng muttered to himself, and looked towards the opposite side again, but he didn't notice that Tianhuo had left.

Tianhuo hid his figure and stepped into the air, slowed down and flew towards the opposite mountain peak, "Tianling, give me the location."

"Hehe, have you seen the hut behind the bathhouse? You go in first." Tianling smiled.

Tianhuo cursed inwardly, wouldn't he have to fly over the bathhouse?It's like killing yourself!But there's no way around it, it looks like the Lingzhu is in that hut.

The flying speed of Tianhuo dare not be too fast, after all, if it is too fast, the fluctuations caused are easy to be noticed, and when the speed is slow, Tianhuo has the urge to look down at the bathhouse, so he can only resist not to look down, but when passing above the bathhouse, Tianhuo still couldn't help but lowered his head and glanced slightly.

Behind the bathhouse, the door of the hut was open, and from time to time, a naked woman would come out of it, making Tianhuo suspicious, "Tianling, are you sure you didn't play tricks on me?"

That hut was the place where these women changed their clothes, and Tianling let herself in. Once she entered, the picture would be even more difficult to resist.

"Absolutely not, the Lingzhu is hidden inside." Tianling said hastily.

Tianhuo nodded, slowed down again, and only drifted in when he saw that no one was coming out.

The hut was filled with a blood-spiking fragrance, and the coat racks were full of women's clothes. Fortunately, no one stayed here, so Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief, "Tell me where?"

"Hey, you've come in, you can tell with the eyes of a sage." Tianling said.

Tianhuo nodded, and a faint white light burst out of his eyes, and the scenery in front of him began to change. The Sage's Eye has the ability to see through everything. When it is used at this moment, it is natural to see this hut clearly.

On the opposite wall, a passage appeared under Wen Shengzhi's eyes, extending to nowhere, it must be the place where the Lingzhu was hidden.

"See? Hehe, push down the second coat rack in front of the passage, and the door of the secret passage will open." Tianling smiled.

Tianhuo nodded, and he also saw that the shelf was connected to a mechanism, which was the mechanism that opened the secret passage.

It's just that someone's clothes were placed on the coat rack, and the red bellyband was placed on the top, which made Tianhuo helpless for a while, but now that no one came in, Tianhuo reached out and pressed it without hesitation.

The hand was smooth and smooth, which made Tianhuo feel an inexplicable feeling in his heart, but with the force of Tianhuo, the coat rack fell down silently and slowly, and at this moment, there was a stone door falling silently on the seemingly normal wall. , revealing the channel.

Tianhuo stepped out and swept into the passage, and at the same time, the wall quickly restored, and the coat rack also returned to its original state.

Watching the wall behind him recover by itself, Tianhuo let out a long sigh of relief, "Come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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